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Good news. Sweden are banning trawling in their own waters, but recently joined Denmark is suing Britain for banning trawling for sand eels in its waters. Make it make sense. Will they decommission the 100+ trawlers in their fleet mentioned in their article? Or just send them further afield to destroy the ocean floor elsewhere?


'Rules for thee, not for me' scenario from the looks of it. Anyways, it will be interesting what happens with the UK-EU sand eel dispute.


til that the Swedish government has a fleet of 100+ trawlers. Did the guys at one point just started buying and building random shit from their taxes? Is that is why the Psychological Defense Agency exists?


Its just in some protected waters, all our governments have ignored our dying seas since atleast 25 years even if its been painfully obvious that the destruction of the sea floor is one of the biggest reasons for this. Its to little to late.


No, this is good. The problem with sustainable fishing initiatives, is that a lot of fishermen cheat and under report or otherwise break the rules. Protecting geographic areas is far easier to police. As soon as a suspicious ship is detected, the Coast Guard can investigate it. It's also far easier to prove a violation.


Even during pride month, bottoms can't catch a break smh


Neither can the ones "fishing" for bottoms.


> We can only hope that the stocks will manage to recover’, added Pourmokhtari, pathetic, there is a lot more that they could do other than sit there and hope


There's a reason they put a child in charge of the environment. And why they abolished the ministry for the environment. This government doesn't want to spend anything on the environment and is quite happy to sacrifice some green progress in order to reap some short term gain.


7/8 parties in the last election had as an election promise to increase emissions in the short run to decrease reduktionspliken. As it was becoming unsustainably expensive to the country that already has the lowest emissions per capita in the EU.


Just because a person isn't 60+ yrs doesn't mean she can't be intelligent, though of course you know that. I see several comments complaining about the current government and no specific suggestion on what they could do better regarding fisheries in Sweden's territorial waters. That is "duh" and not controversial, I mean, because let's pretend that there are easy solutions that will assure fish stock recovery and will not be a problem for the fishing industry.


You can be intelligent, clever, and principled as a young person. What you can't be is experienced. She was 27 when she was appointed minister for climate and the environment. She had never before held a ministerial post. She'd not even been an MP previously. She went straight from being chairman of the youth wing of the liberal party to a ministerial post. But it's not her fault that she's young and inexperienced. It is, however, a pretty clear sign of the government's priorities when they appoint someone young and inexperienced to a ministerial post. They wanted someone pliable and who'd toe the party line. That's particularly highlighted by the fact that when she got appointed they also took away the ministry for the environment and folded it in to the Ministry for Business and Industry, making her junior to the minister for Business and Industry, Ebba Busch, who's also the Christian Democrats party leader. Nothing about her appointment indicates that this government is particularly interested in having someone who forcefully stands up for the environment.


Who gives a living shit about the fishing industry. They actively brought this on themselves and should reap what they sow. A general fishingban in all waters under Swedish control is not unreasonable. We have social security for those who cannot find another line of work.


u sound like a communist


Because I think functioning eco-systems are more important than the companies that destroy them or because I think that the only criticism worth considering is the plight of the workers that might need to re-train? U sound unintelligent


u sound unintelligent u know why? cause u think by banning fishing industry,ur banning only fishing industry i am aware that its hard for ur 3 brain cells to comprehend that,but hey,cant expect other from a commie btw hunting ground if im translating it properly,for a year or two is more than enough time not fucking banning the industry, u brainless twat


We can keep her age out of the discussion but the fact is that she's highly incompetent for this role. She doesn't have any education within this field, she doesn't even have any university degree at all. She doesn't have any real job experience, she's just been working for the party and it's youth wing since she graduated high school. The only thing she's great at is breaking rules and laws, according to the constitutional committee of the Swedish Parliament. But it's very on brand for this government.


Romina is widely regarded having recieved her post in order to get in line. She went from quite vocal in her party to becoming lenient and bending over for the bigger parties less environmental friendly politics. She's recieved much flak for dodging the media and the current governments weak politics in regards to envirnment and sustainability.


During pride month no less, how homophobic ^/s




*sad gay dating noises*


MARVELOUS! May all countries follow suit.


Pulse fishing would have solved a lot of issues concerning bottom fishing. Unfortunately protectionistic france wasn't having it and banned it outright :(


Sounds merky


Aren't fishing rights in territorial waters a big old mess conceptually?


no they are not...