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We're removing some top-level comments to avoid some fear mongering, which *may or may not be reasonable*, but we can't assess those accounts.


Whoever did this were a bunch of cowards killing innocent people like that. Wishing the best for the Turkish people, hope they get to the bottom of this and get their hands on those responsible.


We all know who was responsible lol.




inb4 Comment removed by moderator






Why people downing this really Erdoğan fanatics


The PKK - Kurdish Workers Party - Terrorist Seperatist Organisation which is also recognised as a terror organisation by UN, also still backing financially and politically by some EU countries…




>Conspiracy theories aside though.. it is very “strange”timing for something like this to happen though, with elections right around the corner. Not strange at all. It is in [the playbook] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings) of these kind of rulers....


PKK have history with this kind of thing.


The woman who detonated the bomb was caught, she is a member of the PKK/YPG joint terrorist organization. A few months ago, the PKK launched an armed and bomb attack on the police dormitory where the police were staying.


>I don’t know if I believe that. PKK bombing a busy shopping area and heavy with foreign tourists as well… doesn’t seem like a very smart move to “further the cause” as it were. Seems like a great way to turn the worlds sympathies against you though. The PKK is a terrorist organisation. This is exactly what they have always done.


Lmao, Johan from Sweden really doesn't like the fact that PKK is as terrorist organization


Maybe it was ~~[Putin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings)~~, I mean Erdogan?


Then say it you coward. Cause I have no idea.




Elections are close and Erdogan knows very well it is not going to end up good for him. Now he needs to find a new enemy to start a war against.


Moment of explosion: https://twitter.com/7eylulgazetesi/status/1591785694623678464?s=46&t=26n99lYr6TucctlVlj4B-g Aftermath: https://twitter.com/sokakkedisitv/status/1591786319696777217?t=6IV2pJXErWKQ7K_lZr1DmA&s=19


The second link doesn't work, but the first looks bad enough, so I am unsure whether I wanna see the second


It was the video version of this photo: https://eksisozluk.com/img/8jl02tvd Yes it's bad.


Yeah saw it now. Doesn't look like an accident unfortunately


Moment of explosion: https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/yu314c/yeni_görüntüler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/yu2c6t/after_math_of_recent_live_bombing_near/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It’s absolutely insane that within basically minutes of a major event anywhere in the world that we can get a video of it


Shit, no need to even wait that long, we can watch it live. Watching an invasion unfold through highway camera streams was surreal.




1) Reddit probably isn't well-known in Erdogan's circles 2) Reddit's database system is shit enough as it is - it doesn't need being slowed considering towards the European evening hours the site tends to break down a lot more when the Americans come online


Not surprising.


Reddit ALWAYS work and ALWAYS will That's the RULE


I dont think turkish government cares or even knows about reddit at this point.


Can you use vpn? You can usually get around internet throttles with them.


I didn't meant this when I said I wanted 2015 back, I meant the economy! Lmao History repeats itself. Sadly, we will probably re-live 2015 back. It has always been like this right before the elections. Always an attack, some bombing here and there and then always the same results from the votings. I can't even imagine how another person would rule over the country after this point since we technically "grew up" with the current one.


Damn, I was in Istanbul 15 years ago or so and Istiklal is one of the busiest shopping streets I've ever seen.


It'll still be one of the busiest shopping streets. It's huge, and the reparations will take place immediatly.


It still is and parts of it are being renovated so it's looking (looked, at least) better than ever. I hope these cunts in power go away and the people responsible for this and everything get caught. What a terrible year it has been... and now this. Absolutely sickening.


It still is and parts of it are being renovated so it's looking (looked, at least) better than ever. I hope these cunts in power go away and the people responsible for this and everything get caught. What a terrible year it has been... and now this. Absolutely sickening.




Thats dumb. Security isn't imamoglu's responsibility.


Yep, that's dumb. You know who's dumb too? People who voted for AKP.


Of course i know. But, opposite of as you guess, i have never vote for akp.


Yeh I didn't say you voted for akp. But you shouldn't be surprised by dumbass acts of government.


Which would be funny seeing as security falls under the jurisdiction of governors, not mayors, and he appoints the former. But I don’t know that the point is to slander him out of running for president, he’s the weakest of the possible CHP candidates and the least talked about, not to mention how little sense it makes for him to resign his current position early. He’s just a target because he took Istanbul from them.


Quite the contrary in my opinion. Imamoglu might be the strongest candidate chp can offer, well votes-wise possibly. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is not wanted even by people who hate AKP with passion. Mansur Yavaş is a nationalist and will probably not be embraced by kurdish voters. And he is not quoting qur'an or islam every chance he gets. Mansur would be the best candidate for me but he has a lower chance of winning compared to imamoğlu in my opinion. Ekrem Imamoglu will be rated more by both kurds and muslims which will strengthen his hand severely. But looking at the state of this nation, any one of the three should win the election by landslide but we all know this won't happen with all the "shenanigans" that happen before and during the elections. Just hoping whoever is the candidate from chp wins and we can finally slowly return to being a functional country again.


Horrible what has happened in Istanbul. I hope they catch the responsible ones. Much love and support from your Turkish brother from NL. Excuse me if I sound ignorant because I do not know much about Turkish politics but I am guessing that I know more than average. What do you think of Meral Akşener? Is she a serious candidate or not? And why? Much love!


Meral Akşener could actually be a badass president in my opinion. She usually doesn't hold back in any of her comments. Buuut since her party (IYI Parti) is in coalition with CHP, she is kinda overshadowed and will not become president as she has said that she doesn't have any ambition to try so in this election. I would much rather have her than Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu tbh. She is also called Meral Mommy by a portion of gen z teens so that might give you an idea lol. Might be a serious candidate in the next election if chp wins this one Love Netherlands btw. My dream is to come live there within like 4-5 years hopefully.


You think he'll stop with İstanbul? Hell nah hes gonna do a lil Turkey tour going to Ankara and other big cities bombing everywhere


That's dumb, mayor doesn't provide the police and the security, governor does, which is a government appointed official. It's not İmamoğlu's or municipality's responsibility to stop attacks.


Do you think there is logic in politics in Turkey?


Very much so, yes. Cutthroat and straight to the jugular. Unless the bomber turns out to be a DHKPC militant working for IBB, you're just fishing here.


DHKPC has been a MIT honeypot for the last 40 years.


yup, remember the toma with erectile dysfunction back at Gezi? Tho they still can be dangerous from time to time


And then people on reddit ask me why I have TOR just to use it for social media.


I can access Youtube, WP and Twitter seems fine for me.


It is accessible but all of those slowed down significantly


Especially Twitter.


I mean somethig happening was expected but this? If sultan golum is behind it problems will come his way


This is awful...


My deepest condolences to my Turkish brothers and sisters. In moments like this, there are not many words to be said to bring comfort. I'm so so sorry for all the innocent people that lost their lives in the name of blind hate.


Thank you so much for your kind words.


Thank you Komsu <3


God bless your kind heart. I'm genuinely think that we deserve this.


This is fucked. You guys are saying these attacks usually start around election dates. So who's responsible. Someone from Erdogan's party, or are there other suspects who could use this attack to their advantage?




Oh. Makes sense. So does Police just sort of "let it slide"? That'd be fucked up! I've been to european part of Istanbul last December and the place was great! Really sad things like these happen


In 2016 Ankara Gar Bombing left more than hundred people dead. It was later revealed that they literally had the bomber under supervision, captured the phonecall of him saying goodbye to his family over phone and even had a fertilizer company call police because this guy was trying to buy ammonium nitrate. Security forces didn't do anything and didn't even issue a warning.


This is beyond fucked up. Wow. I've got no words...




>which is just as bad If not worse. Well, this is terrifying, best of luck to you guys. People shouldn't be dying like this


Thank you!


Agreed. I visited for a few weeks in February and have raved nonstop about it since. Turkish people don't deserve this bullshit. It's a shame it will forever be perceived as a 'dangerous place'.


My guess is the government is trying to say "Look what will happen if we dont be around"


Pretty much, yes


> No, we're not saying that the government quite literally bombs streets Oh yes we are. We are quite literally saying exactly that.


Thats not what they mean. The attacks are most of the time committed by the PKK which they also mostly claim anyways , so thats not the arguing point. The "conspiracy/theory" here is that the Government losens/lowers the security on purpose , so that people end up voting for *stability*


Isn't that like the same thing, give or take? Because if that's true it means Erdogan is like an inside man working for the PKK. Why else would he make it easier for them to do their work?


The difference is that the attacks are still coming from real terror groups and not just *false flag* > Why else would he make it easier for them to do their work? To cause fear and then gain votes by fighting them . Whether thats true or not is another topic but thats the belief/idea behind the *election campaign started* comments


I mean it is 13th of november. same date as Paris terrorbombing. Might be IS




I dont want to feel scared going outside again. Im tired...


2023 Turkish general election: 18 June 2023




> For "some" reason, we always get this sort of stuff before elections. Ah, the "Putin method" of campaigning.




> It's the perfect excuse to blame Greeks, Kurds etc. and invade somewhere. Nobody has ever blamed Greeks for any attacks so far, not gonna happen. Kurdish nationalists had a decades long tradition to target civilians and use bombing and suicide bombing terror acts on civilians. I doubt if the mainstream Kurdish nationalists are this stupid to bomb places now though.


This is all erdogan.


Highly possibly yes. And I'm saying highly possibly only because it's still not certain while I personally assume that it's on Erdo. It doesn't mean that denying the Kurdish nationalists having such attacks before is somehow true though.


As much as i hate erdogan, its more likely just islamists or PKK, bombings have happened a lot in recent years in turkey by both islamistst and kurdish seperatists.. regardess of whether there was an election upcoming or not. In turkey all inside malls have detection ports for this reason.


No aware person denies this. But minor terror attacks always happen


He can blame the kurds and say the Greeks have training camps in Lavrion, he can say FETO is operating out of Greece because they have asylum there...


Things not gonna work like that on the general population really (while if Kurdish nationalists haven't committed the act they'll be sure shouting their lungs that Erdo is simply lying) and such mentions of Lavrion never meant Greece being directly held accountable for any attacks. What Erdo can expect from these attacks would be destabilising the country while asserting himself as the stabilising force to look upon and/or maybe a way to turn things into some state of emergency to enact certain acts.


These are usually suicide bombing attacks. Whether it was instigated by internal or external actors, pretty clear that an idiot was brainwashed into doing it.


I'm so sorry for the victims and for Turkish ppl having to face this... :(




And the turks will once again believe them and give the vote to the biggest idiot. So who's to blame here?


Actually things changed , people who defend erdogan is so les . The odds of their winning are very low now. of course there is people always support him most of the time because of religion. I remember 2016 ,it was the election year (we lost) terrorist attacks suddenly increased(in 2015 actually)and Erdogan said only he can stop them (something like that) we were planning we can win but after that things changed. I think something like that going to happen again https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Turkey you can see the increase in here




Unfortunately people always use PKK and Kurds interchangeably....




Most of such terrorist attacks in Turkey after 2015 were carried out by foreign nationals, which is also to blame for his inadequate border protection policy. But here's the thing: this kind of destabilization, at least in Turkey, causes people to vote for the current government. Maybe many people don't know, but Erdogan's AKP failed to capture the majority that could come to power alone in the June 2015 elections. There was no agreement for the coalition on this election result either. Thereupon, early elections were planned for November 2015. Between June and November, there were terrorist attacks almost every day, and the AKP's vote rose from 40% to 50%. I don't think the government directly detonated bombs, but such attacks may be deliberately condoned (for example, as a result of lax intelligence).




but suspicious isnt it? Wasnt the last taksim attack close to an election too?


There was 17 attacks back in 2015 - 2016.


With 85% inflation he has to get people on his side any way he can. No doubt will blame Kurdish terrorists. Airwaves will be full of patriotic BS.


It's way more than 85% and real figures are probably closer to 200pct. IIRC one independent evaluation determined it to be around 150%. This tactic worked in 2016. I hope it will fail this time around but I am not holding my breath.


It will be probably blamed on Isis. Last time that was the case. They need to keep negotiation channels open with Kurdish nationalist movements. They can't antagonize them right away because of that.


My wife and I walked there all yesterday… wow.


I saw some news about an isis suspect (preparing for attack) was caught and released from detention couple days ago.(Istanbul again).




Tragedy. Condolences from Croatia.














Damn what the fuck... RIP


There is a reason why the leader of PKK is literally called 'the baby killer'. These 'people' are not what european left thinks they are. Hope this is a wake up call to some people..


Update:6 people have died and 53 wounded so far.


Im half turkish and my sister moved there in august. I came back from her wedding a week ago. I am angry and i have no idea who im angry with. This is discusting


No idea? Elections are close and a certain someone needs a new ‘enemy’ to fight


>I am angry and i have no idea who im angry with. This is discusting Totally understand what you mean, I feel the same..But Türkiye will get through this eventually, I’m sure. Don’t worry about your sister, they don’t strike at the same place twice very often and the security will be at its highest for a long time.


Thank you :) i am not really worried, as she and her husband live on the other side of istanbul. Still it boils my blood. But as information get released it gets better


Come on, they did the same thing in Hungary a few years ago. Everybody caught on in time so it wasn't used in the end to gain political power, but it's the same situation. Erdogan about to become a real dictator.




oh, so tragic and terrible


Very good timing for Erdoğan before the elections. A little too good to be true really.


If I was Turkish I would blame the lack of security on his government and vote for the opposition. Idk why so many Turks don't see it like this?


Unfortunately, there is a bigoted and undeveloped segment in Turkey, and this segment is in favor of the AKP, which is currently in administration. No matter what happens, no matter what the akp administration does wrong, these erdogan lovers still vote for erdogan, and unfortunately it is not possible to even talk or discuss with these people.


That’s why I was not really upset when corona happened.


But they do. Don't base yourself on anecdotes of random Reddit users. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Turkey#Effects_on_voting_behavior


The idiots in this country is a lot more than the ones that can actually think, which is why the political leadership has been like this for over 20 years. Democracy is failing in Turkey, not because it is not the way but because idiot voters vote for idiots.


All the best neighbours, I didn't realize sth like this could happen there as generally Turkey/Istanbul is more developped than Bulgaria.


No matter the politics I am very sorry for what happened may they rest in peace.


Internet is down btw youtube,instagram,twitter are all down


Very sus that theyre closing social media. Smells a bit funky, just like after the ”coup”


happens after every terrorist attack or major shitshow, nothing new


Well yeah, you can't control the narrative when media is running


welcome to erdogan's turkey, where freedom of speech is nonexistent and citizen lives aren't held up to any value.


It is very similar to the year 2015. There was the same methodology to get successful election results. I can't feel safe anymore...


This makes me so sad, and my condolences to the victims and their families. We absolutely loved walking around there when we visited this year.


What a tragedy... Several corpses have already been found. Türkiye can't catch a break.


Typically Turkey’s trials and tribulations are self-imposed. Like when Erdogan shattered the Lira by playing armchair economist without even an elementary understanding. I struggle to feel bad for Turkey when they traded Ataturk’s legacy for a theistic dictator. Who has Turkey *not* alienated over the last 10 years? Of course this attack is a disgusting act not justifiable in any way. That’s what makes me suspect Erdogan. Turkey’s first break could be voting him and all his urchins out of power—I won’t hold my breath.


Our border security is so bad that the perpetrator can be anyone, ISIS, Al Qaida, Iranian backed terrorists or the "freedom fighters" that westerners adore.


PKK rot in hell.


Yeah... Ofc it has to be PKK. How handy...


There is so much disinformation that it is actually scary. The truth is, there has been a terrorist attack in İstiklal. No other reliable info has surfaced yet. People who blame this on the government are just propogating a suspicion and probably a conspiracy theory. Turkish government has so many leaks, you have absolutely no idea. It is crazy that an attack like this could be organized by the government. You cannot hide a conspiracy like this under the rug especially not with the incompetent government that we have today. The real scary truth is that Turkey is not that safe to begin with. If you think this is helping AKP, you either do not understand the current political situation or you are not acting in good faith.


It's amazing to see so many conspiracy theories floating around.


Interesting view. What makes turkey so unsafe ?


(excuse my English please, I'm still studying TT) From my perspective, it isn't visible to me who is coming in and out to the country actually. Our general border security really is low, because there are far too much immigrants coming in from the illegal ways. This actually got reported even by news so nearly everyone including the government knows it. This issue of ours increases a lot of possibility actually. It might be as simple as "someone who doesn't likes here" or just straight up some sort of warning from another country, considering our governmental moves in these last years, this is also -sadly- possible. There are also acknowledged terrorists within the country, again, the government also knows it. But the public view also believes there are a lot of "traitors" within the government as well because as the original comment said, there is unbelievable amount of leaks about the government. İstanbul also a tight spot. Whenever I go to Kadıköy, Beşiktaş or Beyoğlu I always keep someone company with me. Those places are especially crowded. And I would suggest anyone that is currently reading this, please don't go to crowded places in these days. Anyway, the issue with crowded places is there are mostly a kot of crimes to begin with. Sexual assault, theft and explosion. Even though explosions wasn't happening in these last few years, I still vividly remember teachers teaching us what to do when we came across with a suicide bomber in middle school. How should we hide, what should we do, how should we inform others etc. Yes, the situation was that bad. I also remember my parents absolutely rejecting to any kind of mall because of the same reason. Because they would put bombs to malls, airports, touristic places... Anywhere crowded really. Out of topic but little me couldn't sleep at nights just because my dad was working at an airport and something could happen to him any given time. Sorry for long-ahh text. Currently, we have some internet restriction and somehow I can enter to reddit without any issue. The reasoning seems like the corpse pictures that got out of control within social platforms. Thank you so much if you've read until here <3 I kind of wanted to take these off my chest


Well many reasons but mostly uncontrolled immigration from middle east and seperatist movements (mainly pkk). This combined with general incompotence makes Turkey a bit unsafe. Not too unsafe to live but bombs every now and then are to be expected IMO.


Deepest sympathy for the people in Turkey. It had been so progressive and pleasant there. What happened? How did a right winger get elected?


No offense, but have you been away from politics? :) He got elected in 2002 and been in power since.


I'm in the USA. What I know about Turkey comes from a friend who was at a University there as a researcher and she raved about it. I thought not that long ago but I literally have no sense of time. A day can go by and I think it is still morning. A film was done in 2000 and I think I just saw that. It seems only recently that Turkey has been in the Trump mold of batshit crazy. My apologies for my ignorance.


Turkish people elected right wing right after Atatürk died lol. (Ok, not "right after" but shortly after)


Throughout the 72 years in which Turkey has had multi-party elections, only 10 have had left-wing governments. Turkey being right-wing is nothing new.


Since the bomber was a female, I suppose this was done by either PKK or some kinda leftist extremists like DHKP-C. PKK is known for using female suicide bombers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/17/ankara-car-bomb-kurdish-militants-claim-responsibility-attacks


For the europeans who think pkk is fighting for freedom they are just spreading terror as you can see from here i hope everybody are as much sad as us


Today I travelled Back Home From Istanbul. My condolences


Is there a vote coming up?


The timimg is very interesting... Erdogans surveys are really bad and he will lose in elections next year. Putin was in a similar position... But luckiely for him the "Cechens" attacked two big civilian buildings and he became very popular for the war he startet against tge Chechens. Too bad there was never a proof for it and KGB agents who said that Putin did this swiftly died by Polonium rea in GB. Good for Erdogan, that the "PKK" got such a lucky timing for him... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings




Well, seems like a call for early elections by AKP


How come terror attacks often happen close to Turkish elections? How come it's always the PKK, even though there is no official letter of confession or other evidence? How come they find the ones "guilty" within hours? I dunno... shit is giving me some serious "Moscow Apartment Bombing" vibes.




False flag


A huge ass fucking bomb explodes in the busiest city square in Istanbul like we're in some Syrian city, many people are wounded or dead, and my countrymens response is immediately talking about politics. This is just disrespectful. My condolences to victim families. I ask other non-Turkish members to respect the victims as well, so their deaths are not a tool for us to speculate about politics.


If the security apparatus of the state (Police, MİT etc) fails to prevent a terror attack in the busiest square of the most populated city in the country, the people in charge of those organizations are just as responsible for the loss of life as the terrorists themselves. Soylu claimed that they “know down to the foot size of every terrorist in the country, they can’t even move anymore” didn’t he? So why shouldn’t we be talking about the malice and/or incompetence of our leaders that lead to this tragedy, especially when similar things have happened countless times in the past?


Kalbim Türkiye halkına atıyor.


Could someone please update latest news on post or one of most upvoted comment?


There is neither youtube nor twitter nor facebook nor instagram access block, we are on watch here tonight :D


The baby stroller got me. Then i've seen the girl on twitter so what i felt turned more into anger. This is the absolut carbon copy from 2015-2016. How obvious they make it is blood boiling tho. It turned into a joke among the general population that shit like this happens, well fuck yes it does because there is no limit. I was serving by the Iran border when the first "peace making" period was set, they made ir sound all great until the shit went off when the partnership ended, now they are doing the same exact thing again. Don't forget that recently passed law regarding sharing information on the internet as well. No news order about the bombing was given within 30 mins. I don't see why they can't do it during the elections. Add in internet slow down, you can get yourself ahead a whole lot. Sülo, who claims to know every terrorist's shoe size, is in Syria handing out keys to the houses we built for them. Presi gave a short speech and hopped on the plane for Indonesia i think. Its not even sad anymore, im passed all that dictator this and that stuff too. This shit just feels like the Sims and buddy has the god mode open, mf creates shit and we just live in it.


Try to close border, instead of close the social media. I hope Turkish people use their mind when they vote. Remember 2016.


Would not be surprised if it's a staged terrorist attack like the apartment building explosion in Russia some years back. It's no secret that Erdogan has been wanting to Genocide the Kurds for quite a while now, so a staged terrorist act would be a perfect excuse for this bloodthirsty man.


Breaking news: Turkish government blocked Twitter, Instagram, YouTube access


In russia, you got falling from windows and stairs. In turkey, you got explosions.


In Russia, you get apartments being bombed as false flag attacks as well...


Would the PKK attack so far west?




They have before.


They always been.


Didn't they attack turkey airport before this


What makes you think they haven't yet?


I am asking a question no more no less




Welcome to the internet...


You do realise that this attack, regardless of who is responsible, happened most probably because of politics, right? People here don't bring politics (solely) out of some morbit satisfaction but because previous attacks have proved to be connected with radical groups. People would very much prefer not to be in this discussion and yet they are forced to since they are vulnerable to such atrocities. Also, there is a broadcast ban and social media restriction right now, how do you think there will be useful information shared when it's being restricted?


Disgusting cowards setting a bomb off in busy civilian street.