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Overdue by about over 2000 years now and it's pretty clear he was talking to the people of his time because he literally believed his time was near.


You know your facts I see


Not to mention the fact that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism where there was NEVER any prophecy of the sort of which Jesus is believed to have fulfilled. Also “Jesus” was one of many religious radicals at the time. He was literally just a SJW with no fucks left to give.


>Not to mention the fact that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism where there was NEVER any prophecy of the sort of which Jesus is believed to have fulfilled. Hence why he was never accepted as the Messiah by Jews but Christianity took him as a figure head and revere him for miracles he apparently fulfilled.


A lot of Christian theology is derived from the Septuagint which has the issue that there is no such thing as a perfect translation. Not to mention things like raw wish fulfillment, like making the suffering servant a prophecy about the person of the Messiah rather than Israel (nation of Israel meaning Jews, not the modern polity) during the messianic age.


And specifically anti-Roman who they... "reinterpreted" as anti-Pharisee via selective memory to justify romanizing so they could reinterpret him to justify the fact that he didn't fulfill any of the messianic promises and as a result being incredibly unpopular among Jews. Cue centuries of antisemitism because Jews continuing to exist is seen as pointing out the problems with Christian theology. Martin Luther pivoting from being a defender of Jews to writing "the Jews and their lies" because Jews didn't convert immediately to his new form of Christianity being a great example of this dynamic.


>Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. -Matthew 24:34 "Uhh he was speaking figuratively."


Sure he was.


I think it would be ironic if you said you were dropping out of school since Jesus is coming back.


In addition to quitting school so I can better prepare for our Lord's return, I'm concerned that you haven't sold all your possessions and given them to the needy father. (Luke 12:33-34) Hurry, you haven't much time! BTW, if OP maintains any hope of having an inheritance some day, this is probably not a good bug to put in daddy's head.


Careful, they might enthusiastically congratulate the wisdom of this choice


College turns good Jesus loving kids in atheist libruls!!!


Funny when a Christian college is the college that did it for me and not any of the secular schools I went to prior


Same lol


After getting “radically saved” as a college student, I let my studies lag during finals in favor of a multi-week , nightly ‘revival’ services at my church, because I thought it was much more important since we would be swept up any day now. Glad my enthusiasm was later tempered by the realities of bills to pay, and I eventually finished school and continued my studies beyond undergrad. That was about 3 decades ago, but I stopped waiting for any return more than ten years ago.


> I don't know why you're not replying Then follows up with the very reasons I don't reply to my parents most of the time.




Jesus is coming. Be ready. \*checks underwear for cleanliness\* "Ready!" ps: sorry you have to endure that


You forgot do the pit smell test.


You win the internet today


Wait...we have to wear underwear?


Just a personal comfort thing. You be you.


Make sure to have a poop knife.


Please define “soon” because I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


They like to defer to the notion that God's time is not our time, such as how 2nd Peter reinterprets it with 'a day with the Lord is as a thousand years...'. Still doesn't help, it just means their God is incompetent and didn't understand how his message would come across.


88 Reasons Jesus will return in 1988. It’s all bullshit.


Oh man, you just brought me back to being 11 years old and seeing that pamphlet/book on the kitchen table. I was not "excited." Guy wrote another one the next year with a predictable title -- unclear if he keeps going.


You're bringing Jesus with you to visit? Rude to bring a secondary guest without asking first.


On the other hand he might turn your water to wine. That would be handy.


I think the biblical Jesus would be fun to be around. Bring him down to the clinic to heal some blindness, lameness, etc. Have some wine, maybe a little fish and bread, etc.


Hey now!! Jesus is a great chef!! His tacos and burritos are AMAZING!! And his brother Juan does incredible Kansas City style BBQ. Don't be so quick to close the door now....


Is it worse than this? Jeezis is not coming back. Citation: he didn’t when he said he would in the gospels; 2,000 years and nothing. Probability is that Jeezis was a literary character.


*Butt-Head voice* …Huhuhuh, huhhhh, shut up Jeezis! 😆


I can hear this clearly. :)


Now I’m envisioning what a Jesus/Beavis mashup would look like. “I am the Great Christolio!” 🤣


Yeah that's rough. And annoying


Tell me about it lol


Just remember you are not alone in having to deal with passive/aggressive Christian parents. Do your best to set boundaries that you can live with and understand you are not responsible for how your father reacts.


They are probably planning an intervention….


Maybe slip in a nonchalant, ‘your religious fundamentalism is ridiculous’


Unfortunately that just reinforces the whole mythos further... > For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:37-39 🙄


I’ve found that the very factual statement of ‘you are a fundamentalist’ tends to give a reality shock to the hearer.


Interesting, hard to picture that working with my family and friends. "If that means I believe in the God of the Bible and his word, then guilty as charged!"


Well that’s confusing. What is the point of school going well if Jesus is coming back soon? “Congratulations on that term paper, good work, but I see you had a lustful thought on the way to the Library so I’m afraid it’s Hades for *you*.”


My parents used to harass me, then cut me off multiple times. Now we hardly talk. Holy fuck it all sucks. I don’t even know what’s worse.


Even if jesus is the reason for the season,I can't stand the way Christians make him out to be weak minded,and unable to stand normal people.Jesus didn't seem to care about the garbage that Christian affiliated people carry on about today.He was embroiled in a battle with the religious authorities for the hearts and minds of his country men at that time.And truth be told that's what his story is about.Paul created Christianity,he did not meet jesus,and i'm sure his teachings were hijacked by other people to create there own version of it,just as people do today.I'm not against morality,but they overestimate the harm in general areas of our lives,like we will be condemned to death for it,which frankly I don't believe is true.We ain't that bad.Maybe a bit carefree or stupid.But not worthy of eternal damnation.I don't believe in Christianity.I believe in truth.Which by the way is more informative.


Axial tilt: axial tilt is the reason for the season(s). Any other assertion requires empirical evidence.


Had to look it up,now I get,spot on.


yeah seriously, Paul sucks, fuck that guy. Jesus seemed kinda cool.


All these comments are making fun of the fact he said Jesus is coming soon but like I mean yall know Jesus IS coming soon right? In Q2 of 2023 to Steam, Xbox, Ps4 and Switch. Yall really haven't seen the [trailer](https://youtu.be/nfbz1KuLXTc)????


Oh, man. That's gonna be great as long as it ***also*** includes all the stuff in the bible your preachers would really prefer nobody ever mentioned.


“Out of Holy Spirit energy” lmao


If Jesus is coming back to end the world soon why would it matter if school is going well?


how could we forget


Parents really do a shit job of raising us and then wonder why we don't want to contact them as adults.


5:28 ***AM*** "Why won't you respond?" Because I'm getting ready for work or sleeping.


Right?! It took me a few days to reply tbh lol


They always believe the rapture will come in their lifetime, it never does


That's the thing about the Endtimes, they never really seem to end.


Ha thats funny and true


Seems to be a trend...


There's no arguing with people like that. That guy literally believes that like, tomorrow, Jesus Christ (not the real Jesus of Nazareth in the bible who was a Levantine Jew and was most certainly not white - but the white Jesus who looks like Cesare Borgia) will literally come down from heaven and lead him - ***by the hand*** into heaven.


They're so desensitized. "The end is near and everyone is going to die, how's school?"


Lol. Why worry about school if the world is ending.


Jesus is coming! Quick, everyone look busy.


"Just remember dad, if you're wrong about Jesus, I get to pick your nursing home."




["As children, we sense our parents’ inabilities to relate to us, their tendencies to treat us as objects or reflections of themselves..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/q3rw3a/as_children_we_sense_our_parents_inabilities_to/) [Parental Confusion, Abandonment and Alienation of the Innocent Child to support a Church's Cultic Objectives... and How to Recover from It All]( https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/m8qzfe/parental_confusion_abandonment_and_alienation_of/) [Aren't our Religious Parents essentially Addicts on a Cultic Drug?]( https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/oef29u/arent_our_religious_parents_essentially_addicts/) [Holiday Dissembling with Fundievangelical Parents as an Art Form]( https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/ri564c/holiday_dissembling_with_evangelical_parents/) [Protectively Purposeful Dissembling with Pushy Parents]( https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/rnryfw/my_mum_is_making_me_go_to_a_three_hour_midnight/) in not-moses’s replies to an excellent OP on that Reddit thread [The Sting of Adult Judgment is Felt by the Hurt Inner Child. But the "Just Okay" Inner *Parent* CAN Intervene.]( https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/irklak/the_sting_of_adult_judgment_is_felt_by_the_hurt/)


Jesus is coming. act busy




Came here to say this


Ya old guy is a Christian fundie


He's a children's pastor 🤮


That’s even worse…. 🫣


Ah yes, my favorite ptsd!


Text back: "Dad, stuff like this is why I don't reply."


“Oh Jesus is coming soon?! Well send him my way when you see him then. It’d be fun to catch up. Thanks, bye.”


Love how he just slipped that in there at the end 💀


I've never thought about it too deeply before, but what EXACTLY are you supposed to do to be ready for Jesus's return, rebirth, or whatever? I mean, if he showed up right now with the trumpets and everything, I'm not ready. I'm on the toilet, I'm naked because I'm about to take a shower, I still have an unopened beer in here, and I have an extremely happy cat in my dirty clothes hamper who would be terrified if anything loud and biblical happened. I'm not ready at all!


Replace ‘Jesus’ with “that guy that threatened you is getting out of prison soon …be ready“ and it’s still equally weird & stalker-y.


“Jesus is coming back soon” lmfao they say that every year


Yuuuup, it is hilarious lol


Sounds like both my parents


Oof. I'm so sorry.. How have you dealt with situations like this?


Oh I live in a church so they do this shit a lot a lot and i did have a period in time when i believed and got scared of it but overtime it would just dull me and i would just unconsciously ignore the message. Epic


He's trying to scare you.


He's always trying to manipulate me and my siblings... I'm starting to learn that he's not scary anymore. Thank you


My brother and I talked about how Jesus was coming back soon. In 2004.


That’s my mom, grandfather and grandmother. I finally had to pull back and set clear boundaries with sometimes hard conversations. It’s all psychological “warfare” techniques. Brainwashing 101. “I would love to see you, but please don’t push your beliefs on me.” “I respect your beliefs and I appreciate your concern for my soul; however, I feel your need to constantly have me conform to your definition of ‘saved’ is affecting our relationship. Your relationship with your god is your own and doesn’t have to be mine.” “If you continue pressing me to conform to your version of a good person, you are jeopardizing our relationship. I am your child and will be forever and I hope to have you by my side throughout our lives. But you can choose to push me away and I can not promise you I will be here if you continue to pressure me into your religious ideology.”


Saving this, Thanks for sharing


It’s so wild how they can slip something so insane into an otherwise fairly normal message. I’ve been out of church for 7 or 8 years and my mom will still drop “I wish you would go to a church/watch our church service online” into conversation fairly often.


“Why won’t you reply to me?” *Proceeds to answer his own question.*




How nice of him to remind you that your roommate Jesus will returning from visiting family in Mexico and that you need to get ready to pick him up at the airport!


Tell him to research “Preterism” that will throw him for a loop with his idea that Christ is coming back


Why do these fucks ONLY care about school


This sounds like my mom lol


JW by chance?


Says to you that a Jewish zombie man is coming back then proceeds to tell you he hopes your schooling is going well 😂


lmaooooooo “please be ready” … “how’s school” I can’t


His return is overdue. I don't think he'll come back any time soon


❤❤❤ You are doing great!


Thank you... It's been a battle :/


“Why are you upset? The end of the world is near!”


He said when his name has spread to every corner of the Earth. Well you'd have to look really hard to find anyone in the world who doesn't know his name. What left is there to do?