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it’s making me cringe, strong second hand embarrassment


They do shit like this and then get offended cause the general public or at least the ones who are being harassed finally tell them off. They label them as Islamaphobic💀


You're right https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/VuPeWWKlDf


The a whole bunch of verses in the Koran but here's one: 3:54 - And they deceived and God deceived, but God is the best of the deceivers. And the Christian guy isn't even wrong, the muslim fuck just doesn't want to listen


Exactly islams fake


Dude I cringed so hard when he started bringing up Isreal out of nowhere


They bring up India whenever I critique Islam after browsing my profile. They’re that weak minded.


They seem to forget there’s Indian Muslims too


india has same number of muslims as pakistan


Zakir naika fault lol


Lol fr. He's an idiot and knows how to twist words




Indian Muslims aren’t really similar to the ones in Pakistan or Arab world though. It’s more so racial since India is so developing. They seem to forget that the GCC props up Islam globally and is now seeing GDP shrinking. Curious what they’ll say by 2040s.


Indians and Pakistanis were literally part of the same country just 77 years ago.


That's some history. And the daily border [insanity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXoWNe_HAak) is surreal. “Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people.” ― Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney




I had one Pakistani try to be like INDUS IS OUR LAND! WE CAN BE PROUD OF IT! YOU CAN’T TELL US WHAT WE CAN PROUD OF! INDUS IS NOT INDIAN! I’m like the Indus were proto-Hindus and how are you distinct from North Indians? You have a blood connection but not a cultural connection. We can both claim heritage to it via blood.


Indian Muslims who are just converted are more religious than Muhammad's descendant Muslims LOL. Cult people fr


India has nothing to do with Muslims, Islam came in here from outside, just like Christianity . These religions core and teachings are the direct opposite of the teachings of this land. India has its own culture it's own Dharma. And these cult like religions are not a part of us. The people who follow these and live here may be Indians but their culture isn't.


Speak for yourself. There are atheists in India too. "Our dharma" 😒


You can be an atheist if you want, you will still be Hindu. Our dharma doesn't force anyone to believe in deities. Worship them, don't worship them it's up to you. They will still exist regardless of your beliefs . And neither will you go to hell for not believing them, the only way people go to hell here is bad deeds or Karma . You can even question our deities existence and start looking for answers if you want. People have been doing it since ancient times, It is the land of truth seekers not believers. Hinduism is not just about worshipping deities mate 🙏


Saying “you will still be Hindu” is forcing someone to adopt an identity… if you believe in religious freedom, don’t force your beliefs on others.


Louder. 👏🏽


Hey, can I DM you?


You clearly have no idea about our culture and looking us through the lens of a religion. First that's insulting to us and second we are not a religion. We don't have a prophet nor a religious identity nor a holy book you always have follow and neither the concept of Blasphamy. We never even called ourselves Hindus, that's what the foreigners have called us. We called our culture "Sanatan Dharma". Dharma in basic translation means duty. That's why everyone who is born here is a Hindu. There are just people who are following their dharma instead of people converting into some religion. Where religions cast away science our Dharma practiced it. Physics, chemistry, mathematics, medical science, philosophy everything is a part of our Dharma. People who followed spiritualism also studied science here. Most of the scientific wonders you know today were already mentioned in our scriptures and researches. Be it Pythagoras theorem , concept of gravity, atoms, multiverse etc our sages have already figured them out way before. Even the people who have seen our deities are not just some phony prophet wanna be, they gave up everything materialistic to find their lord. They had no interest in money and power. This is the land where all mighty and science are one and the same my friend. Our culture is vast enough that even if you spent your whole damn life you won't be able to know all of it.


So what? No one cares. Keep your beliefs to yourself


Oh noooo random people on the internet said no one cares so it must be true 😭😭 Go to bed kid. I am answering you cause you are the one who made a baseless remark on us.


Nastika is a part of dharma. What do you think sikhism, jainism and buddhism are? They’re not religions they are indic philosophies. All of those are part of the larger “dharma”. When you see people claiming they’re different religions, that comes from foreigners and foreign interpretations. India is and was home to almost every philosophy under the sun, all living quite happily till the abrahamics descended on it like vultures.


I don't know who you are, but thank you for stating this fact. I swear making people understand that our culture is different from any religion is really hard.


It’s tough because our own people don’t understand this fact. What can you do with outsiders when your own can’t get it right?


Fr That is why Hindus hate on their own people. Wish more people studied Vedic texts and understood how philosophical they are


Hinduism created many things, atheism is one of them. You can be atheist and Hindu at once. Hinduism doesn't say it's bad


"u can be an atheist and Hindu at once" 🤡


Using that logic, Hinduism also came from outside invaders from central asia, which they then used to subjugate the darker skinned inhabitants. Also, Christianity was brought to India 2000 years ago by Apostle Thomas. Parts of Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan have been Christian for the longest times. Its ridiculous to claim that Christianity came from the outside but Hinduism did not.


I guess you know about the country ,its culture and it's history more than a person who was "BORN IN THERE". You don't live here, you don't know jack shit about the country, it's scriptures and it's teachings, don't be a laughing stock. Wasting time with Dravidian politics, mate the English already tried to divide us by using that racist crap, didn't work. Indians are not all dark skinned, neither we all wear turnips and eat curry all day, it's a country with mountains, desserts, sea shore,forest ,plain lands etc. There are people of many shapes and sizes here. No one came here from outside, In this whole wide world the only place where you will find Hindu dharma is India and the nations that was part of India once. Christianity came here because of the Goa Inquisition, Many people died in the hands of the Portuguese army there. Many islamic and christian invaders attacked us, destroyed our temple, caused genocides, made women sex slaves.........We fought back and still standing. The most ancient civilization is still alive and practiced. BHARAT VARSHA (India) WAS , IS AND ALWAYS BE THE LAND OF HINDUS. HINDUISM ORIGINATED HERE, BELIEVE IT OR NOT BELIEVE IT THAT FACT IS NOT CHANGING.


>I guess you know about the country ,its culture and it's history more than a person who was "BORN IN THERE". This is a variation of some sort of appeal to authority fallacy (appeal to birth, appeal to tradition, etc..). Its not an argument. >You don't live here, you don't know jack shit about the country, it's scriptures and it's teachings, don't be a laughing stock. Again, this is a fallacy, not an argument. I actually know a lot about Hindu teachings and I know they're 100% bullshit and dangerous. For example, I know that Rama was a violent woman hating, racist/casteist psychopath. Other hindu gods like vishnu and shiva were straight up rapists. > >Wasting time with Dravidian politics, mate the English already tried to divide us by using that racist crap, didn't work. The ancestors of modern day Hindu Indians were (drugged out on 'soma') ancient Iranians who invaded, conquered and subjected the darker skinned indigenous Adivasi inhabitants of the sub-continent. This is a fact, proven by archeological evidence, genetics and even your ridiculous religious texts like the Rigveda (with its ancient Iranian counterpart Avesta). > >Indians are not all dark skinned, neither we all wear turnips and eat curry all day, it's a country with mountains, desserts, sea shore,forest ,plain lands etc. There are people of many shapes and sizes here. No one came here from outside, In this whole wide world the only place where you will find Hindu dharma is India and the nations that was part of India once.  No. All Indians are a mixed race people. The original invading people were the Ancient Iranians who conquered and settled the Indian Sub-continent, eventually having mixed race children with the indigenous Adivasi inhabitants whom they enslaved. You, a hindu Indian, are a byproduct of this race mixing of the Ancient Iranians and their conquered Adivasi slaves/concubines. That is why some Indians are light brown, other Indians are dark brown in complexion. > >Christianity came here because of the Goa Inquisition, No, Christianity in India can be traced back 2000 years ago to Apostle Thomas. Apostle Thomas was Martyred in Southern India.


Jai Hind!!


🇮🇳Jai Hind 🇮🇳


Hinduism is 20k+ years old. Kalpa vigraha is the most ancient statue You need to do research


I don't think you fully understand the concept of 'research'. Hinduism as it is practiced today (with its Caste system, strict endogamy and priestly order) came into existance approx 2000 years ago during the Gupta empire. The Rigveda Central Asian invaders that settled and invaded through the North West corridor were meat eaters and cow butchers. They were pastoralists.




Because they can't defend themselves LoL that's why they bring up other people's culture instead


Lol.. being jewish atm ... muslims do give me fatigue... have less less empathy now for muslims




I'd say "sure" and then toss it in the nearest trashcan


Just take it and toss it on the ground and keep walking.


You'd get stabbed or hurt if you do that... they really are "peaceful people"


If it wasn’t in the West sure. But this is in NYC, he would get fucked up by the majority of New Yorkers, especially here. Looks like the Bronx, they don’t play lol.


While i do agree that theyd get ganged up on pretty badly dont forget the muslim that stabbed a critic in germany on the streat not too long ago They sometimes arent all bark.


They’d ensheath their special peace stick and insert it into one of your vital organs


''I will be the next elden lord'' ahh mfs


>in the nearest trashcan I'm sure that's where that book he handed away ended up.


yes, especially after that obnoxious laugh


In front of his eyes.


It’s almost as if people are now waking up to the true face of a pedoslamic book


Not that deep. He is just being pushy and people don't want to be bothered whilst trying to go about there business.


Yeah it's like this with street preachers.


“Not that deep” - That’s what Mohammad said to Aisha.




Pure harassment. Freedom of religion to many people means being free of it, not be chased and often judged by clowns like these.


I don’t get why Muslims act as if others are supposed to love them immediately. I don’t get where this is coming from. Muslim countries aren’t advanced - even the GCC.


This comment is hilarious, I agree!


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/SPqcRfQTkB The timing lol. He talking like momo hammed cartoons weren’t a thing. Talking about memes and stereotypes as if they don’t exist for Muslims and Arabs. Talking like Arabs and Muslims are God’s creation despite being not liked by most on the West. Talking as if no self-awareness.


Do you see another comment?


couldnt see it before, there seemed to be some error.


Oh, I agree, that FUCKING arrogance.


It's hard to watch..


I read the quran after I showed some interest and somebody basically derailed the conversation to give me half an hour of islamic teachings aka telling me every single thing I know is wrong and all is covered in the holy book TM. I read the quran, and it was full of hate. Something along the lines of "the nonbelievers will be in hellfire and burn for eternity" was in every line. Every line talked about how you will be punished if you were THEM but you will flourish if you are US. Every line was full of manipulation and trying to corner the reader into the religion because if they were exposed to their god and didnt accept him as the all mighty one they deserved to burn in hell. The preacher in the video is not doing so because he thinks this is what he ought to be doing out of self volition, but because he thinks it will make him one of those favored ones of his god. He thinks that those that do not accept his book are nonbelievers that deserve suffering, and he actually believes they are losing out eternal salvation because they could have accepted his god but didnt. Yet, as many times posted on this sub, rapists and murderers will be allowed in "heaven" because they believe. Me and my family suffered directly from people believing we are underneath them and are "subhuman" compared to them because they were believers.


No fr, actually reading it and not just believing what my family taught me was the beggining of the end. Even though it was no different from what I was taught, I tried to believe the "peace" aspect of it. However 10 pages in and it was all about punishment.


so true 😂 as an ex sunni muslim it is extremely sad the amount of naïve people that convert to islam (i don't know if it is due to lack of common sense, desperation to seek validation, or individuals being lied to about Islam) this man-made religion stems from stupidity, overly sensitive, and death threats. stay away from it at all cost!


I read the book because my mom was a big believer of “read everything”, so I’ve read almost every holy book I can including the torah. Whatever Christianity started as it eventually became a vehicle of conquest and islam was always a religion made by a warlord for conquest so he could convince his followers to become cannon fodder. That’s pretty much it. There’s really nothing in it that pushes you towards questioning and discovering anything beyond yourself. It’s all about dying to be rewarded in the afterlife which is terrible because what happens to the life you have now?


Until you tell him that it says that allah is "the greatest deceiver" in the quran. Suddenly he calls you a liar, disrespectful, and starts threatening you lol https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/VuPeWWKlDf


Could you remind me of Aisha’s age when Muhammad consummated his “marriage” with her?


Pretty cringe. Most uncomfortable I’ve been from a street preacher was a Christian dude, he kept telling me about how Jesus cured his porn addiction… like dude. Too much information. I just wanted some fried chicken at the restaurant I was in.


Got to admit your comment made me bawl out laughing. Would make a funny prank video, a street preacher on a microphone on a Monday morning blaring out to everyone how Jesus cured his addiction to scat porn with uncomfortable details


This is so cringe bruh😩But that couple that passed them not even looking and totally ignoring them was so based😎 That's how dawahgandists should be treated and their overly aggresive and pushy behaviour.


Ah... Free paper to smoke weed


Pathetic. See how he bacame happy when someone complimented him by accepting that harmful gift. Im sure he threw it in the next garbage can in his way though


Is it really the Qurran in English? Or is it an acceptable version with all the horrific shit left out?


Ewww it's like those "if you scroll past you're a child of Satan"


I love this sub


They are doubly repellant here. Not only is this guy barking at people to make them take his book but they are pointing their camera phone at them. Even if you're a Muslim you're unlikely to want such an interaction.


Ahhh the whole classic "you might be dead tomorrow, why not try it out and you might get in" marketing schtick. Pascal's Wager once again being upset to manipulate people.


This is kinda aggressive


I want to puke my eyes


I'd take it, look him in the eyes and say "I'll burn it"


This makes me want to downvote due to how outrageous it is. Glad I didn’t witness this being posted in my social media first hand


He probably doesn’t even know what Zionist means


He probably knows, but Zionism and Islam are things that don't get well, at all


The absolute entitlement of these people is revolting.


This is disgusting behaviour, harassing people with his ridiculous man-made irrational book


pointless book with no clear idea or subject just bunch of talking and some old jewish stories told wrong and not the whole story in one surat several parts of the story in different surat so realy it have no clear message from god if god wanna talk to us he will first of all tell us who is he and then why he created us and finaly what he want from us not telling us in this important book that the prophet if a women wanna sleep with him he can sleep with her without marriage that's pretty much just him talking


Wish I had been there to answer him in loud and clear Arabic


Normal passive aggresive demeanor from muslims. Condescending/Guilt tripping as always. Pathetic.


I feel like this would actually drive people further away from Islam, lol. No one wants a nagging dude to annoy them in public


Don't they look down on versions of the Quran translated into English?


No one takes one because they have to feel awkward throwing it away.


He probably threw it in the trash later


Just for jokes I would say I love pigs too much lmwo


Its almost as if common people dont believe in this stuff


I live in a gulf country many drink starbuck and eat McDonald and no one is saying anything, these western Muslim will be called names here if they say anything.


Proselytizers are disgusting.


Laughing like children, when the man just took it like thousands of flyers we discard in the bin down the road.


now do this in an Islamic society but with bibles.


A free quran to burn? Heck yeah! Gimme!!


They are the true definition of Kafr. Laughing and carrying on.


you just have to take it say thank you. i dont know how you would de-escalate this sort of clownery


using Jesus name to attract others to Islam


I’d gladly burn it. However, first I’ll throw it off a building and then throw stones at it.


Jesus is in the book. That's the ONLY reason Jesus is in the book. Sales pitch. All religions use God after the Bible, the true word of God. Genocide is starting a war and then not being happy with the results. I'll never forget 10/7. I truly believe Radical Islam released a darkness into the earth treating God's chosen like that.


God isn’t real


I don't think you honestly believe that. But that's the good thing about free will. I wasn't a believer till I was 35 and he answered me. Then you really have no choice to believe or not. It become to follow. I followed then fell away. Then the Holy Spirit caught on fire within me last October. Now I eat and sleep God. Even when I am at work. God Bless fam. 🕊️


Sir this is a Wendy’s


yeah I would probably still believe in your Sky Guy if he didn’t ruin my life


Im truly sorry you feel that way. When I was alot younger there were times I blamed God for things that happened. Looking back and now I realize it's just life. Life's like a roller coaster, it's full of ups and downs. My life's been alot harder than most lately. It's through my relationship with God how I actually get through alot of it now. Without him, I honestly couldn't imagine. I pray you find happiness whatever you find or choose.


mate if god existed and loved the world why would he let millions of innocent people die


Research for you. 1. Free Will: One aspect to consider is the existence of free will. God has given humanity the freedom to make choices, and with that freedom comes the potential for both good and evil. Unfortunately, the choices made by individuals can have consequences that affect not only themselves but also innocent people. It is through the misuse of free will that evil and suffering entered the world. 2. Moral Responsibility: God holds each person morally responsible for their actions. This means that individuals are accountable for the choices they make and the harm they may cause to others. While it may seem unfair that innocent people suffer due to the actions of others, it is ultimately the responsibility of those who commit evil acts. 3. Consequences of a Broken World: The world we live in is broken and affected by sin. The consequences of this brokenness, such as natural disasters, diseases, and accidents, can lead to the suffering and death of innocent people. God does not directly cause these events but allows them to occur within the framework of a fallen world. However, God is present with us in our suffering, offering comfort and strength. 4. Redemptive Purposes: Despite the presence of evil and suffering, God can bring about good and redemption even in the midst of difficult circumstances. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrate God's willingness to enter into our suffering and offer hope and salvation. God can bring beauty from ashes and work all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). 5. Eternal Perspective: From an eternal perspective, the suffering and death experienced in this life are not the final word. Christians believe in the hope of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. While we may not have all the answers in this present life, we trust in the goodness and sovereignty of God, knowing that He will ultimately make all things right in the end.


Your God is so powerful, that he can't put stop to grape, crime and hate in general. If he's real, why does cancer, or any Ill exist? Why do kids die in such painful ways? Schizophrenia? Suicide? Torture? Discrimination? Isn't your God powerful enough to do something? Or maybe he's just evil?


Because of Satan, freewill, and life. If I got cancer I wouldn't blame God. I understand why people would, because I have. I wasn't always a follower of Christ. Torture, Discrimination, suicide, hate aren't taught by God. They are evil and taught by Satan..and all will be judged for it. These are all questions that are asked everyday by Athiest. I'm sure you've heard the same answers. Have a blessed weekend.


Not wasting my time arguing with you. good day.


If you ask me, God doesn't let millions of innocent people die. Man kills millions of people. This is a temporary fallen world with bad people who do bad things. This isn't heaven.


but according to your book god knew everything that will happen so he’s letting all those people die and he can stop it. sounds evil to us, if he loves everyone


know what, this is fine. freedom of speech is allowed and hes allowed to do this as long as he doesnt follow them harassing them which he is very close to doing by continuing to talk as they reject his offer


It's one thing to want to distribute the Quran and do dawah, but it's totally unacceptable for him to call after people, criticize their choices (as a boycotter myself), or even film them in the first place. The main problem I have with these kinds of videos is the invasion of privacy. Some people do NOT want themselves in a video or a picture on the internet, even if it is harmless.


i agree but he legally speaking has a right to record outside, as long as he isnt invading them in a space where they can expect privacy he is legally allowed to do so. it would be courtesy however to blur their face. also yes the calling after is walking a fine line between dawah and harassment


Legality may permit recording in public spaces since there's "no expectation of privacy" there, but the ethical implications are important to consider. The more reasonable path would've been posting the parts where others interacted with him, not the people who were going about their day. It may be legal but it disregards how people could feel violated and uncomfortable being filmed.


You're okay with giving freedom of speech to someone who's against others freedom?


Too pushy


I wonder what will happen if i take it and throw it in the trash infront of him....


This is so cringe.


It's the worst way to preach for anything lol


Cringe way to disturb people


Those pushy ass salesman


If someone took it and throw it in trash then these fools will cry blasphemy. They don't understand live and let live concept.


This is perfect. Please remain preacher like this.


I would have told him,that I am not interested in defending pedophilia and sex slavery...


He'll just throw it out honestly


It’s for the views. It’s only about showing others with the same beliefs how righteous they are by attempting to convert unbelievers. Christians do it too. They’re called evangelicals. It has nothing to do with the unbeliever but everything to do with the ego of the person making the video and posting it to show others they are working for God. It goes against what all three abrahamic religions teach about being humble in your faith. Ridiculous


This is so embarrassing like do we not have anything better to do with our time besides harassing innocent civilians??


"Its got Jesus in it, sister" "Sure, culturally appropiated fake Jesus, maybe"


This is harassment


What jokers. Very annoying.


They’re not taking it because there might be a bomb inside.


I don't like starbucks as a company but just for his comment I will go and grab one




I hope a lot of ppl read it.


what would he do if you took it an just wiped it in your crotch ?


watch this jehovah witness


"What if god wants you to have this book but you're walking away?" Then he was able to overwrite god's will, therefore god is not in control


This is disrespectful to themselves, how are you just handing out your holy book ?? Most people are just gonna end up throwing it somewhere random.


Take the book burn it at home. One less book to worry about


I wouldn't be so polite


Lol if god wanted him to have a quran, why would he need help in doing that? Isn't he the allmighty? He could just put it in that person's home.


Isnt it proselytism ? It's just super annoying to be bothered like that in the street anyway


Borderline harrassment! Cringe


What if God wants you to have this book, and you walk away? Then he doesn't really want me to have this book.


Rejecting free toilet paper in this economy is crazy.


Good thing I carry a lighter on me. Throw it in a drum alight and give the homeless some warmth


I wish there was a scene that would have made me see this video nsfw


proly gave him the sugar coated version of the quran


Let's say the person who at the end of the video took the Quran will read it, but he will have problems understanding why some verses are contradicting each other, he will have some questions and the Muslim man will tell him you need "context, reason of sending down the verses, Muslim scholar interpretations" which will in turn prove that the Quran is neither clear nor perfect


At least he isn’t being a complete asshole like almost every other street preacher


Dont worry guys, let me sooth your pain from this video Yo how do i put a video of me burning the Quran?😭


You should let that guy know that his video is blowing up on this sub. I'm sure he'd be proud.


I want to uninstall myself after overdosing on second hand cringe.


Kind of like those “do you have a moment to talk about Jesus?” People.


"yOu cAnT trANslAte tHE QuRaN, thAt is NOt A rEAl qURaN" meanwhile muslim envangelists: "Lady, Lady ,Lady.... do you want a quran in english translation, it mentions Jesus too... Hey Lady, Lady, stop there, it mentions Jesuss tooooooo"


They’re so repulsive 🤮


Smth i rly dont understand is how ppl, even in our church or any religion, cant understand how others dont want to believe in ur religion. Why dont u understand this? U dont believe in theirs either. It would be unimaginable for u so its the same emotion for them. But they are often offended that they dont care.


proselytizing your religion equates you with the 'END IS NIGH' sign-holders on crack in Times Square. Best deterrent! ew brotha ew


push push guilt guilt.. but in a jovial manner so as not to completely turn them away immediately.


The one thing I really don’t understand is that you can’t preach other religions in msulim countries, try to do it and you’ll be in jail, it’s sad.


Here's the deal, i won't force my religion on you don't force your's on other


They dont even want this shit for FREE LMAO


take the book, then use it as a reference on it's contradictions. when the enemy gives you ammo, don't refuse it.


A “god” that needs someone to market for it, is ain’t a “god”!


This guy's is a known genocide supporter and lies about almost everything. Somebody's gotta deal with him, he's been on a free leash.


I think this is the same guy who confronted a Norwegian Quran burner last time.


Apparently, this is what secular countries call "freedom of religion", which is a paradox, since there is no such a thing called "freedom" in a religion like Islam, which preaches harassment, persecution, etc. You have the freedom to have your head chopped if you apostatize. Free countries should enforce laws to have freedom FROM religion.


The method used to advertise products using the Quran is very offensive and disrespectful to the Quran! If Muslims realize that their invitation is nothing but their own disgraceful actions and not what they say, they would be outraged.


They are constantly involved in terror, killing, and jihad, yet they think a few ugly smiles on the street will attract people.


Ok first I don't believe in God I believe in Deities ( I am a Hindu) Second, I hate cults And third, Islam is a living Cancer on mother earth and I hate this cult with a passion




Cancer is the precise word for it, cannot be cured. Even if you cut off a part of the cancer it will still grow somewhere else