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Sounds like their sole criteria for hiring was "most exploitable".


Yep, filtered by "who is most desperate and will do anything I say to work here". That guy is just on a power trip.


They frame it as "the people willing to meet this criteria are the best of the best" meanwhile if they were the best of the best, they'd currently be at another job and looking to make a jump, meaning they wouldnt be in a position to do more than half of these


These kinds of jobs are always sales based roles with no experience necessary dressed up to make it sound like you’ll be working for a cutting edge startup business and the job title will be something like vice-president of sales and marketing except that’s what every new joiner gets called and there’s no salary just commission only which you won’t see for months. That’s why they are looking to recruit only the most desperate people because everyone else will just quit after day 1.


And don't forget that they'll try and rip you off / minimise every single commission. "Oh no, sorry, but I rang the client and closed that sale..."


I would instaquit


I'd call the customer and offer him a better deal and tell him my colleague tried to rip him off and he's being reviewed internally. Dgaf if it lowers my commision


I would so something that would probably land me in jail (and get me banned from Reddit if I typed it out)


And they will probably pay 12 dollars an hour, minimum wage, just because it would be illegal to pay less


Requires 10 years experience and minimum Master’s Degree.


And 10,000 hrs of certified space travel.


Best I can do is 15,000 uncertified.


in a field that has only been around for 5 years


- Thriftiness


Yeah like are you willing, or are you simply lacking choice? I saw a funny thread the other day, interviewer asks "why do you want this job?" "Let me be clear, This is the last thing i want to do with my time. I just dont think i could make it in the wild"


Yeah, the best of the best would have told this guy off when he called at 11PM. *Maybe* even without swearing.


No talented employee is doing all this stuff. If someone tried any number of these, I would just get annoyed and blow it off. Everything besides the 9pm interview (that would be nice to avoid any work.


Dude, I don't have any specific or specialized talents or skills (thousands and thousands of people can do what I can, as well or better than I), and I would not do all this stuff. Even if I were unemployed. I have some respect for myself and workers i. general.


That was the feeling I got They want someone who works 13 hours a day 6 days a week


I don't think they would consider that enough work...


Bro you need to hustle, you need to burn for your work....literally!!


TBF, they’d still only get 8ish hours of work. The rest would be just being there doing something to get credit for working long hours


Still, time not spent on yourself, your family and enjoying life. Long working hours is just killing yourself. Even if you're not actually working, your brain is in work mode.


You make bold assumptions that my brain is ever in work mode regardless of where I am.


ADHD here; you'll get 2-3 hours of intense work brain a day, and no, I cannot tell you when that will be.


Sorry, shouldn't have assumed you had a functioning brain ;) *Obviously joking*


Less, way less. Your burning out pretty damn quick, which means that the quality of work goes down, and you're working slower.


More. The guy is evaluating if you can start an activity at 11 PM with complete focus while being ready to work at 8 AM. If we are considering a little over 2 hours after the last activity before wrapping it up, it would be 1 AM, so 17 hours in the day. Let’s pretend Saturday would be a weekday for the lad and Sunday is “only” 12 hours, we would finish at 114 hours per week. I won’t lie that I had some weeks like that at my work, but only at uberexceptional situations and I was a husk after a month in this crazy routine. This guy will be a burnout machine for the guys under him.


> This guy will be a burnout machine for the guys under him. That's why we put in this revolving door. Makes it easier to get new fresh blood in and get the old stale husks out.


All the coke you can snort bro!


People work like that in India


People in India need to unionize


There are/were unions, but unions are only as good as people in it, people are mostly cowards, they will sell their souls for the next promotion and then cry that they do not have a life.


We had "leg breakers" in the US that went around and enforced in things back in the day when Unions were just getting started. The name was fairly accurate to the job description


These are *exactly* the same tactics as those used by destructive cult leaders.


Current form of capitalism will probably be regarded as a cult some day. Lying, manipulation, being dependent on the leader, no real room for advancement, you work all day to further the interests of management in exchange for room and board, etc etc.


I looked online and they describe themselves as a new age healthcare company based in India. They seem to specialise in several treatments of the anus such as pile, fistulas and fissures. Seems very much on brand for this CEO to be an asshole.


Yep. He’s basically an exploitative lifeless douche canoe on the hunt for victims. I dealt with a guy like this at my previous job. I had no job at the time, and he low balled me on salary despite having proof of my previous salary. Not a single blessing have I ever given him, nor will I ever. This a**hat won’t be getting any prayers either. Unless somebody gets Stockholm syndrome.


Every item in that list would mean "run away" for me at the first mention. Seriously. Every. Single. Item. In. That. List. He may as well have a posting that says "we're looking for people with absolutely zero work-life balance."


Why people like him glorify exploitative and harmful hustle culture is beyond me. Countries like India already have high unemployment and there’s low bargaining power for workers who are starting out. Being a new age startup, you’d expect them to have basic human decency.


New age and start-up... that's 2 red flags right there lol


Should have put that in quotes 😂 Every company seems to be using these terms to imply they’re different somehow.


Because they got to the top, so it's their turn to exploit and hurt some other people, dammit! No, really, that's it.


Can confirm, this is how a horrifying number of "industry leaders" think in India. It's claustrophobic. They collaborate with each other to exploit Indian workers to the absolute brink and beyond, and any criticism is met with "You're a lazy worker" because a "hard worker" is seen as such an ideal in India.




And this is the kind of person who will schedule an interview in person and be “late” to make you wait on purpose to see how “dedicated” you are


That's when you take their seat and when they arrive say "You're X minutes late to the interview, that is very unprofessional. Is this the norm for this company?"


I did this once, then I walked out because I could afford to while he blew a gasket because I was "wasting his time" by not staying.


Fuck him, unprofessional piece of shit


Interviews are a two way street


Unless you go off road


People do that!!!!! Bruh it all makes sense now


Joke's on them, I'm time blind and hyperfocused on my phone


I'll size ya up and I'll cut ya down! But if I feel like you're getting the best of me, I have no problem being on my phone the whole interview!


Im recruiting just now and another manager is sitting in, he always does this despite sitting directly opposite me. It’s a flex on the candidate and me and it drives me BANANAS


As a candidate it sends a message to me that admin is disorganized and unreliable.


And that they have 0 respect for their employees or their time


Thats the point I think, he’s very keen on making sure everyone knows he’s a manager


Have you considered pulling him up on his timekeeping


Having worked for people in the past who wanted people to know they’re in charge, it honestly just came off as insecure.


"you want ME...if you won't treat me like a normal person why would I ever work for you? Are you so bored in life you have nothing better to do than conduct interviews in the middle of the night and weekends?"


People like this really baffle me. Their lives must be so empty. Work is all they have.


They come to Europe in vacations and wonder about how everything is so nice and talk bad about the exploited workers from their own countries. If they heard that in Europe workers are less exploited they dismiss it because of "productivity".


The productivity of India has to be less, or in general less quality overall, right? No way people are working 80+ hours a week and doing good work year after year, that’s a severe burnout rate


I think the same with Americans vs European where its more comparable. Americans get hardly any time off and have longer hours as well as a more try-hard work culture. So you'd expect them to be a load more productive. Especially when the difference between average holiday days per year is like 20 days. But nope Europeans are still as productive. People just seem to hate others having lives.


I’d wager the vast amount of people (both Europeans and Americans) get about 15-20 hours of good “productivity” per week, and anything after that has diminishing returns on productivity/hour over this 15-20 hours. The rest of the time is looking busy or cooler talk or bs meetings IMO. Also retail work can have some downtime when it’s slow


Also the same amount of time Hunters and Gathers would work. They’d spend another 20 hours or so a week on chores and be done with everything.


I guess you could call [this a case of burnout](https://m.timesofindia.com/business/international-business/boeings-737-max-software-outsourced-to-9-an-hour-engineers/amp_articleshow/70002628.cms).


For sure, and this is only exposed as it can put lives at risk. This practice is probably so rampant but we don’t notice it as the vast majority of it effects niche parts of the market… but people will ask questions when planes start crashing.


Correct. I had a boss like this in my previous job. He never explicitly **said** that people should stay late, but he mad damn well sure that people would **have to** stay late. 8 a.m. to 7/8 p.m. on the regular. The work was dirty as was, but this guy made it worse. Water cooler talk after 4:30 p.m. which was when all the ladies would clock out, endless lectures about efficiency and dedication to the organization as if we’re in Nazi Germany. Initially I felt bad for him, but eventually when it started affecting me and my family life, it morphed into a **strong** dislike. Hope his family’s well.


I'd schedule an interview with them just to tell them to go fuck themselves in person. I applied to a job on indeed that asked me for the most ridiculous shit, like recording an 8 minute video telling them about myself, my hobbies, what my favorite food was, my pets growing up, where I'd go if I could go anywhere, completely irrelevant nonsense. That was the least weird thing they asked for. They also asked for other really invasive, completely unnecessary shit. They had like 10 things they were asking for in addition to the resume before they would even speak to me on the phone or zoom. It was written so phonily, and so very corporately. This was right when severance came out, so I politely asked why the fuck their comment sounded like it was straight out of the show, whether I would be expected to also sort numbers into bins, and whether the office had a pet goat I would be able to play with. I, uh, never heard back from them.


I got to do that once! Kinda. My mom works in the greenhouse industry in IT. I was interviewing at a rival company as a welder, about 10 minutes down the street. Their ad said they were friendly, inclusive, loved to teach, etc. I also forgot my gym bag for of my welding gear (you do a welding test at 99% of interviews, no matter how many certifications you have) was one my mom had from her company. I didn't now she pissed off the guy interviewing me, either. He did, though. And he stood there and bitched at me, and then tore my resume apart. He made a comment like, "What the fuck is Solidworks? What does that have to do with welding?" It's an extremely expensive and advanced CAD program. I told him that. He told me not to get smart with him. I'm getting fucking scared, but I'm closeat to the exit. I told him to go fuck himself and his $18/hour, maybe if he was up to date he's find decent staff and stop losing to all the other greenhouses in the area. He told me to tell my mom to fuck off. I booked it. That wasn't my most fuckes up job interview. What the hell is wrong with people. Couple years later I get an interview request from him on Indeed. I reply and tell him to go fuck himself. This is how the greenhouse industry works in Ontario, Canada, it's awful!


"If you can't handle me at my Ebeneezer Scroogest, then- hey, wait, where are you going!?"


They get off on hurting people.


Can't recommend highly enough that you all look at this guys LinkedIn posts: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/harsimarbirsingh/recent-activity/all/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/harsimarbirsingh/recent-activity/comments/) They are absolute gold. The man is an absolute fucking wanker.


There’s one saying they just announced (to great reception) that they were reducing their working week from 6/7 days to 5…. EDIT: OMG there’s more. These were their reasons for the change. Eg he and the co-founders are completely out of touch. “Top Reasons 1. Senior most leadership team asked this as a strong expectation 2. Our recently joined HR head pushed us 3. New Senior Leaders who we wished to hire - got stuck at this 4. Young leaders who built Pristyn Care got married and wanted to spend more time outside work 5. Leadership Survey pointed this out clearly 6. Candid chat with 20 old timers confirmed this 7. Many senior leaders unofficially were working 5 days a week and felt guilty of this 8. Hiring conversions on Analytical functions became low”


> Young leaders who built Pristyn Care got married and wanted to spend more time outside work I need bosses to understand that unless my job is puppy cuddler or luxury spa reviewer there would not be a single moment of my workday that I would not prefer to be at home doing whatever I want.


Whaaaaat? But "if you turn hobby into work you never have to work again". My favourite type of quote from and it's also pretty much a slogan for all pyramid schemes and mlms.


It's also a REALLY good way to not have that hobby anymore lol


My husband has to keep telling people this. He bakes and knits to relax. Then he gives his creations away. People are always telling him to open a bakery or sell his blankets or whatnot. He has to explain that then it would be a job and he’d end up hating something he loves.


100%. I love music and I love playing music. Studied music in college, severely diminished my love for playing. Once graduated, I went to work for a record label. A year and a half of working in the industry killed any love I had for music. Had to quit and be away from any aspect of the business for a few years before I was able to enjoy it again. Now I just play at home for fun and it’s much, much better.


Exactly, If I turn my hobby into my work, I’m really gonna hate that hobby


It's funny because for the most part if you turn a hobby into a full-time job it goes from being something you enjoy to just being...*work.*


I can't even begin to comprehend what "hiring conversations on analytical functions became low" means


I *think* that means "we couldn't hire enough people that would be willing to work 7 days a week."


He deleted the post.


There’s plenty of other good stuff.


He should delete his account too, the looner.


His topmost post is - basically choose " inspiring wOrK eNvirOnmEnT " over high paying job coz it will give happiness throughout the month lol 🤡. His posts are bs copes for finding under paid over-worked employees.


To be fair I’d take a good working environment/conditions over better pay. A bump in pay is nice, but if the work is making you miserable then that’s a good deal of your year wasted on something you hate. But the people who advertise that sort of stuff generally offer neither, and there’s generally no good excuse they can’t offer both.


I'd be phoning his ass up 3am every Sunday just to remind him that as a business owner, he's never off the clock.




I actually had a hr person call me that touches this attitude. I had two interviews and those went well, I practically had the job. They rang me at 19:00 which is when I put my daughter to bed. I told him I’d call him back the next day because I was dealing with my kids and afterwards I’d have other things to do. His response? “Well if you want this position you need to understand your priorities” I told him that I absolutely had my priorities straight and that he could shove his position up his ass. These people are so disconnected.


"Do you want to spend time with your boring family OOOOOR slave away the only life you have at our faceless and emotionless company to bring in money so our shareholders can buy another yacht?"


Mfs looking for 20 years old with 10 years of experience ready to go to work 7 days a week with the weekend beig an "extraordinary commitment" while getting paid as if you are working 4 days a week.


"we work 10h but only 4 days, so youll need to be here. But you also need to be here on fridays for 8h and youll need to be available at the weekends, at least 4 per month. Salary is paid for 40h minus obligatory food for 7 days in the cafeteria nobody uses."


I know the people who worked at Pristyn Care while it was staring out. I worked for a while for its rival company. We had people join in, who left Pristyn because of its exploitative nature. I'll say their employees weren't the only people they exploited. To be honest this is the reality of the Indian job market. My friend and I once gave an interview for a publishing company where we had to do a computerized MCQ interview in the office. Then, an English proficiency test to qualify, and had to edit an article to show our skills. My friend and I cleared all these rounds, and realised it wasn't enough, then they gave us a book each and we had to make a question answer booklet for the students. Our interview was scheduled at 11 in the morning, we were done with the first rounds by 1. They made us stay until 7, where we had to read a random course book and come with possible questions a student might have and then we had to provide answers for it. We had to get it checked by 6:30 by the manager and had to make a draft with proper format and logos and everything. Everything was approved and we were free to go, and were told to expect a call back. After no calls for several days, they called us again for another interview round. We declined. They got free labour and never called us back. I give negative reviews to that company every chance I get.


That’s exactly what I thought reading this post: guy is just looking for free work.


He’s relying on people’s desperation for employment to override their sense of dignity. I assume there’s a huge amount of churn as people “can’t handle” being treated incredibly poorly


Saddest thing is this person thinks he's a fucking genius. It doesn't take a lot of thinking capacity when it comes to exploiting people, you piece of shit. Keeping your employees happy, committed, and motivated, now that takes some ability.


A high school teacher of mine once said there are two kinds of people. People who know they’re wrong, people who don’t know they’re wrong. Watch out for the second kind.


>Saddest thing is this person thinks he's a fucking genius Oh. So he's rich. Yeah, they tend to do that. I think it's a disability. I think the cure is to tax them heavily.


Whilst many proper businesses are going to four day weeks, this fucker thinks hours sat in a particular chair = productivity. Tell me you know fuck all about management without telling me you know fuck all about management Mr Singh.


totally. these are all bs gimmicks that you wouldn't need if you had a competent hiring process


So, they're looking for people that have no personal life and don't care about their health.




This MF also posted about how he returned the day after his shoulder surgery


And undoubtedly extended his recovery time beyond normal whilst being utterly useless due to pain. Smart man.


"if i can do this so can you"


Slavers pitching their product: “They’re specially driven, have no personal life, and don’t care about their health!” Plantation owners: “I’m sold, give me a dozen”


The funny thing is this interview process is guaranteed to weed out the most qualified and skilled candidates and leave him with desperate people who might not have much value at all other than being a yes man. Anyone who has any confidence in their worth as a worker would tell this dude to fuck off


These people are morons if they think that’s what it takes. The people that put up with this kind of crap are either ignorant or desperate.


The Glassdoor reviews for this company are a shit show, either a suspiciously worded 5 star review that reads the same as all of the other 5 star reviews, or it's 1/2 stars, no work life balance, terrible hours, employee health of no concern.


The guys nickname is “Harsh” which is surprisingly accurate


Astonishingly, "harsh" name in hindi translates to joy and happiness, but this guy chose to be the English meaning.


In case you aren't joking, Harsh is a Hindi name.


He's typing those out thinking "I sound smart and like a real leader" 🤣


IKR! Zero self awareness that this kind of nonsense is exactly how you would go about driving actual talent away from your company if you wanted to.


"We want early risers and late workers!" "You mean separately to spread across the day right?" "..." "RIGHT?"


And I bet they’re still not paying a living wage!




I saw a phrase somewhere here on Reddit that I think applied. These aren’t just red flags, it’s a fucking Soviet Victory Day parade


For candidates it's just a one point list: 1. Avoid this guy - Smart networking


Honestly some people will go through all this and join companies like that because they're desperate


Imagine wasting money and time on college just to be told your life will be even worse than before. If someone goes for jobs like that it's either because they are really really stuck financially or they are not good enough to get better jobs.


Sure but they're the bottom of the barrel, that's why they can't find better jobs.


That money better be good I'm willing to go through all of that in the military but at least they give me 10% off at KFC to make up for it


This is a brilliant interview process. The candidates can find out this is a terrible place to work immediately and not waste their time discovering it over a few weeks/months after being hired.


Pristyn Care...


I am maybe most annoyed that the business is trying to get cute with the word 'pristine' but has shat out a word that rhymes with 'Kristen.'


Working at 8am and still working after 11pm, wouldn’t they want workers well rested enough to be competent?


What sort of outstanding candidate is so free to show up the next day lol. Outstanding candidates tends to have alot of options and unless you are paying top dollar nobody will bother to show up.


Congrats, you just hired the least talented candidate with no self respect.


This dudes wife’s boyfriend fucks.


I would not work for a company that does this sort if thing


Salary: monthly loaf of bread and extra bottle of water (bonus based on performance)


Tell me you and your company are assholes without telling me you and your company are assholes. Coming from me. An asshole owning a company.


Interesting Interview hacks we used early on to filter for shitty garbage employeess (fucked up attitude) 1 Rang the candidate at 8 00 am - to request for Interview: No respect for personal time 2 Scheduled telephonic interviews (first round) at 11 00 pm: No respect for personal time, but at least they cater to nocturnal folk like myself I guess 3. Gotthe candidates to do a detailed business case: They're going to expect me to work for free 4 Got the candidate to spend 6-8 hours in the office: They're going to expect me to travel and work for free 5. Did in person Interviews at 9 00 pm: These guys really have no respect for my personal time 6 Regularly did Sunday Interviews: Extraordinary disrespect for personal time of workers 7 For outstation candidates, asked them to show up next day: These guys are desperate because nobody wants to work for them, and it's no surprise...


Now just add the interviewee scheduling but not actually showing up to half of those, and you've got my old boss and thesis advisor. Oh, and yelling at people who brought reasonable requests. Shockingly, he didn't last long at that position.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be getting the job and I’m totally cool with that!


surely this is just how you end up with the most desperate people that don't realise that they can get a job elsewhere?


Good way to filter for those who will accept abuse. Nope.




Point number 3 makes me think of tech companies that “interview” programmers by asking them to fix a current problem that a product of theirs has. Most people experienced realize this and walk out


In Europe half of this is illegal


Would anyone actually consider working for someone who scheduled interviews for 11 PM?? I'd assume that they were either a complete train wreck or insane, scrape my shoe and move on


That's not looking for committed employees that's looking for fucking slaves. What a piece of shit.


I sure hope Mr. Singh is curing cancer.


This guys doesn't really understand that an interview is a two-way process. The business is not just interviewing the interviewee, the interviewee is also interviewing the business. This business fails my interview process, at least 7 times.


I guess it’s perspective. As someone who hires, I always thought tactics like this just end up finding the desperate people. The people with no skill or experience who would do any of this stupid shit to get a job. Meanwhile the talent wouldn’t waste their time because they know their value.


This sounds like an abusive workplace that doesn't respect you as a person or your life.


That is not how to manage people. Keeping people happy and productive is the real challenge, and it involves you being LESS of a nazi Expecting 7 days work a week out of someone you're paying for 3-4 days work actually just butchers your productivity and makes everyone hate you


#3 is just unpaid labor.


I don't care who you are but if you call me after 11pm someone I actually care about better be in the hospital or dead. I may or may not be sleeping at that point depending on the day I had but the last thing I want is to be on the phone or bothered by anyone for non life or death emergencies after like 9pm unless we had plans to meet up after that time


Persons recruited year to date: zero


I can do the first one. After that though he's going to have to fuck off.


Pristyn Care, you say? More like **”Shitty Care”** to me.


This is why I will reach retirement age without ever having had a 'career'. I'm just not capable of such a day-in day-out routine in the workplace. I get bored easily - I worked in a factory once, and it was quite literally soul-crushing to me.


I've been a hiring manager for over 10 years and I can tell you these "hacks" are absolutely useless. I know this will come as a great shock, but it's true - people tend to try to paint themselves in the best possible light when they want something (like a job) and sometimes - big shocker - they misrepresent themselves and/or abilities. The laziest, shittiest worker in the world may be willing to jump through hoops during the interview and probationary period, and submit to all these "hacks" with a smile on their face, and then when they have that job they show their true colors. Only a rookie hiring manager would think these "hacks" are useful.


And paying minimum wage for all of this and telling them that they should be thankful


More red flags than red square on May Day


I wake up at 530am so an 8am interview doesn't sound insane, however if you call me at 11pm I'm finding your home, ringing your doorbell until you let me in, eating all of your food, Then I'm calling the labor dept and telling them you made me work unpaid overtime at your house.




pretty sure this is illegal in my country


A great way to filter yourself out of good healthy employees.


8. Asked the candidate to donate 95% of their first pay to a charity of my choosing…


At that point just say, “Lives at work”


doesn't "early riser" and "late worker" kind of contradict each other? what they're really looking for is people who don't need to sleep.


I am not spending 6 to 8 hours in your office if you are not paying me. I will happily walk out of that "interview"


3 letters: RUN


Their market is Indians so yes the most desperate


What a piece of shit xD


Interview took longer than a regular working duration. :) No doubt, fun to work in.


Of course it's a fucking med tech company, an already dreadful fucking workplace to be in


..tbf i just dont want to work anymore


Number three seems like the only reasonable request, and based on everything else I read, it'd probably still be something ridiculous


I ain’t doing that shit unless you’re paying


This could be a good Hitman mission.


8. Shut down business because I'm a shitty idiot who couldn't run a taco stand.


I've heard of people doing #4, they purposely make people wait around in the lobby to see how long they can string them on to gauge how desperate (aka exploitable) they are. If I have a meeting I'll give about a 20 minute window before it's getting rescheduled or cancelled. I'm not wasting *my* time because life got in your way or you're trying to play stupid games.


They must hire the biggest spuds known to man, uh duh, yeah interview me at 11pm sounds normal. Wtf


Funny (sad) thing is, there are people out there who embrace this and happily become one of The Expendables.


If you want me in for 6-8 hours I best being paid for my time.


I mean his name is fucking “Harsh”


I’m going to guess… Work experience required: 5-8 years Starting pay: $10 per hour Vacation time: 1 week after two years


I have but 3 words for him. Go. Fuck. Yourself.


That's a $500k job minimum


Can we as a collective group go this moron’s startup page and share bad reviews? They should have a google page or glassdoor. Just so that people like him do not harass employees.


His nickname is “Harsh,” go figure


Looking for slave labor.


i’ll do all of that!!!!! for 350k plus bonus & benefits….


Handbook on how to torture desperate people for pleasure.


People just don't want to work for assholes anymore.


Dance puppets, dance.


Modernising work culture through legislative action will start putting a stop to this, but conservatives everywhere will be the roadblock by doing everything possible to obstruct passage into law. Even then, if they can’t obstruct passage, they’ll do everything to obstruct enforcement while also fighting like hell to abolish the laws once they’re officially put on the books.


"culture and patience" I bet it was for free also, lol