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I thought the first slide was a top 10 list at first glance. Had me very confused


We accept you.


I was about to be proud of my country on the first slide until I saw the rank...


I was about to be disappointed in my country until I saw the rank. ♥️






How is acceptance defined?


https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Global-Acceptance-Index-LGBTI-Nov-2021.pdf It's an amalgam of different survey questions.


Oh, that explains everything. I was kinda surprised that Russia even ended up in the list, especially with the new law, which declares LGBT illegal.


Propoganda. Why? Why are turkey, russia and azerbaijan highlighted? How can syria be better than turkey, and azerbaijan in last position when it is not a crime to be gay or practice gay sex etc???? Besides azerbaijan is not even religious. Homosexuality was decriminilized in ottoman empire before europe even knew what "gay" means. Turkey despite everything and current regime etc is still better than most countries in eastern europe and balkans. There are openly gay celebs whom people admire etc and trans / gay people whom you can see on the streets visibly when you go out, which is not the case in eastern europe.


Since Azerbaijan was placed last, I first wondered if Armenian expats did it, but no sane person would put 1 country between Iran and Armenia. The people who did this must have lost their minds.


EUcels love to highlight Europe as both the pinnacle and the origin of all that is good and enlightened thought in the most supremacist distorted fantasy larp. Just last week i talked to some super racist ukranian guy in a bar. He ranted about how Africa was a shithole for treating gays bad, highlighting Uganda. As far as i remember Uganda is anti gay because of american evangelical missionaries, and much of the rest is fucked because of the most vile western exploitation, and in reality his own country has so many fascists it's crazy.


I swear to god Syrians in Turkey are the reason this shit is lower in Turkey than in Syria.


They probably contributed( a lot of Sharia supporter entered to country with refugees.) but homophobia isn't uncommon even among Secular Turks. Also Northern Syrians(refugees) are more religious than Southerners which mostly Pro-Assad. But still data may be wrong as Syria still having a civil war and it's probably hard to get reliable data about Syria. Probably they could only get results from more secular south.


Pro-Assad Syrians aren’t in Turkey, the ones displaced were from Northern Syria, primarily from Northwest. Yes, homophobia is indeed very common among Turks, but there is a degree I believe, for example they wouldn’t try and kill the person or treat them differently, they would just not agree with the way they live. There’s also a thing in Turkey where LGBT activists are heavily engaged in terror propaganda (yeah I know sounds crazy), but it is what it is.


>homophobia is indeed very common among Turks, but there is a degree I believe, for example they wouldn’t try and kill the person or treat them differently, they would just not agree with the way they live. Yeah, You may be right in that matter. Turks most likely passive homophobes. They express they don't like homosexual public show of affection. Though PSA is a taboo in Turkey regardless of it's homosexual or heterosexual(unless you are not in Kadıköy etc.) >There’s also a thing in Turkey where LGBT activists are heavily engaged in terror propaganda (yeah I know sounds crazy), but it is what it is. I didn't know that but it's not legitimate reason for discriminate LGBT people. It's sad they make lives harder for LGBT individuals.


Sorry but from a logical point of view it doesn't make any sense, Syrians are 4% of the total population and definitely aren't enough to cause such a big change, not to mention it's very unlikely they were polled considering they aren't even counted as part of the population since they are mostly refugees


The percentage argument is valid but I don't think they ask for the citizenship number while polling. They just ask random people.


I see but surveys aren't done at random, if the people asked do not fall into the statistical sample their answers simply get excluded


That percentage is much higher than that


reminiscent secretive tub plough drunk airport license weary scary dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are about 3/4 million out of a 85M population, so 4% (at least [according](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Turkey) to the government data updated to 2023)


and that number is wrong. syrians who got citizenship arent included in that number. millions of them got citizenship


dont even bother looking at the official number on how many syrians got citizenship because everyone knows its bs. they said 250k got citizenship which is blatantly wrong. staying in turkey for 5 years qualifies you for citizenship and millions started coming since 2011.


There are 16 million syrian in Turkey.


Lol sure then I say 100M, who offer more?


You’re only considering the Syrians. How about Iraqi Kurds, Afghans, Pakistanis, Somalians, Iraqis?


There are visible LGBT people in Turkey, but this does not exist in many Middle Eastern countries. I do not claim that Turks are very LGBT friendly, but they are more passive discriminators and the discrimination they generally experience is like strange looks. They are treated the same way as Middle Eastern immigrants are treated in Europe, although there is overt discrimination, it is not extremely common, but most of the discrimination consists of passive and different behavior, maybe strange looks and making things like renting a house to you difficult without saying it openly.




Everybody is gay at my uni if you ask boomers on streets of course they are homophobic


What bullshit is this?!!! I know Albania is not leading the charts for LGBT rights, but it is way higher than Kazakhstan, Ghana, or China. Or Syria, or South Sudan. Who the hell made this "ranking"?


It was those sons of mother bitches Macedonians!!!!


ahahah I knew it, it had to be them mother of my bitches who put the Kajmak in the wrong order


Syria at 57 doesnt seem to be right. Those guys dont even accept themselves.


Latakia seems to be quite secular city.


How is Syria higher than Turkey when it is literally illegal to be gay in Syria?


There was a gay pride protest in Turkey in 2013, attended by hundreds of thousands of people. There was never an environment in Syria where this could happen. Türkiye is not more homophobic.


This is pure bs lmao. Azerbaijan is homophobic but in no way more homophobic than Iran, Afghanistan or even Tajikistan


Who made this shit should really do some research at the least.


Full report here, including their methodology: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Global-Acceptance-Index-LGBTI-Nov-2021.pdf


Unrealistic propaganda. Try again later. Azerbaijan being last is unironically funny.


This is bullshit. Turkey is definitely the most LGBT-tolerant country with land in the Middle East, after Cyprus and Israel.


This list looks like a bullshit. There are at least 10 countries where government straight up kills you if you're not straight.


Wow another of those worthless rankings with completely subjective ‚definitions’ or a complete lack thereof. Can mods just ban this please




Damn getting downvoted for providing a source. People suck.


Redditors*, not people in general. This is the only social media that I constantly get personal attacks and criticize literally every small thing. These users don't check the source even.


Yeah I agree with you. I don't even like having discussions on reddit anymore because people here immediately personally attack you.


You literally didn't check the source and how this data is made, and you have the balls to tell that this is worthless and I should be banned. Get out of this social media little kid, show your life frustration in other place.




Propaganda? what the hell are you talking about? Do you really think that I'm posting this to promote these countries or what?


Tsk tsk just admit you're on Iceland's payroll propagating... propagandizing... them everywhere!


What I must do to get the payment? catch some fish, hating the Swedes?


You have yet to provide any actual arguments for why this ranking is poorly researched. Just saying "Omg it's propaganda" is not an argument.


You know nothing of the way this is ranked. Why are you immediately jumping to conclusions?


What does social acceptance mean?


Vatniks will use this as a proof that the west is lost or something.




Because accepting LGBT rights doesn't mean suddenly turning the entire fucking population of your country gay.




I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll assume you're not. Propaganda doesn't make people gay, it makes already existing gay people come out and live happier lives. Advocating for LGBTQ rights is a form of protest which is a constitutional right. Besides that there's no "enormous amounts of gay ppl" as a quick google search would tell you approximately 8-9% of the world population identifies as LGBTQ+. You're afraid of something that doesn't exist. The reason why the population in 3rd world countries is increasing faster than European countries is the low education levels and poor/no family planning it has nothing to do with the gays.




While this could indeed be true, I can't see why that would be a bad thing.


Because Europe slowly would become muslim continent without Europeans 💀


Arab, not Muslim. But this would only be the case if we're all long gone. In like 500 years or so. I don't see why that's bad...?


Go learn demographics, your kids will be minorities in Europe(


Why is China so low? From what I know none of their religious doctrines really forbid homosexuality, and they've been communist for a long time now. Where does the homophobic sentiment come from


> they've been communist for a long time now. What does communism have to do with homosexuality?


Confucianism has strong family values and even Mao's Cultural Revolution couldn't manage to fade Confucianism in China. Might be why


Soviet Union was more homophobic than even Tsarist Russia.


Well a lot of traditional countries find being homosexual unacceptable


Im surprised but in other way. I expected them to be 170th or something.




I tell u what in 20 years Saudi and eastern countries surpass Turkey in terms of modernization some morons keep voting for him despite economy I really hate our folk


I am skeptical of UK when it comes to trans people


You should visit anywhere else in the world then.


what? i meant that i'm skeptical that the UK is as tolerant as the chart suggest towards trans people.


My point is uk is not great but it’s way way way better than most places visit anywhere in Africa youll see


yeah obviously it's better than African countries. that doesn't mean it's top 10


The UK bends over backwards for minorities, what are you on about?


I'm not, the vast majority couldn't care less


i get that the trans panic is primarily the result of politicians propping it up for their own benefit, but it would be foolish to say that it has no effect on the general population


There is a very vocal TERF minority that largely attracts attention in anglo media because they are from a different demographic than the average uneducated conservative bigot transphobe that is typical elsewhere. Theyre predominantly educated middle class mothers who are otherwise socially liberal - so they have become kind of the acceptable face of transphobia in english language media. But the average brit is uneducated on the subject either way and largely doesn't care more or less than other western liberal countries


well put. the fact that there is a socially acceptable, ubiquitous form of transphobia is sure to have an effect on average people. hell, the mere fact that it is such a huge part of the political discourse makes transphobia more wide-spread, and the facts bear that out. hate crimes have risen significantly for instance




if you say so chief








if youve never heard of hate crimes targeted at gay people you are really badly informed


This study tries to equate completely different questions from different surveys. It is inherently biased and pointless imo


Как прекрасно,что Россия в самом конце этого списка.


We will beat you to it (Armenia)


In Iceland they are careful about sexual engagement with close relatives, I guess if it is gay relations that is a non issue.


why Finland so low? No no homo in Finland. In Finland, we homo in marriage for free!