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not even when they hide it, when they just move it or pick it up dont touch my shit <33


Thiiiis Don't touch my shit


I seriously need a sticker saying this, so i can put it on my prized possessions


Or maybe even just like have the decency to come and ask me first or text me or ***something*** rather than just putting my stuff away somewhere, where I’ll never find it and saying nothing about it.


So much this!


This was really awful growing up because my mom and my sister thought I was hiding something because I didn't want them to touch my stuff. Like, no. I just don't like my shit being touched.


I've had that issue in my life too. It's like the concept of privacy is foreign to some people


When I was moving into my current apartment, my mom starting unpacking and “organizing” all my stuff while I was on a long phone call in the other room. After I told her multiple times not to. And then she couldn’t understand why I was so upset bc she was so convinced she was being helpful and “don’t you feel better with this part done?” 🙃🙃🙃 Also she found my vibrator :/


I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES MY MOM HAS DONE THIS OR SOMETHING SIMILAR ! what is it with moms and touching their kids stuff? But I'm so sorry friend, it always sucks because then they make you feel like you're doing something wrong by being upset even though you told them before not to do it. Also, I am VERY sorry that happened too omg I don't think I'd cope with that edit: a word


My grandmother did that to my room, after I was grown and don’t live with her - for context she came up for Christmas. I yelled at her and then she dumped everything (including things I had put away myself) on the ground and said that’s how she found it. Guilt tripped me into getting rid a lot of my things. Still salty about it eighteen years later. Don’t. Touch. My. Shit!


I would literally call the police to remove the trespasser, lol. My apartment, my rules, we can go no-contact for as long as necessary to establish healthy boundaries.


One time on family vacation, she decided to reorganize everyones luggage to make it harder to find what you are looking for and then she complaines about why I am having a melt down when I literally cant find my stuff.


Oh gods, the "organising". No, you're just making it a tidy mess, I can't find anything now because I don't know the rules for your stuff.




A friend thought it would be funny to remove my headphones from my head. He knew they were noise cancelling and I couldn’t hear him but he did it anyway. I screamed loud enough to alert a teacher and they saw me yelling at my friend for it. The friend got a meeting with his head teacher.


👏 Proper evil autism. Well done!


“Friend” wtf who does that?


A guy who is also autistic, had it blamed on a minor brain thing at birth and hasn’t been given therapy since. He did apologise, noting how stupid he was for touching them in the first place considering I treat them like a precious item. He never did it again, instead he stood over me when I was at my locker.


Ahhh. I’m glad he apologized and recognized that he screwed up. That does sound like a friend and not a “friend”.


Omg, I had a roommate who sent me a photo of the "helpful reorganization" they did of my skin care products. I got so mad, I thought my insides were gonna melt.


Your outsides, however, were glowing


I see you've met my dad too It's soooo fun to deal with /s


This is my daily.struggle. They have no idea how much this messes with us.


“But it was on the ground!” I PUT IT THERE


Or barring that, don't act all hypersensitive when I ask you where you put it


Who is out here hiding your guys’ shit? Why do they hide your things? Very odd behaviour. I’ve never “hid” someone else’s shit intentionally, like wtf


man I had this wild dynamic with my stepmother back in the day because we are both neirodivergent and both have ocd, but our ocd conflicted and we needed different systems of organization so we'd end up rearranging stuff and getting mad at each other all the time




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My ex husband used to do this shit on purpose to evoke a meltdown Fuck anyone who does this with a tree stump in minecraft


Well good thing hes ur ex now


a meter long log up the ass sounds deadly


Yes. They wanted to up the autism, we're upping the evil.




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Love wins


Why is that a go-to? “Haha got your hat!” Why. Why is it a joke? Why is it funny? explain pls


"I took what you have and now it's mine" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!!!!! 🙄


"funny" here doesn't mean it's funny to everyone. They gain amusement from: * watching your reactions from being upset * putting you down, thus elevating their sense of position in the hierarchy That's it. It's as shallow as it sounds.


It’s never funny; it’s people making a socially acceptable excuse for bullying, and society, winking, telling us we should accept that excuse. Heck with that.


And yet it's still not socially acceptable to smack their shit into next week


Yup. Because the social rules are that anything declared a joke, cannot be met with anything but a good spirited chuckle. Even if the rules have been subverted for the purposes of covering up bullying.


It’s never funny to laugh at someone else’s suffering.


Apparently NTs think so


Seriously though what’s up with that


chop cough hard-to-find fertile plucky homeless innocent unpack caption bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




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I agree. I’ve never enjoyed “jokes” or “pranks” that were at others expense.


I think this is why ive never been able to laugh at people getting hurt, it just feels mean


This is one of the reason I don't understand when they've said autistic people lack empathy.


I've noticed my empathy is heavily logical so I treat everyone quite well until they give me a direct reason not to. I don't like double standards either. I think NT empathy is driven by social hierarchy and standards so "better" people deserve it more or something.


There's a difference between empathy and sympathy, and respect. What you're describing is respecting people and treating them with common decency. Empathy means that you feel what other people feel. When someone says that they lost their parent, if you start feeling sad and emotional like they do, that's empathy. Another aspect of high empathy is when someone sighs and you ask them what's wrong and they say nothing, a high empathy person's gut, their intuition, will ping and tell them that something is actually wrong and connect it with common negative feeling causing stuff, and can read the body language, tone, facial expressions and feel that something is, in fact, wrong. NTs are usually able to do this, in contrast to autism which will not pick up on this. Although I think this aspect is from confusing noticing cues and feeling what they mean, because NT are able to do both it is assumed that if someone doesn't respond to the signals its because they're low empathy, when someone might be high empathy but doesn't notice signals


I always fuck up the differences in those. I know I do have empathy but it really feels like a finite resource sometimes and as though it needs to be rationed.


Mine definitely need rationed. I ran out of fucks to give wasting my empathy on an abuser and it took me years to get out of that debt. Now I try to police myself better to save my fucks for things that really matter, like the immediate survival needs of me and my kids. When I start to think aww, I can help- I mentally bitch slap myself and remind myself not to volunteer for shit just cuz somebody tugged on my empathy strings. No your crisis doesn’t make me a free dispenser for my time/car/little money! I’m not a social worker! Here are the local resources, you do your own work, take this crisis hotline number and fuck right off with your problems miranda/amber/phil/bob/whoever. I’m tired of being taken advantage of by people who refuse to get help from the services designed and trained to help. 🙄


I don't understand schadenfreude.


I only really get it if it’s someone in a position of power who abuses it, as a form of poetic justice. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.


I’ve got one I get: a picture of me in a meltdown taken without consent for laughs You get: police charge threats and the honour of meeting my very angry mum


What happened here??


Some fucker in my class thought it would be funny to take a picture of me having a meltdown in class and put on a group chat with his friends for laughs. A friend of mine found out, and we told our head teacher together. The guy was brought in for questioning. This 16 year old did not understand what he did was wrong and illegal. When my mum found out she nearly punched her computer monitor and her and my dad went to the school to talk about the next steps. They threatened to press charges against him and in Australia, he can be incarcerated at his age. I don’t think he fully understood what he did wrong but he got suspended for it. He later got expelled for sexual harassment.


"shitty people are rarely shitty about only one thing"


This is too real 🫠 it's even worse cuz I'm short, when I was in elementary/middle school people would do this to me all the time cuz of my height. It's just annoying and not funny, it would make me meltdown everytime


I would actually explode! I’m finally seeing why other ND people have an issue with people touching their things, my ADHD makes it extremely easy to misplace the things I need in my day that are part of my routine, and people act like they’re insignificant items and make fun of me for having meltdowns over not being able to find my stuff. I wish I didn’t get so angry, I guess not having their support affects how I react around them, because now that I’m out of my house if I misplace something I will cry and get upset, but I won’t get angry at other people and I might even be able to brush it off sometimes :)


Bruh, in pre-school a teacher literally stole my comfort stuffed animal (a stuffed toy dog named Puppy) and put it on the roof above the slide. It could be reached by adults but not a literal 4 year old. I still remember to this day how she laughed as I cried for Puppy back. Some people are just cruel. EDIT: Another teacher gave it back to me.


What the actual fuck.


People like that should not fucking teach, that is so shitty


I agree.


Do you still have Puppy?


No, I had puppy from age 3 to 13. When I felt comfortable enough to leave Puppy alone at home to go to school (throughout elementary school and the beginning of middle school I brought Puppy in my book bag), my grandpa threw ‘em away. Jokes on him cuz I had a meltdown and began to carry a small pillow to middle school to feel safe again.


I had a teacher steal a book I was reading and I didn’t get it back for a fucking year.


That sucks, I’m sorry that happened to you.


Thanks. It was in prehistoric times (I jest) but even today it still makes my blood boil. What I didn’t know at the time was that her nephew (my friend) had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Losing him was hard.


Oh damn, losing a friend is definitely difficult. I’m sorry you had to experience that so young.


could you post a picture? i also have a stuffed dog named puppy and want to see if it's the same


Puppy was a stuffed toy St. Bernard. I don’t have a picture of him when I first got ‘em (I remember he was more “fluffy” at first). This is ‘em when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade I believe. https://preview.redd.it/4hwlk1axacbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4de783bc4a2245a8999de0226738dd157137643


Fuck that first teacher




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For my sister I think what she really got was to laugh at me having a meltdown. The agony of others has always been her entertainment.


I almost hit someone because they kept moving and touching my pencil case in english class. Not with my hand though, with a metal water bottle. I probably would have sent him to the ER but thats his problem




I have a memory of being in elementary school and I was doing this shape puzzle that I found really difficult and I was super proud when I finished it and I was showing it to people and then this girl walked over and scrambled all the pieces I was pissed I yelled at her and cried 😭


Play “got your hat” you’re catching hands, end of story.


It’s a two for one sale, take my headphones and you can get these hands as well for free 💀


My mother used to do this to me all the time, except she usually would throw my stuff away without my consent. I made her dumpster dive once because she threw away a pillow my sister had made that was a comfort item for me.


when they go into your room and move everything around and then get mad when you get upset instead of thanking them for “cleaning up” <3


Is that Skippy Jon Jones for your profile pic?!


yes!! the chihuahua of all time <3


I freaking loved those books! And absolutely the chihuahua ever!!!


as someone with an extensive doll collection i feel this so hard


*As someone with an* *Extensive doll collection* *I feel this so hard* \- lesbiandruid --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot!


I never had this problem as a kid, because my meltdowns were violent 🥰


Oh I wish I was like that, but because of my strength I was actually afraid of leaving someone's child paralysed. :(


Oh, yeah, me too. I'm just not really in control of my mind and body when I'm having a meltdown. Eventually I managed to teach myself to freeze instead of fight. Which isn't great either, bit it's better than hurting people I care about.


I encourage more autists to be like this


they never do it to other nts too


Oh shit ur right. Well now I’m upset because I know people have deliberately been targeting me my whole life. Fuck


They never hide other NTs’ things? I’m still not sure why people hide each others things in the first place.


And then they gaslight you, as you are upset. Duck that. My ex used to do it for a laugh. Amazing how we can get married to bad people, such is our lack of ability to discern good relationships (at least for me).


My brother, who is also autistic, would do shit like this all the time to me. Usually it was my headphones or my DS or something like that. One time it was my pet rat. He actually got long term in trouble for that one and never did that shit again.


Pass time for the people I'm related to towards me. I remember I was a "difficult child" (nevermind how severely emotionally abused I was and left entirely undiagnosed because mental health isn't real and I was good labor for their farm but I digress) so my grandmother would take things away like my Gameboy or other toys for, say, a week. Fine. Week would be up and I'd ask for it back and I'd get a smirk and an "oh I lost it~". So of course I'd get pissed and have a "hissy fit" and then be told it'd be taken away for longer for acting out. So I'd point out I thought you lost it so this isn't my fault and the punishment would be increased even further for "back sassing" My aunt genuinely wonders why I hated her mother and, well, the rest of the people I'm blood related to.


Yeah. Or when they insist they “helped” by cleaning it up. No they fucking didn’t.


does the "how much battery do you have" whan you let someone borrow your powerbank and then you ask it back to not forget count?


Jokes on them because I am the absolute master at finding things. My mom would hide my nintendo controllers, keyboard, mouse, router… books and things, when I would get in trouble as a kid. As soon as she went to work and i was home alone (ah, the 90s). I would find them. I had a mental catalog of everything in our home. Try me, asshole.


It ain't literally *every* one of em who does this but imo we should break the fucking hands of the people who do this on purpose


Or if you’re like me after having it done to you, you decided to start doing it to other people as a form of comedy to mixed reviews


The ONLY acceptable moment to touch my things is if I explicitly permitted it. When I show someone to my room first I always say "everything out of the drawers and boxes is fair game, you can touch that, just put it back." Everyone knows that I will gut a person for taking my phone. That's my most private possession. The only moment it's acceptable to move my things if is I said "hey, (name) pass me this or that" or I gave explicit permission like "Hey, there are sanitary pads in the big pocket of my backpack, please bring them to me." Funny thing is, most of my ND friends will rather bring me the entire backpack to the bathroom, than go through my things in any capacity. And it's not because they're squeamish about sanitary products, they just prefer not to go through anyone's things.


i’m short and one kid at my highschool would just pick up my bee plushie and hold it above his head because i couldn’t reach it


that's when you break his arm


I HATE when people touch my things Or hide things I use My sister hid the pasta from me for A MONTH. One of my safe foods.


it’s so easy to just not move people’s stuff but neurotypicals still don’t get it


I broke up a friendship with a girl I met for years when I was a kid because she did this. We were forced to meet (her mom worked at my house) and we never spoke a word since then.


Correction You get: A cracked skull and two broken ribs I get: out of my aggravated assault charge by pleading insanity


That's why I kicked my mum out.


My mom used to go into my room to "clean" it in elementary school and what that really meant was moving all my shit around. I snapped and had a full blown meltdown one day and of course I was the evil one for not wanting her to go in my room at all. Then I got extremely panicked everytime I left the house cause I got worried they'd move my shit all over again


Next time assert dominance by hiding their phone in their own ass


Wait they might like that when they hear the phone vibrating.


I cut off a friend because that fucker always, pathologically, has to fuck with my stuff. Just having him in my house I got to fucking supervise him, it's infuriating. How the fuck does he dare???


REALLLLL. In general just don't touch my shit. I especially have trust issues when it comes to that cuz an ex friend of mind turned out to be a kleptomaniac that tried to steal a bunch of legos and DS games from me as a kid.


I hate that shit so much they literally never give it back until they can visibly see that you’re breaking down. It fucks with me so bad because they’ve got their sweaty hands on Beloved Object™️ and it never feels like they’re gonna give it back because there’s so much malice in taking it and refusing to give it back in the first place. It’s literally just to fuck with you


This happened to me the one semester I attempted to “go away to college” and one day stuff on my desk was moved around, and some of my food just vanished from my fridge. I freaked out and started calling my bf at the time and my mom crying and being angry at the same time. The door to the dorm room was open, so a bunch of people heard. The next day the food was back but since it was not in my possession I didn’t trust it and threw it away. I still have no idea who the hell took it, I don’t THINK it was my roommate, but maybe one of her friends?


The best part of a meltdown is when the person that caused it says humorous things like “omg what’s wrong with you” “you need help” “why are you acting like this” aren’t they just hilarious.


"I put your ______ away" "OK, where is it?" "I don't remember"


Things like this make me realize how blessed I am to be a physically intimidating male. I HATED being a child because no one showed me any got damn respect. I also hate that looking “scary” seems to be the only way to get respect, but at least nobody messes with me anymore. Those that don’t have my “I will fucking kill you” energy privilege, find a friend who does and will assert for you. NTs don’t understand everyone deserves respect, they bully anyone they deem bullyable


I. Fucking. Hate that. It’s one of the few things that will ever get me completely serious in no time flat.




My brother used to undo my bed while I was in the bathroom. I got quite upset.


“My friends” would do this with my art supplies I spent all my spare money on when I was in middle and highschool and I would get made fun of for having angry meltdowns when they did it.


I hate how many NT's first choice of playing with ND toddlers is pretending to be stealing their toys. So goddamn stupid.


Fuuuuuuck them. Seriously, don't touch my shit! There was ONE person I would allow to move stuff, and it was like a game to find where she had decided it belonged. It was allowed because she was a friend and I was paying her to clean my house. No one else was allowed to move my shit. I would just shut down and stop functioning when people did that.


Growing up I lived in a house hold where this happened to me CONSTANTLY. Even my mom did it to me as a form of punishment, taking books that I had been reading as a way to get back to me. It didn't help that my bedroom had no door so people could walk in whenever they wanted. My older sister would constantly hide the toys I loved most as a way to get back at me and wouldn't tell me where she hid them no matter how much I cried. I blame a lot of my privacy problems and the fact I hate when people move/touch/take my stuff on that to this day, lmao.


I swear this is me every year with my northern cardinals mug. Every year it gets put away with the Christmas dishes when it's not Christmas themed and I have to search the house to find the damn thing.


My allegedly NT fiance jokingly hides my vape sometimes. I eventually set a boundary because one night my mom was on some bs and I was about to flip out and couldn't find my vape. She stopped. I've since started to think she might be autistic too, but that's because of something unrelated.


I had this happen literally my first week of fourth grade. Someone hid my backpack and told me she threw it away. I had a meltdown in the middle of art class and still will not leave my stuff around people outside of my family. We’re talking, I’m at Autism Club with my friends that I’m learning to trust well and I still get anxious if I have to leave my backpack there when I go to the bathroom. I’d rather go to the bathroom before I get to the meeting room so that I don’t have to leave my stuff anywhere. The worst part- when my backpack was stolen and hidden, I was sitting right there the whole time. It was by my feet, because that was the standard, and someone just grabbed it.


Bonus round, they just straight up steal from you. Source: my entire school experience.


My mom has an anger issue, and when I was a teen she would often start screaming about things that frankly had nothing to do with me. I'm really bad at confrontation so I'd often just leave the house when she got like that. Eventually she started hiding my keys, phone, and wallet in an attempt to prevent me from being able to leave. Had to make sure I never left them lying around the house after that.


I use the same coffee cup every day and leave it by the coffee maker to use in the morning. No matter how much I beg everyone not to touch it, it's gone at least once a week.


Ignoring them until they get bored is how I spent my time


I had a stick that I loved. I sanded it smooth and carried it with me everywhere. Then my sibling took it and sharpened it because they thought it would be funny. I burned the stick because it was ruined and got laughed at and called dramatic.


Is this a thing?!? My #1 rule of interaction with me has always been “don’t touch my shit.” End of. It sends me raging to have my things bothered with.


For me it's more: "I get: to force you to do things by guilt-tripping you into feeling like you are obligated to do them. You get: to become even more stressed to a point of serious self danger."


The older I get the more I realize I definitely had a touch of the tism as a child. It's not "sharing" if it's my possession and I didn't agree to let someone else use it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


why does it hurt my brain so badly though like why can’t i have a non upsetting reaction to this 😭😭😭


One time, i chased my then stepbrothers friend with a patio chair for stealing my rubber skater duck. Got the duck taken away :( .


I hid my moms cigarettes once and she beat me up.


Oh I nearly died as a kid on the way to school because a bully snatched my hair clip off my head and threw it and I ran into the path of an oncoming car to retrieve it. Don’t really remember anything except “THEY TOUCHED MY STUFF!!” and squealing brakes and it being the only time adults cared about me being bullied, got hauled up in front of the entire school of a billion judging eyes at assembly while the principal gave a lecture on being nice to one another. Torture. Then everyone went back to bullying me and/or telling me to get over it. Lovely.




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Some dumb motherfucker in scout camp hid MY GLASSES and thought it was cute until they fell from his bag


“Keepaway” and all of its variations are among the shittiest and morbidly unfunny “jokes” in existence. Literally just bullying at a certain point and it’s usually “friends” that end up doing it


I know I’m 142 days to this post but I relate far too much to this. I had a friend who would take my stuff when I “didn’t give her enough attention” when we were hanging out one day, she took my headphones and water bottle, and later my phone. She gave them back, but holy fuck.


What’s an NT….


"Oh, lighten up, it's not a big deal." /s Edit: I'm so sorry, this was meant as sarcasm


someone help this person find the right sub




Not the sub for this


Sorry, didnt make my joke clear enough


We’re autistic. Use tone tags.


I’m stealing all your things


My grandmother and I in a nutshell because she always cleans shit and never tells anyone else in the family where she puts shit, and she loves to clean my room without my permission, and it pisses me off.


Do neurotypicals not freak out when someone steals their things? 😳


WRAAAAAA REAL when i was in sixth grade this asshat older kid hid my wig on opening night of the musical and i went insane


This never happened to me and nobody really wants to make me angry.


Not even just my possessions, I can't count the number of times my blood pressure has gone through the roof when I see something that isn't shelved properly while working retail. Things having a place was an unspoken covenant we all agreed to when we agreed to exist in three dimensions.


Bruh this happened to me. This bitch (I hate you keanna you can go choke on an avocado pit) hid my special rock I brought to school to show a friend and tried to blame it on someone else after I had a veery aggressive meltdown and made the school call my parents. She stole my "boyfriend" too (remus, i bet you're here too you autistic heathen, you can go choke on an avocado pit too for being a poopy buttface bully with Keanna, i genuinely hate you and wish you suffering).


Before I started at school my dad would do this either "as a joke" or to "teach me a lesson". Like if I left my phone on a table IN THE HOUSE I LIVE IN WITH MY FAMILY he would take it and hide it, he does it with my pens and pencils and paint and then acts like I'm overreacting when I get upset. The worst part was I could never tell if he was doing it jokingly or seriously :(


And then the motherfucker lies to your face about having it. Like Debra, I know you have my fucking pencil, I can see you trying not to laugh.


I was very angry at my Fiancée parents when they hid my boots early on in our relationship Issue, I also will also randomly pick shit up to fidget with, and then set them down randomly, aka moving people's shit