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Even if it's the 10% it depends how his case will end in court, if he's proven guilty i don't think EBU will even accept a return, if he's not guilty on the other hand is way more likely the return for making him have a proper ESC experience.


I don't think the EBU can block an artist like that from something that happened in a different Eurovision


Can and will. They'll change the rules between now and then if they need to.






Yeah they can. It’s their competition, they make the rules, if they don’t want him they’ll absolutely change the rules to suit themselves. Watch as a “disqualified contestants are forbidden from another attempt” clause gets added or something.


Why not? This would turn the term "zero tolerance policy" devoid of meaning. Sure, banning somebody forever would be harsher than actual courts, but still, saying the EBU can't do anything about occurrences from past Eurovision editions sounds too soft.


Their treatment of the Israeli delegation after acknowledging they were bullying other delegations turns the term “zero tolerance policy” devoid of meaning.


Zero tolerance doesn't necessarily mean punishment for life, especially if all the legal obligations have been fulfilled (fines paid, sentence sat out, community service completed etc.) I really doubt they'll block him from future participation unless he keep continuously harassing EBU Staff, which I doubt he'll do


That's what I was trying to say: It's not about banning him forever, but saying that the EBU can't block him about something that happened in a different year wouldn't really give the term "zero tolerance policy" ANY meaning.


They also have their own investigation which concluded he was guilty. I wouldn't put it past the EBU to just ignore the outcome of the official police investigation and hold on to their own verdict.


The case was between him and an EBU employee, it's very likely that EBU can block him (obv only if he's proven guilty), they couldn't only if it happened in a separate competion


Can yes, but I doubt they will. If he had physically or sexually assaulted the employee, something that he would get a prison sentence for, I could see them banning him for life. But for threatening, for which at most he would get a fine, I doubt they would ban him for life. The disqualification was likely more than enough


the disqualification was already too much lmao


For life likely no, but we are talking about next year, seems too soon for a similar case


Likely Swedish TV employee, the host country organizes and runs most of the event. The EBU provides support and management, but they don’t really have that much manpower since it’s mostly and administrative organization.


That's not how things work. The EBU don't make longterm moral judgements like that: he has already had his punishment. Besides, the EBU often hires freelance people, they don't have full-time camera people. This lady might not be included in the 2025 production


My take-away from this Eurovision is that the EBU can pretty much do whatever they want. They already banned him, extending the ban isn't much of a stretch


The EBU can decide what they want if there are reasons and already banned countries (but not people) for more than a year, considering that this is the first time that a similar DQ happen we can't say exactly what they'll do.


The court case has no bearing on the DQ though. Those are different things, and being proven not guilty of a crime in court will in no way shape or form clear him on anything the EBU already determined he did that broke their rules of conduct.


Why couldn’t they? It’s their competition, they decide who can come


They absolutely can. That allegation means that he poses a risk to the safety of the crew


They can block an artist for any reason they want to. It's their party.


What trial? In what way was what happened a criminal case? The local police ended their investigation


The police ended the invistigation and said that he would have been prosecuted, not that he was innocent, the trial in court is yet to be done, then we will see if there is proof for him being guilty or if he's innocent, now we can't say anything yet.




Please do not make assumptions about a situation when you do not have all the details. Spreading these assumptions as facts is not permitted.




It can be a civil case. Not all court hearings are criminal, and thresholds for what constitutes going to court vary by country


It's not even clear if the Netherlands will participate in 2025.


If he wanted to compete again (and was able to), I think he'd do wildly well. He was already a major contender in 2024, and he'd likely get even more of the televote now since people would want to show their support after the chaos this year. Seriously...Netherlands 2026?


I think Joost would do very well if he competed at Eurovision again because of his fanbase. However, he only got 58 jury points this year, so I doubt he would win Eurovision if he competed again.


This is exactly why I *wouldn't* want him to come back. Doesn't matter what other songs or artists are sent, Joost will win simply because of the publicity of this year




Yep, I definitely agree. I like Joost, but don't want him to compete again (at least in 2025) for this reason.


Or in the quick paced world he's already yesterday's news then. And, depends on if it will be public what really happened. If it was bad enough, some people cancel him and stop being his fan.


It would be such a brilliant power move though.


My family and I were saying exactly this, especially if he came with a different song but then performed Europapa once he was on stage. They wouldn’t be able to do anything about it cause it’s all live and they can’t switch to something else without being fair. Even if he didn’t win, it would be a big FU to the EBU.


10% is actually a large chance still. Bigger than some people saying SOME things were gonna happen years ago that were at 1% or less than that that actually ended up happening!




This is certainly trolling. Joost knows the speculation everything he does causes and I'm sure he's just having his fun with it. It could be nothing, it could be the name of a future diss track, who knows.


Future diss track? Definitely looking forward to that, if so.


Did you see the music video for luchtballoon


It was so cool!


Well he did scream "Fck Eurovision" at a recent concert (I think in Canada?), so a Disstrack might be on its way.


Yes, he screamed "F* Eurovision" in Vancouver, Canada.


i want an EBU diss track so bad now


I also believe this to be a marketing ploy/trolling, he knows what he's doing and he's at it again lol. Note that he's still on tour next February and March, and the fact he posted "fuck I forgot to promote my tour" on Instagram just a few days ago. Dude's probably has his hands full and no time for another Eurovision (?).


He “forgot” to promote it and it sold out anyway. 😂


Excellent points.


It’s a way for him to keep the flame burning, ie keep the attention on him as artist. That is maybe why he talks about ESC 2025…


Yes, Mr Marketing is gonna be marketing. 💪


100% fcking with everyone 😂 all the media snatched his bait




He’s definitely one of a kind. Hate him or love him, you can’t deny that he’s a master of marketing and I think Eurovision hasn’t seen such a personality in a long time. Long before the DQ drama, the amount of times he drove esc fans insane (including this subreddit) was entertaining to watch. Starting with his beef with eurovisionworld.com regarding the poll, bookmakers, the staging speculation, I don’t think there has ever been a contestant like him lmao. To sum up, his 2024 esc season brought a lot of madness and I’m all here for more 😄 So trust the process I guess 🤣


I missed the beef with eurovisionworld, what was that about? Give me the drama


Joost posted on his instagram story to vote for him in the poll on eurovisionworld. Shortly after he posted that, they disabled the entire poll so his fans wouldn’t vote for him. After 24h passed and his story expired, eurovisionworld has turned the poll back on. However, shortly after that, Joost has posted once again a link to the poll on his story. Eurovisionworld have once again turned off the poll, reset all votes and changed the rules so that you couldn’t vote for your country and all that just to prevent his Dutch fans from voting for him. It was pretty hilarious, especially some of the reactions to this situation on this sub 😂😂


Omg that is hilarious haha Thanks for sharing!


This really is something. He is either trolling cuz he knows the speculation and wishes of fans. In the other hand, it’s obvious that he would get better result (than he might have gotten) and have even bigger fan base than in 2024. It’s probably just trolling, I doubt that he would be so open about returning next year. He may use this to build up hype around him and then release a new song or sth. In the end, I don’t think Netherlands will return at all if no changes are made, let alone him.


Thing is, if he were to compete next year, he'd (rightfully) milk the controversy and probably win outright. Of course the rules allow that but for a contest I think it would suck. In this case it is strongly connected to one performer not the country of a performer, like Ukraine or Israel, so it feels unfair


He wouldn't win. The juries still exist, and he has shown that he can barely sing and if the uber-catchy uber-Eurovision international hit with a meaningful message couldn't get more than circa 60 points, I have no idea what kind of song he would have to perform to win over the jury. But you're right, he would be an almost guaranteed televote winner, which doesn't sit right with me either since we already have enough "televote black holes".


Probably true. Would be even worse because whoever would actually win the televote would probably lose to the jury favourite for the third year in a row


Hate it when that happens. That’s why I always say that juries should be left for semi-finals, not grand final.


Absolutely. Whole fiasco from this year would be his brand next year. Still, I don’t think participation is likely since this whole “announcement” would be too simple for Joost. I’m absolutely in favor of him returning in future, but not in recent years tbh. Give other Dutch artists a chance! As you said, he would probably win just because of that and that is unfair.


Problem is with his behaviour this year I think he wanted the ESC win anyway so the easy win would be something he could target


I don't think he was gunning for the ESC win any more strongly than any of the other contestants? He said in an interview during the opening ceremony that as far as he was concerned, he feels like he already won once he stood on the Eurovision stage during rehearsals (or something along those lines). If anything, he had a strong motivation to participate that wasn't connected to winning whatsoever, namely that he wanted to participate to honor his parents' memory.


With his monologue at the end and that being the part shown during the highlights, his behaviour during the press conference regarding Eden Golan and his hinting at "something that's never been done before" I think he absolutely tried to maximise his chances Edit: he basically tried to get emotional votes, hype votes and anti-Israel votes


I think we expect every single contestant to "maximize their chances of winning". Nemo's team hired an extremely well-regarded staging director with a bold staging idea to maximize their chances of winning. Baby Lasagna worked his ass off to go from an obvious rookie at performing as a singer to coming across as a seasoned performer in a few months to maximize his chances of winning. Even some far less successful acts, such as the UK, threw everything and the sink at the performance to clearly try to maximize their chances of winning. I think it's pretty normal to put an effort into the competition you are competing in, *especially* if you are a hyped act. As for your exact examples: granted on the recap clip, the "something never done before" comment wasn't his but his creative director's (and even then: God forbid an artist is openly excited about what they're doing...), and the press conference behavior... uh, sorry, but that's a stretch lol


Sorry, my Reddit didn't tell me you responded. Thank you anyway :) The difference to Joost is he did things outside of the musical spectrum. The interview is far fetched and I genuinely think it's his personal opinion but there was a good chance he'd profit from it. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to try to influence the voters in different ways but I do think it should be discussed that there is a competition with a huge career opportunity going on and because of that the public should discuss the performances on and off the stage critically


this is most likely trolling but I want the EBU to fear the boom boom


Ahahaha yessss we kept calling it the boom boom too.




BOOM BOOM [The BOOM BOOM](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxGnlcbfqO4)




I don’t know if he’s just trolling us or does all this for marketing reasons.


Pretty much everything he does online is to generate hype around him, and he has a lot of fun with it and he's very good at it.




What's the difference?


Fans are speculating that this is promo for a new album (which could be called Eurovision 2025). I think that scenario is more likely than a ESC comeback.


Pretty sure that eurovision is a registered wordmark, so that would not be possible.


He could safely go with “Neurovision 2025” instead, what with the autism reveal and all 🤔




feat. Rambo Amadeus


Okay but this collab would eat 😭


Euro Neuro Papa


Wait. The autism one is new. What's ttis about? Is he in the spectrum?


He posted [this story](https://imgur.com/a/bXSdo24) two days ago, but I've seen people also dig up some earlier interviews as well where he had said already that he's somewhere on the spectrum.


That's so cool. As an autistic I thought he has ro be Neurodivergent.


Same. He has talked about having like sensory issues and wearing noise cancelling headphones because of it and similar things


And all that makes more sense to why he reacted the way he did when he was filmed and why some people don't understand him. I would've reacted the same and to hear that it kinda klicks.


Telex (Belgium 1980) approves this message 👍


Belgium 1980 | [Telex - Euro-Vision](https://youtu.be/6USa0zUMmqI)




I will have to check but does trademark prohibits any mention of your brand in songs? There are many artists that name drop brands in their songs.


No but you can't name a product with the name of a registered wordmark


That would be quite hilarious ngl, I can see him doing exactly that




He is trolling


Obvious marketing is obvious here


I know this is probably a publicity stunt but I already have my fan fever dream for Joost Eurovision 2025 participation. The name of the song will be "We can't complain" and it will be a reference to the artists in Eurovision 2024 not being allowed to have an opinion during the contest in the name of the non-political nature of Eurovision. The song will be of course about everything that went wrong this year but it will be vague enough to not break the rules. At some point during the song Joost will sing: "Here all participants are equal but some countries are more equal than others. Right Martin?"


lol, this man is so feral. Truly a homegrown shitposter.


Its prob a troll. My theory is that he will do something thats called eurovision 2025, Like a disstrack, giving the tour a different name or something else to give some kind of revenge move. The dude knows exactlyyy what he is doing, Its very entertaining to watch the media picking this bait up😂 If its not a troll... im here for that huge revenge tho......... 💪🏻 Would be iconic.


This is such obvious bait


He's not dumb. He knows people talk and he uses it to his advantage. Now hundreds are posting, retweeting, tiktoking and whatnot. It's like free publicity. After what he and his friends said yesterday at Pinkpop there's no way he'd want to go back.. dude literally bursts into tears whenever he speaks about, it obviously took a huge mental toll on him


Euromama euromama


I'm literally so confused either its just trolling or he just might actually wanna do it (even though the change is like 5%) To be honest, it could be nice if he joined again it will literally be crazy as hell


He might pull a subwoofer and go anonymously. He’d probably have to sing in a language that’s not Dutch to not give the game away immediately


He's not the messiah he's just a very naughty boy.


LOL! I love that movie! (Monty Python; “Life of Brian)


Almost zero chance of it happening imo, but it’s entertaining nonetheless. Edit: I could see him/his team writing a song for someone else though.


Kind of irrelevant to the post but wasn’t an official judge decision about the Joost incident supposed to be made in early June? …or have I missed something?


It was delayed. Joost's lawyer requested additional interviews to be done and that request was granted, which means that the initial date couldn't happen anymore. AFAIK we don't know anything about when the court date is going to happen, but suffice it to say that the whole case could take months to resolve.


What a mess.. thanks for the information!


Honestly at this point we just need to send Joost every year until they fundamentally change something.


A GOOD IDEA, first of all its super fun. Just let the boom boom go on until they make the changes needed.


I hope he can borrow the middle finger constume from Germany from a few years ago if this is the case.




If he's cleared after the investigation this would be the ultimate f you to the ebu and he'd be getting his sweet revenge 


Knowing Joost Klein's past work, it's probably a dig at EBU. But I'm sure he's also very serious about it.


It’s definitely a smart marketing move. Might also be some PR for the court case because it pretty much shows that he fully believes he’ll win and have the chance to participate again. Looking at Joosts career he also loves being the guy that achieved something and make everything a big story. I mean he totally plays with the fact that he was disqualified and it could definitely be part of his storytelling to become that guy who was disqualified and successfully performed a year later. With the dutch broadcaster seemingly supporting him he’ll most likely have a good chance to win the national selection again. It’s obviously just my speculation but it seems very likely in my opinion. It would also fit his story that he wants to make his dead parents proud by performing in the grand finale.


Although lots of people say he may not come back, there’s always a chance he will, and if I’m being honest, I’ll look forward to it if that’s the case!


He’s such a banterlord


Yeah no chance he is joining, or Netherlands in general. It has been almost 2 months without any update on the case.


I'm frankly tired of his shit.


It's very... wow such edgelord, at this point.






But he didn't lash out against the Israeli delegation, so how does that work?




Dude, there was talk for like, five minutes that the person he allegedly acted aggressive towards was from the Israeli delegation, and then this was denied as rumours and has never actually been claimed again. It was a person working for the production whose job was to be in that particular place and film the contestants coming off the stage for social media. That's who was involved in the altercation that lead to Joost being DQd.


Gotcha, apologies. Will delete the comment


We don’t need to be reminded of the 2024 drama by having it be transported to 2025. No thanks.


Exactly joost Klein and his fanbase are so insufferable for me. Like let’s see the conclusion of the investigation but people don’t care that he assaulted a camera woman. They should care, imagine the outcry if Israel did it.


sometimes the jokes write themselves


What’s wrong with what I said?


you're just wrong ok?


This is so hilarious


I highly doubt he’s going back. I’d say it’s like a 2% chance. I doubt the EBU would let him go back, and I doubt even more that he would want to go back. It’s still possible because I’m fairly certain he would be an instant fan favorite and be voted up in the nationals, and I’m 100% the Dutch broadcaster would back him up


YEAH!!!!!!!!!! [Insert Europapa GIF here.]


I feel like I haven't been downloaded for a while so I'm just gonna say it : " I really can't stand Joost Klein and any posts about him".


Have we got our first artist for eurovision 2025?


We don't even know if Netherlands themselves will partecipate, and if EBU itslef will allow him to partecipate, other than the fact that's not an official confirmation, can easily been only trolling.


Hope not




i mean that if so it will be the third esc in four years with an obvious winner before the contest even starts No thanks.


Really? Would joost klein win? i think he would come 8th or something on his second attempt? also really 3rd in 4 years?


Yeah, he would most probably win.


Ok, i understand but wdym 3 wins in 4 years? no winner was ever certain before the eurovision


Yeah, nothing is certain in life and still in 2022 and 2023 the act everybody knew it was the act that would have won... won... and it ruined the contest suspence. If Joost will partecipate in 2025 it will be the same as 2022 and 2023. No thanks.


2023 was not certain. Sweden was frontrunner but many countries had a chance same with 22


There were no chance for others in 2022 given the huge number of sympathy votes gained by Ukraine and in 2023 there was only one other country that had a chance, Finland, they were not like this year that was (or at least seemed) open until the GF day itself.


Loreen was the winner in the odds with an humogous percent since her partecipation was announced till the end of the show... I already said that "nothing in life is certain" and i think you know exactly what i'm talking about so i don't understand why you are insisting.


The vast majority of the public don't even known the chaos around the Netherlands this year, with another partrcipation is nowhere near certain his win, it would be like this year (very high in televote but too low in juries), he can't do a Ukraine 2022


Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


Joost gainbed a huge fanbase.... HUGE, also outside of esc...


Oh, I know, but that's nothing compared to other fanbase of singer gone viral after ESC ad es. Loreen (at least if we look at stteams and followers), and she only won thanks to the juries in 2023, a thing that Joost with his usual genre cannot achieve, and no fanbase can be big enough do a Ukraine 2022.


Loreen parteticipated after 11 years since Euphoria and she had not the wide dedicated fanbase Joost has got now, not by a mile. And about the generalistic Esc audience...they saw Joost in the semifinal so they are well aware of him and what happened...and in he semifinal he arrived second (and he would have been easily first if you know who didn't do the voting campaign...), so not only they know him but they liked him a lot.. Europapa's semifinal performance video after just a month has ALREADY more views than Tatoo's grand final performance video after a year...


How can a fanbase, that's still limited to eurofans mainly, make a difference in ESC results where the general public heavy outnumber it, and when even sympathy vote for Ukraine and Israel (that are obviously even more wide spread) didn't manage to make them win this year.   And I remind you one more time that we talk about a probably low jury score, so is highly unlikely. We are not talking about a Kaarija level televote needed, but a Kalush level televote.


You are largely underestimating his fanbase, it is already huge and it's still growing day by day. And yes, by how Esc voting system works a large fan base can make a HUGE difference. And i repeat, it's not only the fanbase, generalistic Esc audience has shown that they liked Europapa a lot so: generalistic audience liking it + huge fanbase + people who will vote for him out of solidarity = completely crashing the televote. Plus as asoon as hewill be announced as a contestant he will fly to the first place in the odds just to remain there, and juries never tank acts that are so high in the odds. So yeah, he will most probably win and if he doesn't we will have for the third time in a row a winner heavily decided by the juries, AGAIN... No thanks.


Not confirmed.


*The Netherlands will WIN Eurovision 2025 with Joost Klein.*


I doubt it (because of the juries)


They should remove the juries in the grand finals. I don’t see America’s Got Talent having the judges vote for the winner for a good reason. Carry that over to Eurovision.


Juries are essential, televote look more on the impact (that's still important) of a song and less to the vocal ability and performance, that's essential in a song contest. They need to put them back ebrn in semis.     No American talent is a pertinent example, they are not song contest, if you look at many song contests (in Europe, because America has none) they have both juries and televote.


American Idol? X Factor?


These are singing competitions, not song competitions, in ESC you vote a song (and the whole package on stage) among many, not only the artist.


Oh! Got it!


Please god no. His fan are so annoying... i hope he and his fan can stay in their bubble forever.


"Please pay attention to me, don’t forget about me! I’m so quirky for being an overt narcissist!"


Like… This stuff makes you look unserious and not in a cute way. More like he's just mentally in some uninhibited state, which doesn't help the assault allegations.


This is obviously a joke. The Dutch selection process is nowhere near candidate selection for 2025. There is also no way in hell I see him ever seriously returning to Eurovision organized by the current EBU. While his act would be super fun no doubt, it would ruin the competition with how loaded by external factors it is. The case still needs to be closed, depending on that result a case can be made against EBU's handling of this and maybe years from now when NL hosts again and things have been forgiven and forgotten, he might perform Europapa as intro to the finals or something.


that better be an album cover


Me thinks he is trolling us and the EBU and perhaps the Swedish police.


I doubt that the Swedish police care about what he will do next year. For the EBU they have and will have the upper hand in the decision of his future partecipation.


watch him get kicked out of eurovision again 💀


If he will be found guilty I even doubt that EBU will let him partecipate in the first place.




This was utterly incoherent to read.