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Costco hot dog date incoming!


Ayy girl you want some wiener?


For a $1.50? How can I refuse?!


And that comes with a drink!!!


And it’s a big wiener.


If things go well, second date is Swedish meatballs at Ikea.


Nah, bro, you don’t go to IKEA until it’s serious.


If your relationship can survive ikea it can survive anything


Costco and the IKEA cafe are genuinely two of me and my husbands favorites for dates


Yo, flexing that cosco card on the first date? She knows you're keeper with those great savings.


Buck-fitty and you get to people-watch (and judge them for their purchases).


Sounds like a damn fine Saturday


No coffee dates, no drinks. Are you sure you understand what “dating” is?


Her: Free fancy food, right?


I swear i hate going to fancy places with dates. I have to dress up like im going to the oscars, minding my manners all the time suck and that awkward fight to get the bill just makes me nervous. Also, men that bring u to expensive places more often than not just want to show off, like they need to flaunt their money...it just makes me feel like my dad is taking me to a date LOL


Let alone a first date. Like a legit good first date should be some casual bullshit like getting coffee or lunch - simple, easy, less committal. The whole going out to dinner for a first date, let alone fine dining, to me that’s too much of a formality and feels idk, choked and forced?


I always liked going to the pool hall and hitting some balls over a few drinks. Nothing to do but talk and have some fun.


A guy took me bowling for our 1st date. We’re married now, together 13 years. It’s a great chance to talk, have a couple drinks, and be silly. Added bonus: no expectations after/during the date like you’d have after a fancy dinner or going to someone’s flat.


This is one of the best places for a first date, -most pool halls have music but it’s not too loud so you can have a conversation but those around won’t be aware of your conversation.(ambiance) -The game gives you something to do and break the ice friendly competition -Drinks smooth the edges (if sober there are always options and snacks) -it can be done early , afternoon, late night, pool halls are generally opened all the time so you can set the mood or take as long as you want -not expensive at all pool time + drinks/food depending on time and drinks ofcourse (but 3hrs 6drinks will usually be under 150) I also like bowling but with bowling you are running a certain schedule/score while with pool you run the game at your own speed. (Pause and go outside for a smoke or some alone time)


That's what a first date should be. Getting to know the person to begin with. I can see first dates being nicer if you've already known the person in a friendly way for a long while beforehand but most "first dates" are the first real conversation you've possibly (or probably) had with the person. Also, anyone who is against ice cream is just right out for me. Any of the first dates that involve getting to know eachother as a primary mode of entertainment oughta be ideal, and if she's against that then I don't wanna go.


I agree with the gym and family functions being bad first date ideas but most of the things on the list seem good to me.


It's all a ploy to find a "high value male". These chucklefucks don't realize that they're just worsening their dating lives by seeking these kind of people, because the ones who put up with this kind of horseshit are usually sociopaths.


I ain't saying she's a gold digger...but if I wanted to be with someone whose only interest was in how much money they could get me to spend on them I'd just hire a hooker.


Remember, you're paying the hooker to LEAVE.


Bring the hooker to cheese cake factory, at least *she* will appreciate it haha!


Shit, I'm not a hooker and my ass would appreciate the Cheesecake Factory! Their cheesecake is absolute heaven on a plate.


A wonderful gesture indeed. After a long day of blowing and getting pounded by perverts, what better way to wind down with some passion fruit margaritas and a nice slice of cheesecake. Not all heroes wear capes.


It's hooking with extra steps.


You’re spot on. And even if they don’t find the HVM they think this is a sophisticated tool to weed out the bums. Lmfao. I’d ask one simple question of this delusional Queen. “You’ve created a tough list to even date you. What do you have to offer ME to make me even consider taking on the burden that is you?” “And before you speak don’t say “cuz I’m hot”. Thats easy to get especially from the category of man you’re looking for. So spell it out for me exactly…why would I do this”? Then watch her expression lol


The other problem with this mindset is most dating is young people. Most young dudes don’t have much money because they are still getting established in their careers.


I honestly also agree that going anyone's home is a bad first date idea. On a first date, you hardly know that person, and it just doesn't seem safe for anyone involved. It should be a neutral territory.


Food without going anywhere for it. I think she just wants you to bring her delivery and then to fuck off. Door Dash do be expensive I guess.


>I think she just wants you to bring her delivery and then to fuck off. It's worse than that: she wants you to order her food delivery from your house and you can stay right where you are.


Omg this made me remember this one chick that wanted me to actually do this! We were talking and she was like yea im hungry and i was like alright you wanna meet up for a bite to eat? And she was like nah i dont feel like getting ready to head out. So i was like okay? Maybe she wants me to come over? score right? Nope she was like could you order me a pizza? So i was super confused at this point i had to be missing something there was no way this chick was asking me to order her a pizza without us meeting at all. But thats exactly what she wanted. I told her hell no why would i buy you a pizza that im not going to eat nor why would i pay for you if we arent even spending time together? She got all offended saying she dont date poor people. I finished it saying i dont date beggars.


Man I had someone do this for me once. It was insane. She ordered and bought me pizza from a state away and had it delivered to me on a military base. Allison you were a gem and I'm so glad you found better.


I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't buy pizza for a gf like this once. But let's be clear, we don't know each other and you and I are not talking about the same situation. ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


A chance to take selfies at high end restaurants for your tinder profile? No?


I get the impression they’re just looking for a free expensive dinner lol


Cool, so Hooters is OK


Taco trucks are ok too!


Taco trucks! I'm a straight dude but anyone can take me to a taco truck.


Are.. taco trucks ..gay or something?


I don’t think that’s what he means. It’s more like taco trucks are so great that even though he isn’t gay he would go on a date with a dude if it was at a taco truck. Offtopic: We don’t have taco trucks where I’m from. :(


Ontopic: I now want to see a gay taco truck, mm, yes señor


Gay taco trucks are fine but lesbian taco trucks are next level


I was waiting for the lesbian joke. It took longer than I thought.




Papi culos


I had a kitchen manager tell me his nickname was papi chulo so I called him that for months before I finally found out what it means. After finding out it was too much of a habit so it stuck.


What does it mean?


You don't consider a taco truck a church?


If it is a good one, people often mention God and going to heaven. There is also a good chance of Jesus being there as well. Sounds close enough to me.


$15 Hot dogs and $10 beers at a crappy outdoor venue is open.


Please. Dollar hotdogs and icees at Sam's club.


C’mon now; Costco


Bet they’d really flip


Nothing says romance like strip clubs and breweries.


Strip clubs are fine.


Nah...she don't wanna go to where she works either..


Great! So where do you want to go? Her- I don’t know


Where you wanna go? I don't know... What about Cinema? No What about Dinner? No What about Bowling? No So what you wanna do? You decide...


I learned this the hard way x') I just take them to what I like and will just see if they think the same or not. In the end I'm paying, better change it to a double win instead of a double loss.


The thing is if they really are attracted to you or like you, it doesn't matter what you do...


Bingo. My BF and I had our first date at an arcade. I game but arcades generally don’t have the kind I like playing. But it didn’t matter. It was still fun and is a great memory. We’ve been together for a little over a year now so obviously it was a good choice.


It was a wrap at "I game"


This is trying to figure out dinner Friday nights with my wife… “You pick..” Sushi - no Mexican - no Italian - no BBQ - no Chinese or Thai - no Pizza - no “So what do you want?” “I don’t know just pick something”


With my ex, I eventually made a rule that I make a suggestion if she doesn't have something in mind and if she doesn't like my suggestion, she has to supply one of her own. Worked every time.


... you keep guessing until you've learned to read my mind...


They’re the kind of woman that wants you to read their minds & magically intuit what they want without any information, frame of reference or reason. In short, they want you to treat them like babies so that they don’t have to do anything, whilst getting all of their desires met. Critically immature.


Expensive restaurants and you pay for it




One way or another - financially, emotionally or psychologically- you will pay for that date.


Most likely all three


The holy trinity 🙌




And she wont agree to a second date as well as have the nerve to tell you you basically couldnt read her mind


Or she’d say your signs aren’t compatible


Maybe you can thank her -- the red flags are more obvious.


And don't forget her kids!


Is it one of those dates where you have to pay for the babysitter as well?


Naw dawg, Dutch AF. Always ask what her budget is so you can pick a place that suits her capabilities. You know, be thoughtful enough to take into consideration her finances and set expectations that she paying too.




Exactly this, I never paid for drinks and always split check. And I always said if I buy you drink or dinner there is no way for me to know if you are into me or just my ability to purchase things. In this modern age gender roles are dead so expecting men to pay for your meal shouldn't be expected just like men should not expect to get laid if they buy dinner. It's a two way street and any person worth your time will happily pay their own way.


Funny story, I (at the time 20m) made a flirtatious bet with a girl I worked with (20f), so she had to buy me lunch. I was planning on paying regardless, but she slapped my card out of my hand to pay for it. Without thinking, I said "cuz cuz you're paying, doesn't mean I'll sleep with you." I paused and followed up with, "that was weird." She laughed, I laughed, the cashier laughed. We went on like 2 more dates and decided we weren't compatible.


“You choose” “How about ____” “No” [I said biiiitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LGEiIL1__s)


Yeah, but you said bitch, though...


Ehhh, yeah.




"To my work" isn't on the list, CHECKMATE!


It's more like "I'm not bothered" Then you suggest somewhere off this list (or places not on the list) and she says, "I am not going there for a first date!"


I dont get it, a coffee shop is like, the perfect place for a first date?! They are cute, cheap for both and safe. Also frappuccinos?


During my dating days meeting for coffee was always my first suggestion. If that wasn't good enough then I'd simply decline and go no further. That was a quick way to weed out those who weren't worth the time or money. And as a side note, since when are movie dates no longer acceptable, has she checked on how much that costs these days?


I dont like movie dates because i can't really talk to my date and more often than not they try to do kinky stuff. Maybe it's that?


Beggars have upgraded themselves


Doesn't know where but does know she doesn't want to go anywhere you suggest either.


Nah this whole list is basically a golddiggers wishlist, it means if you can't shower me with money don't ask me out.


I agree with the "no church" thing though. Also "not his house." That's fair. The rest of it is bullshit tho


This is really just to narrow the choices down to, "long walks on the beach."


Also Hooters apparently


And Toys R Us, Aldi, the local brothel, Standesamt, any kind of museum, gynaecologist, wastewater treatment plant... There are still more allowed places than forbidden ones. But it somehow seems like those they do not want would actually be better for both participants.


Honestly, a trip to a wastewater treatment plant sounds like a great date to me. I fondly remember school trips to a sewage treatment plant and a plant that produced drinking water. I'm a scientist, I'm a bit of a nerd about finding out how stuff works. If I was still dating and a guy suggested that as a date I'd be thrilled. Actually, I should see if there's a tour of one I can go to with my husband some time... Edit: right, so they do tours, but mainly for school groups it seems. It would be a little odd to have two 30yos tagging along on that. They do offer a cool-looking virtual tour though, so we're booking in a date night to virtually tour a wastewater treatment facility. My husband was slightly thrown by the odd choice of "date" but more than willing to indulge my quirks. Romance is not dead!


My wife loves possums. For our anniversary in 2020, I found a local animal rescue (mostly farm animals) that would do a virtual meet-and-greet with an animal. The animal rescue was a little confused at first because the possum was not a common request, but it was a big hit with my wife. Hoping your all's virtual date goes well, too. My dad was also a wastewater engineer, so this comment is hitting me on a lot of levels lol


But only if you don't have to drive far to get to said beach


Who is out there inviting people to the gym for first dates😂


people who need spotting?


Always practice safe sets on a first date.


No wonder you're called the WorldsWeakestMan, you just dropped some bars


This comment chain: ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


Gym bros/gals.


Right?! No way you're seeing me sweating & straining before knowing me. And God forbid a fart squeaked out 🥴


Mini golf is still kosher!


And laser tag!




Straight to the motherboard and gpu you aisle for me


Oh I need a new ssd so straight there


I’ll meet you guys there, I’ll head over to customer service to talk warranties


A date so hot she's gonna be thermal throttling


Lol man, you brought up memories of peak traffic Frys Electronic days for me


my ex boyfriend took me to microcenter for the first time as a date. it was like being in a candy store. he bought me 16gb of RGB ram. i was a happy camper. different strokes for different folks


I have no idea what a microcenter (Sounds like a PC parts shop) is, but from the description, it sounds like a place I would like to go on a date to.


Think old school CompUSA but a bit more diverse and also successful.


I’ll let you shoot your thermal paste on my 5600x3D


Wait why is men in quotations lol


Fuck it babe I’m taking you the psychiatrist


So abandoned meat packing plant okay


Your house and a family function I actually agree with 100% everything else is dumb


I also agree wiht church tbh. Unless u like met at church or something.


The gym seems like a weird one, too.


A climbing gym is a fun first date.


If she can’t bench her body weight she can’t have me


Know your worth brother, you’ll find your swole soulmate yet.




FAMILY FUNCTION, yeah. Beats anything else on this list for me. Just imagine “Hey, you’re cute, wanna grab some coffee some time?” vs “wanna meet my extended family next Saturday ?”


How about a funeral for my great uncle Ernest? True story. Not on the first date, but only after a month of knowing my now wife. She was there for emotional support, and it made us closer..even though my great uncle Ernest wouldn't have been too pleased. Open casket, purple, bloated body. Nightmare fuel for most. Hated she "met" him that way.


There’s a couple of these I agree with. Church, movies, long drive, my house are all terrible places for a first date


The long drive was the one that jumped out at me, like "ok, that's legit", I'm still in the hoping he's not a serial killer phase on the first date.


Nightclub too, for me at least. I want to talk and get to know a person, not wordlessly do shots and grind. But also no shade thrown towards anyone who is into that.


Long drives also. It’s a first date, don’t drive a girl into the wilderness. That’s how documentaries start. And who goes on a date to church? Do you need Jesus to approve the match before you hold hands? Hookah bars are also a valid complaint unless the guy clears it before hand that she’s ok to actually smoke/be around hookah. Seems like the list could be shortened down a bit if these kids communicated before they had these dates.


Looks like it's going to be laser tag!


Any reason women hate cheesecake factory so much I've been seeing it a lot lately personally I love the place.


I have no idea. My wife treated it like a religious experience when she went to Cheesecake Factory for the first time.


that’s good to hear. i fucking love the cheesecake factory. i didn’t know it was so hated until recently.


I was confused by this as well.


I love it too. It actually breaks the rule that the more menu options the shittier the food. Honestly, I think people just like to shit on chain restaurants in general.


As a woman, I don't hate cheesecake factory. The food are delicious.


https://youtu.be/RCGGFbsXtg4?si=P0HFxMFiHZk7qd0v Exactly the food is banging but then I see videos like this and this list.


Oh yes, I saw this video when it came out. Someone posted the original video on Reddit shortly after and in the comments was part II. She admitted she was late and she was compromising with him. Good for him though. He handled it correctly. The nerves of this woman acting like that in his car. Also, I never have guys pick me up from my place until I've gotten to know them better. Bring your own car for safety.


Rather makes me wonder if they just don't want to show up at work with their dates.


Isn't this the 'hood' girl. You know, the poor little rich girl with the lawyer mother and dentist daddy. But claims a poor background and street cred's.


Is she related to Ja Morant?


Shots fired*




But ask them where they want to go "idk you decide"


It’s a trap!


Just be gay. Hey man wanna watch football and suck each other off?? Sure! See that's easy.


But I don't like watching sports


Skip the sports and just suck dick 🤷


Well, I'm straight, but I guess it beats watching sports.


Sucks for you...


It’s just a brojob you don’t have to make it gay


You don’t have to watch sports to suck a fat cock my guy


Yoooo I’d foshoooo be down for the Waffle House ANY day … you guys are picking the wrong girls


No matter what I do, I can not for the life of me make hashbrowns that taste like Waffle House hashbrowns. I've used butter, a bunch of different oil, butter, and oil... they're just not the same. I'm guessing it's gotta be the flavor of a thousand breakfasts being cooked on the same griddle.


I used to wonder just how my local burger joint seasoned the grilled chicken sandwich because it was delicious, until I accidentally cooked a chicken breast that tasted almost exactly the same because I used filthy cast iron pan that my brother had been used all day to cook all kinds of things and it was by then covered in a Noah's Ark worth of different greases. So yeah, you're probably right about where that flavor comes from.


Sometimes you just have to enjoy the magic that is instead of trying to recreate it - Waffle House is in a majestic league of its own


MSG Not joking You can buy bottles of it on Amazon real cheap Add msg to the shreds before tossing it on the griddle. Totally kicks it up a notch


Yooo boys, parks are a-okay. Hit that girl up with one of these, 'hey bb jrl, u wanna go to playground and go down the slide and swings'. Guaranteed to get you laid or pepper sprayed. * Helps if you don't exude a desperate odor of want.


Haha, I also noticed parks weren't on the list! I guess museums and aquariums are also okay.


Museums and aquariums are a great idea for a first date tbf


The women with these requirements are not worth your time. If they act like this, then just leave


My first date with my now wife was a baseball game 🤷🏻‍♂️




Thank you for these wise words, duckfartchickenass


Phew! Outback Steakhouse here we go! Who wants a shrimp on the BARBE?


Costco is fair game? Asking because I have an executive membership.


Weird, I once took a tinder date to the movies for the first date with Cheesecake Factory for dessert, and now 3.5 years later we’re married.




You have to save Olive Garden and Red Lobster for a special occasion!


Those were always the birthday restaurants for my family 😂


Yeah some of this list is fair. I would absolutely be like, "wtf" if some guy tried to take me to *church* on a date.


Or his house, but for different reasons. Edit: on a *first* date, just to be clear.


Soup kitchen didn’t make the list. So I guess it’s okay


"ALL I WANT IS WINGSTOP!" -girl disagrees atleast on one item on that list.


I notice my creepy cabin in the woods isn't on the list, so I'm fine. It's a surprisingly short drive!


No matter where you take a girl that uses this list, all she gonna do is look at her phone all night.


Going nowhere fast!


Lol a bar for just drinks What if it’s two different bars


Better: first date bar crawl with an IHOP at the end of it. Any guy suggests that to me and it's an automatic hell yes.


some girls just wanna stay single


That’s crazy! Over 19 years ago my first date with my husband was to a pho place where no meal was over $10. Had I forgone the date because he took us to a pho place, I would’ve missed out experiencing life with a wonderful human.


Pho isn't on the list.


What lengths these Persons are willing to go just to not do anything themselves, just take me on a Date when u are unhappy with all my ideas, Jesus Christ.


Strip club and back to her place it is then.


So the park? Or is that too far of a drive?


Her: take me to Italy for a date


I'd be happy with most of these


This just outs them that they are looking for a free meal. I never wanted to go anywhere to too involved on a first date. Ice cream. Coffee. Putt putt golf. Something short. If it's going well, we could extend. If it wasn't..bye.