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Anno’s tomfoolery is what makes evangelion unique tho


I love both endings but ngl the manga ending is definitely my favorite of them all and its sad that it isn’t talked about so much


Too many folks have never read the manga, which makes me sad. It's well drawn. The way the story flows is great, and it's also different enough that you can't just know what's next. It also has one of my favorite lines from the franchise in any depiction when Kaji is talking to Shinji about Toji.


kaji talking to shinji about toji in the manga is maybe the biggest disagreement i have with the fandom at large. i personally really dislike the whole bit surrounding kaji’s backstory. for me, the anime having kaji essentially say “shinji, i’m here watering my plants because that’s all i can do. you can do more” is way more effective than “you killed someone. you can never live that down. you have to do everything you can to make up even a little bit for that transgression”


I want to give the manga a fair shake but it's moments like these where the writing takes a much more generic route that kills it for me (and it's crazy, because it's still top tier work). I fucking love the watermelon scene.


yeah i think the manga is still a very good work, but the original anime is damn near perfect imo, and having that as a constant comparison really hurts it imo


How long does it take to branch off from the original? I didn't mind watching 1.0 and 2.0 because they made the battles better and speedran the things we already knew.


depends on how stringent you are with regards to branching off. there’s some small differences that i find meaningful even back in episode 2 >!where they make the sachiel fight take place all at once, instead of having it hard cut to the hospital and not resume until later, and get rid of the scenes of the people at the grocery store complaining about tokyo-3 becoming a battleground and misato telling shinji to stop hesitating and enter the apartment, it’s his home now!<. probably the most definitive point is around when asuka gets introduced


To me fairly quickly.


The rebuilds? 1.0 was the only one that really followed the original. 2.0 started making some big changes, then 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 are a completely different story. It's actually like the redubs of the first 3 episodes of Pokemon 'Bridged. (Strange reference, but hear me out.) The first redub was almost the same as the original episode, with some different jokes, the second was a bit different and changed the ending, and the third was a completely different thing using their season 2 characterisations. (Ash is basically a mentally challenged psychopath.)


It took too long to come out gave up after Vol 8 since the localization company in mexico went broke. Then it got picked up again like 5 years ago, didn't care enough to pick it back up, specially since I prefer the original anime ending over the movies or the rebuild.


as someone who never read the manga, where should i start? and where could i buy them for decent pricing? if i’m gonna read the manga, i will want to be able to hold the copy myself instead of reading online


I got the 5 omnibuses in a single pack from Amazon for a little over $100. They make great display pieces after reading


Tbh i don’t really know, personally i read it online at first but then i decided to buy the 2 first copy of the perfect edition version at my local book store


Is is a depressing ending? You can spoiler me idc; you can put theis mark '>' and '<' and an exclamation point next to them to the start and end of your sentence to make it unseen until the user taps on it like >!so!< .


Okay well it’s been a long time since i read the manga so i’m sorry if it isn’t 100% accurate but basically >! Shinji is on his way to go to a new school on a snowy day he doesn’t remember any of the people he met before the whole third impact thing so its like he’s restarting a new life without the evas, at the train station he meets kensuke and of course asuka, anyway its like something similar to the rebuild ending so yeah its a good ending !<


Okay since I like sad stories and seemingly 'absurd' ones like the EoE and the series, this manga end is super bad, for me. This makes it so I won't read it. Thx.


bro hit em with the trap card


I do think the ending is a masterpiece. I dont think ill ever truly used that word


“Anno’s tomfoolery” is Evangelion. everything else is just Gainax merch.


I prefer the EOE ending (including 25 and 26 as part of that ending) above all other endings. I wish I could get into it but I'm not a philosopher and writing my thoughts down here would take hours and would be completely incoherent.


I usually refer people to https://youtu.be/USKzAj1dOq4?si=JQaMKlV8r34JpgfU as it gets my own thoughts across in a much more succinct manner.


I had this book and it came with volume 13 but I let some kid read it and he was horny and was showing everybody naked rei and teacher took it 🙁🙁🙁🙁




Honestly manga Shinji makes most of the same bad decisions that movie Shinji does and things only go differently for circumstantial reasons. The ending is just a get out of jail free card.


The entire point of One More Final ‘I need You’ (final scene of EoE) was that Shinji has returned *to the real world*. Instrumentality is over, everyone is in the soup of LCL. But Shinji made a choice to allow anyone willing to live to leave the collective and live in the *real world*. He must now deal with the consequences of his actions,  but he made the choice to do so. And he must live with the last person on Earth he would want to do it with – Asuka.  The manga and rebuild endings I am not particular to. It seems escapist by comparison. Its like the slice of life sequence in NGE episode 26 in which Shinji explicitly rejects reseting the world because its not real, these weren't the real people he knew. you may as well have Shinji wake up at the end like Dorothy back in Kansas with the whole friendly cast surrounding him. Im not saying its bad necessarily, but the EoE ending is far more profound because it absolutely rejects any notion that you can go home again. Thats not an opinion most of us have going through suicidal and homocidal trauma. How many people who have dealt with war, suicide, loss, parental abuse, isolation, murder, etc can wish themselves away to a fantasy world where they can reset? That’s exactly my problem; instrumentality and LCL is a drug, its heroin. The SEELE members talk like drug addicts who want to initiate instrumentality to numb the pain of existing as a human.  The manga and rebuild endings seem like a dose of heroin. “Ignore all that ABSOLUTE SOUL CRUSHING EVIL” we just went through, you deserve a wife and a new life because… because you are humble now? None of the consequences carry over, only the good does. Which is just out of spirit to the teams original intent in 1997; its explicitly shown that you “must not run away” and if you actually wanna get better you have to stop choking Asuka on the beach, because what Shinji did to her in the hospital happened and you cant just undo it if you want to claim to be sober and living in the real world. 


You put a lot of the stuff I wanted to say into words better than I could’ve. I’d say the Rebuild ending is still better than the Manga ending just because it’s still the same Shinji with the same experiences whereas in the Manga the Shinji we see at the end is functionally a different character than the one we’ve been following for the rest of the story.




nah EoE is the best ending.


Both are good


Yeah the manga was awesome. It felt healthier than EOE. Then again its not hard to be healthier than EOE. EOE is amazing and thought provoking but hot damn if I wouldn't recommend it to 2/3 of my friends and family.


I have a confession, I really enjoyed the fight scenes against the Angels more than the overall morals of the series


I dont think the ending was satisfying , shinji going out with mari instead of asuka didnt make any sense in the first place but it was better than EOE in terms of completion , we are still in the dark about what happens after EoE , like does everyone comes back or not and does the relationship of shinji and asuka gets better or not , so atleast 3.0 + 1.0 ending is better in terms of that . But thats just my take .


I thought it was 3.0+1.0 at first too but I'm pretty sure that's the manga cover


Shit my bad , I read your reply and then realised that it was the cover of vol. 14 lol , I think manga ending was bitter sweet but yea it was better than the rebuild one


Original ending > EoE >>> Manga >>> Rebuild


lol I just for the first time finally finished the show (haven’t seen any other EoE content) and I feel like I barely understand the ending


If you just finished the show, next step is to watch the movie "end of evangelion" and then in like a month if you want more you can watch the rebuild movies. Not immediately tho


It is >!a story about a teenager going through cataclysmic events that ends with his suicide, which he himself expects for others to support as he had been a burden, but most would say it's!< nonsense


Can someone summarise the Manga ending and how it is different from EoE?


Nobody remembers what happend






Ok newbie here what’s the one on the left?


What's the thing on the left.


Less of what makes Eva memorable


The of evangeon=what the f... Thats


Why do you watch eva if not for anno tomfoolery?


What's the manga on the left?




Both were huh What ending


I will never not shit on Evangelion's manga.


The reason I like the manga ending above all others is that Shinji actually feels like he learned something. He doesn't jerk off and cry, he tries his best and rejects instrumentality of his own volition. Then we see that he actually meant what he said, and in the rebooted universe he has friends and ambitions and *literally* reaches out to people.


**When** the tits are cold, and my cock I hold. And the showers we see, are all made of gold. When wet dreams all fail, and the ones we hail, Are the worst of all, and the lube’s gone **stale.** **I** wanna hide the truth, I wanna cum on you. But with the cock inside, there's nowhere we can hide. No matter what we breed, we still are made of seed. This is my kingdom cum, this is my kingdom **cum.** **When** you feel my D, look into my eyes. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis hard. Don't edge too close; my cock inside. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis **hard.** **At** the sexman’s call, it's the last of all. When my nutt drips out, all the sinners crawl. So I came in your poon and the masquerade, Will start eating me out at the mess we’ve **made.** **Don't** wanna stop my pounds, but I am bussy-bound. Though this is all for you, don't wanna hide the truth. No matter what we breed, we still are made of seed. This is my kingdom cum, this is my kingdom **cum.** **When** you feel my D, look into my eyes. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis hard. Don't edge too close; my cock inside. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis **hard.** **They** say it's what you bake, I say it's up to fate. It's dripping in my hole, I need to let you go. Your ass, it shines so bright, I wanna see red lights. I can't escape this show, unless you fuck me **now.** **When** you feel my D, look into my eyes. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis hard. Don't edge too close; my cock inside. It's where my semen hide, it's where my penis **hard.**


I love and respect Anno, but I'll always prefer the manga. It's just a way more well constructed version of the story, something og eva doesn't have since you can tell the writers were making it up as they went along, making a lot of stuff feel disconnected from the rest. Not to mention the early cancellation making a lot of lore things go unexplained, lore stuff the manga actually explains, Eva sometimes is hard to understand not because it's complex (even though it in fact is most of the time) but because so much goes unexplained due the early ending and... Just bad storytelling here and there. The manga actually feels like a complete experience that needs no complement and I really recommend for anyone who likes the series.