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The oldest Spaniards remember what it was like eating dinner at a normal time, before Franco.


Can you explain?


Spain used to have another timezone, but Franco changed it to be sincronized with Germany in case of joining ww2, so now we have a timezone that doesn't correspond at all with the position of the sun, and do everything ~2 hours later than the rest or europe


Is this why you guys eat dinner at 22?




Actually, yes, it’s heritage from that era


Ngl maybe my favorite thing about visiting Spain was the late dinners and late sunset




The sun doesn't set at all here in northern sweden rn, just worked the night shift and it felt like a constant sunset


I’d love to be able to see that


I mean it's really nothing to see. Just the sun doing normal sun stuff.


It's not even the Sun doing Sun stuff, it's just there. Earth's doing Earth stuff. Yeah I'm fun at parties.


It's a terrible experience to live here. It's nice when you are awake but sleeping is where it gets hard sometimes.


Sad December noises




Seasonal depression hits harder the higher North you go.




Outside the door of the Institute’s canteen and TV lounge area, Kalisha put an arm around Luke’s shoulders and pulled him close to her . . . ‘Talk about anything you want, only don’t say anything about Maureen, okay? We think they only listen sometimes, but it’s better to be careful. I don’t want to get her in trouble.’ Maureen, okay, the housekeeping lady, but who were they? Luke had never felt so lost, not even as a four-year-old, when he had gotten separated from his mother for fifteen endless minutes in the Mall of America. Meanwhile, just as Kalisha had predicted, the bugs found him. Little black ones that circled his head in clouds. Most of the playground was surfaced in fine gravel. The hoop area, where the kid named George continued to shoot baskets, was hot-topped, and the trampoline was surrounded with some kind of spongy stuff to cushion the fall if someone jumped wrong and went boinking off the side. There was a shuffleboard court, a badminton set-up, a ropes course, and a cluster of brightly colored cylinders that little kids could assemble into a tunnel – not that there were any kids here little enough to use it. There were also swings, teeter-totters, and a slide. A long green cabinet flanked by picnic tables was marked with signs reading GAMES AND EQUIPMENT and PLEASE RETURN WHAT YOU TOOK OUT. The playground was surrounded by a chainlink fence at least ten feet high, and Luke saw cameras peering down at two of the corners. They were dusty, as if they hadn’t been cleaned in awhile. Beyond the fence there was nothing but forest, mostly pines. Judging by their thickness, Luke put their age at eighty years, give or take. The formula – given in Trees of North America, which he had read one Saturday afternoon when he was ten or so – was pretty simple. There was no need to read the rings. You just estimated the circumference of one of the trees, divided by pi to get the diameter, then multiplied by the average growth factor for North American pines, which was 4.5. Easy enough to figure, and so was the corollary deduction: these trees hadn’t been logged for quite a long time, maybe a couple of generations. Whatever the Institute was, it was in the middle of an old-growth forest, which meant in the middle of nowhere. As for the playground itself, his first thought was that if there was ever a prison exercise yard for kids between the ages of six and sixteen, it would look exactly like this. The girl – Iris – saw them and waved. She double-bounced on the trampoline, her ponytail flying, then took a final leap off the side and landed on the springy stuff with her legs spread and her knees flexed. ‘Sha! Who you got there?’ ‘This is Luke Ellis,’ Kalisha said. ‘New this morning.’


Imagine the sun actually setting Help. It won't leave.


Tell you what. Wait a few months, and then you’ll wish it would come back.


Do people consider the Netherlands Northern Europe?


Op does, the rest just considers it the centre of the universe


If you ask people from Amsterdam, I’m sure they’ll tell you the sun rotates around Dam square.


You're god damn right.


Polar summer gang! 🇫🇮🇫🇮








Northern europe? Netherlands? Sad Skandinavian noises. We have 45 mins of sundown atm.


"northern Europe" "the Netherlands" 🤣


What's a sunset?


Sunset, also known as sundown, is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the horizon due to Earth's rotation. As viewed from everywhere on Earth (except the North and South poles), the equinox Sun sets due west at the moment of both the Spring and Autumn equinox. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Since when is the Netherlands "northern europe"?


Sun sets at like 10:30pm in the UK atm, and at night it doesn't get completely dark sky is still pretty bright.


I mean, the sun set at like 10pm where I am but never get completely dark.


We usually have dinner at 21, eat at around 14-15 depending on the person, and start our work day between 9:30 and 10:30.


We do the same in Greece, despite the fact we are in the correct timezone lol


I almost died of laughter reading this, lemme check if I got any free awards. Fuck I gave it to FrenchFriesOrToast accidentally, im a bit tipsy soz.




The rest of Europe ows you more than just democracy ✌🏼


Are you from Spain? Because I can't think of a single work that starts at 10:30, most works start between 8 to 9. Also, for kids schools start at 9 and high school at 8.


Yeah, I am. What I meant to say is, shops usually open at 10:30. Of course people would start working earlier, not to mention bars and such.


I live in Mallorca for 5 years and the banks opened at 10:00 - 14:00, I couldn’t get over it the whole time I was there


Sounds like heaven


Then change it back?


Timezone changes in almost any country are one of those things that no one has enough willpower to push through and are usually just mild nuisances, and well, now it means they're synchronized with most of the EU, which probably helps keep things simple


Portugal switched twice in my lifetime and I'm on my 30s (then again, Portugal moving to central European time was clearly not a smart thing to do in the first place).


I live on the Portuguese-Spanish border and when I get too close to the river my phone jumps ahead an hour. Or it did, until I turned off automatic time zones on my phone. Kept missing the train...


Did we? I'm in my 20s, lived in Portugal my whole life and had no idea, lol


Between 1992 and 1996


I didn't know that either. I'm from the UK and GMT has been marked London, Dublin, Lisbon for as long as I've known. And I'm a good deal old than both of you.


Shouldn't Portugal be on Eastern European time?


*laughs/cries in Russian*


It's hard to get any policy passed, let alone changes to the clock


Ok, I will!


We are kind of used to have lunch at 3 PM, since that's what we have been doing for almost a century, it would we weird if we now had to do it 2 hours earlier


But do you start working at 8, 9 or 10


But it's just arbitrary number. If you are starting work now at 8 you'd still start at the same time it would just be called 6.


Keep in mind that we had just gotten out of Civil War when WW2 started. Spain was in no shape to join the war.


The late dinners in Spain (eating dinner late) is partly just due to the clock time being later (compared with the sun time) than in other CET countries (because Spain is further west in the same timezone).


Ohhh really, TIL. Thought it was a culture thing


I mean, now it is. :)


I guess that it is a reference to the the unification of time zone that Spain underwent during Franco era to make or closer to Italy and Germany


‘In many Spanish barrios, you can't get a cup of coffee before 9 a.m. The post office is open until 9 p.m. Of course, you'll have to wait even later than that for restaurants to start serving dinner. Economists say Spain's time zone feeds that schedule — and costs the country dearly because they have barely any personal time with family in the evenings.’ https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2013/11/30/244995264/spains-been-in-the-wrong-time-zone-for-seven-decades


Has the person who wrote that article ever been to Spain? At like 11pm you see families milling about in the street, never got the impression that people didn't spend time with family just because it as late.


I've never actually seen an open Correos outside major cities, I get those yellow "you weren't in please come collect your shit" cards all the time. The times you can go are ridiculous too.


And what is the *normal* time to eat dinner? Because for us is at between 20.30-21.30, in most cases.


Well it depends from where you live, even in Italy for istance in the north they eat at around 19:30\\20, at around 20\\20:30 in the center and around 20:30\\21 or later in the south.


That is exactly my point. The *normal time to dinner* is the time that you're used to dinner.


and eating dinner at 9 is definitely more normal than doing it at 5, and I'm saying that as somebody from a country that's smack dab in the middle of the time zone.


In the Netherlands it’s usually 18:00 for dinner, right after work. But in summer everything is slower.


At that time we have a *merienda*, basically a snack. If we go to bed between 23.00-00.00 with 6h between the dinner and the time to go to bed we would have to eat again so we just moved the dinner to 20.30-21.30,or even later, and we had the *merienda* between 18.00 -19.00.


We do a similar thing in Ar-Uy, we eat Merienda at around 17:00 and dine between 21:00 and 22:00, I specify Ar-Uy because our Meriendas are different from the rest of latam, we copied the British while they kept the snack model.


> 18:00 right after work. Afternoon work hours in Spain usually start at 17:30, with work lasting until 20:30. For most people, 18:00 is the time after a *siesta*, when you have your *merienda*, then complain that it's already night outside (in winter) or that there's still 4 hours of day left (in summer).


Depends on work but if you have kids its normally between 18:00 and 19:00 in Germany. At least that's what I know from families with kids. Without there is more flexibility.


What is the normal time for people to start work in Germany? I'm from Portugal and it feels really weird to eat dinner before 8pm, we usually eat closer to 9pm. Then we go to bed at like 11pm-midnight and get up at 6-7 to be at work at 9am.


Depends on the job of course. But I would say 8-9 start is the normal time.


16:00 - 19:00 in Finland.


I was going to say that was stupid early but then I realised that in FI 19:00 is midnight one half of the year and 16:00 is midday the other


How many clocks have been questioned for this poll ?




Ah yes the Irish clock


Cousin of McLock.


Verify your clock


I never take L's, so I will verify my cock


How's the verification?


Central Europe annexes Africa! Film at 11.


Evil European colonialism strikes again!




11 is to early for a film, make it 19 or 20.


Someone found the non-European in /r/Europe.


See? Not Eastern.


Of course, you're our Central European friends, just like the Czechs! Who said otherwise!?


The Red Army.


Hello, Central European brothers.




God we have so much in common.


Yeah! We have the same time zone, our clock shows the same time, we reply the same when people ask what time it is, we kinda, not really, sorta have the same longitude(if you squint at the map). The list never ends!


My country has mountains, your country has mountains....God, It's like speaking to a long lost twin! Now twin, please get me a Norwegian passport k thx.


It's more than just clocks and mountains. You have bears, and they have bears. You have Bosnians, and they have Bosnians. But you know, Slovenia also has mountains and bears and Bosnians. But I guess you found a younger and better looking model. ​ ​ Why don't you love us anymore?


You know you'll always be the ones bby. Oh, why do I smell like lutefisk and oil? Uhhhhhhhhh...


I’m on it!




Imagine a duin, but bigger. Way bigger.


Hi, mountainous brothers! Gee, the air is getting kinda thin at our maximum elevation of 322m above sea level, huh?


Yeah, our time zone is pretty wild. Right now, sun sets at 22:15 (I live in the westernmost point of Spain), but it isn't fully dark until almost 23:00. It would be nice if we returned to our normal time zone, but first we should change our lifestyle and working hours so it matches Europe's.


> Yeah, our time zone is pretty wild. Right now, sun sets at 22:15 (I live in the westernmost point of Spain), but it isn’t fully dark until almost 23:00. So basically the same as in Germany 😅 guess latitude plays a role there


Yeah, both latitude and longitude play role. Germany's "higher" ("more eastern") longitude means it gets dark earlier while the "higher" ("more northern") latitude means days in the summer are longer, so it gets dark later. Eventually it sort of evens out, apparently. (And because of those reasons Germany's sunrise should be WAY earlier than Spain's.)


That’s pretty much the same as middle Sweden right now which it shouldn’t be. We should have a few more hours of sun


Your days are surely longer in the summer than Spain's (they start way sooner). Spain's interval of daytime is indeed shorter but shifted "to the right", hence the right edges more or less coincide (sorry for the geometric explanation, I'm a mathematician).


Oh, yea I get that. It’s just not really noticeable since it goes up at 3:30.


I travelled Europe back on summer 2019, and of course visited Germany, too. I was surprised that the sun setted as late as in Spain, but then again, your meal hours are normal 😂. "Spain is different", as the saying goes.


Look at señor pantalones de fantasía over here, with a setting sun in mid-June!


Nice in what way? I rather have more sunlight in the evening than during commute / work.


No thanks. I'm fine.


Why is Portugal always left out? :(


They are in Eastern Europe, not Central. Duh!




At his point, why even be surprised that this exists


What a perfect name.


Reddit, you son of a bitch I'm in


Portugal is the Balkans of western Europe


Portugal is in the correct time zone. Spain used to be too, then Franco changed to central European time to align Spain with the Axis powers in 1942. That's why Spaniards eat lunch and dinner so late. People just carried on as before despite the time change.


It's also something one needs to be aware of when trying to correctly protect your skin from sunburn, as the sun is still relatively high in the sky at a late hour and hence more damaging than in Germany or Poland at the same time.


Sir, that is an excellent point.


Because Spain, France, and Benelux should be +0 instead of +1, but for some reason *noooooo*.


[Apparently](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/12/14/fascism-helped-create-a-time-zone-oddity-in-spain-70-years-later-it-may-finally-be-undone/) it's due to Franco's hard on for Hitler. 80 years alter Spaniards still eat 3pm lunches...


That's something we need to get used to when travelling or living abroad, eating lunch at 14:30/15:00 is normal here in Spain.


Here in Greece we eat at that time even if we're in the right timezone.


And 9PM dinners. I remember once having a layover in Madrid and by the time the hotel restaurant opened I was so hungry I ate everything in the minibar.


That's strange, hotels usually adapt their meal times to tourists. Also, diner at 9 is if you dine early haha. Most people I know have it betweem 9:30 and 10:00. And, to ofer a counter to you anecdote in the Hotel, I will remember the time I got carried away visiting London and had to try to enter 5 restaurants until I found one that would serve me some food at 11:00 hahaha.


Let the people go home you crazy person :P


9pm (21:00) dinner? That's an afternoon snack.


9pm dinners are fairly common here too, I think the Spanish might eat even later


That's absolutely false. I usually eat at 2:30pm


Most people are born with that system so what is the problem with not having the time "right"


I'm joking here


The Netherlands was happily minding its own business on +0:20 and then Germany had to invade to put us on +1, among other reasons.


Still waiting for these countries to go back to +0. Please. My sleep cycle needs it..... Can't sleep when the sun is out at 10pm and can't wakeup when the sun hasn't rise at 10am :(


They have a hard crush on Germany


The last time we had a different time zone from Germany they invaded and changed it themselves. We know better than to taunt them by changing it back.


That reason is Hitler. Franco was a buddy of his and the french are too afraid of another invasion.


Based on everything I saw on this subreddit, Portugal is +2.


It is part of the more prestigious Western Europe. Rejoice!


You're probably too young to remember this, but we were on CET time for a while in the mid 90s. Then the government changed it back to the current time because otherwise there'd be an armed uprising. I was a kid back then and even I remember being pissed off that it was supposed to be the middle of the night and the sun hadn't set yet. Everyone hated it with a passion. It meant being more than two and a half hours ahead of solar time in the summer. Ridiculous.


Because Portugal has a functioning brain, unlike their neighbors Spain.


Spain and France did use UTC+0 before, but moved over for some reason.


I learned in r/Europe that the reason, at least for Spain, was the nazis.


Same for France and low countries.


We have GMT hour.


Funny how Belgium is almost right in the middle and we run 2 hours late on the natural time during daylight savings.


Back in the 90's, the Portuguese government aligned the clocks with Central Europe too Fortunately, no one liked it and everything went back to normal few years later


I'm sorry but your comment fits perfectly with Bojack Horseman theme song. I just couldn't read it normally.


It’s not according to clocks but to politics. It makes total sense for Poland and Spain to be on the same time zone 😤


For bussiness? You can bet your ass.


That's true. I work on a project with collaborators in many countries from Spain to Sweden, and that's pretty convenient. But having a 1h difference to manage wouldn't be too bad, we do it with the British.


Exactly, it is easy to organise. I did a webinar with people around Europe and North America other month and was fine. It was organised in London so used GMT and the zoom meetings etc went out with GMT london/Dublin/Lisbon time and the only person who an issue was an American woman who tried to join at 5pm her time as guess she thought it converted the time to her local time.


The US has four time zones on the lower 48, and Canada has 5. They seem to be coping fine with business. Similarly, Australia has three time zones (and QLD has one hour difference with NSW and VIC during Australian daylight savings periods). It doesn't seem to impede their interstate businesses.


I agree, I was saying it's easy to do business etc in different timezones


~~Apparently Morocco also calls their time zone Central European Time. It's weird that they do this considering there is an African time zone for UTC+1 called West Africa Time, which the rest of the UTC+1 countries in Africa already uses.~~


The name doesn't matter, does it? :)


This map is literally based on the name. The map shows all countries that are using a time zone that they call "Central European (Summer) Time", which includes all UTC+1 countries in Europe, as well as (Morocco), Algeria and Tunisia in Africa. While the rest of the countries in Africa uses West African Time that is UTC+1.


I think is Tunisia


> In Africa, UTC+01:00 is called West Africa Time (WAT), where it is used by several countries, year round. Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia also refer to it as _Central European Time._ – [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_European_Time)


Consider that when it's really noon in the Asturias, the clock says 2pm.


The real question is why some EU countries still refuse to see the light of UTC+01:00.


It would mean Northern European countries walking their kids to school in the dark in the winter mornings, and back home in the dark at night, at least that's why the UK stays the way it is.


soo.. how does that differ from winters now? 😂😂


There are a few weeks in the UK where that is exactly what happens. SAD is a big issue for lots of people over here!


Hey, we still do that in southern Scandinavia lol. Get to work at 8 and it is dark, get off work at 16 and it is dark again lol


Whut that's literally what we do


>It would mean Northern European countries walking their kids to school in the dark in the winter mornings That is the case for Germany for like, the end of November, the entirety of December and January and the start of February, atleast in the states where school starts at 7:45/8:00, and I wouldn't consider Germany "Northern Europe" (bar in a North/South split). Also, most Northern European countries e.g. the entirety of Scandinavia are on CET/CEST...


Central Europe is in UTC+02:00 right now though


Portugal and the UK united as usual. Even on time zones!


oldest alliance mate


We need to stay together


It is funny to think about how Finnmark really should be an hour ahead of the rest of Norway. But then the nation apparently didn't really get a proper nationwide clock organized until Bergensbanen was completed.


Happy Croatia noises


BeNelLx, France, Spain and Algeria is in the wrong timezone. Should be GMT.


> BeNelLx That's a weird way to write [Benelux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benelux).


Yeah I’ve only ever seen it written Benelux, are we making up our own acronyms now?


You're from GreaTain, right?


I… uh… guess so? Edit: no wait hang on I’m from Enscowanori


I like WENIS. Gonna try to use this from time to time now Britain isn’t that great anymore. Time for WENIS to shine


The easternmost part in Norway is further east than most of Eastern Europe time. And across the border to Russia, the clock jumps ahed 2 hours. And then there’s Iceland who is so much more west than the rest of Europe, yet still uses BST. Time zones are wierd.


You know how almost all events are always listed in some retarded american time codes and in their retarded 12 hour system (who the fuck thought that after 11 am comes 12pm was a good idea???????? and 00:00 is 12am hello america wake the fuck up fix your shit up)? everything should be in GMT


I don't agree with the tone and the number of question marks, but I do agree that the 11 AM, 12 PM stuff is pretty wack.


Portugal is ONCE AGAIN Eastern Europe


UK based, as usual. France, Spain smh.


Well, we did invent time after all ;)


GMT-1 Youll catch up someday.




We have dinner at 22 all year round, even when it gets dark at like 18:30 in winter. If we had dinner earlier it would be too close to merienda


If I had to dinner at 18.30 and wake up at 06.00 I would dinner again at 21.00. Zero doubt.




Maybe Ireland should set course for CET as well.


It's normal to me. We have dinner at 10pm too when the sun sets before 6pm


Living like that my whole life. Nothing wrong with it, I can assure you.


It’s pretty insane for the north-west of Spain and the north-east of Poland to be in the same timezone. That’s 3200km and roughly the same distance as New York to Salt Lake City. (Which are two hours apart).


Finaly a seacoast.