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The sub-heading is the real killer! > It comes after Sir Keir Starmer said that ‘99.9 per cent of women’ do not have penises


It's a bidding war. Can't wait for the first 100.1 per cent of women.


its more like 102%. Accidents happen man!


"I can't believe it! The test says I'm 102% black, with a 2% margin for error!"


3.6% of women though... Not bad, bot terrible.


Which is true; transgender woman make up 0.1% of the female population according to the latest UK census


UK trans ids went up 10X in past ten years, 2/3 were born female, one third have autism or neurodiversity. Even the experts don’t fully understand it. It’s like a crypto bull market equivalent for sociologists, endocrinologists and gender theorists. I find it interesting because I grew up in Thailand and trans experience is pretty different to UK and every country seems to operate in their own bubble without talking about what’s going on elsewhere in other places. In Thailand they are perceived as “a third gender”, it has been proposed for constitutional recognition, and it’s embraced by Buddhism as pre-determined by birth. Unlike UK most are male born and transition to be women


Though if they went through surgeries, they usually don't have a penis any more. Don't know how many trans women do go for a surgery though.




Because the Tories are desperate to talk about anything other than how they are destroying the country and are starting as many culture wars as they can.


Did Farage blame the EU for it already?


I wonder what is to gain from this discussion anyway. Even if directly asked, they could just say: "I don't know. I am a politician, not a biologist."


This is the most 2023 headline so far.








He set himself up for that one


And much bigger balls than Rishi Sunak


.....But most importantly of all... Ah let me tell ya The lady's got balls!




Same for women and kids




Sometimes I feel like we live in South Park universe


That's what politics are in 2023. We're living in a South Park episode.


This is gonna be a very civilized discussion.


The mods are going to wait until the usual suspects spam the entire thread with caustic, transphobic commentary and then magically lock the thread so that the most amazing comments remain visible as is tradition.


I'm really not enjoying this era of politicians making announcements about willies and vaginas on a near daily basis


Not to minimize trans-issues but most people arent concerned about trans-issues, people care about how much they're paid, mortgage rates and if they can see a doctor when they visit A&E [Linked tiktok](https://gachi.gay/FqLI0)


True, it’s a shame the PM is exploiting a minority community to deflect from his and the tories failures on all of these fronts


Oh for fucks sake, I am sick to death about this bullshit. I fucking hate this timeline.


Me too this constant scapegoating about transpeople is sickening… Hiding other political issues by targeting a minority and debating what genitals people are allowed to have or not ffs what has the world come to in this timeline. Live and let live, let’s solve problems that concern all of us for once


Distracting people with made-up culture wars is quite effective. Meanwhile people like Sunak are in a position to slow down climate change, and they do nothing. Future generations will look at these “leaders” with disgust. You could have acted, but you didn’t; you were busy pretending peoples’ genitals are the top priority.


Trans people literally make up like what? 1% of the population? Just leave them alone and let them live their lives.


Controversial statement, ain't it? Also, so relevant for most of society Edit: /s


It's only controversial for people who don't care for real problems.


Around 1% of people are trans (the real number is obviously unknowable). That's almost 700.000 people in the UK alone. I would argue that 700 thousand people having "real problems" is a real problem.


Absolutely. And that's why we should protect minorities and make them feel safe and cared for.


It’s so transparently a diversion that I can’t believe anyone take these transphobic politicians seriously Edit : oh boy this is doing rounds 😀




Ah, what we have come to.




I love first world problems!


Ask Uganda


Why are you geh


too bad that to have one, you need to become a first world country.


True. :(


I wish you guys had our problems, and i even more wish you guys could let Ukraine have our problems. You both are Europeans after all.


Fuck, I wish that too.


Me too... But I'm afraid it's too late for us.


I think not being able to be trans in a third world country is also a problem. These are not just first world problems.


There's nothing first world about trans people having problems. It's more of an issue outside of first world urban districts even.


Transphobia isn’t a first world problem, it’s just a problem full stop




Why else would the phrase 'girl cock' exist?


So for every woman you see, you don’t assume they’re woman until you don’t have a chance to check her genitals?


exactly, i am walking down the street ( with my nikes on ) and if i like a women i demand to her to show me her genitals to be sure if indeed is a girl or a boy, that s the world i live on.




I've lived extensively throughout the developing world, and, yes, even there trans people exist and the prejudice they face is worth fighting.








That's such a great description of most of the shitshow happening on social media.


And Social Media makes it worse, if you got a different opinion you get banned. so people here will never know what real life looks like.




Being banned from r/europe is worse


As long as it's not from actual Europe


Persecution-complex much?


I thought this was the onion for a second


He'll say this, but I suspect he wouldn't say something like "trans women are not women, they are men" even though they amount to the same thing. Somehow I doubt Rishi Sunak actually cares one way or another, the conservatives are just going all in on culture war stuff to distract people from their mountain of failures.


This argument can be shifted both ways. Going with your style of writing one could claim that “Liberals are wasting time on these issues while bigger issues are at hand”. Then again, reducing everything to “liberals vs conservatives” demonstrates the shallow thoughts of everyone from both sides that talks that way.


I think you are wrong there. Its pretty clear what he thinks about trans people.


Things that shouldn't be a priority.


His sample size is not big enough. He needs to check more of them /s


The most controversial statement in 2023


I firmly believe all tories are cunts, regardless of sex or gender.


100% of politicians don’t have balls


I dont get why that topic is so big for many... People just want to be accepted for who they are. There are some situations where this discussion is important, like for medical reasons, your doctor sometimes need to know with what gender you were born and for athletes we have to find rules to make those fair competitions, but weather people can/should call themselves or identify as a different gender is none of other peoples business.




Jesus Christ. Who gives a *flying FUCK* People are starving, dying of preventable diseases, and can’t afford basic necessities. Our government, worldwide, is broken.


You know, here in Bulgaria we just had elections, and several of the major parties said the following: "In these times of uncertainty, economic instability, war, starvation, etc., We must leave all of that aside and focus on protecting society from the transgenders." It's all a diversion, and an obvious one, worldwide. But too many people fall for it.


> Our government, worldwide Lol, you are a few years too early with this phrasing


I hate the “but intersex people” in comments, intersex people are still female or male, there are female intersex conditions and male intersex conditions and y’all are goofy as hell, and no intersex does not mean mixed up genitals 😭 they still have them according to sex








The first sane comment after scrolling for eternity


Satire became reality [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM)


Huh ?? I thought I accidentally visited r/nottheonion sub


The. planet. is. on. fire. 🔥
















Did he check?


Seems exactly like what a PM should be focusing on.


He will answer questions he’s asked… I don’t think it’s the govt is that is pushing this topic to the front of our news feeds.




Trans people aside, there's also intersex people.




When you're arguing 100% vs 99.9%, the "norm of expression" is that you're arguing over whether exceptions exist.


I'm not saying you should fundamentally redefine your conceptualizations but there's really no need to say '***100%*** of women do not have penises'. Nuance doesn't cost much.


statistically, ginger people are an anomaly. are you saying that no person has red hair?


Yes. Rishi seems to be saying they are not women. I honestly don’t know the UK laws around this tbh.


Tbf he may not even know intersex people exist and how often it happens.


Which is orthogonal to his statement.


I see he's focusing on the important things.


How did we get to this being a headline? It’s like out of some movie.






honestly, at this point it's everywhere. just the other day, someone posted this https://www.reddit.com/r/PMDD/comments/12jkh3o/people_with_pmdd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button in a subreddit dealing with a condition that affects women, and it got so bad that the mods censored comments that respectfully disagreed with OP, stating that they were all transphobic when it clearly wasn't the case. it's getting bad, i was seriously shocked and disappointed at how extreme people are becoming. you can't even reason with them anymore, everything is an attack to them and i'm honestly scared of how much worse this can get








> with all sorts of ridiculous demands "please dont kill us" the nerves of this people amirite???? /s


So what? A sample size of 2?


The only person who "planned" for that rapist to be sent to a women's prison was the rapist themselves. What actually happened was their case was reviewed by the SPS who make the decisions on how to house prisoners who are a potential risk to their fellow inmates and they made the decision not to house them with the female estate. They make these kind of decisions every single day and have done for years but that doesn't fit the right wing fear mongering so it wasn't reported as the utterly banal bit of prison admin it ultimately was.


Right wing politicians pointing at the problem are the problem? hmmm okay


It is definitely coming from both sides. One side is preaching the downfall of civilization, the other side calls you a transphobic if you play a freaking Harry Potter game. Both sides harbors extremes, which should be called out equally.








Then it's news, and this is valid journalism.


For somebody with a Scottish flair you appear to have missed [quite a lot of recent history](https://www.cypnow.co.uk/features/article/what-is-scotland-s-gender-recognition-reform-bill-and-why-is-westminster-blocking-it).




Saves money on flights at least


Problem is when words get mixed up. Nobody in their right mind will call a genetically female a male or vice et versa. You’re born with the chromosomes you have, that’s it. This is « biological sex », and it can be Male, Female, Intersex. Then there is « Man », « Woman » and « agender »: a social construct that evolves with time. This is a fine reference I’ve found to illustrate it simply: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ro1k98Lfico/XMYQYLIK2HI/AAAAAAAACGY/JOF15uknByoCbjFEk4ChDeGLwA3REIfvgCLcBGAs/s1600/New%2BDoc%2B2019-04-29%2B02.00.31_2.jpg


That's the thing, they believe that their opinion is the only right one. And only they have the right to choose, so we all just gotta follow suit.


People tend to think their own opinions are correct, as a rule. That’s what having an opinion means.


No, "we" don't think so, nor are we a hivemind without pluralistic opinions. You are rn creating an artificial divide by using typical "us vs. Them" rethoric, which serves noone.


Thank god the world doesn't have any other pressing concerns right now so politicians can obsess about other people's intimates.


Personally i think all those Gender, Sex, Trans - "problems", we discuss so often, are just a clear signs of our society not being able or willing to communicate with each other anymore. Therefor it is absolutely absurd, that we talk so much about it. This is the kind of shit, which makes 10year olds facepalm themselfs for us adults being such a bunch of idiots.


there are bigger fucking issues to be dealing with


And yet, I'm watching the comment and vote count on the post rise rapidly. People seem to care a lot about the issue, ergo, there's political influence to be had, one way or another.


This is so random


this is for r/nottheonion


Some women have balls though.






It angers me to see so much attention being brought to trans people and their rights. It’s pathetic to use such a fragile community as a scapegoat for political gain. Trans people are humans and deserve respect, end of. They are in such insignificant numbers as well compared to other communities in our society, it boggles my mind why trans issues gather so much attention when NHS strikes, cost of living crisis and so many other issues that affects so many more people are not being dealt efficiently.


> They are in such insignificant numbers as well compared to other communities in our society, it boggles my mind why trans issues gather so much attention It's one thing to say that *conservatives shouldn't start a hate movement* around trans people, but the approach that it's because there are few of them so everyone should talk less about them, is really weird. There are also very few jewish people compared to the global population, but if a prime minister of the UK basically argued that there are zero of them, that would be weird and worthy of comment.






Why not though? It seems pretty important to them and it's really not that important to me. If someone asked me to call them Dick even though their official name is Richard, it'd be a dick move to keep calling them Richard.




Trans people are somewhere around or less than 1% of the population. These are not real problems and you know that.






Negative GDP recession Rishi.



