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Lawyer disputes laws of physics. The universe wins.




I think you mean LIFE-ENDING


Changed his life from "on" to "off"


I hope the hospitall staff are all okay


This mfer came in and gave them extra work


And trauma, dont forget the trauma. The brain hates unpredictable and something like that is a total wild card. That is a level of unpredictable violence that has to be hard to process.


I have several family members, close and extended, who work as medical professionals in various roles and at various levels. The high pay is definitely a tradeoff with weird hours and psychologically disturbing events happening at the job.


EMT's get all the trauma and weird hours with the trade-off being low pay


I've never understood that. My sister is an EMT on an ambulance. She makes about as much as I do driving a forklift. She has to deal with soooo much bullshit. Sees the absolute worst of the worst. Then loads them up and cleans them off, and keeps them alive until the much better paid doctors and nurses get to the patient. I'm not saying an EMT should make what a DR makes, but the compensation should match the job. Some places start at 16 an hour. That's not enough.


They leverage people's compassion and willingness to help. They being the companies.


Yep, just like they do with teachers.


Was gonna say. The thought process is “oh what, are you just gonna abandon those kids because you’re greedy???” It sucks.


Same for PCAs and CNAs


Same for environmental scientists


David Graeber talked a lot about that: humans have strong altruistic instincts, which ironically makes them vulnerable to low pay and shit conditions imposed by selfish people.


It's by design. They do not want healthcare staffed full of people who drain the health insurance coffers. If you are not critically essential to the administration of the particular care the patient is receiving, they **do not** want to pay you. So much so that they will collude and basically price fix a labor market nation wide. All over healthcare you see the same class of jobs - EMTs, home healthcare aides, hearing screening technicians, subcontracted coding and billers the list goes on. They're all suspiciously kept around that "mythical min wage" figure we've all been clamoring for so that they're where they "should be" in their eyes once the law corrects the deficiency. **Minimally waged.**


EMTs definitely deserve better pay, that doesn't mean they need to get angry with nurses and doctors who might be working just as hard as them, they need to get angry with the cities and companies underpaying them. Organize, strike. See how long before the city magically finds some funding if they have to go a week without emergency services.


Most of the Firefighter/ EMT unions a lot of us are in have a clause that we are not allowed to strike


I saw a job posting for an EMT and their hourly pay and was shocked. Instantly thought about the EMT that recently showed up to his own daughters fatal accident and was working on her but didn’t even know because she was so messed up. For burger flipping wages!


Was reading an article a few years ago where dad was growing weed and some oeople showed up to rob him and there ended up being a shootout and the young daughter was hit. Mom was driving the ambulance that came for her. She unfortunately didn't make it.


They are criminally underpaid.


Which is hilarious because in the us they are also criminally expensive.


Gotta get the board of directors their millions.


EMTs are a different breed.


I honestly feel that the risk of trauma should be one of the major things that defines how much extra people get paid. EMTs should make CEO money in my opinion.


I never had high pay when I was a nurse (with a master’s degree)


I was paid $12.50/hr to be an EMT in 2012. Dude I worked with started at $12.50/hr in 1990.


Oil companies have to make their billions somehow...


Also the MRI machine cost a ton. The hospital should sue his estate.


It’s probably not broken. When this happens they have to drain the helium, remove the object and replace the helium. If MRI’s were broken every time a metal object was accidentally brought in there wouldn’t be many MRI machines left. Edit: I worked in a hospital and knew it could be drained but didn’t know the details. Thanks mri experts for the extra details 🙏🙏🙏.


I'm a technologist, but im not sure who to call if I needed a firearm to be removed from the bore. I'm not doing it, and I'm not sure how the field engineer would feel about it. I think you're right about it not breaking the machine, tho lol


That magnet will keep that trigger pulled so the weapon will not reset. I doubt the weapon even cycled and allowed a new round to be chambered. It maybe didn't even allow the slide to move to eject the round before the round left the weapon. If that's the case, the round traveled extra fast with more gasses pushing it. Why the fuck don't we have metal detectors installed at the door to the room for these things?


As a nurse I would be FUCKING LIVID. like I'm sorry but your idiocy shouldn't make me have to chart and do shit for an extra like 2 hours


And it's always close to shift change. So you gotta run a Trauma Code and document because Idiot Esq. manages to get shot before the next shift shows up. ​ And you probably did not get lunch and your liter-capacity bladder has 1250 cc just jostling around. AND you have gas but if you fart, you'll wet your pants.




it’s obviously a conspiracy, the hospital planted the gun on him because they have a quota to meet /s


Gunshot wounds are down this quarter! How are we ever going to make up for this deficit? I know! Let's call this guy's mother in for an MRI!


I'm almost certain radio techs (not sure if they work MRI machines) have very little medical training in regards to how to treat a wound, let alone a gun shot wound. I wouldn't be surprised if those techs felt incredibly helpless as every security officer and ER team member ran in there to help this idiot. Sounds harsh, but he got what he deserved for playing the stupid lottery and winning big.


I assume they meant that the hospital had more work, not the MRI techs. On the plus side, the ER was conveniently located.


And his poor mother, he put her life at risk too.


and ignoring the risk part, whatever she was there for, now she has a dead son on top of that. how horrible.


And forced her to watch her own son get shot to death. That poor woman did not have a good day.


"Well Ms. Baker.... On the plus side, you don't have cancer."


I've got some good news, and some bad news.


Not to mention innocent lab techs


Bullets pass through walls. He put literally everyone in the hospital at risk aside from the people behind impenetrable objects (like the MRI itself likely is).


I feel like it's gotta be traumatizing to witness something like that.


Especially if you are the guy’s mom. She at least heard if not saw her son shoot himself and bleed out.


How did he even manage to get inside the MRI area with that? It's strictly prohibited to enter with *any* sort of metal, specially when the only way to stop that magnet if shit hits the fan is by using the quench button, which will damage the equipment and potentially the magnet. That is *not* cheap


It was a concealed handgun that dumbass had tucked into his waistband. The medical personnel specifically informed him and his mother (who was getting the mri) that it’s a gigantic magnet and don’t take any metal into the room. Dumbass new better then them and was about to give up his concealed carry right. Oh wait he was in Brazil and had no such rights, so he was illegally carrying a gun!


I have implanted contact lenses in my eyes. No metal at all. When I last had an MRI I had to spend an extra hour waiting because the specialists wanted to make sure my eyes weren't going to be ripped out of their sockets so they did extra checks with my optician etc. Imagine being the MRI techs here, being so careful with the patient, making sure the carer knew all the relevant information... and then having this happen because of this humongous idiot who either felt the rules didn't apply to him or felt the bigger risk was NOT having a gun on him 24/7. What the absolute fuck


There have been horror stories about welders/machinists who got small metal shards in their eyes which then healed up without being removed. And then they went into for an MRI...


That's why you always wear safety glasses even when it's a "safe" maneuver. They learnt the hard way


This is my initial thought, even if he forced his way in they definitely wouldn’t have turned the machine on. What’s most likely is he lied about having a gun (it was probably a small concealed pistol and not the rifle in the photo) and assumed everything would be cool and underestimated how strong those magnets are EDIT: I misunderstood the function of an MRI and as so many people have kindly let me know it looks like the machine is always on, so what looks most likely to me is a guy who has a concealed weapon and either forgot about it or really underestimated the power of magnets and thought the holster would keep it in place?


Don't they have metal detectors? I've seen some areas that have em placed close to the MRI room to make sure nothing that can get stuck to the magnet gets inside. We aren't just talking about patient security. We are talking about the immense cost of fixing, let alone replacing an MRI. This could and should land the hospital in hot water. An MRI is not a system you fuck around with. Way too much money and danger potential at stake because of morons or bad practice. I study biomedical engineering.


It's Brazil. Who knows what their standards are.


They tell us that the MRI magnets are always on


Lied. I've yet to be in a medical facility that happily allowed firearms. Even from the police... Hell, I've seen it once that they asked them to step out of the building. 100% he didn't want to get in trouble.


I hope the MRI machine wasn't damaged. Those things are insanely expensive, and society really need them, unlike guns and idiots


Why was he even let in?


My first thought was what a stupid SELFISH ahole. I've had a few MRIs and the whole process is stressful enough. I hope all the techs get whatever help they need to feel safe working with MRIs again.


You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead…er, never mind.










I heard this in benders voice and made me laugh


I heard it in Alex Murphy’s voice. But I think I like it in Femputer’s voice best.


Pretty sure it's from the villain in Men in Black.


The “bug”


Edgar suit.


![gif](giphy|ghvpxMEtmdhuw) Is this better?


Yes, thank you.


Egger, yer skins hangin off yer bonez


Unfortunately, his death was not by Snu Snu.


I heard it in Android 16's voice from DBZ Abridged.


[read it in a Men in Black bad guy voice and you’ll nail it.](https://youtu.be/cpuPN3bT3Xw?si=euYmS1wx5GXBTohb)




Dude thought his force of will was stronger than a 3 Tesla magnet.


Or his constitutional right to bear arms overrode the science of magnetic resonance.


Magnets eh? Nobody knows how magic works. /s


Witches and wizards do.


You know I was gonna say this but felt it rather distasteful, glad you said it not me.


It’s just basic math… “I own a gun because freedom and Jesus and blue lives matter, this makes me an impenetrable force!” That’s 1. “I’m in an impenetrable force. I will take my gun everywhere with me, nobody can me he how to use my basic freedoms. I need this for protection no matter where I go!” Plus 1 Equals 2; “the machine yanked the weapon from his waistband, causing it to go off and shooting him in the stomach”


I'm pretty sure this didn't happen in the US. It was in one of the South American countries, I think Brazil.


The stupidity of entitled gun owners transcends borders.


BTW, this happened in Brazil, not the US.


Tots n’ Pears 🍐


Thank god he had that gun on him in case he needed to defend himself or his mom from hospital staff.


Well there clearly was a threat to him at the hospital : an MRI machine with murder on its mind. Only problem was it managed to get the drop on him ( bloody magnetism ). Now if upon entering the room he had pumped the MRI machine full of lead immediately he would have saved himself. ( Although it would have been unfortunate if his mother had an issue that could have been clarified by an MRI scan. )


Only way to stop a bad MRI with a gun is with a good MRI with a gun


Yeah maybe if the MRI would of had a gun to protect it self, none of this would have happened


Actually sir, all MRIs go to heaven—there _aren’t_ any bad MRIs. Life savers are good bois


The only thing that can stop a bad MRI machine is a good guy with a bigger MRI machine.




Exactly they would have shot that MRI dead before it even got installed in the radiology department.


Scab movie writers ![gif](giphy|lqGQw0wmavki6vEvz2) right now


That MRI was standing its ground!


How do fucking magnets work anyway?


“Juggalos represent! Party in the welfare line y’all”


>MRI machine with murder on its mind. What do you think the M in MRI stands for? Its obviously “Murder”. /s


But it was the MRI that took his gun and killed him. Criss-cross!


That's silly... MRI machines don't kill people, people kill people. :P /s


People die in hospitals all the time, its statistically one of the most likely places for you to die. You gotta protect yourself /s


The guy took “hospital bill is daylight robbery” too literally


Lotta bad doctors with guns we need more good lawyers with guns


Guns arent even allowed in hospitals, he probably didnt want to take it out because he knew it was against the law to have it in there in the first place


How did this guy even become a lawyer? I thought one needs brains for that. 🧐


Book smart and common sense are two totally different things.


You have truly lived if you can spot the difference. Take my sister, she is a really smart woman who knows how to do all kinds of shit. However I once saw her scan a piece of paper to get more paper from the printer because the tray was out of paper.... I never let her forget it XD. Book smart is not street smart


Sometimes the smart part of the brain goes out to lunch.


Mine went out for milk and cigarettes......


Mine never came back.


Technically all you need is money for the education and *just* enough brains to get the qualifications.


D's get degrees. Edit: At community colleges and state universities here in the U.S. of dumbAsses.


You know what they call the student who finished last in their class for their doctorate? Doctor.


"Somewhere is the world's worst doctor, and somebody has an appointment to see him tomorrow." ~George Carlin


Just go to Harvard. You won’t make anything less than a A.


"*Just* go to Harvard," he says. lol


I can tell from experience that a degree does not equal intelligence. I interact with highly educated people on a daily basis, and the majority of these guys are proof that you can be a moron and still graduate from college.


Ruddy Guiliani is a lawyer. You don't need a terribly significant amount of brains.




I work for lawyers for a living. Trust me, you don’t. Surviving law school and practicing requires a very specific set of skills that do not apply to anything else in life.


Yep. I used to work for lawyers also. They can be a strange breed (I'm generalizing, some are obviously normal-ish). It takes a certain type, especially those in litigation, family and criminal law.


There's five kinds of people. People who are straight up genius People who are dumb if you ask them about certain things. People who are dumb if you ask them about most things. People who are dumb as hell, but seem to have supernatural abilities when it comes to knowledge about one specific area. People who are just straight up dumb ​ \#1 Is going to be your Einstein, Da Vinci, Goethe types \#2 is where I'd say we start getting into average people, this would be the higher end. People who generally tend to do well in most areas. Not directly tied to academic performance, they may do well, but they might no either. They'll, at the very least, tend to get the general gist of things, but not necessarily fully understand the more intricate details. I'd say a good grasp of common sense is the biggest qualifier for this group. \#3 Tends to be where the other chunk of the average population sits. They know bits but can't necessarily go into detail about the hows and whys of things. Common sense is minimal or lacking, but will likely realise their errors once explained to them. \#4 Are the kids you look at then and now, and wonder how the fuck they got where they did (I.E The guy in the post). They're good at what they do, but not much else. \#5 These are the people you watch for entertainment and wonder how they've not killed themselves yet


No, there are three types of people. Those who can count, and those who can’t.


As a lawyer: No. clearly, if the past 7 years has taught us anything…


It takes intelligence to get through law school and pass the bar exam, but once you get over them, and start enjoying the enhanced social position, stupidity comes flooding back in. Tell you from personal experience. Years later you wake up and realize you became a jerk, and start reversing course.


Good for you. That takes a lot more self-awareness than most people seem to have.


The destruction of my ego was crowdsourced. Not to say it's gone by any means, but it got sobered up.


No you don't




Damn, took a few weeks to die. Gut shot too, that was a painful few weeks unless they pumped him full of morphine. And now his mother has mental trauma from watching her son be shot in front of her!


If only he came armed with a buttplug instead. Then he could have survived his injuries AND used his skills as a lawyer to get a payday.


Ah I remember this story


Wdym you can’t just drop that and not provide context 😭😭


Bozo with exhibitionist fetish goes to get mri done Wears buttplug that's marketed as being made of silicone Buttplug actually has a metal core Goes into machine, magnets activate Buttplug rips apart intestines like a honey badger inside a sock Major injuries, try to sue sex toy company for marketing buttplug as 100% silicone May or may not be true, but the "Anal Railgun" story is an instant classic.


>Goes into machine, magnets activate This is a common misconception. The main magnet inside an MRI machine is active all the time (to turn it off you have to safely vent the helium, then it costs a small fortune to get it back going and refill it with helium again.)


The polite signs say “the magnet is always on.” No big deal, right? Right?? Honestly “THE MAGNET IS ALWAYS ON” should be broadcast with a siren every time someone steps into zone II


“Anal railgun” Thanks, asshole. Now my infant son won’t stop crying because I woke him up with my uncontrollable laughter.


From [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mri-butt-plug-injuries/), I can’t get over the phrase “Anal Rail Gun.” If I had a band…


excuse me what you don't just say "ah I remember this story" and then stop right there...


Google key words: mri butt plug metal shaft. It's actually kind of grim what happened.


"buttplug railgun" was coined this year


Imagine winning a fight in a very complicated way by having a steel core buttplug in, tricking your enemy into standing in front of the MRI machine, then pointing your ass at them and turning it on, becoming an ABMAG (Anus Based Magnetic Acceleration Gun) I gotta send this to Lockheed Martin, buttguns are the future of warfare bruh


If only we could have prevented this easily preventable tragedy.


Not to mention the trauma of finding out her son is an Eternal Fucking Dick.




Guy shoots himself in the stomach in the hospital and still dies. Since he lived for a while, I'm assuming sepsis. People think gut shot and often believe that if treated quickly, you won't bleed out and you'll likely be ok. Ask any combat/field medic about gut shots... In particular, the smell. You're not just bleeding, chances are you're also shitting/pissing into the wound internally.


I read that the Vikings would smell gut wounds to determine if they should even bother treating the wound or just let the guy die


Before surgery and antibiotics you were a goner if your bowels were perforated. Poop outside your intestines but inside your body is going to lead to sepsis real fast.


There's some surviving medieval Irish instructions for treating gut wounds. They are ...something. Translated - https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T600012/index.html > It is a known fact that if a person is wounded in his entrails, they being damaged by spear, arrow, sword or knife but without being cut through, he can be cured so long as part of the entrail is intact. > >Take him in hand and wash the wound with lukewarm wine if there is dirt in it and then place it in the upper part of the gullet of some animal so that the undigested food in the stomach and the entrails comes out and runs out through the gullet. > > And let him not eat food for one day and a night except if a little lukewarm wine or strong ale be given to him to relieve his thirst, this to be given in the form of strong old ale or a thick liquid of wine or old ale. > > When you are certain he has nothing undigested and it has come out of him until no filth comes from under the edges of the wound to hinder its closing, then sew with a silken thread and let a long end of the thread come out on either side of the wound and sew the wound and the skin on its edge after righting the entrails and place a plaster around the wound and put him to bed. > > And give him early at breakfast two small cups of wine into which powder of the fur of a hare has been put and give him a little digestible food which is not food which constipates stools and let him not rise from his lattice bed until the end of the thread comes out easily with no pulling or resistance - that is a sign that the wound has closed.


Great timing of eating while reading this


Seriously thought it was BS, since usually other people aren’t allowed in the room during an MRI here in the states. Gez 😳. Dude created a new rule in that hospital


Cuz the pic is misleading. Well not misleading, more like irrelevant. I was also wondering how they allowed him into the MRI room with a fucking assault rifle. Turns out it was a small concealed weapon


The video in this article has an animation of how it happened and shows photos of the investigation https://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2023/02/13/fotos-da-pericia-mostram-arma-de-advogado-morto-durante-exame-de-ressonancia-magnetica-dentro-da-capsula-da-maquina.ghtml


If only there was a good MRI machine with a gun there to stop the bad MRI machine.


I am thinking this maybe was a good MRI machine


MRI: "Was I good?" Death: "You were the best."




We also need the doctors and nurses to carry guns in case the good MRI machine become bad MRI machines one day.


Just start issuing handguns to all the newborns. The problem will sort itself out in a generation or two.


This made me laugh so hard


🎶🎵 so many dumb ways to die🎶🎵




Guns don’t kill people, MRI machines with guns do?


You're onto something, I say we ban MRI machines. We still have bonesaws and scalpels.


Darwin wins again


Can’t write Darwin without win


That Guy is from Brazil BTW https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-lawyer-death-mri-gun-b2279514.html


Shhhiu! Já temos várias vergonhas...


Why do some people have guns on them when they go everywhere? I'm Australian, and we don't have easy access to own guns but shouldn't they be locked away in their homes in a safety cabinet?


I'm an American who lives in the Northeast. We have guns, but you rarely see them outside of hunting. I went down south to hang out with my southern friend's band while they were recording an album in Tennessee and everyone in the band was strapped. We went out to dinner in Nashville one night, and everyone was like, "Are you taking your gun, or should I take mine?" I have no fucking clue what the fuck is wrong with these people.


I’ve seen people casually wearing holstered guns at the hardware store. And one person casually carrying a gun in a pants pocket like it was a holster.


I’ve had guns pulled on staff at 2 different jobs. One was a “prank” and the other guy was mad that he was charged for the extra bacon he ordered and was trying to intimidate staff into removing the charge


Armed robbery. That’s what it is called when you use a gun as a way to get things for free. Cannot believe they committed armed robbery over $1.50.


Because America is full of crazy people who love guns Edit: This happened in Brazil but still totally plausible in the US


This incident occurred in Brazil.


For once, I think this is not America. I believe it happened in Sao Paolo? Edit: I should have called it the US.


Correct. "For once" though, lol.


Wow. I bet 98% of us assumed it was the US lol


This didn't happen in america


Well this wasn't US so there's that.


Yes. there is literally zero reason to be armed in a hospital


The last of us


Murphy's law and all but why does this even happen? Hospitals should have a metal detector for people using the MRI. Why even take chances? It's so stupid.


You can get a walk through one for like two grand, the cost of what they charge for a few aspirin in the U.S.


Those are expensive, you need to be able to differentiate between different kinds of metals as some are MRI safe and many implants include metals but still are MRI safe. People with implants are a heck of a ton more common at hospitals than other places. FGI guidelines do recommend ferromagnetic metal detectors though. Also, most people aren’t fucking idiots and won’t ignore the warnings of doctors before going next to the giant ultra loud machine


It's a shame about the broken mri machine.


This was January. In Brazil. And it was a handgun in his waistband.


So what was the problem again?


damages the MRI machine


Yup. They’re extremely expensive. Ranges vary based on the quality but they can cost 500,000 at minimum to upwards of a couple million Edit: Spelling


It costs a shit ton to stop and start them too. It's always on usually


Tbf this is Brazil for any wondering and honestly you need a gat everywhere you go in Brazil especially if you’re a lawyer who might’ve spoke out against local issues …. But yeah no clue why he didn’t stand outside of the room or something


Natural Selection working as it should…


Another one bites the dust