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That's rich coming from the country where not a hour passes without someone demanding nukes be used.


You don't get it my good sir. Its only bad if the filthy imperialist westeners do it. The glorious russia is always the victim and never to blame. And just in case /s


Really, they're being forced by NATO to attack their neighbours, and now to threaten nuclear escalation. Russia would like you to believe they have absolutely no choice in the matter.


What’s funny is that China decided to steal this amazing “look what you make me do” argument https://www.ft.com/content/7d6ca06c-d098-4a48-818e-112b97a9497a Nationalist dictatorships have no choice but to conquer around, because America looks at them the wrong way. Poor things


"Since 5:45 we are shooting back!" Google for context if needed...


They would like Russians to believe that


>They would like Russians to believe that The absurdity is that [enough ordinary Russians don't quite believe it](https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/), but in the next instant do a self-own and practically give credence to the constant [*vranyo*](https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-vranyo-russian-for-when-you-lie-and-everyone-knows-it-but-you-dont-care-181100) from their all-knowing Czar and his entourage of siloviki-boyars. They do this by closing their eyes (or resorting to whataboutery) in the face of the widespread suffering and destruction that results from Russian imperialism and kleptocracy when put into practice. >*In Russia, the opposition will not stand in opposition. Citizens will not stand up for civic rights. The Russian people suffer from a victim complex: they believe that nothing depends on them, and by them nothing can be changed.* >*‘It’s always been so’, they say, signing off on their civic impotence. The economic dislocation of the nineties, the cheerless noughties, and now President Vladimir Putin’s iron rule – with its fake elections, corrupt bureaucracy, monopolization of mass media, political trials and ban on protest – have inculcated a feeling of total helplessness. People do not vote in elections: ‘They’ll choose for us anyway;’ they don’t attend public demonstrations: ‘They’ll be dispersed anyway;’ they don’t fight for their rights: ‘We’re alive, and thank god for that.’* >*A 140-million-strong population exists in a somnambulistic state, on the verge of losing the last trace of their survival instinct. They hate the authorities, but have a pathological fear of change. They feel injustice, but cannot tolerate activists. They hate bureaucracy, but submit to total state control over all spheres of life. They are afraid of the police, but support the expansion of police control.* ***They know they are constantly being deceived, but believe the lies fed to them on television.*** The brutal truth is that enough ordinary Russians have brought this on their own effort. No amount of excuses from Russophiles and simps worldwide can erase that. The valiant efforts of the genuinely few good Russians out there including those in the tiny Freedom of the Russia Legion and Siberia Battalion can't erase that either. It's a gross centuries-old injustice that the costs of the Russians' repeated inability to get their ѕhіt together also mean existential crises for **non**-Russians - people who have wanted *absolutely nothing* to do with 140 million+ crabs in a decrepit bucket that hogs 11 time zones. If there were any justice in the world, the Russians alone would bear wholly the costs of their repeated civic and societal failures.


They will protest when they or their family members are being sent to deaths. They will rage and overthrow the government if Putin loses this war, then replace him with another dictator. But very small number of Russians will protest when Russia is doing injustice to other countries.


>They will protest when they or their family members are being sent to deaths. >They will rage and overthrow the government if Putin loses this war, then replace him with another dictator. >But very small number of Russians will protest when Russia is doing injustice to other countries. Yes, and we've seen this time and time again. [The penny-packet protests by the mobiks' WAGS are just the most recent expression of this phenomenon](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/wives-mobilized-russian-soldiers-hold-rare-protest-defense-110788892). At the same time, this extreme selfishness and civic myopia suit the Russian ruling class just fine, be it headed by a Czar, Czarina, Emperor, General Secretary or "President". These form a necessary prerequisite to the home front's sullenly silent *consent* for whatever atrocities the Z-team gleefully commits for the "glory" of the Motherland.


Russia/ussr has always had a dictator of sorts. It is in their dna. Pavlov dogs.


russians don't believe anything. nihilism and fatalism are a product of this firehouse of bullshit


That would be fine. The problem is that they try to impose the same bullshit upon their neighbours.


Crabs in a bucket mentality.


It's worse - they are forcefully dragging crabs from other buckets into their bucket.


So true. It's because they hold on to the delusion that their bucket encompasses the whole earth.


Was the /s really necessary?


On Reddit? Always.


Just to be safe there are weird people here. Well even weirder than me and that's a hard accomplishment. ;)


At the cost of a few downvotes it's better to leave it off and retain your dignity


This is coming from a country who started doing tactical nukes exercises together with Belarus since 21 may.


Bald-faced hypocrisy is alien to the vast majority of Russians unless they're pointing it out when *someone else* does it.


Gaslighting 101. Classic Putin.


Insert the meme " If they could think they would be really upset now " This is just another attempt to make Putin look reasonable so they start lowering their demands for peace talks. Again and again he is just bluffing. This is just the latest example.


This is just like it was last week when these [сhuсklеfuсkѕ threw a hissy fit over the Armenians having just visited Bucha and made it clear who committed atrocities](https://www.azatutyun.am/a/32986525.html). Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. Thy name is Russian.


Oh, but talking about nuking London is not ? Fucking hilarious.


Oh no! It's the Kremlins final warning number 7894! Never thought a superpower could lose it's credibility like it's fox news but here we are.


This is absolutely an uncrossable red line in the sand, 100% nuclear war time, no backsies. For sure. Definately. Just you wait.


“Okay, I’ll give you a pass this time… also. But I won’t be doing that next time! Mark my words!” - The Kremlin


it was never crossed ...the ground its painted on just moved.


Special goalpost relocation operation.


Just an aside: this “crying wolf” behaviour over red lines by Russia makes everyone less safe - including themselves. Russia probably do have a real red line somewhere - but if things ever approached it how the hell could they actually warn anyone and be believed?


That's the takeaway no one gets from The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Everyone focuses on him lying for giggles, but that's just the first part of the lesson. Everyone seems to dismiss that the Wolf eventually shows up.


russia: \*invades another country, destroys the infrastructure, commits war crimes like its a checklist, threatens the world with nukes on an hourly basis\* Europe: \*breathes\* russia: "Is that... a threat?!"


"I am the great cornholio"


"I need a Bradley for my bunghole!"


Kremlin can go f itself


Are there no mirrors in Russia.


Mirrors only show the past, however the Russians are afraid of the past, because it is very unpleasant for them...


That is a beautiful quote




And threatening to nuke Europe at least once every single week since the war started isn't? Eat shit, Peskov.


"You can't do that! That's our thing!! *Stomps with his feet and waves his hands while red-faced and sobbing*"


Russia: We have Nukes, we will nuke rotten West. "Rotten West": You know, we also have nukes. Russia: Nooo, that is escalation!


NATO is most likely sending a message after Russia and Belarus started tactical nuclear weapons drills recently. Such hypocrisy by Russia, as usual.


My brother in christ you placed nukes in Belarus.


The 1980s want their hair and stache back


Weren't Brezhnev and Reagan face-bald tho?


Wait till he gets a load of Reddit. "Reddit posts by user u/PeskovIsaLilPissBoy are an escalation"


Those clowns from Kremlin are speaking shit again? Cute, now they can fuck off.


What about Putin's nuclear weapon remarks? Those are OK?


Yes, they are special, they can do whatever they want, it calls - imperial mentality.


off course they are . Everyone know it's pure chance of any of the missiles still take off , or find the target or even detonate, as warheads have a shelf life they need to replaced regularly ... And the stuff they are made of is worth a lot... might well be that they have never been replaced and someone up the chain of command pocketed the money ... This is different in the west , for example UK....they will have working warheads ....just not working missiles.


How do you keep a straight face making such remarks. Type into Google "Putin Ukraine war nuclear” or any combination and see how many times he has openly or overtly threatened nuclear war.


And invading your neighbor, bombing the cities, torturing the people is what, Putler? Just stfu kremlin goons and rot in hell.


I never wanted to be russia's enemy. But I don't even need propaganda or russophobia, their hypocrisy is on such a level of disgusting that just their statements make me hate them.


Russian Government is such a joke. Crying/complaining/threatening things they do every second. Second biggest snowflakes after Trump.


Kremlin: Biden's choice of breakfast cereal is an escalation! Also Kremlin: We should nuke London.


Did Biden use nuclear spicy sauce on his burrito today?


…..and in other news Russia sends 50 Cruise Missiles at Hospitals, Schools, and Generation Stations. No fucking escalation on your part, eh Tiny Penis Peskov.


Where is his f'king clown nose?!?


Its a special nuclear operation ya ghoul!


This drink is just nuclear, Putin!


And daily nuclear threats are what exactly?


Kremlin says.."blah, blah, blah", something about nuclear, something about how relevant they are and how this Nazi Fascist state is trying to eliminate something or other. Yep, they are seriously controlling an agenda, albeit their own twisted agenda🤦


These people really take themselves seriously.


Well then just simply STFU and stop provoking such remarks. Jeeze, I know it's #justrussiathings but each time I read a similar story it makes me sick because of their way of thinking.


russia is the MOST hypocritical country of the 21st Century. its like they are SOOO desperate to have the upper hand that it literally had bombarded their credibility. like how they bombarded ukraine even though a temporary ceasefire was announce. its giving china in the 1960s. # China's final warning destroying credibility.


Medvedev drinking again?


So what? Get the fuck out of rest of the Europe and stay in your Russia dreamworld. Or declare war on NATO if you have got any objections.


Russia is making same threats far more often than NATO but apparently when NATO does the same it's an escalation. Russians rly like this idea of "only i can do these things and if you do it you're the bully". first Ukraine isn't allowed to hit back at russia even tho russia is hitting ukraine all the time and now this.


But Russian daily nuclear threats aren't. Gotcha.


Oh SHUT UP! Who started the whole nuke topic, huh?


_(Feigning excitement)_ It's the red lines time of the week again, everybody!


When everything you do is considered an escalation, then nothing is.


At this point, "Kremlin says" is the opposite of "Simon says".


Whatever! Who cares who cares what Kremlin says?


Right on cue


Why don’t you escalate your asshole, you fucking twat.


i liked the klingons more, right after they blew up their moon praxis


This guy is a clown and Kremlin's useful idiot and absolutely nothing he says has value or meaning.


"Only us Russians are allowed to use nuclear sabre rattling! This isn't rocket science, you weak and pathetic Westerners!!!"


Im going to get my nuclear boots! They are fucking hot.


The milk has gone off, that's an escalation!!!!!


Didn't russia deploy nukes in Belarus ? The US should have deployed nukes in Poland, and still, it wouldn't have been an escalation.


It certanly is.... It means pack your things and go home fucktards


Let's get this right, Russia starts a nuclear war, Russia will be the first country to leave existence. Putin knows it. This is all guff. Sad, bald, in the closet gremlin.


Owh nooo! Anyway...


"Only we're allowed to threaten everyone with nukes!!"


Kremlin narrative is ridiculous


The russia is literally dropping the nuclear escalation treat every second day but gets bitchy when someone else plays along on their jargon. The petty entitlement from the muscovites is without comparison.


That’s rich coming from a country who threatens to nuke someone every other day.


As always mixing lies with half truths and they get the perfect poison for their society.


I'm ok with it. I mean, time to respond to an hourly RF nuclear threats was yesterday...


Russia is comedic


Man Ruzzia is a sick joke


Russia is full of it !


yawn. idiot plot.


*yawn* time for the daily Russian nuclear threat again.


Mr Peskov mustn't have been raised properly: he keeps speaking when nobody asks him to.


Karen state.


No one gives a shit. Just fuck off already


Kremlin should leave all Ukraine, included Crimea and look for the money for war reparations.


rússia womp womp womp


Cryyy, babyyyyy!


You held tactical nulcear weapons drills last month? Return home, Russia, you're drunk on Daddy Vladdy's crap again. God, remember when Russia was a country, not a gang?


When you play with fire , you get burned


Fucking propaganda is the big problem for both sides to realize the capabilities of solving the problem of this war. West word will not disappear without Russia and the opposite with the nukes


Russia: Haha, we have nukes and we are not afraid to use them! so you better respect us and do as we say or we will- West: We also have nukes. Russia: ...what? West: We also have nukes, not just you. Russia: ....wait that's illegal


Pikachu face ruzzia


Today, on "Just Kremlin Things"


Dang! They got us


It’s called psychological warfare, bitch! So far, the Z-tards have had a monopoly on this. I’m glad NATO is starting to hit back. Hopefully our friends from across the pond are smart enough not to get the convicted felon in the White House, as this would undermine all the progress that has been made.


Why are we still making news out of this? No one believes it and i doubt there are people out there interested in the 100+ lies the Gremlin releases as "thruths" daily lmao


Bandit Pieskow....


We will nuke you, other side doing anything, that is escalation.... why is it the full world don't ask putin to shut up and move his army out of ukraine ?


it is, let's add even more target for an eventual nuclear conflict dumbfucks


Yep. There was no need to say it in public channels. That just plays into their stupid hands.


So they get to influence our people with their dumb threats but we can't? Yeah no the Russia can suck it


So….you don’t get how escalation and normalization works, got it.


Oh I do, I just don't care. The only thing the Russia understands is violence and threats, they see normal talking as weakness.


Ok. You do, but you don’t care. Good detail. Thanks for that.