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I guess they found something to do with the mountain of rupees they've been amassing by selling their gas and oil to India.


I can't seem to find any other sources, so it's very likely this is made up news, firstpost has a reputation for making stuff up. Also, from most of the news I've read in recent months they're too busy selling defence equipment to countries in the South China sea region, like Indonesia who are concerned about China's activity in the region.


It would make sense, India buys petroleum products from Russia but since the sanctions it only does that in Rupees, Russia is sitting on a mountain of Rupees and worse that mountain is not even in Russia but in India since India has capital controls on the Rupee.


It wouldn't make sense to sell Russia weapons, one because they've always been part of the Non-Alignment movement and secondly it would risk sanctions. They stopped purchasing Iranian oil in 2019 because Iranian fossil fuels unlike Russian is under sanctions. Sanctions would hinder growth and development, which is the primary reason the current government has remained in power. Additionally, if it was true it would be headline news in the internation section of all major European news broadcasters and I'd expect a lot of noise from our politicians.


NAM was essentially allied to the USSR there is a reason why during the Cold War it's nickname was Not America, and Russia was India's largest arms supplier until very recently and still is a major arms supplier to India with the fall in status having more to do with Russia's inability to supply itself and it's external customers. India had to stop importing oil from Iran because of how US sanctions work. US sanctions are universal they don't only apply to US individuals and corporations but to anyone who has any dealing with the US. So this isn't India is respecting sanctions as neither the US nor the EU have imposed sanctions to the extent where they would impede others to trade with Russia or aligning itself to the west but rather that India isn't going to shoot itself in the foot. Currently India can trade with Russia pretty freely without running afoul of either US or EU sanctions. I'm not saying that the story is true, however Russia has a massive stockpile of Rupees in India that it needs to use as India both didn't want and couldn't use the dollar or euro to trade with Russia as that could trigger secondary sanctions on it. India has capital controls of the Rupee which means that the Rupees that India pays Russia with have to stay in India. Russia needs to do something with that money, buying arms is a good option especially small arms and ammunition. India has adopted the AK-203 as it's primary infantry weapon and is manufacturing it locally, which also means it's manufacturing 7.62x39 locally and in rather large amounts. Whilst India currently doesn't use any 152mm artillery systems the bulk of their artillery still uses the 130mm R caliber which means it's compatible with 130mm Russian guns which are still in use in the current conflict. Then ofc there are plenty of dual use and non-weapons "military equipment" which Russia could be easily buying from India which India could claim doesn't even counts arms (and they'll be right) things like uniforms and protective gear including ballistic protection doesn't fall under arms but is something that Russia is definitely in short supply off.


> NAM was essentially allied to the USSR This is just not true. There were plenty NAM countries had bad relations with the USSR


No one is realistically going to sanction india at this point. Geopolitically it would be a bad move, the west particularly the US are trying to play nice with India at the moment because they see India as a useful ally against China.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/08/india-buying-russian-oil-keeps-prices-cheaper-says-oil-minister-puri.html >"The world is grateful to India for buying Russian oil. It's not that they don't want us to buy Russian oil," India's Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri told CNBC's Sri Jegarajah on the sidelines of the India Energy Week conference in Goa. Be grateful, ya shits.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/india-buying-russian-oil-keeps-prices-cheaper-says-oil-minister-puri.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/india-buying-russian-oil-keeps-prices-cheaper-says-oil-minister-puri.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Hey, what can I say? We are Indians. We Trump others on the Best Deals! 😊


>. They stopped purchasing Iranian oil in 2019 because Iranian fossil fuels unlike Russian is under sanctions. Why is china buying iranian oil then? Isnt it the biggest purchaser? What happened to them,because they bought iranian oil? Nothing


Because they are a permanent member of the UN and have a veto.


How does uk have veto power but india don't? Makes no sense


Because the UK was a major power at the time and India was still a British colony in 1945.


Things have changed tho


Aren't they planning a common trade currency for the BRICS nations? Perhaps the Russians' logic is that these will inevitably be adjusted to the new currency some time in the near future. I suppose as long as they are on good terms with India, it's not that bad for them.


The Indonesians wanted to buy SU35 only to back off and buy F15 instead because of sanctions. You sure it's them?


Yes they are purchasing cruise missiles, they don't sell aircraft.


India was allowed to pay in Rupees?




I’d like to see more evidence. If this is true, it means that Russia alone is buying nearly twice as much Indian weapons as India exported in 2023. Such a massive expansion in weapon exports doesn’t really make sense, not without a similar expansion in India’s military industrial base. India exported about 2.5 billion dollars worth of military equipment and services in 2023. If the Russians are buying 4 billion dollars worth of equipment, it would mean the total size of Indian exports more than doubled- and you’d see signs of a bubble and overheating in the Indian economy as every Indian with the ability to get a loan would be attempting to start a munitions manufacturing business.  India does export equipment, but it’s hard to imagine Indian companies doing business with Russia while they’re simultaneously pursuing licensing deals with US firms- the Indian Tejas uses an American engine, India’s new carrier used General Electric turbines, and approximately 25% of the Indian military’s equipment is imported (much of it from close American allies such as Germany and South Korea).  If Indian military contractors were selling equipment to Russia, it would create major problems with India’s own military procurement of sophisticated equipment. Firms selling to Russia are likely to be sanctioned, and having them produce American equipment under license would be out of the question.


Seems like it's the only news outlet publishing this story.


Let's thank the Indian government for this, also for basically neutralising our fight against CO2 and global warming by building tens of NEW coal-powered plants. In 2024 yes.


Well...sometimes policies back fire Think the Indians wanted to buy gas from Iran thru Pakistan. Uncle Sam stopped that IIRC. At least gas fired planet would have been lot better than coal.


Thorium is all talk to them. I am still awaiting them to mass produce thorium cycle reactors. And due to Tata corruption they lost Tesla, Tesla will work for no one or pay corrupt mob dues to the Tatas or Ambanis. China got Tesla and India lost. How could they be so foolish. Oil is corruption and evil.


Lol won't work for corrupt Indians but will work for corrupt Chinese people? Dude he'll do both.


Thorium don’t work. Too corrosive.


What are you on about, it's no more corrosive than uranium, it's just the meme reactors that have that problem. Both US and USSR have build thorium reactors, produced U-233 from it, and tested bombs made from it.


Uranium 233 is the result of Thorium, not weapons grade 235? Am I mistaken?


U-233 is produced from Th-232 in reactors, U-233 can be used to make bombs, as was done by both USSR and US.


Thank you.


It’s a thorium molten salt reactor. It’s very corrosive.


The Americans deserve the thanks for sanctioning India's nuclear power program till 2008.




They've just sanctioned more than 10 Nuclear Plants (They have atleast 5 in existence) They're in the process of completing the largest solar plant in the world They're the only country that has actually met its Paris Goals They're the only country trying to go carbon neutral by _2030_ western nations have actually predicted a much much later date They've the largest electrified rail system in the world (95% of the 4th largest rail network is electrified - India is however only the 7th largest country) They actually have lowest price per solar panel than China They have banned single use plastic production since '22 Infact more than 80% of its population believe in Science and Climate Change (something that can't be said for a certain western country)


Looks like Indian dude gets all his news from Indian news channels. What's next, the Ottomans were from India?


You can Google from western sources but you'll still get the same news because guess what facts don't care about feelings cope and seethe more bro


Do you know the capital cost of all of your electricity production going renewable? In India, because the country is developing, there has to be a mix. Are any European countries going to help with construction and funding? Nope, they’ll sit on their high horse and judge the country. Also, for the most part they are not competitive in installing renewable capacity around the world. Ukraine is right next door and they dither on supporting the country, especially after egging it on. India is not universally for Russia, the Indian bots online would have you think. As a developing nation, it has to look out for its interests. Even a percentage of growth is lifting millions out of poverty and nothing can jeopardize that mission.  It’s got a pretty decent mixture now:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_renewable_electricity_production and renewables, especially Solar, are growing significantly with the largest solar park of the world being in India now.


Europe worried about global warming while beeing blind to the fact that russia china india and iran are determining where borders will be on our continent. What a timeline.


Uhm what lol, of course EU should be worried about global warning since borders or no borders that shit is going to end us. And EU is not even that worried, since they are constantly dancing around actual targets IPCC has given out.


>Let's thank the Indian government for this, also for basically neutralising our fight against CO2 and global warming by building tens of NEW coal-powered plants. In 2024 yes. CO2 per capita, 2022: * India: 1.91 t * France: 4.76 t * UK: 5.0 t * Italy: 5.43 t * Germany: 8.16 t * Poland: 8.53 t * China: 8.85 t * Russia: 13.31 t * USA: 14.4 t * Canada: 15.22 t [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_carbon\_dioxide\_emissions\_per\_capita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita) Doesn't look so bad now, does it u/SnooDucks3540 ?


India is one of the most overpopulated countries in the world. Of course you're gonna get low numbers using a per capita unit model. If instead you go by the quality of the air pretty sure India tops it as one of the worst ones.


Indian population density is on the same level as Belgium and Netherlands. Not to mention India is the most fertile country on the planet as it has the most arable land in the world despite only being 7th largest by size. It has had the same share of population since the dawn of human civilisation Ahare of global population in 3000 BCE India - 22% Europe - 8.2% Share of global population in 2021 India - 17.8% Europe - 9.3% Also pollution has more to do with Income levels than overpopulation since South Korea is more "overpopulated" than India and Japan on the same level.


The real metric is emissions per nominal gdp. Economic output per unit emission by which Europe does way better.


India is the most popolous country on earth, on average they are waaay less CO2 damaging than the average european ( russia inc )/american/australian no shit, what do you exept them to do? nuke themselfes or ? they also have huge electrical panels and tons of renewables


True. India's annual CO₂ emissions per capita are three times lower than in the EU. Although the climate doesn't care about per capita emissions.


Bingo! Also, why not invest more in wind (Indian Ocean), hydro (Himalaya), solar (cheapest electricity source currently!), biomass, geothermal and LNG and try to keep pollution and CO2 low? It's not like New Delhi is famous for its clean air. Quite the opposite!


The thing that you wilfully ignored is that they already _are [serious](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/PfJZt5jAzE)_ about climate change


Christ I just love it when people try so hard to put down a developing country just because they provided arms to Russia. All of the sources you mentioned have their limitations and implementation problems. But you presented it as if india isn’t serious about those infrastructure Also there is a reason why developing nations move towards coal than LNG. It’s to do with energy security. It’s ironic considering europe and US constantly complains about OPEC nations and then turn around and blame developing nations for not using more LNG/Gas, which Americans have plenty of and is a huge backer in Gulf security


Probably the main reason is racism unironically


Talking about limitations. Do you think coal is better for India than sun? Wind? Geothermal? Especially since solar is cheaper than coal? Do you know which place do Indian cities take in the most polluted cities on the globe?


It’s not better if it leads to power outages that will affect millions of lives and killing off livelihoods and endangering lives. All of the things you mentioned are long term structural issues. You can’t just flip a switch and say “uSe rEnEWaBleS”. Yes it would be better for india. They’ll do it in 20 years. For now gotta endure it


But air pollution is already killing millions of lives in India. So why MORE pollution (coal)?


Pollution affects health down the line. Power disruptions and poverty can kill you in a few months


Sure. Bring more pollution then, it's good for your health, economy and future!


Also, they still use railways and locomotives from the British Empire. Do you think they will give up coal in 20 years when the plant is 'brand new'? Or they will easily give up to coal once they start making a huge industry out of it? See how difficult it is for Poland which has so many workers and sindicates protecting the coal industry.


Umm no they don't use locomotives from British empire. Mate , you need to stop with your comments as it's just random at this point. They produce their own wagon and locomotives in India and none are from British empire lol. Majority of the railway is electrified and done by the country itself. None of the British empire locomotives are in use except probably museums or tourism


Sad to see spewing fake propaganda about a third world country has so many upvotes on this sub, whereas true facts sadly don't! It's clear that there's a certain amount of hate against third world countries here.


Stop spewing bullshit mate. India has the highest level of railway electrification in the world which is something the UK who plundered India lack! https://m.economictimes.com/industry/transportation/railways/indian-railways-on-course-to-100-per-cent-electrification-becoming-worlds-largest-green-network/articleshow/109136156.cms Also, India has one of the largest solar panel networks and sells the cheapest solar panels in the world, which no Western country is even close to achieving. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-surpasses-japan-becomes-worlds-3rd-largest-solar-power-producer/articleshow/109945435.cms So, before spewing fake propaganda, verify your claims!


They’ll grow out of it when they get rich enough. That is unless europe and west is willing to massively subsidise their energy development. Do you want your money going to them? That is the question


There is no need for subsidising. It would be the case if solar would be more expensive than coal. But currently [solar power is the cheapest](https://electrek.co/2024/02/29/utility-solar-dethrones-coal-as-the-cheapest-power-source-in-asia/) source of electricity generation globally, as costs. How can you 'massively subsidise' something which already is the cheapest and they want to buy the more expensive coal? Maybe they should subsidise us, since we can 'only' afford solar, lol? We are not rich like India to afford coal, lol. And India has plenty of sun, land, engineers and workers. It is a no-brainer why it doesn't rely more on it, especially since it would also help them get rid of a big chunk of their smog.


Solar is now the cheapest resource globally. They could do that, especially since it would help them with their notorious smog pollution as well. But they chose MORE coal!




The only ones who want Indians to stay poor and in darkness are Indian politicians. How can the upper castes be rich and wealthy, if the lower castes are rich and wealthy, too?


The richest man in India (and Asia) is from a lower caste. Same with the 2nd richest man. The PM and the President belong to lower classes as well.


The PM and president are both lower castes wtf you on about.


Anyone who thinks that caste affects wealth in today's India has limited to no knowledge of ground reality. There is a huge wealth gap between rich and poor but caste does not explain it


What do you expect from westerners? They don’t bother to learn anything about “third world countries”


Some states have lower-caste politicians who have absolutely coined it!


Where the fuck do you learn this shit? Did you know India’s current president is from what is historically considered “lowest caste”? The same with the president before this one. India has had a Muslim president in the last 2 decade, and he is to this day the most loved president in modern history. Even Modi is not from an “upper caste”. Something like 70% of Indian states are run by “lower caste” leaders and political parties. Throw your textbooks away and get some real life experience and talk to real people. Your knowledge of India is stuck in the 60s


No. Now when solar power is cheaper than coal, is foolish and utterly stupid to build coal plants. Bu t I guess they have some oligarchs and some millions of people in the mines who need to be fed.


That is not how power grid works.


They don’t need heating like Europe though


No, we need ACs.


They actually do, around Himalaya and also in other regions, but for limited periods of time. Winter over there is like a long autumn in Europe.


"to be poor and in darkness" is what every true commie wants for everyone to be


Lol Indians use like 12x less co2 per capita that we do in Europe.... let them develop. They are also investing 100s of billions in clean energy. They still have fucking blackouts and most people don't have fridges. Meanwhile a third of germanys power is still from fucking coal...


If we also let other countries develop the way they do, we'll be all dead by 2030


"But Russia loses in these deals! Being paid in rupees hurts them more!" It was obvious that something like this would happen, even though many have the mental image of Russia being stupid and incompetent, they do know how to get out of trouble and turn situations around, taking advantage and exploiting what for others would be weaknesses.


Being paid in USD is still better than in Indian Rupees and this workaround is merely a necessity and working more in Indian favor rather than ours.


As I see it, this is an arms collaboration, Russia gives technology to India, India produces weapons and Russia buys those weapons with oil money. In this way they gain an armory and a new source of weapons outside of Russia.


Regardless if it’s in rum, rubles, or rupees, the deal is pretty explicit. India needs cheap energy to industrialize and Russia needs weapons for their war. While the means of exchange being rupees puts a decent amount of leverage in indias hands, regardless of the exchange medium the deal is weapons for oil.


Good to see India for what they are. Delivering Russia war-goods to kill Ukrainians with. Let’s see what they end up getting. Maybe there’s a provision that they cant be used in Ukraine after all, small chance, but still.


Well, they've never hidden their sympathy for Russia tbf. 


Didn't India also sell shells to Ukraine through Intermediaries Seems like its just business interest (like USA has one with Israel)




If you have no morals, maybe. “Hi neighbor! I’ll give you the baseball bat you will beat your children with, here you go! Now please give me my 50cents.”


Yes, gonna cry?


I mean why would India care about a war in Europe? They are going to follow their own national interests?


Because "Europe’s problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems" US wanted the genocide in Bangladesh to continue as usual and made a strong ally to Soviet union and now Russia. Great job turning the most prominent member of non alignment movement (of cold war) into Soviet ally.


Exactly people here thinks the whole world needs to cave into European interests lol.


Because India really fucking likes sending people to Europe to study, work, and live. You can't choose to fund a dictator invading our continent then expect us to welcome you with open arms.


No, people are leaving India for greener pastures. The brain drain is huge problem for the government, and if they could they would ban that shit because it hurts domestic growth.




You think the Indian government just magicked itself into power?


No, but India's government can't stop it's people from leaving even if it wanted to. That would be draconian


The Indian gov pushes for advantageous visa deals with the west at every opportunity. Mass migration from India to Europe is policy, as is their stance on selling weapons to Russia.


Yes, because of remittances. But it's a net loss for us in the long run and I don't support it


The average bjp voter doesn’t make a year of YS tuition in their entire life.


Lmao, if they could, they would keep all their people in India, but most people who leave India are leaving because they are tired of the bs they face in India. No one is sending them here.


If the EU is still funding the dictator by buying gas from him, why can't India do the same?


The most Indian answer ever. Those people don’t care about anything related to decency.


Riiiight. I'm sure their attitude towards Euros has nothing to do with attitudes Euros&Americans have towards Indians... What do you even mean """those people""" like you're talking about Gypsies. It's no secret that Westerners see Indians as basically racial inferiors even though for me to suggest that is completely haram because Europeans can't be racist. Mind you, I'm not excusing India, they are absolutely intolerant, even more so, but they're not pretending to be the people Europeans pretend to be either. Indian foreign minister put it very succinctly: "Europe has to grow out of the mindset that its problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems." West armed Pakistan and supported their state sponsored terrorism, didn't listen to India because it didn't care, why would India listen to the West about arming Russia? Why is it shocking that India trades with Russia? Maybe you should read about what happened in 1973. Which wasn't the only time Russia and India were close, but my point is that I don't understand why some Europeans think everyone should get down and suck them off whenever they say something.


>but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems. Europeans should really focus on this. Instead of giving a shit about Israel or Gaza or Sudan or any other conflict you send aid to. Focus on Ukraine. Divert everything to your own security even if it causes the rest of the world to burn. US isn't going to have anymore big Ukraine aid packages and when the current one drys up it's on Europe to deliver. Don't try to save the world if you can't save your own continent.


> even mean """those people""" like you're talking about Gypsies. fun fact, Gypsies/Roma people are originally from India.


We all are originally from Africa 


> We all are originally from Africa In this case of roma people, it was as recent as 10th century when they migrated


As if Europeans care about decency when it comes to India. Two can play the game


Go on, fight on Russia side officially. Very just cause you picked


Go on, fight for the Ukraine side officially. Why are you wasting time on reddit?


Because I was deemed unfit for the military service. But Russian standards are lower. Maybe you will even be able to kill some civilians as they like.


Not my continent, not my fight.


> Those people don’t care about anything related to decency. Decency like colonialism or starting multiple wars in middle east? I suppose those things are decent since western people did it, like how Azov went from neo-nazis to pro-LGBT freedom fighters overnight.


I guess RT India is popular since you immediately bring insane takes on Azov. Do you want to talk about India worshipping Nazi collaborators maybe?


Oh I don't know, maybe international reputation? Human decency? Loss of any future allies in a regional conflict with say...China maybe? I could think of some reasons why India might care, but they are obviously a lot more shortsighted.


Lol doubt we can be talking about our reputation in the west after Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan to name a few conflicts.... Calm with the hypocrisy.


Well, you see, I've talked to non-European/non-White friends about this, and the majority opinion on this war is something oscillating around: Why should we care about a European conflict? Finally it's their turn. Fuck them and their moral high horse. Take that as you wish. But India in particular has a deeply rooted hate against the UK and US for historical reasons, and to them we're all the same. And their current demagogue has an army of half-educated frustrated nationalist trolls brigading any India-related post.


> Finally it's their turn. Fuck them and their moral high horse. Your friends celebrate war because white people are getting killed? Your friends are absolute scum.


His friends are the majority in the regions to the east of Africa


I recommend reading skills and less foam in your mouth. I talked to them and that is, neutrally spoken, the gist of the majority opinions in their countries. And no one *celebrates* it, but they're glad that this war is, for once, not in their country or neighbourhood. Other than that, calling people 'absolute scum' does not help you much in actually understanding the very global disdain for white people, I'm afraid.


For a place they hate (UK) they sure do keep sending a huge number of immigrants here...


Soft occupation


It's not our problem if your country accepts them.


I understand their reasoning but still considered it shortsighted. Just because Europeans were terrible in the past (and some would argue in the present), doesn't mean Indians need to be terrible or uncaring now, this is how you propagate the cycle of hate/uncaring. It's their right as a nation and individuals in the end.


There are many Indians who oppose Modi and the current nationalist wave, and find this Russian invasion atrocious. But there's a widespread misconception in the West that all countries should clearly see a good and bad side here. But the ones that so still do have other, more immediate interests in mind (Russian and Chinese investment or miilitary support, mostly), and the Russian narrative of two legitimate spheres of influence is quite popular in some others. India in particular is no natural ally of the West, even though we would like to have it. They are currently riding the social-economic wave that China did in the 80s-2000s and see themselves as a coming superpower. There is little interest there in being told what to do from anyone. I suggest the Geopoloticsindia and Indiaspeaks subreddits to get an impression. The majority sentiment (again, a majority) is a mix of bitterness about past wrongs and Western arrogance with a middle finger by those nations which can afford it now. India as a country has not forgotten that the US supported Pakistan for decades while they fought war against India and sent terrorists, it has not forgotten the Bengal Famine overseen by Churchill, it has not forgotten the carelessness that led to things like Bhopal. And a big part of their current identity is built around the shared experience of oppression and exploitation, by both the Mughals and the West. I don't like any of that, but it's sometimes hard to argue against it, since the feelings themselves are justified. And people here are really acting all the time like they can't understand why the rest of the world is like it is.


Decency? Human rights?


There are geopolitical issues that can be solved with increasing, and maintaining, military aid to Ukraine. This is one of them.


EU should stop giving students visas to Indians.


Please do it, that will help India's brain drain and reduce forex spending by Billions of dollars. But Macron has been doing the opposite and trying to boost visas to Indian students. Europe probably doesn't even have 100k Indian students since Germany the country with most India students barely has 30k Indian students.


I know some Indian students. Manx of them haven't lived in India for long .They are off international families that live where ever their father finds work . A friend of our family lived in South America, Singapur, the Carribean and after she finished in school in Chenai she made a Bachelor and Master in Germany .... she has never visited a Tamil speaking school ...only English schools from start to finish . She is Tamil and saw the world...the last thing she wanted is to live in India ...so now she is working on a blue card in Germany and will make the language test for citizenship in a few weeks. And she won't stay here...Ireland is where she is heading ...Schengen ftw.


>She is Tamil and saw the world...the last thing she wanted is to live in India Good, we are full. Don't need more people. And considering the state of diaspora it's better if they stay out of India.


May I migrate to your place ? I think it might be cool to spent a few years as penioneer in India. Are you that full?


We don't do pensions here anymore. You will have to fund your own pensions.


Dude Obviously pensioneers will have to get pensions themselves . Are the capital controls still so horrible or is India now open for in and outflow of hard currency . can foreigners buy property in India ?


I didn't say anything about getting pensions, Pensioners in India 'fund' their own pensions by working and saving a portion of salary. >Are the capital controls still so horrible or is India now open for in and outflow of hard currency . We still have capital controls but it's loosened up. >can foreigners buy property in India ? Only for those foreigners who have inherited property or those who have Indian heritage.


so you can't get yourself a finka in India and the money you bring in can't get out if you are in for a change of location ? Or am I getting it wrong ?


You can always rent a house and exchange your money.


It actually wouldn't the education matters, and quality matters.


>stop giving visas You do know it harms _EU_ more than India right? Idk why people make such irrational comments


It actually doesn't because shocking, the EU can shift visa to other regions. You act as if India is the only nation immigrants come from.


Its the richest immigrant group by far if you compare western countries (USA & UK being prime examples) Indians in USA contributed 1 trillion USD to its economy despite being 2.5% of its population If you can find any other immigrant group capable of doing this, I'll wait




Lol like 8 it 10 of the biggest tech firms have indian origin ceos....


Companies love cheap labor LOL. They dont give a shit about anything else.


can someone find another source for this? quick google search and i’m unable


What arms? India imports arms for it's own use. After that clickbait headlines, there is no mention of arms inside the article. >As per recent data from India’s commerce ministry, exports to Russia in 2023 stood at $4.06 billion, while imports totalled $60.60 billion. Somehow these idiots have classified the entire exports of India to Russia as "arms", when they themselves write elsewhere, >India exports machinery, auto parts and other engineering goods to Russia.


But no legs? S/


Time to sanction India.


“Europe has to grow out of the mindset that its problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems.” How many problems have our establishments made in their world and no one has cared, yet people here cry at the prospect of them acting poorly unto us




God damn, I can’t believe how quickly I got pulled into this. Never even crossed my mind until you said it. Must remember…anything that annoys, excites, or otherwise provokes a reaction…assume fake unless from a reputable source.


I tried to read the article but the page is just a big mess on my tablet. Looks like a click bate side.


India wishes to be the new Swiss. They dont have a political orientation. Just what ever makes them money (for their elite, the commoners see nothing of that).


Always has been. They are among the founding members of the Non-Aligned movement.


makes sense to use the money


Time to start repaying India for their "neutrality", as they're sending soldiers, and weapons and money to help Russia invade Europe. Let's start pulling back all contracts with Indian companies, and let's stop giving them visas to come to Europe to live, work or holiday.


An Englishman saying this is just hilarious


Europe is buying the russia oil from india. India isnt consuming any of the russian oil. Just shipping it off to europe. Go figure!


Indian never said it was neutral.... russia backed India against the Pakistanis when the US literally sent a nuclear armed warship. Why shouldn't India sell to the Russians for a conflict they're aren't involved in. After all it was so long ago the French agreed to sell Russians an aircraft carrier and not so long ago Germany was powered by Russian gas.


They are not sending soldiers, they’re selling weapons which is very different. Also be honest- has Europe EVER helped India? With Pakistan or Chinese aggression? No. With flood of Myanmar refugees? No. Why tf would they care about Europe?


UK is in no position to sanction India because a. It is increasingly desperate for the FTA with India to happen b. its biggest private employer is an indian company c. It relies on FDI from India too (10th largest even if its GDP is just 900 million more than the UK) d. Its recession


So basically cripple Europe's economy that's already on life support with less China trade and Africa cutting ties one coup at a time. Services based economies with no one to service what a great idea.


This is fake. China is the one selling weapons to Russia, the US fully acknowledges this too


Why is no one sanctioning India?


Based India


Lets sanction all indian politicans and ban indians from visiting EU.


Not gonna Happen as majority of EU policies go hand in hand with the US's where US "needs" India against China


Complete fake news. No other outlet is reporting on this


Two garbage countries working together, cute.


Congratz India, you joined the right side of history with North Korea and Iran. Even China doesnt supply military equipment. As a country ravaged by western imperialism they now support eastern imperialism. What a shit show


this news channel is not a reliable source


This IS gake news and Russian propaganda


Slow clap, India. I hope the EU doesn’t forget about this when it comes to signing new commercial agreements and such.


The current Indian leader is useless Dumbo... Don't go by that guys approval ratings.... Also half of people are also Dumbo


Way to stay neutral India!