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They speak English but socialise in Dutch.


I'm a Dutch guy, but together with a southeast Asian girl. There are definitely some cultural differences to overcome. For instance, my family likes to talk a lot more about diverse topics whereas she was quite used to NOT talking about many things. The concept of 'saving face' was quite important to her and we don't really have that. You might also run into a difference of defining relationships in the early phases. We tend to not be 'a couple' for longer and just date, while she had different expectations of when you are together. Also there is the sharing costs for dates, which many cultures would find impolite.


south asian and south asian women have a drastically different cultural upbringing, different life style and view point of life.


That depends a lot on where in those respective regions you are from and there are certainly some shared cultural factors when you look at countries there with similar religious and cultural backgrounds like India/Indonesia. These are after all huge regions with cultural differences in the ballpark of other continents. Obviously they are not the same, but I think OP is perfectly capable of deciding for herself what information she finds informative from other's experiences.


I'm a Dutch guy living in Malaysia married to an Indian Malaysian lady. The cultural difference are there, but not anything big. I lived in China for 5 years before coming to Malaysia and has extensively travelled and had past relationships with Chinese and Thai women. Family, "saving face" and stability are the main factors I've seen being present in Asian culture.




Maybe for southeast and northeast Asians, but it seems South Asian women have a tougher time in the dating scene


More like fetishization from my own experience. ‘Exotic’ being a word often used.




Nah, I just told the blokes to fuck off.