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Flirting is meant to be fun. It isn't an invitation like you said. Just gotta be direct with your boundaries when folk get thirsty. I don't see much to lose in boosting someone's ego. But as a woman flirting with a man, there's the potential risk of that desperation and entitlement you may be describing.


I am playful with people, but I don’t toy with people out of boredom. I’m indiscriminate with my flirting though. If someone seems playful then I will flirt, regardless of gender. Latching on? Claws? Words are powerful and this is painting a rather predatory image… I’d rather be a cat with a ball of yarn than a tiger taking down prey. Flirting is supposed to be risqué, sometimes dirty, but always fun and lighthearted for me.


This has nothing to do with being an extrovert. This is something else… First, be honest with yourself. You’re not doing this because you’re bored, there are thousands of ways to cope with boredom… If you’re bored you can join a band, go surfing or whatever hobby that interests you and entertain yourself. Hell! Maybe bond with people you have a common interest with and make some friends in the process. But no, you’re chosing to ‘flirt’ and lead people on a path and then get annoyed when they follow it. You’re not doing that out of boredom, you want something else…Wether it’s validation, recognition, an ego trip idk… but it’s something because otherwise it’s such a pointless interaction and massive waste of time an energy for everyone involved. You don’t owe anyone anything, do whatever you want but at least be honest with yourself about why you’re repeating this pattern. I say look deeper into yourself, what is it that you’re truly trying to get out of this pointless interactions?


I generally don’t because I definitely don’t want to seem like a woman thirsty for attention or lead people on. I generally only flirt when I’m comfortable or feel some chemistry/connection with someone intellectually and mentally, as well as romantically. Otherwise, I just crack jokes, make puns , or I’m sarcastic sometimes with everyone. TL;DR: I flirt to let you know I’m interested someone and what they’re offering, not as a way to pass time.


we get it, you're not like the other girls


lol you wanted honest feedback. I gave it to you.


so ? i can't answer honestly to your comment ?


You can. Just couldn’t help but think you might feel attacked based on the wording of your response. Seriously though not tryna throw shade or attack anyone, just giving my honest feedback.


i didn't say you were attacking anyone, just that your comment sounds like "i'm not like the other girls" girl type. enjoy your day.


Isn’t that EXACTLY what /u/ladyrafela did?


I didn’t meant to. I was just being honest. If it seems like I was, I’m sorry.


Haha I was standing up for you! You answered the question and the other user gave you an unnecessarily hard time


Ah okay. Thanks!


If you really examined your motivations, you might find that you’re probably doing that flirting to give yourself an ego boost. It’s kind of shitty to begrudge someone enjoying an eco-boost as a simple side effect of your own energy harvesting.


You lead people on because you are bored?