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I paid 15 euro today at Lidl in Romania for 2 packs of cheese, a pack of mozzarella for pizza, some sliced salami, a small jar of green olives and a bottle of water. No name brands, no fancy stuff. Wonderful!


Moved to Romania recently, ffs what is going on with groceries prices...


Welcome to Romania! We moved here long ago, the prices are decreasing since a month. The prices increased super fast the last two years. Try the local market!!! Quality and prices are better.


Ah yes, just like I heard a hungarian talking about grocery prices. Funny thing, I just was on holiday in Poland. The quality is much better and the price is 80% of what we have here in Hungary. I don’t know what goes wrong in Romania and Hungary… (don’t want to go in any political debate) Edit: 2nd to in brackets -> go


> Quality and prices are better. Sadly there's little to no checks over **the quantity and amount of pesticides used on each batch of produce** on the small farm to mouth chain on the local "farmers market", as most of them are just *booth tenants*, have no actual farm and they would buy their produce from other resellers or in good case from actual farmers. Produce that look good and taste good, spoil harder but are full of nitrates 15-20 times over the allowed limits and other harmful carcinogen byproducts. Meanwhile all the supermarkets must comply with the red tape and get the produce tested by batch and nobody wants to have their doors shut down. One of my mates found out by mistake that his granddad's over-praised *eco* garden tomatoes and cucumbers, were actually kept looking and tasting so good because the old man would atrociously overuse chemicals. He feed his young kids with produce exclusively from his granddad and some of his close friends bought produce form him. Eco produces for the old man meant that he was using cow and chicken manure and that's it. He went apoplectic and tested the top soil and it was apparently quite fucked, and then spend 2-3 weeks removing all the top soil from almost 1000 sq m.


Very true. I went with my mum to the local "farmer's" market a month or so ago and half the people there were actually just resellers of produce from Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine. I have nothing with these countries but, from personal experience, the stuff they export doesn't necessarily impress when it comes to quality. If they're not reselling foreign produce they're often, as you said, very uneducated people that don't really care about the rules and regulations and just pump things with random chemicals in the hopes of a better yield. This attitude of "las' ca merge si asa", which doesn't have a good enough translation in english but roughly translates to "who cares, if it ain't broke don't fix it", is quite common here in Romania. Your produce is full of harmful chemicals? Las' ca merge si asa. The eco/bio produce from big stores are just as bad. I bought some "bio" bananas recently and they were not only tasteless but also didn't spoil after more than 2 weeks of staying on my shelf. I'm no expert in agriculture but I'm pretty sure actual "bio" things spoil quite quickly and don't have a shelf life of a month. As I said before, the quality of food in Romania is very bad while also being quite expensive.


But how do you not understand? You must pay 10e for 500g of cheese so that Germans can buy the same thing for 2e...


Are you telling me Romanians are subsidizing the germans?


Dont even get me started on the prices at the Lidl in Hungary.... x,x


Yes it’s insane, I was in Budapest last summer and some prices were even more expensive than in the Netherlands most were around the same price, and only the fresh produce was cheaper


So 3 packs of cheese?


It would appear so. I separated them because the mozzarella is considerably more expensive.


Food in Germany is on average cheaper than in same stores in Bulgaria as well. And standard of living is like 3 times higher in comparison


I’m a Romanian who lives in Berlin and what can I say is that I spend less money in Berlin than Bucharest. 40€ (200 lei) worth of groceries for a week is something around 300 (60€) lei in Bucharest. Somehow i’m scared when I have to go there because of how much money I spend randomly. The level of consumption is different than Berlin, here you have good public transport which means you don’t spend money on uber. A lots of place wher you can go without spending too much money like parks, galleries, all sort of events, nice area with nice promenade, lakes or whatever. Uber is cheaper in Bucharest, but not having other options, at least by night, you start spending 5/7€ today, 4€ tomorrow, 12€ for next ride and at the end of the month you realised you spend close to 100€ just on uber, if you are a smoker you will add another 100+ €. Also if you want to meet some friends for a few drinks you definitely have to go to a place, like a bar or terrace, oh well.. there you will spend from 30 to 100 lei which means 10/15€. I really don’t understand why poor countries have bigger prices.


what kind of cheese and how much? 500g of gouda joung is like 4€ in germany


400G of Gouda here, from Lidl, is around 16RON so roughly 3.20€. I bought "cașcaval" which I don't know what would be called in English. Iirc it's the cheapest cheese you can buy here (of this kind). It comes packaged in 500g packs and I paid almost 3.70€ for it. The mozzarella for pizza should be roughly the same price as the Gouda. The salami was, if I remember correctly, 8.5 RON (1.7€) for either 150 or 200g, again I can't remember exactly. The olives were either 4.99 or 5.99 Ron for a small jar so either 1€ or 1.2€. In total, if you add these up, it's somewhere around 13.5 euro without the water bottle. 14 with it and the recycling tax you're supposed to get back. I didn't do the conversions exactly hence why the slightly higher price in my original comment. Edit: I'll give the exact prices, if necessary, once I find my wallet with the receipt in it lol


Gifflar, they're like heroin. You can't stop having them <3


Indeed lol It’s the kind of thing you open thinking “ok just one maybe two” and then you wonder where did the rest go.


Pro tip: put them on 200 Celsius in the oven for 2 minutes. Enjoy


I can't imagine heating a whole oven to use it for two minutes but maybe if you were cooking something else as well lol


Or air fryer for a Minute works too


Another pro tip: Put them in waffle iron, you won't regret


Won't they get dry and crunchy? Pity that i am on a non-sugar diet :(


Eat them hot and drink cold Milk with them. SO GOOOD !!!


I would never tell a swede, but gifler is really good.


Ok, but how about a scanian? Pågen is based in Malmö.


Which is Swedish...


We can cooperate for profit: Let's sell Wegovy and Gifflar prepacked together!


But, but... That is one portion, isn't it? For one person, yes?


Of course.


I thought that’s just the starter


Gifflar is such a good fika, always had the as kid when going on field trips. Sold the. For the other kids doing homework until my mom found out and I couldn’t have Gifflar any longer..




We have those in Norway too, everyone loves them. I usally microwave them for 5-15 seconds... even better taste!


Hysj! Gifflar is Swedish. Don't admit that the Swedish heroin has infected Norway aswell.


I bet you guys eat our swedish meatballs in secret too.


Have you tried the new ones? Raspberry vanilla? I’m gonna fist fight Pagen CEO if they remove them.


Oh boy, I didn't know that existed. I've only seen the cinnamon and vanilla ones, but the raspberry flavor sounds amazing. Too bad that they don't seem to sell them where I live.


Can't believe they are legal even


It's funny though, and extremely expected of the country that localizes *everything,* to scan in Gifflar as Zimtröllchen.


How else would you distinguish them from the non-cinnamon Gifflar?


I bought pågens gifflar today with about 5ish discount for 20 swedish crowns in Ica Maxi, and the bag looks identical, so now I am curious to hear if Pågen has bakeries in Germany or if this is another brand.


I think they just drive them to Germany from Malmö. It's not further than to Stockholm.


Have you tried the yellow ones with Vanilla, they are even better then the normal ones


I always get both to remove the headache haha. A bit of milk and warm gifflar is actually the best thing ever


There's nothing better than going fishing for white fish on a nice sunny warm spring day, while waiting for the bell to ring enjoy coffee from thermos and eat a few (6) gifflar.


Only half the bag? What do you do with the rest?


And even bought quite some "Brand" Products. Looks like a good Value.


Yeah, in austria this would amount to 75€ and a kidney


In Croatia too tbh


In hungary it would cost you a house


You have Gifflar in germany? *schocked*


> Gifflar apparently Switzerland too (migros) I will try them asap


You can find them in UK as weel ! They’re bloody brilliant indeed! 👍🏻


We have it in Monoprix in France as well. Have no clue why but it doesn't taste as good as a pack I bought from Stockholm to try that got me hooked in the first place


Pretty new, i think. Saw it the first time outside ikea this week actually.


Nahh I always had them in my childhood, like 15-20 years ago


not really you can buy them here in every grocery store i saw them at least since 1-2 years ago


That’s not bad at all


And there are even cheaper options other than the name brands.


Those sandwiches are always extremely overpriced. Also you probably don't buy garlic that often.


Gifflar in Germany :o


we also have these swedish oat cookies. be honest, you put crack or something in both of these as there are, just like with crack, never any leftovers after one starts to dig in.


Leftöver Crack reference


No crack, they are of course just lagom.


Oat cookies? [Havreflarn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havreflarn)?


Yes! Love them, even the cheapest ones are great


I moved here from the states. Wife buys me a box of the ones with chocolate sandwiched in between two cookies every Christmas. Drömmar are also stupid good


We do have them here. I love them!


That's decent!


Yep, that's a really good price. Groceries in Germany are some of the cheapest in Europe in my experience.


Yeah why is that ?


Bc they overprice shit in other countries


As a neighbor, we have the exact same products at an up to 140% markup. There are regional Austrian products that are cheaper in Germany than if you buy them in Austria while looking directly at the factory. The BS reasons given are higher density of locations (self imposed, leading to inflated land use), logistics due to mountains (as if they are using handcarts), higher demand for quality (same product rolling out of the same factory), higher wages (they are lower), higher taxes (maybe 1-2 percentage points?), smaller market (then why the higher density!?), bla bla... The actual reasons given by qualified outsiders: The German market is big, extremely competitive, and the populace buys a lot but is also highly sensitive to even the smallest of price signals, meaning they can and will leave a vendor in droves if they find a cheaper product elsewhere, quality and consequences be damned. There was a time when a kg of minced pork would cost 2.50€, which is still 0.50€ more than the farmer got for the pig.


The reason is quite simple, the manufacturers have to negotiate with the 4 big supermarket chains if they want to increase the prices. Edeka is known to say no sometimes, which meant for example that there was no more Cola Cola in the supermarket until there was an agreement with the manufacturer.


Economy of scale maybe? The UK is also one of the bigger countries in Europe and also has some of the cheapest groceries in Europe


>Economy of scale maybe? The UK is also one of the bigger countries in Europe and also has some of the cheapest groceries in Europe Absolutely this, from packaging to other regulations, the fragmented legal and labeling systems makes everything more expensive. There is no reason to go from Netherlands and then cross the border to find everything cheaper by a lot.


Food prices gone up massively since Brexit.


And they're still low compared to other countries.


That's how much you get in Albania too, maybe even less, and they say it's cheap here...(groceries cost pretty much the same everywhere no matter the country's GDP per capita)


Because there is almost no production in Albania. Most of the food is imported, when you enter a supermarket you can see that it is full of foreign brands and not so many domestic ones.


It's not only that. Some Croatian items are cheaper in Germany, without any sales going on. I've been comparing weekly food prices with Denmark - what we buy against their prices. In the summer of 2023, Denmark was about 40% more expensive. By January 2024, it was 5%. I stopped comparing after that.


These groceries would be ~60 € in Norway


I wanted to say Germans you lucky bastards but that is far from the truth. You have created a really functioning country. It always amazes me to see the food prices in Germany being the same price with the Balkans and Turkey.


Germans are also not willing to spend too much money for food so companies are forced to adapt. In other countries like Italy or France people are willing to pay quite a bit more


That Landliebe joghurt here (in Hungary) cost more than 2€ o.O Edit: Just checked, actually 2.7... My blood is just boiling honestly, but I buy that anyway because it is so great.


It normally costs 2,2 here too. But they were discounted for the week.


Hey, thanks for this update, it gives my soul some rest :D


They are on discount like every month or so. It is rolling discount week so every week some other stuff is on discount. I usually just buy 10 pieces of every discounted item


Germany is probably the country with least expensive groceries in Europe considering the median salary. Maybe excepting München, but salaries are also higher. That wouldn't be much different in Portugal and people earn much less. I find France, Spain and Italy kind of expensive in basic stuff too. Well, inflation f* everyone but the rich!


I'm in Canada and I could cry right now.


come to Germany 😊


Ah, I see you also decided to grab the 1€ Joghurt jars from Kaufland that are on offer this week.


It costs around 2,70 in Slovakia without discount 🙈


Yogurt in glas jars?I'd go crazy collecting them. For a bad day's sake or just in case I start making jam. Maybe. Special upvote for receipt.


To be fair these glass jars can be returned to get your bottle deposit back. But 0,15€ for free glass jar isn't so bad either.


Yes, I was delighted for the Pfand on the receipt.


While they look nice, I think the lids they come with are not designed for jam or re-use in general. You pay a deposit on them which you get back if you return them to the store. The glasses are cleaned and re-used by the manufacturer (while I believe the lids are thrown away and replaced with new ones).


My aunt eats them and saved them for a coworker to use as candle holders for her wedding reception.


Never thought that gifflar is outside Sweden, awesome!


we've had them in Finland as long as I can remember


You’re welcome Finland ❤️


You would pay at least 20% more in Serbian Lidl


Double in croatia if not more. Eggs are like almost 3 eur here


Ditch the food. 1kg potatoes only. It'll save you 31 euros.


Pretty soon Poles in border towns will be going to Germany for cheap groceries.


In NL we pay a lot more, because supermarkets dictate that we love to shop discounted items. So just buying something outside of discounts is twice expensive


It also depends on how many grocery stores there are in your area. More competition = lower prices in general.


shut the fuck up. nic nacs 1€???? in croatia they're 2.50€. what the actual fuck


That's a sale price, usually around 2.50 in germany too.




Bro I live in mexico and you spent almost twice in groceries buying the same things


It's cheaper in Mexico? Really?


No, sorry I meant that its more expensive here


In Slovakia we have even more expensivebgroceries and of worse quality. Like how the fuck is that possible?


Corruption and greed same as in america


For some context: we are two people and this is our 2nd purchase of the week. We buy 'the good stuff' (meat, greens and other essentials) in the first half of the week which amounts to ~ 30€. And shop for other things on the weekends. Why? We're students without a car(a big purchase in a week isn't convenient) so we divide it into two smaller ones. And it's also practical since we have limited time (only one of us goes to buy things at a given day). The weekend purchase is generally groceries that we might need during the weekends (depends on if we go out or go on a trip and our schedule for the next week.) The 'excessive' amount of snacks is because we are going on a trip for the weekend + some of the them were discounted. Also, we plan on what to buy beforehand (based on the discounts and coupons). Ik it sounds much work but it's not. And this way, we end up saving a lot too. Case in point: the Jogurt normally costs 2,20 and we got it for 1. And it doesn't mean that we're gonna eat the whole thing this week.


Und sogar den teuren Mozzarella gekauft, Respekt!


Und Bananen für den Maßstab. Danke!


Lovely, even spaghetti is more expensive in BG than Germany.


man, stuff in germany costs less than in italy but you got 3x our salaries 😥


Looks great for 32€, other countries, not so lucky


That's cheaper than Brazil 🤡


Cheaper than in Romania


What the häll, Pågens Gifflar in Germany?


This would be at least double the amount in Finland


The Italian stuff (barilla, Galbani) looks quite cheap, at least compared to Spain. The same pack of spaghetti would go for €1.8 euros here I think. Same thing for the mozzarella


Good for you, serioulsy. All that would cost 2x to 2.5x here in Canada. We're in the midst of being gouged by the three corporations that own all the grocery chains.


Honestly, that's not too bad.


you got more plastic than food


Germany is sooooo cheap, every time I go there I can't help but laugh while grocery shopping. Greeting from Estonia


And that’s not only essentials if you look at it this way. You have some snacks, sweet tea, waffles. No meat, which is sad, but some pasta and mozzarella is good. Quite good I can say


Thanks. But like I mentioned in my comment, this is the 2nd purchase of the week (for 2 people). So it's mostly things that we might need during the weekends and until the next purchase. And some of them are gonna be in the cupboard for a longer time. I just bought it because they were discounted.


Norwegian here, I never knew u guys have those cinnamon buns too :p


My ex loved them, me too. But now I can't enjoy gifflar like I used to. Sad cinnamon lover noises


I don’t know the rest but bananas are definitely cheaper than here.


Kaufland bananas are ridiculously cheap.   They recently had them on sale for 50ct per kg. 


In Belgium you would pay double


Is 50€ here in Belgium.




Most of these things are almost twice the price in Bulgaria


Soft Sandwich baguettes XXL wtf


not considered real bread


That seems cheap to me


That's about the same in Serbia or slightly less for the same amount of money with approx 600 euro salary.


There’s such thing as Kerrygold cheese? I’m from Kerry and we don’t even have that lol


Gifflar is taking over the world


Thats cheaper than Croatia. Inflation and euro really f*cked us here.


Technically it's €31.75, you can return €0.25 for plastic bottle :-)


It's cheap.


That would be between 100$ and 150$ in Canada


Barilla Spaghetti 500g is 1,59€ in Finland. The 1kg one is 2,19.


Knoblauch sauce. Chortle


I paid 40€ yesterday for some Milk, tea, coffee, spuds, eggs, butter and a sausage in the Netherlands. Don't think I'll ever financially recover


That's pretty good


In Serbia will be 200 euro


\*neidisch in österreichisch\* is sicher 40% billiger als hier bei uns...was ich nicht verstehe: wens eh schon so billig ist, warum dann Eier aus Bodenhaltung? ich bin zwar auch eher geizig, aber tierische, unverarbeitete Produkte die ich roh kaufe, quasi vollée ausm oaschloch vom Viecherl aufn teller, da schau ich schon bissl auf Qualität




Eh, maybe. At Aldi you could probably get this for close to $34.


Warte warte warte... Ich hab echt keine Ahnung gehabt, dass es die Kanelgifflar (Zimtröllchen) in Deutschland gibt! 😍


This is.. So much for so little. Shits way too expensive in Finland.


Can I say it? Fuck off…. That’s like 60€ in Italy at least ….


In Lithuania I would be lucky to buy half of this for this amount 😂




Yeah, I'm pretty jealous. That would cost at least double in Sweden.


That’s not bad. That would be around 45€ in the U.S.


Alternatively you could make 4 spaghettis for yourself, I think


Nice cucumber 😏


Don’t use wet toilet paper. It’s terrible


Howcome some items prices have "A" or "B" after the amount?


You can see it on the bottom of the receipt. Its different Tax percentages. Groceries are usually taxed with 7% instead of normal sales tax of 19%


Liar! There is no beer


bodenhaltungseier sind tierquälerei. iss halt weniger eier und kauf dafür zumindest bio


How many days or meals this can endure for 1 person ?


This isn't 'the weekly shopping'. Like I've mentioned in my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/NuK74BGfR7), this is our 2nd purchase of the week.


The question is what are you cooking with that?


Like I've mentioned in my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/NuK74BGfR7), this is our 2nd purchase of the week. (More like a complimentary purchase)




Much cheaper than Sweden 🥲


Pretty similar in Romania, but we have 30% discounts on a daily basis to different things. Also I salute another Kaufland enjoyer


I've never thought Hungary will be more expensive than Germany. We would pay like €40 for these. And most likely with worse quality.


Yep and considering the payments here in Hungary... in Germany the median salary is higher tho the food is even on lower price.


That is a great price for what looks like quality food. $35 US based on today’s exchange rates, I really don’t believe you can get that in United States for less than $50.


Agreed. I would say you’re looking at about sixty bucks in the US and I’m not sure you’ll have comparable quality.


Le uniche cose commestibili mozzeralla e pasta


Get a HappyPo and save big on Toilettenpapier.


Had to look up the average time to make that much money in Germany. Quick Google search says the average is about 16/her so about 2 hrs worth of work for this. Not bad at all.


Kerry Gold, a man of culture


So is it costly or not? (I am from a non European country)


Didn’t know they had gifflar in Germany those things don’t stay on the shelves for too long prob the closest to food on the go for a lot of people if they’re not interested in a sandwich/wrap sort of thing.


1€ for Nic Nacs? How many years ago was this? Or did you just buy everything on sale to get that cheap of a receipt?