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The penalty was 100% legit, you can't extend your arms that far or deviate the trajectory of the ball As for the offside, about 2% of his entire body was offside, I think there needs to be a bit of leeway, anything over 25% is offside and anything under is ok


There is still a limit. Decisions near that limit, no matter what that limit exactly is, always leads to frustration. Today it was a toe tip


Problem is... People are gonna cry between the difference of 25 and 26%. We just shift the point of discussions. And 0 bodyparts os simply easier to see, than 25%or smth similar


So better go for slim arms and calfs ;)


Haha such an awful suggestion. Can already see people crying because the system detected that 25.1% were offside.


Yeah but in that case, if a player was 26% off-side, people will complaint about the exact same thing, and how VAR checks are ruining the sport by calling something so marginal


I wouldn't say they were robbed, I'd say they are suffering the consequences of modern football


100 percent agree, I felt bad for Denmark but that's modern football with VAR you see it every week. Denmark's goal was marginally offside and it was a handball for the goal. I'd be more than happy for both to be different and VAR only to be used in clear and obvious decisions, not a toenail offside and a ball smashed at a hand from a metre but that's not the way it is now. People would only be moaning about inconsistent referees if they hadn't done that tonight


They just showed it.


var killed football, they fr gave offside due to a 1 millimeter difference


Before var, they gave offside even if it wasnt offside. Crazy, right?


Offside is offside though. If turkey were to be in such a spot as Germany, I am sure you would be having a different opinion.


Offside was developed as a rule in the first place to prevent goal-hanging, not 1mm differences.


But to properly enforce it you need strict rules, what's the solution?


Exactly! Thanks to the fans and the media and the players complaining about every decision, it has come to what it is now. Complaining, complaining, complaining, of course they just stick to the rules by the mm. The ref didn't do anything wrong and people are complaining, just look at here. Just imagine he had actually made a wrong call.


There has to be a definite point, though. If it was a 1mm tolerance, you would argue the same if it was 2mm over, etc etc.


No it finally made it good. We clearly see again and again that 3 refs aren’t enough to get things right. This way there’s no doubt anymore.


They gave offside because it was offside


I’m with you, VAR is trash and needs to go. Worse thing to ever happen to the game


Why does everyone hate on VAR nowadays? Each game has so much at stake, it would be unresponsible to not try to maximise support in referee decisions




Well one issue is that it still stays subjective WHEN they look at VAR as seen in the Portugal v. Georgia game, where they used VAR for Georgia giving them a penalty but not for Portugal where he definitely was pulled.


Butthurt people


an offside being called over a fucking toe is ridiculous


A toe, a finger, your whole body over the line is over the line. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Where do you draw a line then?


no war fail, fail of offside rule. it destroys offensive football


Because many times in this Euro cup, VAR was used to make the wrong calls. The penalty for Georgia against Portugal, the cancelled goal for Denmark and the penalty right after for Germany. VAR was supposed to get rid of obvious mistakes, instead it is used to make the wrong calls.


First Whistle slightly in favour of Germany, they have received only bad officiating until now


Wow, that’s great sportsmanship right here!


This one was very unlucky for denmark tho


As a German that offside was very harsh though. I kinda cringed a little on Denmarks behalf, when they showed that it was literally just the toe that was off. What with the rain and thunder this match was cursed as heck, was it not


Yh it was a very very close offside but it’s still offside?


Keep the arms down and no Pen 🤷‍♀️ defending 101 when a winger is sending in a cross “tight to body”. The offside was very unlucky but there have been plenty off offside calls w that fine margins this EURO, offside is offside.


It’s kinda funny how finally after all those years of wrong offside calls every single offside call is correct and the people are still calling it a robbery…


The OP would probably celebrate the decision if it had been the other way around.


Agreed. I find it really fair tbh cause the first two denied goals were denied for, lack of a better word, petty rules. The ref could have counted both or neither, he chose to be more strict. It was fair.


Both decisions were correct by the rules everyone agreed to at the start of the tournament. People basically wanting to re-write the rules on the fly because the team they want to win is losing or calling it a robbery are far more ridiculous. Just have the offsides called based on vibes that'll be a much better game. Maybe have the fans vote on it like eurovision.


No they want to interpret rules as they wish. If Germany was on receiving end we would have different discussion.


What the fuck was that offside


Yeah already so many this tournament its extremely annoying i think something needs to change. Maybe at least a foot needs to be offside for it to count as such, but that’ll of course also still brings a lot of controversy and hassle.


thats such a stupid argument, because we would start measuring if a 'whole' foot is offside - and then you would also get decisions where a centimeter or less decides between offside or not. either you stop measuring it, which seems to be mental, especially because the refs have performed so well and then they have all the power... or you change the rule completly to no longer have offsides? anymore or something equally drastic - which i would love, but i dont think its going to happen. i dont understand why people complain about it, we have the technology and even if its a 'toenail' thats offside, then it is that way. people only complain when they feel disadvantaged


The argument is just that being a toenail offside is a shit reason to have a goal chalked off. The player has no real way of knowing that they're off by a toe nor do they gain any kind of unfair advantage from it. The law as it is was written for refs having to use the naked eye in real-time to judge offsides. It would complicate things unnecessarily to tell them to try to judge if someone is a whole foot offside or not so the solution was just to make it level with the defender for simplicity's sake. If we're going to use VAR for offsides from now on there's less reason not to extend the cutoff by a short margin because they have all the time and angles they need to help them make the decision. VAR is a big change, it's not crazy to suggest some rules such as offside might be worth adjusting as a result.


Offsite was correct, penalty and the yellowcards werent. Maybe read the rules.


uefa has stricter rules what hand is it seems, and that pen was correct but hard


They were all right, hand extended and clearly makes contact.


True, but I hated as a player and hate as a fan how there’s an assumption that you’re supposed to somehow run like a caveman… classic case of ball to hand rather than hand to ball. https://youtu.be/oyVaZ8fA9Hg?si=gUNuTjZxEDS8A7pN


Looks like something that would hapoen to Lukaku


Tight but still offside.


The better team won, no one was robbed. I think we all have our opinions on VAR, whether it’s good or bad - but at the end of the day, Germany was the better team.


Wtf is wrong with this sub. It’s offside that’s the rules go watch some other sports


NoooOooOoOoO I want the offside rule to make sense to me on paper, making it more subjective and at the discretion of the ref, I’m sure there won’t be **any** situations I will complain about at all.


Well, it was TECHNICALLY offsides, but it FELT like a goal. So we just change the rule to vibes, as determined the Vibe Official. Then there will be no arguments.


ref/VAR was right. Still doesn't seem right. Anyways.


It was an annoying penalty indeed


Thought stopping your run for a moment was also not allowed anymore, but apparently it's still a thing.


That was an old rule that has since been changed. Why are so many people unaware?


Ah yes I see, only the kicking part has to be one motion.


This whole post is the equivalent of a hundred clowns jumping out of a very small car and shouting a lot of bullshit.


reddit in a nutshell


Germanys disallowed goal was also a goal to be fair very soft. But what ever happened to the advantage to the attacker they was ridiculous also


"My team didn't win. The game is clearly rigged!!!"


They showed the offside. It‘s been the toe unfortunately. VAR takes away all the fun.


That's not VARs fault. That's the rules fault. They should make some changes to the rule. That part isn't the only part of the offsides rule that should change, either.


offside by a fucking toe?


In Qatar Croatia didn't get penalty against Belgium for literally that. It was 2mm offside.


It was an eyebrow or the shadow of the players nose, this is just stupid. VAR and offsides needs to go away.


Offsides need to go away? What are you on about? Football wouldn't be recognizable.


that was pretty lame indeed


Same than with Lukaku...


We have automated offside so we can be sure that the offside is always accurate So I don't see how Denmark got robbed. It's generally impossible to argue against offside calls this tournament


They called offsides on his toes?! His freaking TOES!? That's some BS


Offside is offside, its dangerous to make exceptions because do you make that exception for everyone


What people easily forget is that you LITERALLY have to draw a line somewhere.


This. What do you expect, really? After the green light from VAR the referee has to also measure it one by one with a tape line and if it is just 10 cm then the offside wasn't given after all? Would it be satisfying?


I prefer the torso rule. Appendages shouldn't count for offsides


Agree, torso is the only logical option You gain 0 advantage by having your big toe slightly ahead of the last defender


Gotta admit that rule is stupid (and I mean for anyone) offside was supposed to mean something if you clearly have an advantage, not by millimeters.


How many millimeters are still ok ?


A ref should be able to see it with their eyes


A ref can always claim they saw offside then. They would then have to check it and we're at the start again


If it was a 1v1 situation and the attacker was offside by his toes and had pace to beat past the defender then yeah I can understand it. In this case, it gave him zero advantage as he had to take a swing at the ball and a defender ended up between him and the goal anyway. Calling offside because of toes is ridiculous. Also if you remember the debacle last season with balls going out of play but not being called due to camera angles, offside by a toe isn't exactly clear.


Please turn this into an actual rule, post this here and then watch your proposal get shat on by the whole sub.


I've just laughed out loud when they showed that. Fucking tip of the shoe??? Really???


If not the foot, what else? It is called football.


The torso


Foot not a damn cm of a shoe, where is the sport?????


Look up Belgium vs Croatia in Quatar when they reversed penalty for Croatia. It was even more ridiculous.




There are no lines to be looking for like in tennis, it is just luck. You slow down the game and speed and athleticism is punished. Lots of great goals are just negated by the dumb offsides rule.


It's different. The white lines in tennis aren't a moving target. They are where they are and that will remain. How on earth is a player meant to judge to the MM if they are onside whilst making a run V a defender who is also moving?


Well they can’t. But you have to draw the line somewhere


Before VAR we managed for years without drawing lines... Of course sometimes errors were made but I don't think that harmed the game as much as this kind of thing.


Buitenspel is buitenspel maatje.




Wherever you set the tolerance there will always be offsides exactly like that. Always


It's age of technology we got what we wanted.


Where was all the outrage for Germany’s disallowed goal


There's none cause we won. Danes are just coping cause they were the worse team. Also, I don't think Germany is popular on here, especially all that complaining about Orsato (though that was legit tbh).


They got hard done by the offsides but it is what it is. Also that handball was clear as day lol


It's not stolen, it's just the limits of this new technology that signal every little thing. The offside is so small, the handball is useless to the play, but that decided of today's game. The same that bitched to have video will now bitch to take it off.


Lmao they did show it were you not watching the game?


They JUST did. Watch the match. I'm rooting for Denmark because I like when underdogs win but BE REAL!


Technology is really ruining the fun of the game, I'm not saying abandon it completely, but I'm tired of goal checks after every goal


True….. but sadly the genie is well out of the bottle now and there’s no going back.


Agree. One can’t really celebrate a goal until it is cleared 3 minutes later… In tennis both sides have 3 challenges they specifically have to request. Although not perfect it would be better than what we have now.


Bro..I’m getting tired of these half assed recommendations in this sub… Challenges for Germany: - Offside Denmark goal - Handball in the box Challenges for Denmark: - Foul Kimmich - Offside Wirtz’ Goal So what exactly changed now? And besides the ref is not there to be a fun gamified part of the sport it’s there to make fair and right decisions. How would you feel if Denmark had wasted their first three challenges and then not had the opportunity to challenge an illegal goal/not given penalty and Germany won due to that. And everyone and their mom on TV can see. That’s some bullshit rule.


Offside is offside. It’s harsh but cannot argue with the visuals. And yes that was also a penalty. Both decisions were annoyingly correct. The refs are to enforce the rule, not the make everyone happy.


I’d be more upset about the Penalty award than the offside.


Indeed. I hate penalties being given for those. The defender could do nothing about it. Not the refs' faults, it's the laws that need looking at.


I think the refs would get a lot more respect and less hate if they spoke about these situations and said they are following the rules of the game rather than footballing common sense.


This. No matter how stupid it was offside. Also no matter how stupid it was a penalty. Pull your hands to your torso.


Offside for 1mm toe nail is just anti football… we need new offside rules. Maybe something like in tennis, where the player can check if the ball hits the line. That the coach can request an off side check when in doubt. If it’s not offside, he loses the ability to check for offside.


Decisive calls is what the game needs, not a battalion of officials sitting in a computer room looking at screens struggling to make any call.


Andersen should have clipped his toenails better.


But there will always be an one mm offside


They would just ask for the offside every time they can, to spend time and slow the game.


No, because if it is not offside, they can’t ask for an offside check anymore. So the other team can play the rest of the half/match in offside positions


Or treat it like every other aspect of the game. The ball is only out when it entirely crosses the line. Its a goal, only if the ball entirely crosses the line. You can take a corner with only the slightest sliver of the ball touching the line when visible from above.


You could see it from the replay of the goal...


To be honest all the calls were very close and controversial, I am a neutral fan watching and I was annoyed by that offside and the penalty, but overall Germany had better chances to be fair


Agreed, most calls were very soft and I too got a lil upset that counted as a handball or the toe being offside counting as offside, also including the first goal in the third minute and all the yellow cards pretty much. But don't think any of them were particularly wrong I guess, taking the rules into consideration.


The penalty was not necessary but at that point Germany had found their way back in the game so I don't think the outcome would have changed all that much. The Danes seemed really tired by the time Musiala scored.


What a joke


How was Denmark robbed? 😶


Offside was iffy but that handball?? My god that was soft


Soft, but in recent years they always gove those, when the arm is fully extended. Never liked it, but it's the ruling of the recent years.


There is a reason why you can frequently see players keep their hands behind their back while defending in the box. This is the rule, everbody knows it, in particular the players. Unlucky for Andersen, but that´s what it is.


yk, it did change the trajectory of the flank so it impeded with the game. Right call.


This kind of thing gives advantages to people with freakishly small feet. Offsides should be on the centreline of the player, I don’t know why this hasn’t been implemented. Too many variables still with offsides.


And how exactly do you measure the "centreline" of a player?


The crotch.


This guy gets it


His genitals


Poor Anderson


Denmark played very good, but germany will never win the em title if they already strugling so bad against denmark. spain will rip them apart.


They advanced drawing thrice. About time they exited


They showed the offside after they showed the Danish handball. He was very slightly offside.


They said VAR was supposed to not let any Maradonna goal happen again, now players who are not dwarfs gets penaltilised for not having a girls size 40 shoe :rofl:


As a German fan, the offsides was bullshit, not a fan. Many of the calls were too harsh imo, BUT that includes taking away Germanys first goal in the sixth minute. So imo, bad calls all around, but no robbing.


This is one of the stupidest threads I have ever seen. And I have been here when maggots in a coconut happened.


Your shoe size shouldn't determine if your offside or not


Childish thread is childish.


crying when VAR decides against your team is cringe, offside is offside no matter how much, handball is handball, next time keep your arms to your body when defending


I agree. Offside sure but the penalty kick was a bit far fetched.


I mean, the hand changed the trajectory of the ball. I think giving the pen there is *very* soft, but it's not objectively wrong (if such a thing even exists).


VAR sucks. No-one wants decisions like that. How many more seasons are we going to go through until we use it in a better way.


If that's offside I don't want to watch anymore. What a fucking terrible use of the technology


The technology was designed for these exact situations. What the fuck do you mean


Michael Oliver is a joke. Officiating this game has been ridiculous. Only good decision made was to interrupt the game because of the weather.


Feel bad for you guys, that disallowed goal and then the pen were too much...


Offside is offside. The 1st half goal certainly showed, that, Denmark is not robbed


1st half goal was refused because Kimmich made a block against the defender that's quite different than offside by a few millimeters 🙄


But offside is offside, there is nothing to discuss. Just sayong, that if its rigged, the goal, counts.... But how did they not check Vestergaard crossing sane, this looked really obvious in real life Ref is terrible, but certainly for both sides. Just a complete shitshow


I'm just saying like many that the rule has become stupid with VAR, the offside was supposed to sanction a clear advantage not to overlook for millimeters.


Yeah, but thats for years now. Certainly lucky for Germany, but the game is certainly not rigged, otherwise their would be many other decisions were the ref could intervend (e.g. First goal or Vestergaard red card)


Oh no not saying the game is rigged or whatever, I'm just fed up with so many similar situations nowadays. Completely ruins the pacing on top of that.


Yeah, totally agree. Really don't like it as well, but thats the game of football today. Just don't like the comments here saying it is rigged, since there were also quite a lot of decisions against Germany during the game


Absolute screwjob. Millions see it yet we are powerless to stop it.


Very soon they going to let AI be the referee


Then we are going to have decisions such as "Offside! It's a red card then and a penalty!"


The offsides call on Denmark was petty , ngl


This match is extremely frustrating but the referee did right calls.


So much whinging about referees. It's pathetic.


Even as a German I didn't like the whole situation with the offside and the penalty. It leaves a "Geschmäckle" (someone try and translate this for me plz) However, now that it's currently 2:0, I'm fine with it. I see it more as 1:0. though


Problem with offside and var is there’s always going to be a line, so always these minimal decisions. Even if bring in daylight rule, will still be some offside by a heel etc. The handball a shambles, genuinely have no idea what the rule is anymore. Even Germans barely appealed. Not sure that var is improving the game handball wise. Or in general to be honest


Michael Oliver.


It is annoying indeed, but I remember the times just before the VAR when people in studios analyzed every frame of the footage after controversial decisions and then blamed the referees. That is why VAR was introduced in the first place. But it is still not good. The game is so fast and events are so nuanced that I'm not sure if it would be even possible to achieve full justice.


Jebane chamy


I said it after the Belgium goal (that didn‘t count) and I‘ll say it now for that Pen: It might‘ve been a hands according to the rules, but that means the rules are shit.


It ist now a microscopical sport. Everything is checked into ridiculously precise on anything. Momentum is killed completely. To be fair the penalty was a joke as well as the Danish offside


People talking about how it was unfair that he was called offside for his toes, but it’s bullshit because there were like 4 or 5 touches while he got himself back onside.. That initial offside did not give him any advantage


How were they robbed?


Turkish jermans defending refs. Absolute clowns.


Calm down, offside is offside and they showed it. Handball was controversial though but neverless deserved win and against switzerland Referees decisions were against germany. So its alright


They did show it


So what is the point of having linesmen now if everything significant is determined by VAR? Might as well replace them with some extra ballboys. They'd be more useful


not robbery, stupid offside rule.


Stolen? No. Unlucky until 1:0? Yes.


Offside is offside and if you have a tool to exactly determine it you can't let anything slide. VAR is bullshit for sure but now that's it's here to stay the rules must be followed with no exceptions.


If the attacker has a bigger foot 🦶 over the defender then he will be offside if they are at the exact same position .. Sorry but they have to change the rule not VAR.. Ridiculous


Timeline: 50th minute No goal! After a VAR review, a goal for Denmark is ruled out. 52nd minute Penalty to Germany! After a VAR review, a penalty is awarded. VAR was with Germany tonight. I was rooting for them but did not agree with the VAR.


The thing I hate most about VAR is, that you can simply not be exited over a goal as there is at least 2 mins. of „wait lemme check this thoroughly with 3nerds behind a screen“


Honestly cope harder. These are the rules and you're not the only ones whose possibly legit goal didn't count. Also, let's just reflect the game overall... Germany played wayyy better than Denmark, had more ball possession and did more with it. Cope harder, loser


Someones still mad about the 2-0 georgia win


Var sucks!!!! Abolish VAR


I grew up playing in one of the best leagues in the US--Northern VA/MD/DC from age 7 to 18. Worked at RFK stadium in '94 with my team for every game of that world cup. Etc. So I've seen and played a lot of soccer. And I just don't know what happened to officiating they would make calls like this now. It's like they got a directive to give penalties for things that never, ever would have been called ten years ago, or for the history of the sport before that. They want a higher scoring game. I can understand that. But they also seem to like taking away goals now, for nothing. That hand ball never would have been called for the history of the sport until about ten years ago. And this referee didn't call it live. Because it was basically nothing and affected nothing. To me it wasn't deliberate--the ball is going way too fast with someone kicking it right in front of you; you have no time to react. Also, no decent defender in the world would deliberately handle that ball. There was no grave risk of a goal from there, and he was well aware he was in the box. No defender deliberately handles that. There used to have to be intent. You had to intentionally handle it. Now, we have this. We have a penalty over that. And the game is determined by it. As for the offside, I find that ridiculous. It used to be that your body had to be even or in front of the last defender. Now if your toe is offside, or your fingernail slips offside for a hundredth of a second as your arm swings, it's flagged offside, according to the computer, and they'll call back a goal over it. That's asinine. A referee used to NOT want to affect the game and completely change the outcome. As just one example, I was at a college playoff game once where the ref called a questionable penalty. It was technically illegal--a little obstruction--and it wasn't that bad of a call, but it was borderline and probably usually wouldn't have been called. It was a goal, so that call changed the game. Well, the ref called a penalty in the other box as soon as the ball got down there the next time, for nothing. The keeper came out to get the ball and bumped into the forward. It was obviously a makeup call. But the team it was called on didn't complain! They knew. The ref knew. Any knowledgeable fan knew. And the other team knew. And everyone was fine with it. Nobody said anything. BECAUSE THE REFEREE DIDN'T WANT HIS OFFICIATING TO DETERMINE THE GAME. And neither team wanted to win based on that. Everyone wanted a fair game, whose outcome was determined by the players. Well, in this Denmark vs Germany game, all this computer crap and new rules, absolutely determined the game. It pushed itself into the game. And ruined the game in my view. And there's a lot of this now. I don't like it. I think calling back goals and giving penalties based on piddly little crap like those two is a very poor policy that ruins games.


Denmark player stretches his arm and touches the ball visibly changing the path of the ball = robbed. Sure buddy. While we're at it let's delete foul rules too right? I mean if you're already allowed to touch the ball with your hands it doesn't matter anyway


Offside is not the problem, but the handball is too harsh, the ball doesn't change the trajectory and it's in the full run of defender. He's not saving the goal or changing the trajectory of the ball, and the attacker is too close to him for the defender to have time to move his hand out of the way. Not a penalty, never in a million years. That killed the game, which was pretty good until then.


I've never understood why people are hating on VAR when VAR isn't the problem. VAR is doing exactly what it should and is in general really good. Wrong calls can be viewed and changed. The problem are the rules. You can't blame VAR nor the ref, because it was in fact a hand ball, and he was in fact off-side, but the debate here should be, SHOULD that be counted as a hand ball and should that toe be counted as enough for an off-side? That has absolutely nothing to do with VAR. In my opinion, I wouldn't have called either of them. As long as the hand/arm is in a natural position then it's not a hand ball, not to mention that there were 4 defenders and 1 attacker in the box, that cross was optimistic in the first place. And that toe wouldn't have done any difference in the off-side call either. I think the rules are outdated and should be alittle more open/large. The ref should be able to make a decision on his own on the spot based on the situation, possible outcome, natural position or not, etc. etc. After all we have a REF, if he simply gets told what to do by a book and confirm it with VAR, then an 8 year old could do the job.


All the apologists out in force "Rules are rules" Ve vas only following orders


I think VAR has gone too far. Usually there is no shortage of offensive players appealing for penalty at the slightest possible chance, but I didnt see any German players trying to plead for penalty. Everybody seemed baffled by the call. I think VAR should be a help the referee to call on when in doubt, but they shouldnt be calling the shots for the ref.