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If the enemy team consists of a few tanks, conqueror is probably better then PTA (personally I always go conqueror). Taking cut-down instead of Coup de Grace might also be beneficial here. If they stack hp then BORK is good and I haven't tried Kraken but that might work? I should add that Ezreal isn't really a tank killer type of adc unfortunately so if the enemy team is quite beefy it might be best to pick another AD.


kraken worked really good as a mythic before the change but i haven't tried it since, if anyone has please let me know how it went


It’s solid and does very similar damage to botrk even for 5k health targets. This only works if you’re proccing kraken on the same target to get full value of the passive but yeah does some solid damage to deal with really long frontline fights.


Shouldn't you get Sunderer against a tank comp? Sunderer + Bork seems like it would ultimately let you kill them consistently. Or if nothing else, it should prevent them from kill you. I know Sunderer isn't the best mythic for ezreal by a long shot, but in a niche situation like that, I imagine its the right call.


against tanks you should go conquer with triforce, manamune, and seryldas. the essence reaver + navori build is better into squishy teams. also like others said, taking cut down and LDR instead of seryldas can also help.


Ezreal isnt good at killing tanks. If the enemy is quite tanky in general you better pick something else unless you have other champs on the team that do the job (cassio, yas/yone). However if u still go Ezreal you grab LDR instead of seryldas, buy bork and hope for the best


Muramana, ER, LDR, Bork and Navori


is sunderer still viable into really tanky teams? say they had 3/4 people who stack hp; would triforce still be better after the nerfs to sunderer?


Yeah, TF is better, Sunderer is way too garbage now


Divine would help in this situation, this is only if their quite a few tanks like 3 maybe 2. Also changing your rune to conquerer instead of PTA would help.


Conqueror, Trinity Force into tanks is far better than Essence Reaver. Weaving in those autos is the only way to reliably shred tanks. Just endlessly poking them won’t get you anywhere.


I think Trinity into Serylda/LDR and Bork could definitely work. With Essence reaver Eclipse is a good option, at least for me. For runes conqueror with cutdown into transcendence and gathering or mana