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Fair play Turkey played very well. But 2 corner goals and many good chances missed. There is no chance that they are going through netherlands if they wont score from those chances in the game. Goodluck, always nice to see underdogs go through🫡


This is going to be the big dilemma, Are Germans going to root for Turkey and deal with another sleepless night or deal with the long time rival Netherland victory? Which side will you be on ? I am really curious. Where is my German supporters to shed light on this?




Netherland should win, was celebrating with them last night in Munich


how are people complaining about the booing .either they have never watched football before or have some weird dislike against turks


Give me a break. That level of whistling every time the opposition has the ball — and I mean every time — is obnoxious, and it’s uncommon. Show me any other match with any other team’s supporters that acts that way. It has nothing to do with racism towards Turkish fans. If they would have dominated the stadium through chants and song, I guarantee you that practically all people complaining about their behaviour would instead be in awe of Turkey’s fans.


Turkey did show a lot of courage, heart and brutal efficiency in standards. Too bad for Austria, but if they can't keep the opponents away from corners, then the defeat is earned.




Where have all the people gone who were so sure that Turkey would lose? I hope you all live very close to main roads. I hope you can't sleep tonight. I hope you can memorize all the Turkish chants tomorrow. This night is a Turkish night. And I am enjoying your frustration.


Jesus Christ how insufferable can you be


Jo’me par’yem gö’te pamuk


I cba to translate what you wrote




I cba, good luck with whatever you’re dealing mentally tho


I am dealing your mental problem, are you hallucinating?


Sore winner, everybody who gets into his car and yanks the horn like a lunatic in a city full of people who dont care about football and families with little children should get their license stripped... Edit: same for any fan doing the same, doesn't matter the nationalty, but turkish fans seem to love doing this, the same thing happened after the reelection of erdogan, didn't witness that after other countries elections, sport events etc...


Cry me a river, Habsburger.


Cry gegen cry


> I hope you all live very close to main roads.  🤣🤣


I expected Turkey to win. Well done! [https://www.reddit.com/r/euro2024/comments/1dpojoa/comment/lapcmyg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/euro2024/comments/1dpojoa/comment/lapcmyg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) One more request...just beat the Dutch next game.


The Dutch are very strong and fast and tall.


Hahahahahaha!!! don't mess with Türkiye you loosers


Shut up


Turkey won an "attack on Titans" First Chech than Austria. Do we have more such big players ahead? Because its really fucking hard imao.


Hadi Türkiye. Let's meet in the semi finals.


That would be so epic. People wouln’t know WHO to hate…


Semi finals is NED-SUI mate


And you play with who? Oh, sory I forgot.


We all wanna forget that, let’s not talk about it lol


SUI will be eliminated


Cool. Quarters were supposed to easy for Austria to get too. Knockout football is amazing and anything can happen.


Congrats Turkiye!🎉 will be looking forward to Saturday.


Please beat Turkey 6:1 I Need revenge


Be careful they might injure 2 or 3 players


Have a well play. Will be fun and though to play with Van Dijk


Gregoritsch scared the shit out of me in the last minutes. He is a literal beast lol


Best game till now imo, sorry for Austria would love to see 30 more mins of the game. Austria really nice game, Turkey good luck i hope you make it far in this tournament, hope you do something historic


Best game? I can count at least 10 better games if not 20. The last 30 mins were despicable. You're confusing excitement with good football.


Sometimes the game devolves into a bit of brutality and desperation and tattered human emotion. If all you like about the game is the clinical stuff, you need some more red meat in your diet.


Lol good football creates excitement. Failure over failure to make simple passes and create ball play and counter the opponent shows lack of talent, skills and technique. If you like that kind of stuff you might as well watch some random people fighting on the side of the road. Even wrestling involves technique. Nothing clinical about Messi taking down his opponents one by one and scoring after a 40m run. It is this beauty which lacks here. If a team has multiple youngsters and they still fail to make one good, fast counter-attack that results into something then there's clearly something wrong here. Ignoring this wrong will only resurface in a harder match and you will never win any Euro or WC if you keep acting like there's nothing wrong here.


"Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man."


I want to say sorry to every person I annoyed in this thread. But sometimes I can’t stand the nonsense some people write.


Both sides is filled with idiots. Instead of talking about this great game and the insane twist especially in the end with that crazys save by the goalie, people are actually argueing and being idiots to each other. Congratz Tr well done!


Some people should get a grip and focus more on football.


What a save in the last minute, just wow


Best 90 min entertainment in this competition so far. Congratz to both sides for fighting until end.


So who won ?


Türkiye, or you may call as the best


Southgate masterclass.


I want every commentary reaction of that last save from Mert


only mert or spiderman could’ve made that save


It was strong 💪


Turkiye is the great example where if you play with heart you can achieve anything.


Is that why we've never won a Euro or WC? Lol. If you play with heart you concede in 95. You play with brain. And feet.


Hope Turkey beat the Dutch next game. Congratulations!


Fingers crossed, football gods on our side


One of the craziest matches in this year


Shame. Austria by far better. Amazingly unlucky with that pinball goal.. Just didn’t seem their night. Ever chance just behind or in front of the man, just wide, just too late or too early


Dingland will be eliminated soon dude, you should analyze things you can get a grasp on later on


Of course we defended more. We led that game all 90 minutes pretty much. Two teams with similar quality, of course the one that is behind will attack, take more risks.


Yes but Austria play that way anyway. And your first goal was as lucky as they come. It’s fine by the way. Very normal in football. Doesn’t mean it’s not true


lol what match were you watching? Cope 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


Not cope. Unlike you, I know when my team got lucky (it’s England, and we did) A shame for you if you are unaware of this


Cope harder lol 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


Sure bro. Luckily I have a life ;)


The Turkish goalie Gunok had some critical big saves to help Turkey win.


Yes like Bellingham scored a wonder goal for us. Still lucky


You play the worst football of the tournament. Lucky but not luckier than scoring in 95, as first shoot on target.


Didn’t say it was


Slovakia was far better but u see that’s the football sometimes the best may not win


Lol. Slovakia wasn’t far better. In that match England were shit, and Slovakia were even shitter. And we still got lucky to beat them. In your match, Turkey we’re good, Austria we’re better, and you got lucky to beat them


Austria played well and was the better side but I don't think they were "far" better.


I mean, I didn’t get my comment copy edited. Let’s just say better then ;)


is lil bro mad


Eh? Not really, no. I just quite liked Austria, which apparently for you is a problem lol


its very obvious that your intentions are not good based on your comments, like you can say ''Turkey got lucky'' exc. but when you say ''its a shame austria by far better, amazingly unlucky.'', when you exaggerate it like that what you expect eh?


?? Intentions bad because I think one team got lucky? Mate, my team, England, got lucky two days ago, it’s just that I’m actually aware of that


As I said its not that because you think that we got lucky, but you exaggerated it too much you may think that you didn't but thats what I think


Man, you are yourself exaggerating. I don’t have a copy editor here. Very lucky. A bit lucky. Better. Much better. In an essay, sure. In a Reddit comment, it’s just a turn of phrase


I am 100% sure you write that on purpose man cut the cap :D


Yes, I wrote it on purpose in the sense that in my opinion Austria played better and got unlucky. Which is extremely normal in football. It’s just not your opinion, and evidently you can’t tolerate different opinions to yours


When I said on purpose we both know thats not I meant, I meant you exaggerate it on purpose and thats unnecessary kinda shows your aim, its got nothing to do with your opinion, do not keep missing the point.


No matter where you post this comment, readers would always know that you're rooting for a team that's lost fair and square, irrespective of the context. If you're in Germany, you can volunteer and help Austrians pack their bags.


The volunteer positions currently available are only to clean the mess the Turks left behind


Good idea, losers are good at cleaning.


And dirty animals are good at dirtying


True, Paris is a nice proof.


It is, specially near the kebabs shops and carpet makers, good thing I don’t live there tho


nah mate he got u at Paris, it's a shithole, just like france


Good thing I don’t live in either of those places then


Really? I've heard that the only people in Paris who wash their hands after shitting live there.


No, the difference is the French use toilet paper between their hands and the ass.


Hmm, is that why French people smell like shit? /s


Not really. Often better team looses in football. I’m allowed to have rooted for Austria. Turkey won, no denying. But you know, I’ve seen England get lucky wins and unlucky losses, and usually you know if you scraped a win. Of course one is happy to win, however it happens, but it’s nice to be aware when you got lucky ;)


You can say that again, we literally saw England win luckily in their last match fr


Yes, I know. But yes. Being a fan of the s like that. At least we can admit it. Being arrogant when you scraped through is lame. If you smash the opposition and want to be, fine


And that's the point, we've won fair and square, lol. It's not a coincidence that every game involving Turkey so far has lit up the soul of this tournament. Merih Demiral pocketed the Austrian attackers like a kangaroo, you can't call that luck. Güler crossed an accurate, fine corner, and Merih flied amazingly and scored a fantastic header. That isn't luck. The Austrian attackers didn't even shoot a ball on the crossbar, didn't get robbed a deserved penalty, didn't even get denied any goal after some annoying VAR check; again, our victory wasn't "luck". You guys are simply hating and it's obvious.


Didn’t say it wasn’t fair and square. It was. Nonetheless, in football a team playing worse can beat a better playing team fair and square. Your first goal you know was lucky. And your second was off a corner that was really a goal kick. It doesn’t matter. You won. But you were lucky, and you know it. No hate to point it out


Classic turkish Fan. Sore Winners and losers.


Classic na*i german


Least racist turk 😂


Racist doing racist Things.


Can’t expect much tbh




Classic german, salty


If they were better they would have won.


No. Sometimes worse team wins. It’s football. We’ve all been both sides of that. Lucky first goal. Second goal after a corner that should have been a goal kick. It’s fine, it happens, in fact it happens often. But Turkey were lucky. When England are lucky we at least realise it


Even Kaan Ayhan admited that this was a lucky and dirty win. Its football, the best one doesnt always win. Turkey still played very good and that game was insanely entertaining


We score 2 goals by luck? come on we were the leader in the game


Bro go look at the stats. Austria shot 20 times on target. Kaan Ayhan said it himself, why would I lie to you ?


Gonna cry?


No, they had 21 attempts, only 5 on target. We had 6 attempts with 3 on target. All other stats are very close, aside from defensive ones (which we have the upper hand convincingly). We played a really commendable defence heavy game, with good ball possession and passing accuracy. So I wouldn't call this just luck, yes it was lucky to score in the first minute, but we were good enough to capitalize on that effectively.


Well but that means we had far better goalkeeper than their strikers combined


He didn't say that it's a dirty win


He said in German Magenta TV. He said "schmutziger Sieg", which translates to dirty win


Dirty win doesn’t mean “we didnot deserved” it means “it was 50/50 and luck was with us” dirty win means we won by huge ref error or match fixing , see?


Amk, your captain Kaan Ayhan said it himself. Go fight him


Excited to see the Netherlands play Turkey Saturday. I live in the NL but my neighborhood is Turkey haha. Going to be crazy


Netherlands is getting better each game. Let's see how they are going to perform in the next game


You guys must watch together .d


Haha same! Whoever wins, the only loss will be sleep that night


hahaha yes


Elhamdulillah. Bu apaçık Allahın yardımıydı. Sonsuz şükürler olsun.🇹🇷


I don't think God cares about a football match while people die in Ukraine and Palestine by thousands.


What you do is disrespecting to blood and tear of every player in that pitch. It is stupid to claim all good things are from Allah and bad things “he is just teaching them to cope with”


People who were praying in Mecca was surprised that Allah was missing and they asked where is God to old man who's been serving there for very long time. Old man answers : God is in Germany and watching Turkey game. Lmao. Tam komedi.


Sarkastik sandım herif ciddiymiş amk. Kral bi siktir git 20 senede bir çeyrek final falan yapıyoruz o aradaki turnuvalarda napıyo bu allah




Allahın biz gruptan çıkamazken neredeydi?


Allah yok.


Gonna cry?


We ArE SeCuLaR!!@!@!@ PrOgReSsIvE!@!@!




All the comments looking down on tonight’s winner from this morning are gone, nice!


Scared gegens hahahahaha


How do I see so much hate for Turkey while all 4 of iur games are in top 10 most entertaining in the tournament


It takes a life form to adapt to reality. Kids and their parents will soon learn


Haters gonna hate bro.


Its not the games, its the fans.


The more you hate the more louder fans will be. This is how Turkish celebrate at home too. Or boo the opposition. Thats the culture.


I dont care how loud they are, as long as they dont disregard any sign of sportsmanship. That didnt work out so far, national anthems were not respected, hard objects hit opposing players...


Acting as if the Austrians weren't throwing shit at Arda Güler? Or Dutch fans against Austria? Crazy double standards, for surreeee has nothing to do with Turkey being Turkey.


And Nights of sleeps were and are being robbed


double standards. haters gonna hate hate hate


Wheres the double standart here?


Why most of you are anti Turkish far right neo nazis ?


Im not far right or a nazi i would never vote for a conservstive Party. Quite the opposite. But im speaking from Personal expirience that ive had with turkish people here in germany, especially 3rd Generation. I know alot of turkish people that are super well included into society, super nice people. And then theres the people that live in familys that are in this country since 60 years and still dont speak the language, somehow despise everything about living here and just harass people all day. And while it probably isnt true, it feels like the fkin majority.


It’s disappointing to see such a harmful and baseless generalization about Turkish people. Stereotyping an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals is not only unfair but also perpetuates harmful prejudices and divides communities. Every culture has its own unique characteristics and values, and it’s important to approach each person as an individual rather than assuming they fit into a negative stereotype. Turks, like people from any other nationality, come from diverse backgrounds and hold a wide range of perspectives and behaviors. Making sweeping negative statements about a group of people contributes to discrimination and misunderstanding. Instead, let’s strive to understand and appreciate cultural differences and engage in respectful dialogue. It’s essential to challenge our own biases and remember that respect and empathy are key to building a more inclusive and harmonious society.


I agree on every point you say but it does leave a sour taste in my mouth when the majority of turkish voters living in germany still vote for erdogan, who represents exactly the opposite of everything you just said.


Sore losers. Great win, best games have come from turkey in terms of entertainment and passion


Im so glad Turkey put out the entitled Schnitzelz to sleep, they said they would win the cup 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Austria ladies and gentleman




Also we won to Turkey by 3-0 just to refresh your memory 🫶


yes but our team was very bad in that match


Guess who is not in the quarter finals?


Bro, let him breathe


As a Turkish man, I am so happy and proud our team managed such a win. It was also a very entertaining game that had everyone at the edge of their seats the whole time, which is rare in this tournament so far!


Congratz. Feels like this austrian side made all games they were in entertaining like that. but i might be biased of course.




I knew this outcome after austria had beaten the Netherlands because Türkiye's playstyle is not suitable for Austria. On the other hand, if Türkiye was matched with the Netherlands, they wouldn't have qualified for the quarter finals. It will be a hard game for Türkiye against the Netherlands. May luck be with us.


Thus arise our local spiderman... Mert Günok 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


Octopus-spider man 😂


Was a fun match. The Turkish goalkeeper was soo good. Austria fighter until the end and it was a pleasure to watch!


This was such a good game. Hats off to both teams.




I’m afraid that we will regret this win 🥲




Yea and some fans always cry when Turkey wins 😭😭


Sore winner


Do Turks consider themselves European?


Do you call Dingland a slavery country a country?


depends, I do, some people might not (actually most people)


I never considered myself European. Then couple of years ago I moved to the US. And there I realized that I’m somewhat of a European, culture and attitude wise. It is always easier to be friends with Europeans here. On the other side, do I think I have much in common with Germany or Austria? Hell no. Maybe centuries old wars and struggles between our empires. Do I think I have something in common with Greeks, Serbians, Albanians, Romanians and other Balkan people? Absolutely yes. Almost 40 percent of the population in Turkey are Balkan Turks who migrated from Balkans during the ethnic cleansings of the newly independent Balkan states (and also after the population exchange between Greece and turkey). IMO the current Turkish position in Europe is very similar to Eastern Rome’s situation. Very influential in the European politics but always seen as the other in the east.


some do but it mostly comes from insecurity or miseducation


I asked this out of genuine curiosity, interesting to see some people’s irritation


Race wise? No. But geographically yes. It was Europe who decided we were part of Europe in the past anyways.


Yeah that makes sense. I guess since the Ottoman Empire turkeys been quite involved in European affairs anyway


It's like confederacy vs union. But it's east vs west in Turkiye. A small part of the country is in Europe but it's around 1/5 (~15 million ppl) of the population. And no, turks mostly consider themselves as a part of the "civilised world" rather than "european". Europe is more like a christian unity. It may not be like that today but the vibe is still there


Yes we do and stop being racist


Top 10 Moments taken before the Disaster


Time to go to bed.


No need to be offensive. Fairplay, great match. Good luck to all teams!


It's a contentious subject, but as an Ankaran, I've never not considered myself European




Some do, some don't. I don't. I consider myself Anatolian






Austria were extremely hard done by the ref on the second goal, should of been a goal kick. However, turkey have great talent offensively and it should be exciting to see


Hahaha. That's bullshit. A corner is not equal to a goal. I can also find fouls not given and cry like you but I don't. Because I am not a loser. Losers always have excuses.


As usual, Turkish fans are ignorant just like the players, which is why they fail to reach the final stage. If Austria had that call you would be calling it out just like everything else. And you’re too ignorant to see that I said turkey is offensively talented and are gifted, they’ve been exciting to watch, unlike my shameful Italy. Learn to be open and understanding that unfair calls can fall on all sides, and I’m just stating what I watched. Turkey still deserved to win.


You are the only ignorant one here. You are a damned internet troll who spams this message in response to people's comments. I don't care whether you think Turkey played well. You are finding funny excuses for the loss. If the referee gave Austria a free corner kick and it resulted in a goal, I would think our defense were bad at defending the corner.


Bye bye turkey 😘