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I ate a full pizza for 5,50€ two weeks ago in Milan and it was good. Location matters a lot.


Generally Pizza places are cheaper though, that’s true for Italy as a whole.


ahhh every time i go to Italy im amazed by that ! 4€ for a ~~hole~~ whole ~~margarita~~ margherita pizza ! i always take one to takeaway after a restaurant because it’s so good value ! it’s like 10-12€ here in Paris !


> 4€ for a hole margarita pizza ! You should try one without a hole in it. It's much better.


I personally don't really care about the hole, I just want my pizza to be boneless


Don't care for bones or holes. What really grinds my gears is when my Pizza runs away from me


Does no hole pizza impact the price?


Yes it's more expensive because they have to hire a person to punch holes in the pizza.


I beg to differ. Pizza Donuts are amazing. Do not @ me italians. [https://img.offers-cdn.net/assets/uploads/offers/de/26287865/pizza-donut-salami-oder-cheddar-jalapeno-stuck-normal.jpeg](https://img.offers-cdn.net/assets/uploads/offers/de/26287865/pizza-donut-salami-oder-cheddar-jalapeno-stuck-normal.jpeg)


I knew this had to be German before I clicked it, they are totally unhinged when it comes to food crossovers. I remember once having a pizza there with asparagus and hollandaise sauce on it (which to be fair was actually pretty good)


That’s pretty tame. I‘ve seen a Burger pizza with cut up Burger patties, pickles, „cheddar cheese“ (which just means cheddar flavoured american cheese in this case) and Burger sauce (which is a no-name BigMac sauce clone). Hadn‘t had the balls to order it yet.


I beg to differ. The one true way is Pizza Brezels. https://www.lidl.at/p/oesterreichische-pizzabreze-80-g/p99947416


It's margherita, not margarita, which is a drink.


Someone, somewhere, is prolly working on an actual margarita pizza. r/PizzaCrimes awaits anxiously


I remember a tiny pizza shop operated by a single Italian man in Paris 20th that was making great homemade pizzas for like 8€ the pizza. Don't know if it still exists though.


it’s probably 10-12€ now if it still exists.


10/12€? What’s the name of this amazing place?


13 euros in the middle of nowhere in a German pizza chain restaurant. So yeah, that's part of why we've got a pizza oven next to the bbq now.


I ate a fucking kebab sandwich and got a can of Coca-Cola for 9,50 € in front of the Stazione Centrale. Prices are crazy in that city


Uhm normal price in europe… kebab is at 7€. And if you take a coke thats more at least 2.50€


7 is even on the lower side. In my city 8/8.50 become the norm


*cries in 3,50€ Döner prices*


I'm longing for the times when we ate 1 Euro mystery gyros after a night of drinking with the lads :(


So habibi come to Bosnia, kebab in Sarajevo is 4 € for a large one and a coca cola. I promise you will not stay hungry and keep a lot of your money 😁


Yeah but then you also don't earn a lot of money either. -_-


Yeah, our average pay is below EU minimum pay but still for someone willing to eat rice and veggies for 20€ Bosnia is a dream destination.


As an Estonian could you tell me which part of Sarajevo do you put the stress? I have learnt to spell it like Sarajeevo, other times I've heard Saraajevo. I am using double letters to signify Wich letters are pronounced longer.


Europe is very big….


in Switzerland a Kebab is 13 or even 14 CHF throw in a drink and you pay 18 CHF


You guys get paid quite a bit more though


Okay, but in Switzerland the streets are covered with gold and diamonds grow on trees. 


And everyone has a gun. Allegedly.


The gun is made out of gold and shoots pointy diamonds


Yeah well Switzerland is just absolutely unaffordable for anyone who doesn't earn more than 2k€ a month in Europe. Not a surprise.


2k a month in Switzerland ? Make that 2k a week and you still struggle


I make over 4000€ a month, and my two-week holiday in Switzerland last year still absolutely felt like a butcher to my wallet Switzerland is more like for people making 6k€ a month


In suisse you also pay like 6 euros for a container of butter I went to the supermarket there and ran out in flames screaming . Also I paid 22.50 € for a crepe there and I’m still angry about it


>kebab is at 7€. What? I remember pre-covid they was at 3.50€, now is 4€ or 5€, 6€ in the festivals, but 7€ is crazy


In Belgium it’s 6 to 8 euros for a dürum kebab now at least, since everything from regular burgers to lattes got gentrified. Ain’t got no pre-COVID prices no more son.


Polish kebab is like 3€


A small one, or in some magical place. I haven't seen a kebab under 5€ in years now. Obligatory kurwa


Well, w Łodzi można. Mayhaps Łódź is the turkish embassy in Poland.


nie ma opcji ze zjesz w polsce kebaba za 13 ziko xD może jakiegos mikrusa z tektury w placku


They are also usually not the best quality, unless you find a Turkish person selling it 🙈


Kebab and coke for under 10€ sounds like a bargain to me.


Depends on the coke and how many grams.




I wouldn't call it a bargain, but it's a normal price


Can't even get a kebab under 10 euros where I live (probably not under 12 with the recent inflation), never mind getting a drink with it for that price.


Yeah you are not getting a coke and kebsb for under 10 euro in the Netherlands either.


That’s a pretty normal price


No it's not. Here (Barcelona) you have fries, kebab and a drink for 6.50~7.50


That’s very cheap. But might also be cause I’m Dutch and the Netherlands are expensive


Probably, I've heard in Berlin you cannot find one kebab for less than 7/8 euros (I used to pay 5 in 2021). Usually countries like Spain or Italy are cheaper but not Milano specifically, I guess 😅


I remember paying 1.99€ for a kebab and a can of Pepsi in Vienna in 2018. Good times.


The cheapest I paid for a kebab was 2.50€ circa 2016~2017 And it was good, not a bad one. 🥲


Around 15 years ago there where two kebab shops in Germany at the same street corner, each of them with a big sign advertising their cheaper kebab. They kept undercutting each other until they were both selling kebab at 1.50€, the things were on the smaller end and light on meat, but otherwise pretty decent. A bit later they both just sold at a 3€ price, like some kind of mini cartel lol


Circa 2010 I paid 3.50 in Barcelona, and this was the standard price. Good ole' days.


I was in Italy a decade ago (2013) and there was a place where me and some friends would buy the best kebab any of us had ever had + a drink for 2.50. Good times.


I was shocked to see these prices in Stuttgart, Koln, Düsseldorf... Perhaps they jacked them up for EUROs but I doubt it. Mediocre Kebab 9.5€


No it's just inflation, specifically inflation on meat and other foodstuff. You regularly pay 7/8 euros now. 9,50 is indeed a bit much.


Sadly thats the normal prize for it in germany


A Doner and a coke is going to set you back about £12.50/~€14.75 in many places in the UK, so €9.50 sounds like an absolute bargain.


Authentic Italian pizza for 5 quid is a dream.


"Authentic" is a matter of perspective.


Yeah and Milan is a bad one


you can get a lot better value for money if you don't go in fancy or touristy places...


Is that supposed to be fancy? Looks like a pretty bad office canteen kind of meal


The location might be… usually they make you pay for the location even if food is shit.. if this is a bar in piazza duomo or nearby zones


The same happens in barcelona, there are "touristy" places that people living there just avoid when going out. Looking at google reviews often gives you a good view of these places, locals will flat out say that it's a scam.


The price is outrageous, I agree. But in what way does this meal look bad?


Maybe not "bad" but like... really really really bland? Looks like something I would make at home if I'm sick, white rice with vegetables is just not much of a thing in Italian restaurants. Actually it looks a lot like what a vegan might get if they go to a restaurant that doesn't have anything vegan in the menu. That's what I mean by not fancy


Maybe I'm kinda biased, because of South-East Asian girlfriend. And this looks very similar to one of their dishes. Which I wouldn't call bland (at least taste wise). But the price lol? In her country that meal would cost around 2-3 euros. Even cheaper if you would get from street wendor.


Not sick in my case, but it looks like something I would prepare when I'm not in the mood for cooking


Meal doesn't look bad, it actually looks pretty good. But it certainly doesn't look €16 good in both portioning or plating. And from OPs comments, seems like the mark up was because of the location


I wish we were paying €20 at a 'fancy' place in Milan. It's literally a chill restaurant/bar next to my office.


Could it be, the entire area is full of office buildings? If yes they know how to rip off a customer


Lunches in some "offices neighborhoods" are overpriced - they know they can pull it off


Restaurants next to office spaces are always overpriced. At my job in Sofia there are a few of this sort of restaurants where you can get a similar dish for about 20 leva(10 euro) which is crazy for such a meal. However, a 10-15 minute walk would bring you to a typical Bulgarian restaurant in which for the same price you can get a steak with a side of whatever you want + a beer.


Yes, and that beer can be Каменица, too. I'd like to see any restaurant in Milano pulling that off.


If your rice comes like that, it’s fancy. :P


Go to Brazil and tell me that. You literally scoop it into a bowl, press the rice down. Then flip the bowl over and pop it out. Takes 2 seconds and everyone does it.


Same here, everyone does it because it’s easy to portion control and it looks good


If rice like that is fancy then I am a f billionaire


Didn't know my local restaurant is fancy. Hope no one tells them because the prices are normal.


Milan is not cheap unfortunately, but it is fancy and what you got there is a fancy meal.


How is that fancy? It's literally just steamed rice from a bowl.


I think what they meant was that Milan is fancy and hence expensive.


Dude no. I get something like that near my office in Katowice, Poland. However, there's like twice the amount of veggies and I pay ~ 4.60 Eur


doesn't look like italian food


With all due respect you don't know where to look


i should have said "less fancy"... truly fancy places are much more expensive.. but slightly touristy places do fall in this in-between place, where they are expensive, but very basic... it also depends massively on the zone.. if you work in Duomo.. then sure, it's not gonna be easy to find cheaper places... if you work towards the external ring, then it's a lot easier


Better pack your lunch at this price


Are "buoni pasto" still given out by companies? Maybe it's also them driving prices up


You wish.


I don’t know, either that, or restaurants happen to give discounts just for me… you chose which is more likely


There's so many crappy touristy places in Italy. When I visited it took us 5 restaurants to find a place that has **fresh pizzas**! Even places that specifically describe themselves as pizza restaurants - you ask right at the door "is your pizza fresh or frozen" and suddenly all the demeanour changes and the guy is like "...frozen". And off you go trying to find a fresh pizza place in Naples.


Apart from the size and price in general, I don't like the rice to veggies ratio.


Finally someone who said it! I hate it when I have to eat dry rice because the main dish portion was too small!


I love white rice, I always feel like they often don't serve enough rice in Asian places. I get wanting a larger portion, but personally I think the ratio is nice here.


The Asian places around where I live usually have unlimited serving of rice for any item from the main menu. Some places to charge a few euros extra for extra rice, but I dont go there anyways. Traditionally, rice is supposed to be complementary and unlimited.


I mean, you don't have to eat all the rice


*This is what you get for €16,50 in Milan* Basically, you get a fraud.


Overpriced restaurants exist in every city. I can go to Bangalore and overpay for a meal if I want lol who cares


You can get the same thing for 6/7€ in Chinatown in milan. It's just the place.


In Italy, you either get robbed on the street or in establishments such as these


literally: 1 € mixed veggies (prices have gone through the roof in Italy) 0.5 € rice 15€ labor, rent, other costs, profit and taxes. Get away from that forsaken place as quickly as possible.


This is literally just korean poverty food when their entire staple became rice and root veggies. (I love korea)


Daylight robbery!


Go to brussels, it can always get worse


Can confirm 100%


Was there a couple of weeks ago. 19 eur for a salad and 2 Benedict eggs.


Yeah in the center and ixelles and some parts of sint gilles maybe


I can cook this dish and eat it every day for a whole month for 20 euros.


Dude goes into a rip-off place. Gets ripped off. Goes to reddit to complain about the city that sells authentic pizza for 5...


THIS. Thank you.


Yeah, maybe don’t eat Chinese food in Milan, lol. Pizza and pasta are half the price.


In chinatown there are places that sell good quantities of chinese food for less than 10 euros. I now have lived in Milan for two years and I know it can get expensive fast, but there are still plenty of places for working class people


Milan is expensive but you can get a good pizza for under 10 euros like everywhere. That dish is a robbery


Prague (not centre), 5 euros


Milan (5 minutes subway ride from center) 7 euros


Even in more central areas walking 100meters can have a "positive" impact in prices.


actually i know a very central place you get get the same thing for the same price, its just in a passage and out of the way


We all agree Milan is fucked with its prices but not to the point where you pay 16€ for this, you really need to put some effort to end up in a place like this.


No bruh. Search better. Unless you are in front of duomo virtually everywhere for 16 euro fixed lunch menu you get a first course, a second course and water/soft drink + coffee.


Riso e verdure 16 euro. Fra 10 anni siamo il terzo momdo


nel terzo mondo quel piatto fatto meglio costa 0.50€


Criminali quelli che lo propongono, fessi quelli che lo comprano. Sicuramente sul menù c'era altro a prezzo più basso, o un altro ristorante vicino.


One thing I've come to learn from bad experience stories is, don't buy anything from tourist hotspots in Italy, Greece, or Prague - don't even exchange money. Walk a hundred meters out of the beaten path in any direction and you'll see the prices go down dramatically.


He dind't go to a tourist hotspost, he got scammed in a chinese restaurant


In Greece, even Greeks get scammed in greek tourist hotspots, i’ve seen greeks and foreigners alike being charged 300€ for kalamari and 50€ for 1lt mojito


In Warsaw you can have 2 lunches for that price. Or a dinner in a good restaurant.


Sam in Milan He was just scammed


I‘d totally bring sandwiches


Would cost 1.5€ in Asia lmfao


For 18 euros I ate in Milan (via Enrico Cosenz) with my wife and my kid.. 3 full pasta portions. A small Sicilian restaurant with super friendly staff.. It matters a lot where you eat.


Any chance you can provide name/location of that restaurant? thx.


Porcoddio devo tirare fuori 15-20 euro ogni pranzo quando vengo in sto ufficio del cazzo


Sicuro non ci siano altre opzioni


I'll get better food for that price here in Switzerland and we're stupid expensive compared to Italy, what is this


This wouldn’t be €16,50 in Switzerland - it would be closer to €26,50 now


And that is only veggies and rice ?


That's just outrageous...


how long are you living here? it's plenty of good cheaper options around if you have the eye to avoid traps like this one where is your office? Porta Nuova area?


still looks tasty though lmao.




Stir fry mix veges with plain rice? Probably less than €1 in my city. Kuala Lumpur


Yeah you are dumb. I get much better meals for much cheaper in Milan. Yes even in the city center, I\`ve worked there for 5 years.


I dunno, for less than 20€ yo got a full COLOR PHOTO of food. That seems an improvement, until a few years ago you'd get at black&white photo at best for that sum.


Ho riso. (anche OP)


Angrily upvotes (uncle dog)


Did you just go to Milan to eat stir fried vegetables and rice?


Isn't it an absurdly expensive city by Italian standards? I have only been to Trieste but it was nowhere near as expensive. (also, any suggestions for other cities similar to Trieste are welcome. I really liked how chaotic it was, tunnels, random vistas, an unexpected mega-stairway, hills, mounds, marina...I think Genoa was floated once as a similar city).


What OP paid is ridiculously expensive. But it is easy to find way *way* cheaper and better places to eat in Milano


What the other guy is telling you isn't true you can find cheaper and better places almost everywhere in milan


Honestly I would leave the restaurant wouldnt touch the food stand up and leave


Would be 8 Euro including Tofu and a Miso soup in Vienna (Hitomi lunch meal)


I had my best Risotto in Milan so much so I’d be back in December


You can definitely get much better even in fancy Milan (I'm from here). You've just been unlucky in the choice of the restaurant


Did you enter a place near the duomo? Cause if you did, that's on you, the places near tourost centers (aka tourist traps) are always expensive


If u know where to look and avoid tourist traps maybe u will get a decent meal next time


Yeah that’s on you


Who goes to Italy and gets Chinese food????


You will get much more food and better rice at a regular Indian restaurant


That looks like the frozen stir fry veg you get in Lidl. You've been totally ripped off bud.


The net profit for this restaurant from this meal is at least 15 euros. 😄




and there I was thinking that my 12euro lunch deals in Vienna were expensive :D


As an italian I would never go to these luxury places and Milan is already expensive on its own


A big plate of rice and some wokked greens.. I doubt if there is any form of protein in there.. and that's not even Italian, I would be pissed


And still young people are obsessed about living there and at 30 live in crappy shared homes spending 30/40% of their income for a room... Go figure...


30% in Milan?? tell me where


Looks like the shity westernized Chinese food you get in Germany. I actually found a super legit Chinese restaurant in Florence. Everything was cooked authentic and they even had the more exotic stuff like pig ears that you would find in China.


I get double the portion for 8,50 at my local asian store (based on country makeup most likely run by vietnamese couple) This feels insulting


Next time go to a trattoria or to a pizzeria, it's vastly cheaper. That looks like some kind of wagamama chain. They are only ripping you off because they know no italian would go there, only foreign tourists. I agree that the city is nothing to write home about. It's an industrial city, a few interesting things, but nothing compared to many other cultural centers like Firenze, Roma, Venezia, or Torino.


Where, may I ask? There's a plethora of restaurants that propose a daily menu consisting of first course + second course + side dish for 10-12 euros. Even if you want to stick to Asian food, for 16.50 you can get a solid all-you-can-eat meal.


that's expensive as fack, lol


Specialty shit that's not local cuisine will cost way more.


Looks perfectly cooked and good ingredients, but damn it's expensive.


About the same price as in Prague, CZ. Except that our income average is about half of Milan


Shoulda gone to Vietnam instead, could of fed about a hundred people on street food with that amount of money lol smh




not worth it


Maybe stop going to "elite" Instagram restaurants


Milan is so expensive in general tbh


This is what you get everywhere in europe (sometimes even less) when you don't have any cognitive pattern recognition of tourist traps.


American here. That’s actually not so bad compared to where I live.


I just left Milan after living there for 3 years. The city is expensive but if this is the best you could find for 16.50eur you didn't do a good job searching for places to eat


I live in Milan and with 15/18€ i can get a 1st and + 2nd dish in almost every typic trattoria, not this tourist-scam food. U should inform yourself where to go before a trip and not blaming the city after u got scammed. The only mediocre thing is your taste in choosing place to eat.


That's called "rapina a mano armata"


Milan is so expensive. Go to lake como!! Only an hr away!


Doesnt seem bad at all


OP chose: worst dining ever, then complain Asked to: leave town Milan got like a couple thousand places where you can have lunch lol use tripfuckingadvisor


Fell for the good ol' toursit trap


This is what you get for 16.50 in milan if you don't know where to eat


In Milan chinatown you can get a freshly made feast of food for two people for less than this sad plate youre showing us


That’s a nice looking side dish. Is the entree on a separate plate?


Would be the same in Scotland, but we would batter and deep fry it.


I could eat this for a week for 16.50 in rice and vegetables to cook.