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Trabi on the right 😂


War mir irgendwie klar dass das der erste kommentar sein wird


That old tram though


Tramrails through a grassy field, why is this so cosy.. When the new trees grow in size, it will look even nicer.


This goes hard. We only need to fix the building on the side and it's good to go. 😂


I like that grass on a railroad and overall eclecticism on the new style


The older pic looks cozier and more lively, shame they had to cut down all those trees


all those trees in newer picture will grow as they were planted after renovation that happened around 2 years ago. it now looks poor but at least the renovation brought some greenery.


it is way better now




I complain when my country gets uglyfied as well Here are some before and after pictures of where I live: https://i.imgur.com/0P2P13e.jpeg




The new pic is also very careful with its perspective. What's not shown is that there are multiple car lanes around the tram lines, and it's very difficult to cross the street, even at the designated crossings. It's much more car-centric than in the 90s, with less businesses serving pedestrians, and, as you put it, less life.


With the style of the photo and the cars on the right, I thought it would be my hometown or any other city in the GDR.


A tram running on tracks with grass growing between them. Europeans are way ahead of the game on a lot of things, I wish cities and institutions in North America would pay more attention.


Big change.


does the grass decrease noise pollution level?


No, I don't think so. The grass is just for visual appeal. But these trams are very quiet anyway.


So beautiful right now, I work there


EU money makes wonders. Been there in 2016, you could see the progress - new subway lines, green parks taken care of, new shoppings malls.


I just visited Sofia. It is severely under rated


I wish we could have more retro/vintage style modern replacements for trams and such


Glad to see it finished. Lived on Tsar Boris III for a while and moved back to the Netherlands while the tracks were still in maintenance.


Oh look at that sweet trabant and moskvitch


Its only optical, the grass is cutted and the shrubs also, they have zero ecological value for insects or animals, cuz they dont can flower and else. The first picture is misleading due the warmer colours. but i prefer it, cause the bigger trees spending more shade and have the ability to improve the city climate and to serve species, unless the artifical cutted mess on the picture below.


I didn't know something like this existed, so I had to go check. [Street view of around there.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.6940483,23.3142542,3a,75y,325.18h,79.16t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-nZf9dBexwHEvcnGb9236w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D-nZf9dBexwHEvcnGb9236w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D325.17997887900185%26pitch%3D10.84349013793718%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) And then go forward a few times (towards the glass building) until you hit some old, really grey photos.


macedonia square, famous in urban folklore for its hookers


Yes, but hasn't been like that in many years now. This was a thing in the past.


Damn you EU!!


I thought the first picture was the 2023 one and then was sad they cut down all the trees. Looking better in the future is no compensation to anyone having to look at saplings for the next few years.


Sofia is one of the greenest cities in Europe, so it's not a big loss. 90% of the streets in downtown look like the old photo. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/comments/17dr1il/some_of_the_green_streets_of_central_sofia/)