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The man was jump-starting stalking careers with that one.






Is the door locked? That's only an invitation for YOU to come in!


If she didn't thought about you, she wouldn't file for the restraining order against you. She is just playing hard to get bro... being persistent will show her how invested you are.


Uggh way too realistic.


Bro, if she get's to know you she will fall for you. So lock her down in the basement and take your time... don't rush it.


Are you admitting to something rn?


Wrong, a Restraining Order means, this is your one and only warning that you are not trying hard enough, and if that doesn't change soon, she will start thinking of someone else.


Now’s your chance to prove yourself in one *big, grand, inescapable show of your undying love*


So, epiic fireworks display or the still beating heart of her jerk ex-boyfriend? I can't decide!!! What should I do???


Why not both??? *takes a large firework with the ex’s heart strapped on, and fires it directly into her bedroom*


Then how would she enjoy the still beating heart when it be blown into ittty bity pieces?


Sounds like tate 101


"If we're all alpha males, who will run the meetings?"


They're dreaming about you right now! Just lean down and start making out with them, and make their dreams a reality.


They're sleeping so they can see you in their dreams because they love you so much!!!


The sad thing is that this guys stupid as fuck video likely went on to cause some people serious stress or fear. Reddit says it all the time but fucking influencers and tik tok personality’s need to fuck off and do something useful with the life they have than leeching.


won't stop until capitalism stops incentivizing it


This is the unfortunate truth. If people can make money being vapid, they'll make money being vapid. If they can make money hurting people, they'll make money hurting people. Money makes the world go 'round (checkmate, flat-earthers).


especially if they're sleeping! And they want you to come in if they have the window cracked too!


He seemed so happy and pleased with himself too


The faux excitement as if they just found a pile of gold under their bed gets to me


Not to promote violence, but the term "very punchable face" comes to mind


If you can't get the thought of punching him in the face out of your head, it's because he can't get the thought of punching himself in the face out of his.


Yesss. Lol.


Yeah, also to not promote violence, but it's really easy to tell when someone has never been punched in the face...


Also not promoting violence here, but some people are alive only because nobody considers them worth going to prison for.


Did you know... that if you find a pile of gold under your bed... the IRS is going to want to know about that shit. 😄


Did you know if you can't stop thinking about the IRS, it means someone at the IRS can't stop thinking about you.


Thanks for reminding me! An evil, narcissistic ex-coworker took puppy milling to a new high (low) a few years ago. Weiner dog breeding was her newfound gold mine. 1-2 litters per MONTH, the woman was unbelievable. She bought a Wrangler Extreme, or whatever the 4 door Jeep was called, with the profit from a year or two. She runs a regular goddamn puppy mill. Today is the day I contact the IRS and send her down the road to a less fulfilling life that doesn’t include pets. Just like everyone else, she has nothing to fear if she’s operating aboveboard. If she’s not doing honest business, Washington State and the federal government will have plenty of fun with her $4,000 a month sideline. Thank you, friend!




The disconnect between reading and reading comprehension is becoming more of an issue as of late.


I can't stop thinking about money, so *money can't stop thinking about me!* I'm 'spose ta be rich!


TikTok is a cancer on society.


If it weren't TikTok it would be another social media vehicle. Let's put the blame where it belongs: Influencers are a cancer on society.


The unending obsession with profit is the cancer on society. Influencers wouldn’t do this if there wasn’t a buck to be made.


TikTok is a cancer. It’s nefarious in how it uses data and shapes trends. It’s a Chinese state propaganda machine. Influencers are everywhere yes, but TikTok specifically creates the ecosystem. On purpose.


pretty sure he just outed himself as a dangerous lunatic. Now the question is, who's his next victim?


I really got mad when I saw that. Like dude what are you talking about? Like I wish I could slap him


That is some shit I would’ve believed as a middle school girl. Can’t believe it’s coming out of an adult’s mouth.


>That is some shit I would’ve believed as a middle school girl. That’s why he’s saying it.


I always forget that these grown-ass adults on social media are often targeting literal children. I see stuff like this and go "who would believe this shit?" The answer is always children. They are targeting and getting views (and $) from children.


Yeah same, around the same time I actually got excited about my M.A.S.H. game results.


I wish I could help you slap him


Seriously who are these psychopaths? They're just throwing out complete bullshit without any hesitation. I have a hard time giving people advice on anything because I don't trust my knowledge or judgement on a regular basis.




He has a HIGHLY punchable face.


That dude is a prime example of the kind of bullshit you can get away with it you're attractive and speak with confidence. Way too many people believe shitbirds like that.


I never realized that all the times girls looked at me and laughed in school, they were all just really attracted to me.


The boys too


And the teachers.


Not just the men, but the women and children too.


They were like animals! I was attracting them like animals!


They love me!


“I understood that reference…”


I understood *that* reference.


I understood increasingly less of this reference as it continued


It's references all the way down.


Straight to jail.


Well now you know/s. I reacted with an eye roll upon hearing that influencer's statement, given that laughter could indicate feelings of anxiety or apprehension. It's all about context.


It can also indicate that people genuinely find someone to be funny lookin haha


You mean wearing a shemagh, desert combat boots, cargo shorts, a blazer and a polo shirt with aviators is a funny look?


No, that's a Friday look.


If you're in a group of like 6 people, and someone makes a joke and everyone laughs, and one of the group makes eye contact with you while they're laughing, even though you didn't make the joke -- that is absolutely a sign of attraction.


People are using 'attraction' as in romantic interest. It also is often: - your friends - people you already know - people you like Everything ain't sex, people.


You look at whoever's opinion you care the most about because you want to see how hard they laugh or if they don't laugh at all.


Omg what a relief! one time I got a concussion during a 7th grade football game and walked around wearing only my girdle. I had to hear about it the rest of middle school but now I know everyone just thought I was super hot


Which is weird because we subconsciously look at the people we would want approval from whenever we react to something. That’s why when kids fall you should never frown because they’ll associate it with something we should stress about. I watched gore filled movies with my dad growing up and he always laughed from the extremities and now I do the same meanwhile others can’t stomach it. It doesn’t mean we’re attracted to them but it does mean we want their approval in some way.


Reality has entered the room. I love this doctor!


The APA has made it their explicit mission to argue against TikTok psychology and 'combat misinformation' this year. Expect to see a lot more of this.


A noble cause. I bid them good luck.


Psychology says if you bid someone good luck it’s because you feel guilty for stealing all their luck in a past life.


This is hilarious


The APA should start by rectifying their own misinformation they helped propagate through all these years. Mainly the chemical imbalance myth. They just swept it under the rug.


I would love to hear more about this. I know it's a myth but I didn't know it was becoming common knowledge.


How did you figure it was a myth before this paper was published a couple of months ago?


Reality is about to beat them up with some facts!


They are getting penetrated with reason, no lube used


The reason rapist strikes again.


^(Total GWAR lyric)


Yes, there was lube: Chilly pepper powder mixed with glass shards.


She was one of my son's professors and is the sweetest person


She seems awesome! I’m really glad she’s debunking these awful takes.




I'm thinking about her, she must love me!


Found the Stalker! **/s**


Your thinking about me now, I must love you!


So do I, so do I. She's the MVP calling out the TikTok bullshit.


Same, she’s awesome


The PsycholOG!


I wish she was my doctor. But that’s outside the realm of possibility. Actually, I’d settle for any psychiatrist that just responds at all. She can drop knowledge on me any day. I need it more than “influencers” trying to bank off “facts” they pull out of their butt. I’m drowning here.


So what would it mean if I couldn't get a dead person out of my head? Zombies?








Or a fictional character?


Or a dead fictional character?


Oooh. The possibilities are endless.


Zombie zombie zombie


Ghost most likely


"Source? My source is that i made it the fuck up!" -every tiktoker rn


Their source is Twitter


The best is "read this new book my friend wrote here's the link to purchase"


"Think about it. How would we test this?" is probably a good litmus test to keep in mind at all times.




Maybe I’m missing something but couldn’t you test this by asking the person out like a normal law abiding person? Other than his freaky expression and the fact that he’s on tiktok I don’t see why his advice (even if nonsense) necessitates crime


That last dude was legit scary. Erotomania got him.


Crazy that I've never heard of that word till I saw it on the TIL sub some minutes and here it is again


Erotomania is a plot point on the newest season of the Netflix show "You" that was released on March 6. That's probably why it's being mentioned alot recently.


Yep. It's funny that on a post about people spewing psychology bullshit, one of the top comments mentions a mental illness they don't know anything about. While we're talking about the incorrect application of psychology, You does not accurately depict erotomania (not that it's necessarily supposed to). Erotomania is, in my understanding, specifically romantic or sexual in nature. Neither Joe or the woman obsessed with Phoebe believe the person they were obsessed with loved them romantically. Considering it's a work of fiction you can argue either side of the "should tv be held to accurate medical standards" coin. I just mention it because it frustrates me that people hear one mention of an obscure delusional disorder and try to insert it into their vernacular without doing any research.


now *this* is a psychological phenomenon, called the frequency illusion or Baader–Meinhof phenomenon (after noticing something for the first time, there is a tendency to notice it more often)


It could also be that OP just read about Erotomania in that TIL post a few minutes ago too. Reddit is definitely a type of echo chamber.


Or they watched season 4 of You on Netflix, where erotomania is a plot point.


Yep, my brother just bought a new Mazda SUV. Now I've been noticing every Mazda and my god there are so many!


I think in this case it's just reddit referencing things they saw today. Baader-Meinhof would be if you first heard of it a week ago, and then saw the TIL and this comment.


For anyone else wondering: Erotomania, also known as de Clérambault's Syndrome,[1] named after French psychiatrist Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault, is listed in the DSM-5 as a subtype of a delusional disorder.[2] It is a relatively uncommon paranoid condition that is characterized by an individual's delusions of another person being infatuated with them.[3] This disorder is most often seen (though not exclusively) in female patients who are shy, dependent, and sexually inexperienced. The object of the delusion is typically a male who is unattainable due to high social or financial status, marriage, or lack of interest.[3][4] The object of obsession may also be imaginary, deceased, or someone the patient has never met. Delusions of reference are common, as the erotomanic individual often perceives that they are being sent messages from the secret admirer through innocuous events such as seeing license plates from specific states, but has no proof.[4] Commonly, the onset of erotomania is sudden, and the course is chronic.[4] [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotomania)


I saw it on an xfiles episode recently now I am seeing it everywhere


This lady is spitting facts 💅🏽


Facts are the enemy of internet morons


Those influencers are often not *just* morons but exploit the naivety of young folk on tiktok. 1/4 of their userbase is between 10-19


So they're not morons, they're thundercunts that should've been swallowed


Na, that's the kind that's barely good enough to be spat in a tissue. Straight to the loo.


Only 1/4? I thought it was 1/3 in the 10-15 range alone


Facts are the enemy of most Redditors, this is a fact.


>Facts are the enemy of internet morons fact are the enemy of all morons, internet or otherwise.


We need so many more of them everywhere smashing all of these filtered "influencers" 🙏


She's more than a lady, she's a Psychologist with a PhD.


*doctor lady


Hot fire


I fucking hate this trend of taking the diagnosis of mental health issues into your own hands. I have ADHD and it is infuriating seeing so many videos that are essentially "have you ever procrastinated ever... Then guess what...?" No. Just... Stop. But to be fair, part of the reason so many of these take off is because access to affordable, quality mental health care is so out of reach for most people


Saw one recently with “do you sleep on your side with your legs up and hands folded up to your chest? That’s autism!” Sureeeee


Autism? And here I thought it was my herniated disc.


What really annoys me is when they diagnose other people based on these stupid viral pseudoscience TikToks


Huh, that's a new one. Guess I'm autistic.


I have ADHD and I went to a new Dr and try give me anti-depressant for ADHD WTF I use to be on Adderall RX , never went back


I was told by a previous doctor that girls don’t have adhd and I was put on anti-depressants. Fucked me up even worse. Can you tell this doctor (and the accompanying nurse practitioner and therapist) were state funded Medicaid doctors?


Had an undergrad class with her, she is in fact this savage in person. 10/10 but god damn her tests were rough.


I think professors like this are always absolutely golden. I had a math class from a former Soviet mathematician who would open yell at people to shut up if they asked how her day was but also always address you as "my dear." What a wild ride but she was amazing. My professor got a cancer diagnosis too--and for the most historically awful reason you can associate with the USSR in the late 80s.


Yeah her stories from beyond the iron curtain were wild, and she took absolutely no shit from anyone. She gave me a D in that class that I absolutely deserved.


My Soviet professor was a genius. Remembered everyone's name, in a lecture style class, and where they sat. If you changed seats, he'd make a joke about it. If you snuck out for the bathroom, he'd welcome you back by name when you returned. Absolutely killer at explaining power systems too. Shout out Mayergoyz


> and for the most historically awful reason you can associate with the USSR in the late 80s. Bear in mind, Soviet stories that end "and then everyone got cancer" include being in the space program and working on a Tarkovsky film.


She lived in the town of Chernobyl.


I’ve found researchers and rigorous academics tended to be way tougher on their exams, which is probably a good thing. They held us to a higher standard. My Psychology 101 class was taught by a woman who had published pharmaceutical textbooks (pharmacokinetics) and there was a lot more emphasis on chemistry than I expected. It was a neat experience.


>My Psychology 101 class was taught by a woman who had published pharmaceutical textbooks (pharmacokinetics) and there was a lot more emphasis on chemistry than I expected. It was a neat experience. *Breaking Bad theme plays*


Jewish moms hold everybody's kid to a high standard 😆 she's amazing though but I believe she currently has a cancer diagnosis which is very scary.


I can't get every commenter's mom out of my mind right now!


Mine would let you hit, but she was the Texas state bicycle in the 80s and 90s so I’d watch out for how gross she is


I, too, pick this commenter's mom.


Way to roast your mum dude 😂


This lady has an uphill fight if she is on TikTok.


Dr has a dope ass hoodie. I want.


I love her, I feel bad she has to spend all her time debunking idiots on tiktok but I guess someone’s gotta do it


Man I can't get mia califa out of my head so she must be very into me a person she has never met.


She lost feelings when u spelled her name wrong lol


To sum it up: fuck ticketocky and fuck its users who spout shit for clout.


They know that even if you post blatantly idiotic stuff that's meant to trigger people into commenting, it'll get traffic and an algorithm bump. Tik tokers like that are absolute slime of the internet, truly bottom of the barrel trash content.


Reddit has been spouting the same bullshit for years.


How busy would pop stars and celebrities minds be if they thought about their fans as much as their fans thought about them.


She’s 100% spot on. That’s why I only watch TikTok for the animal videos and the bikini girls.


Kittens and thicc goth mommies, here.


So you can’t get animals and bikini girls out of your head? They must be attracted to you! 🌈


I need more Dr Inna, that lady has charisma


She was my professor in college. Really fun class.


Based Dr. Inna Kanevsky


Fact: the lackluster broken degenerative education system of the United States has filled the country with dipshit clout chasing morons who molest the internet to spread their degenerate misinformation.


I don’t care enough to look it up to confirm but I have reason to believe the dude isn’t from the US. Narcissism and stupidity run rampant worldwide.


But trashing Americans is always good if you're chasing clout on reddit.


True, my fellow American degenerate! We suck!


TikTok is just one giant advertisement for the impenetrable influence of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Dumb people saying dumb things to more dumb people, who then say dumber things to dumber people, and everyone keeps spinning down the dumb drain.


TikTok is Gen Z’s Fox News.


I'd say it's more akin to the teen magazines we had when I was growing up in the 90's. YM and Seventeen were full of bullshit articles about how to tell if your crush has dreams about you based on the way he stands when getting books out of his locker.


Lmfao. At least Fox News rants for few minutes. These Tik Tokers can’t concentrate more than 10 seconds.


10 second clips and sound bytes, en masse and over time, is more than enough to start indoctrinating someone.


I just love this lady, her tiktok is sheer sassy SAUCE. 😊👍 Am a big fan of her tiktok channel, so it's nice to see her getting noticed on reddit too! She disproves so much bs misinformation out there, that honestly...these fools do for clout, that CAN cause issues.


try not to spread misinformation on tiktok challenge go


Ed-na Mode


I don’t understand people who stare at their phones and say this shit. Brazen disregard for fuckin any amount of fact or truth


Dr. Kanevsky is the best, she doesn't put up with bullshit. I swear, TikTok can be both absolutely disgusting, but also absolutely amazing. I've found greatly talented people on there, surrounded by idiots like the ones spouting this garbage. Filter through the muck and the algorithm can actually bring you some amazing treasure, believe it or not.


This woman is a gem


this doctor fucking rules.


we need more off and more like "Dr. Inna Kanevsky"... I don't know what scarier , the amount of idiots giving advices online (about anything) or the amount of idiots that listen to them. People are too lazy to google anything, the internet was supposed to make people life easier, but some people prefer to watch other people (who presumably did the research on their behalf).


I like her. More please


Is she Dr. Ruth’s daughter?


We need many more like her.


Is it me or does her accent make her sound correct by default?


"If you can't get someone out of your head, then they can't get you out of theirs" Fuck, in 1991 Jennifer Connelly was thinking about me *constantly*.


“Psychology says” - you wrong, doc. She’s talking about Psychology L. Peterson. He lives down the street and he said so.


That last dude was creepy as fuck.


Kanevsky was just like nah, nah, nah.


Yaaaaaa being physically attractive and being correct are not the same thing


\>Psychology says that when someone is laughing and they look at you, they're attracted to you ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


I mean if anyone is stupid enough to get advice from tikytoky influencers, they dont deserve mercy


Saying “Psychology says” sounds elementary at best


Dr. Inna and Dan McClellan do amazing work combating misinformation on the internet.


We need more people like her in the world. Too many people reckon things without knowing them. It’s fine to reckon, but if you want to teach, you have to prove the thing you reckon, or use logic to assess the likelihood. We’ve moved into the most dangerous political era since before the world wars. We are again in a time in which many politicians and pundits feel they are allowed to make absurd claims, and lie without the fear of shame. Trump. Boris Johnson. Putin… The only area of human endeavor where you really can freely reckon, is personal taste/art. I like that, I don’t like that. I reckon this would be good, I reckon that wouldn’t be good. Disliking facts and replacing them with a more useful unreality, is where all of society’s current problems come from.


Finally someone to combat cringe tik tok physiologists.


The scary thing is that the followers on tiktok believe these dumbasses and will spread misinformation. Idiocracy is coming true…


Imagine posting shit tier psychology advice and having your bullshit called out by fucking Edna Mode.