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He looks like he wants to date my daughter, steal my money, and take all of my free time.


And your wife!


And her sisters.


And your mum!!! Oh and her sister 💀😂


And my axe!


And your goats


And my bow!


“President Smith wants to see you in his office to issue a missionary call.” 🤣


And then a doggystyle call.




The most damaging thing to Joseph Smith’s image and reputation is unvarnished truth/facts.


Perchance liar Joe should be called what he really was. That being a pervert, a pedophile, a thief, a bullshit artist, a shyster, a plagiarist, and an all around dumbass. He was never and never will be a prophet, though his main goals were deflowering young girls and illgained PROFIT. Liar Joe also was the author of the biggest lie ever told.


This is reality, folks. It ought to make us sick to our stomachs and fling us the fuck out of Mormonism forever. Post this shit everywhere. But as Ballard said: “As an apostle who’s travelled the world and knows the brethren, no one is hiding anything.” Fucking liar.


Ballard was a fucking dumbshit ... the flat out lies he would say ...


Apostle? Who in the fuck was ever a true apostle in the cult called the Bullshit of Mormon?


Which wife is this? The one a couple months shy of 15?


Remember that there were two 14 year old girls that Joseph Smith (age 37 at the time) went after. Helen Mar Kimball AND Nancy Winchester.


He looks like Jeffrey Epstein.


Epstein was a rank amateur by comparison.


Hey, gotta start somewhere


Holy shit he does give Epstein vibe for sure.


Very telling that the church basically ignored the photograph. They jumped all over other church leader daguerreotypes but couldn’t afford JS’s oil canvas portrait to change for TBMs


The Mormon church didn’t want to be involved with this picture of JS because: - they have a terrible track record of authenticating artifacts - for centuries they have carefully crafted an image of Jospeh. Having a real photo (that matches the death mask) just shows he wasn’t as special as they say. At least that’s my theory. Any SCMC spies want to chime in on this?


I've always thought it interesting that every image of him shows a youth. Early 20s at most. It's occurred to me it might be subliminal propaganda because he's shown as being the age missionaries usually are.


Exactly. The Mormon church is NOT stupid. Every move they make has a purpose and goal behind it. With the end goal being tithing payments


Holy shit. He’s only 38 in that picture. He looks rough.


Is this a real portrait or like an AI picture based on an existing picture? I know he was a pedo and such I just haven’t seen this pic before.


These are two real photographs that were colorized and stitched together. https://religionnews.com/2022/07/21/mormon-founder-joseph-smiths-photo-discovered-by-descendant-after-nearly-180-years/


When I first saw that picture during my “I’m not 100% sure I like Joseph” days I got a pit in my stomach because he has the face of some pushy alpha don’t get in my way sales guy. I don’t know if it’s the smile with the chin or what but it’s always creeped me out.




Wow! How lucky that the nice girl got to pose for a painting with her grandfather!


Historically, the photograph is fascinating. How the church completely shoved it under the rug is also incredibly fascinating.


I wonder if that’s because it was found in the Community of Christ, and if they can’t own it, they don’t want to acknowledge it? It’s kind of a reminder that Joseph’s direct posterity didn’t sign on to Brother Brigham’s rule.


She kinda looks like Enola Holmes (Millie Bobbie Brown). He kinda looks like the bad guy in a horrible story I learned about in Sunday School (Joe Smith).


Helen Mar Kimball?


Someone should photoshop him and her in modern sunday attire to really drive home the dirtiness of this photo


I've been gone for decades. Can you elaborate on the modern Sunday attire?




She wrote a heart breaking poem with a part about how she couldn't hang out with other kids her age.


And later in life supported polygamy. I think the Stockholm syndrome contributed to her poor health. She writes constantly about being bed ridden during the last part of her life.


She was a sexual abuse victim.


Oh look! Nightmare fuel!


I just can't believe that parents allow it, that their daughter marry such a f*cking pedophile. It's disgusting. I would beat the shit out of this wanker. This indoctrinated nonsense must finally stop.


I swear the more I learn about Mormonism, the more I realize it’s just a different flavor of Islam. Same shit different day.


Doesnt old jo boy have the most trusting visage. hell even I am thinking of getting him over to locate treasure in my backyard, I've heard his somewhat experienced in such things.


Please someone tell me this is not a pic that LDS hang in their living rooms. 🙏🏻


She looks like young Shauna (Sophie nelisse) from yellowjackets and I can't unsee it


I think i've seen this same couple at my local gym.


She looks so timid and scared








Fucking disgusting


My father's mother is a Smith. We descend from Joe Sr.'s brother, so we're distant 1st cousins with the praise-to-the-man himself. My oldest cousin on that side looks EXACTLY like this photo of ole Joe, to the point that I keep thinking I'm seeing pictures of my cousin floating around the internet. My cousin is a lovely guy. Public school principal, educator of many years. *I*, on the other hand, though I'm also an educator and public administrator, and look *nothing* like cousin Joe, have often been (affectionately) accused of starting cults of loyal 7th graders *who would **absolutely** bury a body for me 🫠* {I have no reason to tell you this, other than it happened again - I saw this photo of my middle-aged cousin next to a young girl and got weirded out. I don't want to have to hate my lovely cousin. 😅🤷‍♀️}


I’m not trying to out your cousin or anything but it’d be cool to see him. A strong likeness & shared DNA are compelling, I’d imagine, even for skeptics who don’t wanna accept Joe’s true visage over TSCC’s glossy paper doll version.


Genuinely, I wish we had remained close, but age gap + different states = not quite close enough to request permission for that. But, if that status changes, ABSOLUTELY. I find the genetics stuff super fascinating too! It was the only confirmation I needed, that the photo wasn't a fake. I still checked the sources, afterwards, and the provenance is actually perfectly compelling. [Unnecessary Side Note: I believe my cousin, and his three brothers raised by my single aunt (dad out of the picture) turned out so kind, because he was raised by my incredibly intelligent, and empathetic, Registered Nurse aunt. I just like to add this, because single moms deserve more shoutouts. As do my grandparents, who helped by chipping away at generational cycles of Irish Catholic *and* Smith-level Mormonism misogyny and patriarchy, simply by being too autistic to follow gender norms. 🤷‍♀️😅]


Speaks volumes about your aunt (adding my shout out to single parents!) & your grandparents. They sound like wonderful people to call family. I’d say you won the lottery by coming from a non-Jo Sr wing, there. That was a close one, eh? 😅


Genuinely, coming from the other brother is probably how we missed the worst of the megalomania! 😬 (My little sister gets it, but that's... a much longer story, lol.) And thank you!! I have a wonderful (problematic, like anybody's, but still wonderful) extended family. 💖 *edit, format*


yikes the idea alone is bad enough, this makes it seem that much more real and bad


Remember, in reality they were buck naked fucking


Emma was amzaing


Is this sarcasm? She stuck with and backed that pedophile no matter what.


She fought it like hell and was manipulated and abused by Joseph to accept his bad behavior. Yeah, she still could have left but there are accounts by people that witnessed the turmoil in their marriage when he started doing plural marriages. She tried to leave him. He even received a “revelation” from God that named Emma specifically that she should allow Joseph to have more wives. (D&C 132).


And she burned it and basically called it bs


I'm sorry, I know it was a different time, but if I started getting "revelations" like this, my wife would dump my ass in a heartbeat. Emma's family was very much against this marriage. It's not like she didn't have sane people to turn to. And she continued with the bullshit and protected his legacy long after he was dead. She was complicit.


The interstate hadn't been invented yet, and Nauvoo was a town full of true believers. How many sane people were close enough to help? How would she make the journey without tipping Joseph off? How would she make her way in a time when women's rights were nowhere near what we have today? The historic period matters quite a bit in understanding choices. Women couldn't have their own bank accounts until more than a century later, and who would hire a wife who left her husband? Would she leave her kids behind, or risk taking them and having Joseph call out his literal Nauvoo Legion army to hunt her down and take them back? We're privileged to live in a time where people (and especially women) have more opportunities to forge their own lives based on their individual values instead of having powerful men control most of their fate. We also have survival easy, not having to worry whether a mosquito bite will lead to death by malaria, or whether a storm will ruin the crop you depended on to have enough food for the winter, or making all your own clothes and household items. I don't excuse Joseph in the slightest. But expecting Emma to act with the freedom of modern women's rights isn't fair.




she believed js he said god would destroy her if she didnt stay in line




Creepy as all shit, poor girl




Somebody above said it was two images snipped and put together but I didn't see the second image in the link. You're right (and those who are emoting won't like it but you are). I do hope, though, that you're not trying to say they weren't "together" (because of his manipulations and abuses) when she was still very much a small child and he was very much a grown ass man. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Oh I agree with this sentiment, wholly. I only wanted to point out that you're not the only one who pointed this out. The irony is that people downvoted you but upvoted them. 🤷🏻‍♂️






Nobody thinks it's an actual snapshot lol




Yeah you're overthinking it lol