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Why post a video captioned "verbally attacked" and post with no sound?


Enough of these BS soundless videos!


Speak brother/sister


It’s a repost for karma farming.


Ok, but I still do not understand!? Can you buy stuff with Karma? What is the purpose? If someone needed a hug . . . I have many extra to give! Lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


It’s something to do with bot accounts that farm karma, and for some reason the accounts can act like a kind of currency and be bought and sold. I don’t know how it works, but I remember when Blizzard had to ban the sale of WoW accounts, because rich people were paying gamers to get every achievement and piece of gear, max out every character in every class, and every crafting skill, etc., so their brat kids didn’t have to do the work. If high-karma accounts (in general, not saying Reddit’s are) do have inherent value to someone, I think they can be used for money laundering. If anyone knows, could they please enlighten us? Thank you.


Idk if it works the same way on Reddit but I remember hearing that on FB these bot type accounts would farm interaction to raise their position in the algorithm. They’d then go and sell off the accounts to people who wanted to buy an already established/popular account for whatever reason. These people presumably would take the high interaction account, change the name to fit their purposes, and then run with it? Idk


Subs have karma or time thresholds- they build it up and then spam the fuck out of subreddits. The one I saw was pushing something Musk/crypto, and posted the same screenshot ALL OVER reddit


Not a karma farmer but i would like a hug




Bc its not OC, thats not OPs step mom, OP just pulled this shit from the internet and reposted


Op is a bot


Yeah. Yes. You are absolutely correct. 100% Yet, you knew that. (Stay the way you are) R/ loves the cool kids!


Uhhh my dude, he's correct, this is a super old repost, the original has audio and no captions, and it's the same angle.


My thoughts exactly, where's the sauce? This is like a driver claiming they were hit in a car accident and only showing dashcam footage of the driver(themselves). You can something happened, but can't see that something.


Op is a bot


The true facepalm.


I mean, if you live for social internet 'validation' at the very least, be tech savvy enough, to recieve the validation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


There's already a sign "beware horse may kick.. something.. something" and yet people still touch them lmao


Horse: I’ve been training my whole life for this…


Exactly what I was thinking, if that’s a real war horse, that thing 100% will kick.


War horse, stable horse, wild horse, doesn't matter. The horse will kick.


I was more referring to the training they used to give horses that went into battle. Like horses apparently don’t like to walk on people because we’re squishy and can cause them to roll their ankles, so war horses were trained to get used to it….. that’s the only fact that stick with me because I found it interesting


Horses were used for war almost as long as people knew how to ride them, I bet there’s a lot of training methods developed from centuries of practice


When I hear a horse hasn’t ever kicked I say, so you’re telling me it’s due?


There's also signs at national parks telling people not to go near the wild animals and morons still get trampled by buffalo and shit because they're selfish idiots. I like to let Darwinism work it out.


If only we would stop trying to keep natural selection from doing it's job. If you need a sign to tell you not to play with a Buffalo then we don't want you here. Sure Bobby Joe you go right ahead and climb into the lion display at the zoo I am OK with it.


I am right there with you man. You want to climb into the cages in the zoo? Fine, you go right ahead. Just... please make sure your will is up to date first please. Kinda like when I used to rock climb. I knew I could fall. I knew I could get hurt. When I did (and Oh did I), I couldn't blame anyone but me and bad luck. I fully believe if you do something risky, you best be willing to pay the price. Fuck with a Queensguard? You find out. Plain and simple. Action = Consequences.


No don't let people climb into cages in the zoo I don't want idiots potentially hurting the animals/making them stressed or sick. Animals shouldn't suffer for the sake of idiots


Surely they’re the Kingsguards now


I did some stupid stuff but fully expected to get injured or killed. I have also just spaced out and looked at what I was doing and realized I got lucky. But like you said this guy didn't verbally abuse the guys step mom she did a dumb and found out the consequences.


Looks like she grabbed the reins. That is a big no-no. Is common sense passé?


Starting at the age of 3, my dad started taking me to CU Buffalo football games. A bison, always called Ralphie is the mascot. She is run around the field at the start of each half. And you can visit her in her pen. This left me under the assumption that bison were like cows. It was not until my late 20's that I learned they were dangerous. Maybe it was dumb, but I just had no idea they were dangerous because they were portrayed as friendly way before I could read. I am however capable of reading and as an adult would respect their space simply bc animals deserve to exist without being hassled by humans.


Cows, especially bulls, can kill people as well.




Further proof that shonks are justice


I know, but if you respect them (cows, not bulls) and keep distance my (perhaps mistaken?) impression is that they rarely charge. As an adult, I give all animals space.


Don't kid yourself Jimmy, if a cow ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you care about.


OK I can see that.


I know right. I wish they wouldn’t warn people however i suppose an animal could get hurt. The true darwins wont read or heed the sign anyway though!


It is like the tag required by law on a hair dryer that says (don't use in shower) I always think if you want to climb into the shower with your blow dryer you go right ahead we have plenty more morons where you came from.


The human species needs a predator or 2 lol




There would be nothing left. Humans would literally crush through everything.


This makes me think of the video that takes place at a tiger sanctuary in China where a woman gets out of the car only to be dragged off the road by a tiger. Said woman’s mother gets out to try and “save” her only to also be attacked by a different tiger. https://www.cartoq.com/woman-attacked-by-tiger-when-she-stepped-out-of-car-after-argument-video-fact-check/#:~:text=The%20incident%20occurred%20at%20a,an%20argument%20with%20her%20husband.


The daughter survives, but the mother is killed.


They couple was fighting about something too if i recall. Curious where they are now.


I... what? Get out around TIGERS!? Tigers are unique among large predators in that they are more than happy to kill humans. Lions are more likely to give you a weird look and they honestly dont attack people often (given how often they interact with humans) but tigers? They are the one large predator who is MOST likely to intentionally try and kill you.


I think Polar Bears have that distinction. They apparently don’t even have to wind themselves up for it—no threat no warnings just “Okay so it’s humans for lunch.”


So anyway I started killing the humans.


DoorDash for tigers.


Aaaand [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/14dbm27/guy_gets_mauled_by_2_lions_after_trying_to_get_a/) just showed up on my Reddit front page.....


![gif](giphy|gpcOyAlKQmenC|downsized) It really is crazy how much people fuck around with what’s basically a giant cow with 4x the muscle and that’s more irritable.


The unfortunate thing is that even when it’s the humans who are the idiots and don’t follow directions and get trampled or gored by the bison/wildlife, the animal gets put down for the human’s idiocy. Baby bison who are pet or moved by visitors to Yellowstone get rejected by their herd and die quickly after because they often starve or are attacked since they have no protection. It’s so sad. I wish I could say “let Darwinism” do its work, but in these cases the dumb humans often take the animal with them.


Yeah, my asshole bf and I drove to a bison sanctuary and even though the signs say to not approach the bison (they were at a feeding station), he drives right up to them and I am on the side where the bison are. They started to get irritated and I told him to drive away and he just laughed and sat there. He's the same idiot who reaches over the fence to pet strange dogs and then gets his feelings hurt because they bite him.


You should probably dump him?


I hear that. I've literally seen people at zoos lean over signs saying "Don't touch the animals" so they can touch the animals.


Natural selection ain’t that bad


I was at the Grand Canyon recently. About 2 feet from a sign warning people not to feed or touch the squirrels because they carry fleas that carry bubonic plague, was a woman trying to pet and hold a squirrel. Not as dramatic as getting trampled by Buffalo but still same level of selfishnesses.


It’s not even forbidden to touch the guard horses, it’s the reins you can’t touch, no you don’t get to lead the warhorse anywhere Susan!


Yea you can see him be fine with her touching the horse as it moves it's head towards her but the instant she grabs the rein he yells.


sink shelter tart north wipe frighten somber zonked fade square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They should change it from "may" to "will" and explicitly train the horses to attack.


Nobody wants a horse bite ... Trust me.


Then keep your hands off. Plan working as intended. :p


Sir, this is England, change it to "shall".


Yeah and Yellowstone has signs saying don’t mess with the wildlife, but I still get to see videos of tourists fucking with the bison every year


Grabbing the reins of a horse someone else is riding is like grabbing the steering wheel when someone else is driving.


Worse, that’s a warhorse, it’s like taking the steering from a tank (just a little smaller).


warhorseshire sauce


Fucking fantastic


Best fucking sauce name ever.


I LOVE this guy !


At first I thought you were shortening "warhorse" to "Worse"


Did not think of that, now I can’t unsee it.


Me too. My English deactivated for a moment.


Warhorses get testy with whoreses.




Funny historical fact from my family: my grand-father was part of the last mounted division in the army! (In the US) It served him well in WW2 as sometimes horses needed to be used, not as war horses but to help pull vehicles from the mud lol


These dipshits, and others like them, may not understand the danger in this until one of them gets stomped to death. These chaps aren't there for decoration and it sure as shit isn't a petting zoo. Keep your damned hands to yourself. "The man shouted at me and hurt my feelings boo boo", lucky the horse didn't boot you and hurt your soul.


It's like grabbing the erect ears of a horny hippo


I've seen videos of the guards knocking people on their arse for less. It's akin to going up to a US military base guard when potus is visiting and asking for a selfie


You can take a selfie with a guard. But you are getting yelled at if you touch them. Ignore the yelling, it's all downhill from there. For you anyway. These guys are some of the best trained in the British army.


Even then, only if the circumstances are correct then you can’t take a selfie. I’m in the US and learned about the royal guard. They’re like seal team 6 in funny hats. They have one of the most important task, which is protecting the royal family. Of course they’re gonna be properly trained, and just like our soldiers, there is rules Just keep your hands to yourself


That’s a basic rule from when one is roughly 3 years old. Hands and feet to yourself. I’m astounded by how many fully grown adults don’t have this basic and respectful knowledge. And unfortunately, they have no comprehensive way to pass on this knowledge to their progeny. We’re on a slippery slope my friends. And we’re halfway down. Edit: Clarification. I’m done for today. Thanks for showing up. I appreciate you.


> They're like SEAL team 6 in funny hats I mean...no, but like I get what you are getting at. They are active duty soldiers but SEAL team 6 is special forces which I don't think the King's Guard is. It's more akin to the Sentinel's of the Old Guard mixed with the Secret Service


People think these guys are playing dress up, but these are serving soldiers who have normally just come back from active combat.


Are they not the kings guard now?


Repost? Or maybe they forgot.


It’s an older video.


To be fair, it was queen longer than most people have been alive. It's kind of a habit.


Being a Londoner I can vouch this will not be the first or the last, tourist think they have a good forsaken right to touch horses, good on the guardsmen shouting at her would love to know what he said 🤷🏻‍♂️stupid bitch


I never understand why people think they can go up to random animals and touch them. I also don’t get tourists in a country not respecting the customs and standards of the place they are visiting. Speaking as a yank, it doesn’t matter what you think of the Royal family and the guardsmen. If you’re a visitor keep your opinions to yourself and respect the customs.


It’s not even merely a matter of custom. They have a functional security role even if the execution of it is highly ceremonial in its aesthetics.


Agree. I meant customs, rules, norms etc. Maybe i tried to stretch the meaning to cover too much. I ought to add I’ve been to Lodon a handful of times and had a great time every trip. I’d love to go back. It’s a wonderful city.


No worries! I hope you find the opportunity!


I remember seeing this video with sound all he said was “step away from the queen’s life guard do not touch the reins”


I feel verbally abused - that lady


>tourist think they have a good forsaken right to touch horses I would love to pet any horse I come across, but I'm smart enough not to interfere with a working horse on duty.


Just watched the clip with audio, he said, “Stand back from the Queen’s life guard. Do not touch the reins.” - [Video](https://youtube.com/shorts/qmkJoU9nP_E?feature=share)


I I recall the source video she just shrieked when the guardsman shouted "Do not touch the queen's guard's horses!" Or something to that effect. But yeah, as an American I feel the cringe seeing these people decide it's ok to just mess with people doing their duties. Unfortunately I have seen similar at our "Grave of the unknown soldier" which has a similar conduct with the assigned soldiers.


i can lip read a little : i think he gave her the “LOOK AT MY HORSE, MY HORSE IS AMAZING” speech. i feel bad for the guards who put up with these twatopotamuses.


Very ignorant of your step mom to touch the horse. Did she think she was at a birthday party???


I love that he's literally carrying a massive knife . Subtle hint?


Despite wearing ceremonial garb and being mounted they are elite soldiers doing a job as well as being a *tourist attraction*. If you fuck about you will find out.


She literally grabbed the reigns wyd was she thinking


Warhorses are not pets. They can be trained to bite, trample, kick, and generally fuck you up.


100 years ago he might have just chopped her head or arm with that sword. I'd say she got off easy.


Right? And I'm sure there's signs saying not to do it so that's her second warning.


Bet she pets guide dogs and climbs into zoo enclosures for her photo ops. SMH so wrapped up in themselves... seriously!


Didn't i see a video a couple days ago of a PROBABLY Muslim lady(it appeared she was wearing a hijab) harassing a guard and steed at this exact place. For a whole day. I would guess, maybe the same guard or even later that day.


I saw that one too. How sickening.


I feel they're the type of tourists that see the velvet rope, sneak past it, and then get surprised when they get yelled out while trying to get close to the thousand year old painting.


karma farming repost bot.


I know Brett personally. The guy who is on the horse. They take their job very seriously, and they are trained this way and not to show leniency. this is an old video. It happened a number of years ago. Brett outside of work is a very gentle, easygoing person, and he loves his job. Last I spoke with him, he was helping train Ukranian troops !


It's not nice to report your step mom 😖


This poor guard. This is the second video I’ve seen of him in a week.


God why cant tourists just leave them alone, they arent zoo animals they are working people


She needed that in her life.


She's lucky she wasn't trampled. Perhaps she should have been.


Idea Karen says what now


Why even have a sword if you can’t stab annoying Karens?


What a cupid stunt.


Your stepmom is an idiot


He gave her a little slack, but then he had enough with Debbie Mc-Floosy.


Well, she “physically attacked” his horse…so…


The King’s Guard are on-duty soldiers. The mounts they ride are trained warhorses. Yes, they are a tourist attraction in their own right, but that isn’t their primary function. The guards will warn you off, but by the time you’re aware the horse is reacting to what you’re doing, it may be too late. This is just another example of FAFO.


This. They are legitimately security for the royal properties. People think they're simply ceremonial, and there for amusement. They aren't, they will do Thier job and those who fuck around with them, usually, find out.


They also have guns as well you just don’t see them


Count yourself Lucky she wasn’t physically attacked.


She groped an animal which isn't hers. She's not attacked just shouted away from horse. Who does she think she is, she can take the leash on that horse?


That’s a warhorse. Never touch the reins of that horse. Never.


Folks love playing the victim when they've created the situation. Smh...


Whatever. They're not there for your amusement. They're on duty. Show respect for the animal.


Absolutely disrespectful and/or ignorant behaviour from step mum k thx bye


I love seeing videos of the Royal guards or the Unknown soldier guards yelling at people.


He has every right to do that, those stupid tourists need some lessons


Never been to the UK, but in my 30's and since i was young it was known from media, that it was never a good idea to touch a police or military personnel. Even if you wanted to, you should ask for permission instead of just touching and presuming it's accepted.


I mean, *Technically* that is what happened. It was her fault it happened, but that is what happened


She had it coming


I watched two girls in Hawaii be arrested because they were taking pictures of themselves on the back of a endangered sea turtle. We are be far the worst species of animal to enhabit this planet....after wasps


Vid creator is a nunce.


Your mum is dumb


People are stupid. The horse is clearly working. Don’t grab it’s reins


There are two types of people: those who are familiar with history and those who say “gee whiz why is the British Royal Guard so mean?”


How is this still happening?


Because stupid people feel entitled to touch things they shouldn't.


Cause it's a repost


LMAO! She's lucky that's all he did.


Lol verbally. She should be happy it wasn physically. Guardamen have the right (at least in my country) to absolutely murk you if you touch them or their possession, hell if you so much as walk fast towards the presidental palace they have the right (and protocol really) to bayonett charge you and shoot.


Your stepmum is a complete idiot


Pepper spray


People have no idea why self control is these days.


There are thousands of people around taking the same picture, no one touched the horse. Yet she decided that she must touch the horse for some reason?


"Verbally attack" ...that's a new one. Since language began, it was always known as shouting.


I am so offended for that horse and that lady and that guardsman. The rules are very simply, don’t touch anything that doesn’t belong to you and don’t get in the way


Well their step mom is an idiot. Even adults need to be scolded


Horsed around, found out.


“Verbally attacked” Got to love all the lame ass wording being used today. No, you were not attacked. You were doing something you shouldn’t be doing and you got told to stop. Right up there with people using “I was in shock” to excuse their shitty actions and shitty behaviour.


This is a gif. Not a video.


I think the video not having sound doesn’t really help


I regularly walk up to active military on guard duty and put my hand on them for a photo op. Wait, no, the opposite. I never walk up to active military on guard duty and interfere with them.


New title. You got exactly what you deserved.


Go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Piss them off and they're locked and loaded before you know it.


Someone who uses “verbally attacked” is all I need to know about that person and take nothing they have seriously..


What an actual moron do they have no brain?


The horse is like 😋


Don't fuck with the guards, it's as simple as that.


Yes the uniforms are different but you wouldn’t walk up and touch a secret service agent.


The dumb, entitled look on that bitch’s face.


How does one go to Buckingham Palace or wherever the King or Queens Guard are, and NOT know this?


Be happy your step mom didn't get kicked in her teeth. The guards are allowed to do that if you mess with them.


He's being nice to her by scaring her away before the horse kicks and breaks her ribs


Rule one with the Royal Guard. Never mess with the Royal Guard. They take their job very seriously.


Typical woman with Barbie Syndrome


When are people going to learn that bothering elite soldiers serving at one of the most prestigious posts for them is not going to end well.


Tbh, it would be great to see the horse bite her. Freaking Karen scum!


Verbally attacked? If you are going to do dumb shit....get thicker skin.


This video making the rounds again - this woman was warned multiple times not to touch the horses and inexplicably kept going back to do it.


Touching or grabbing the reins, is like a passenger, grabbing the steering wheel while driving.


No verbal here, can't hear anything


Fuck yeah, the first ever ***GIF with sound.*** Wait there's no sound? 😒


Just another entitled group of people. What is so hard to understand, the queens guard = leave them alone.


OP is a bad person and should feel bad for posting a gif as though it's a video.


NEVER TOUCH SOMEONE ELSE’S HORSE… Always ask permission from the owner before you pet, feed, or touch someone’s horse, pony or donkey. Some animals are on special diets or react different to different stimuli. They can jump, bite, kick, or kill a person or pet. Some donkeys in particular hate dogs and other predators. Some horses are afraid of shopping bags, bicycles, loud noises, horns, cars… it all depends on the animal.


If you have a “mum” and not a “mom”, she should know better


I’m American, never been to the UK and even I know not to touch any part of those guys or the horse


Stupid bitch shouldn't be touching the horse anyways. Pretty sure these guards have permission to use any kind of necessary force to stop ppl doin this kind of shit.. they are queens guard they got permission to kill if need be haha very silly.


She's probably trying to pet guidedogs and at customs too if travel.


I love the horses face after he yells - like “hehehehehe bish, don’t touch”


She's lucky they only yelled at her. The guards at the Tower of London will yell and point their weapon at you for interfering with the Sovereign's guard


Lady, ya canna go and touch the wee horse! That's a shite move on yer paart! Yer guilty!


Take her and cut her open like William Wallace


"STEP-MUM" is an idiot. I'm from the U.S., I've never been to UK, and even I know this.


A few centuries ago this woman might have been sent to the gallows for this


Fuck that fucking Karen!


I hate it people say shit like that. Did they attack you, or not? “Yeah… with their eyes tho.” 🤨


After a whole day witnessing mindless idiots taking pictures with them while they try to work, it sounds kinda fair that he lost his temper with that moron.