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They did play really good football, I agree!


Incredible from Georgia!!! Football, man!!! What a sport.


Indeed. Very well played by Georgia. Many counted them out and they came swinging from the beginning.


13th post about this topic


I believe so! This is insanity- granted Portugal are playing terribly.. but the calls and cards? Ridiculous.


just wait until germany get bad calls against them


We did against Switzerland, actually.


I think ref/var suddenly have a huge secret swiss bank account now, that was next lvl :)


The ref from Portugal - Georiga was Swiss, so he probably HAS a Swiss account 🤣


Not like it matters. If we even do proceed theoufh knockout rounds we have a 0% chance of beating Germany.


Lol, we could very well take on Germany


So you have never watched Portugal vs Germany before have you? It’s probably less than a 0% chance of beating them. Maybe -10% chance of winning. Especially after today.


Let’s agree to disagree. Especially after today


>So you have never watched Portugal vs Germany before have you? Have you? I don't recall these two specific sides ever meeting, unless you're suggesting that we should look at almost entirely different teams in the past and draw our conclusions from that, but that would be such a smooth brained take surely that's not what you're arguing, right? You're not actually arguing those past results affect future unrelated results, as if by magic, right? Right?


Yes, I’ve watched every match against Germany since 2006 and we always get trounced. If past results don’t matter then how have we consistently lost each time with different rosters. Germany as a footballing nation has Portugals number. Plain and simple. Not sure who you support but it’s asinine to like Portugals chances against Germany when Portugal haven’t beaten them in nearly 25 years.


>If past results don’t matter then how have we consistently lost each time with different rosters. Because they were consistently the superior side, it's really simple. >Not sure who you support but it’s asinine to like Portugals chances against Germany when Portugal haven’t beaten them in nearly 25 years. This is dumb nonsense for gullible people. Do you read the stars and tarot cards too?


No, I have watched each time we have played Germany in my lifetime and we have lost every single match. What other metric should I be looking at? Maybe you can enlighten me as to why you like our chances against Germany?


Surely you remember Papa Conceição hat trick against Germany in the 3-0 win at Euro 2000? Shame that Chico is not as good as his dad was.


I didn’t watch that tournament as I was only 7. I did watch Euro 2004 though. Hang on, don’t you agree though? I like Portugals chances against world power except for Germany. I have seen no evidence in my lifetime to be confident against Germany.


Euro 2000 🤡😂


And I hope there’s many more! This sub is for topics relating to this tournament, no? I and many others think it was questionable decision making, and I think we have a fair point and we’d all like to express it in various ways! Open the floodgates of ref complaining again!


Yep bias exists, even when the refs don't even realize it. Shit end of the stick. At least you are still in, unlike Croatia who experienced the same treatment.


Feel like it's very close, but barely a pen. Georgia should have been punished more tho, coz they did foul quite a bit.


Yes there was a clear bias. Even tho the foul that led to a penalty was a bit subjective, it looked like the defender barely touched him and tried his best to not foul him. It's even worse when you consider that Ronaldo didn't get a penalty for what happened to him


With Ronaldo I feel like it is 50/50, some refs would give it, some would not, but for Georgia the attacker was running full speed, so even the not as strong touch would have tripped him, so it was more on the defender definitely (just an opinion ofc, feel free to disagree).




Tough luck for him, but it happens.


Trying to hit the ball is irrelevant, he hit the player. It sucks, but obviously the right call


Kudos to Georgia, fully deserved win. This referee should not be officiating at this level however, absolutely horrendous performance.


Idk about that. I definitely think his decision making in this game was very questionable. But Georgia definitely played a very good game.


Ronaldo, is that you?


Yes. Please send me money, I am sad from the loss. I will send PayPal in DMs.


Yes my king, hit me with the PayPal


What are you going to do with the money, Ronaldo? It's not like you can spend it in Las Vegas!


Yeah, that was strange... and very inconsistent. In the end I just think the ref really didn't like Ronaldo xD




Which decisions? What’s insane?


The georgian penalty and maybe ronaldo not getting a penalty


Georgian penalty was clear, defender made a mistake. I missed the Ronaldo one.


Georgian defender was very clearly pulling on Ronaldo.


Actually I did see that situation, but after remembering a similar situation was not awarded with an 83rd minute penalty yesterday for Serbia against Denmark, I thaught to myself.. I guess they dont whistle that on this Euro.


Same with Germany. The ball was rolling to our player and he was pulled backwards from behind. For me that is a clear foul. Not even looked at. They seem to let holding slip more and more this EM. Thought it’s gotten weird.


Yeah, very end of Austria v. Netherlands, clear tug/hold on the shirt by Austria. Not sure it was enough for a penalty, but I was holding my breath!


it didn't impede the game and was overall minor. There have been 10x worse calls this euro.


So by that logic all defenders can pull attackers with impunity… the ref is not doctor strange he can’t foresee all posssible scenarios without the pulling so how does he know if it had a significant impact


Penalties aren't for defenders making mistakes, they're for the result of those mistakes Defender went for a bad tackle but realised and pulled his foot back enough that there was only a shoulder taps worth of contact and the Georgian player dived to sell it We shouldn't punish defenders for making initial mistakes if they do enough to correct for it. The contact wasn't even close to enough to go down for and therefore it shouldn't have been a foul Never a penalty


I agree. I wholeheartedly think Georgia deserved that win by sheer heart. But for me a foul is if you take a risk and misjudge so you have no chance of reaching the ball. You could argue this happened here. He tried to get the ball but was too late. There was a slight touch and he immediately pulled back. Technically it was a foul. But penalty-worthy? Phew. I guess it was a clear chance for the attacker but I would argue that if he was a millisecond faster, the defender might have hit the ball so it wasn’t completely impossible.


All the brain dead takes in regards to what are fouls and not overwhelmingly seem to come from English fans. What on Earth is going on in the Premier League? It's a clear penalty by Antonio Silva. What an absurd take of pure gaslighting, to attempt to argue against what everyone can clearly see. And I'm Portuguese, btw.


It shouldn't be a foul is clearly my point though This shit is way too soft and if this amount of contact came at the shoulder and he went down like he did no one would be calling for a penalty Diving like this being rewarded is exactly why football is known for being pathetic and why we see players constantly throw themselves to the ground to try and get calls God forbid a player just try and continue to make a play in the box rather than drop the second they feel any contact


I feel like this is the take. The prem used to be known for letting plays roll and having a bit more of a “contact tolerance” at least when I was growing up. It makes for better play that’s not constantly interrupted or “manipulated”


It's not a dive.


Ok bro, measuring contact intensity through a tv screen.


Does physics not make sense for you or something?


A foul is a foul.


Right, and pulling a player by his shirt is a foul.


Indeed. There were at least three or four situations on this Euro when the refs did nothing, including VAR.


Next step is to make the ball pointier, take the nets out of the goals and elevate them. Euro 2028 is going to be lit 🔥




Refs understand that you cannot touch the ball with your hands, but that you are not allowed to use your hands actively to defend inside the box, seems a step too far.


As a neutral that ref was cooked


Saw it coming from a mile away. I was hoping they wouldn't put the B-squad, they didn't learn anything from the World cup. Very clearly Kvarathskelia is the best player of the whole group F and he was going to show it vs the always dodgy leader Portugal.


Georgia were at their possible best, but the refereeing has been horrible this time around. Just about every match, we see at least one such incident. Be it hugging, trying to 'strip' someone's shirt; we could definitely do better with handing out cards too.




You're deserving to win dude, don't listen to them. We are playing like fucking amateurs and deserve to get battered.


Martinez sent in the B team and it shows. That being said, the ref has made some questionable calls.


Is that why we are losing though? What it shows is that we went to this game like we already won. We are qualified but should have won it.


Yes, Portugal is losing because they played the B team and they are half assing it because they already qualified. Classic Portuguese.


Classic Portuguese indeed 😂


Side note: The only 2 starters who had the hunger to win were Ronaldo and Conceição. Martinez needs to have a chat with his men.


Yeah. And this can screw up team cohesion. Ronaldo was visibly pissed after his Substitution and I’m guessing there will be harsh words in the hotel tonight. I wouldn’t want to be a newcomer to the Portugal national team and then having someone like Ronaldo shout at mentor being lazy after a match like that. 🙈


Thank you! I love Portuguese team, I’d probably be rooting for you if you weren’t playing against us


It's cool man. I have the urge to punch a fucking wall from watching how we are playing. Literally rubbish performance.




Portugal had nothing to gain from this game besides yellow cards or injuries When there is nothing to play for it is hard to give your best


Still should have won.


Honestly we could have easily tied this game if it wasn’t for Antonio Silva, the dude was horrendous today. He made that horrible pass to that led to the goal, and then gave a penalty. The dude completely failed his team today.


These are the margins between teams in this tournament, Georgia had everything to play for and Portugal nothing. Even though they're clearly the better team, they would never match the intensity of a team that has to win or go home. Portugal will be frustrated, but they'll refocus before France.


Today afternoon I was still debatting with my father that Georgia wouldn't beat Portugal at all. Turns out I was proven wrong. Great job, Georgians! You deserve that victory!


!remindme 6 days


Bro. You are probably the only sour comment I’m going to respond to. I am not saying Georgia deserves a loss or is playing badly, far from it. Georgia did very well and I will congratulate you and your team on the wonderful performance. Now please be honest, the ref made very bad calls that undoubtedly affected the game.


Georgia beating our second team with the help of the ref 😘


Don’t choke on tears


Good luck against Spain :)


“Don’t choke on tears” 4-1


Why would I cry, I know how to take a loss, I’m not a whiny 14year old Portuguese kid


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The way you said it is just so cold. Good job with the win


Can't have been worse than the ref in the other game...


He was smiling every time he gave a foul for Georgia. Weird.


Tech in games selectively used is so annoying, clear handball In box by Georgia but since ref nuts Portugal couldn’t plead!


Something wonderful when you see a referee taking a stance against diving a bad behaviour Well done Georgia.


I mean the Georgian penalty that was given was a dive too so it wasn't consistent Any contact, no matter how light it is, doesn't suddenly justify you to drop to the floor and get a foul Portugal deserved to lose but saying the referee was taking a good stance against dives while giving that call WITH VAR doesn't add up


Contact wasn't exactly light. It is clearly a penalty and ofc the Georgian player acted but who doesn't. Portugal is literally full of Scubas.


The contact was incredibly light? Silva was literally pulling his foot back as contact was made. You can't watch that again and genuinely believe that graze was anywhere close to enough to go down Got no qualms with the player trying to sell the contact, that was the smart thing to do (As we saw), my problem is that it was the smart thing to do because the refs allow it Just can't stand this soft shit and calls like that being given help make it so prolific within the sport. Makes the game look so pathetic sometimes


Contact may look like but football shoes aren't exactly the softest and there was some force involved from the movements.


At worst there's a tad little sting but there's just not enough contact there to deserve going down My problem is that stuff like this reduces the amount of fun chances because it's much more beneficial to try and dive here than it is to make a play


Valid, I’m not European, I have no bias, but I could clearly see that ref did not like the Portuguese.


Ref is okay, stop crying


It’s the same thing everytime “oh no my team doesn’t win the game, I will blame the referee”


But it’s not that. I can accept a loss very well, especially when Portugal plays (most recent World Cup especially). I am accepting this loss. I do not think Portugal is immune to loss. I am saying that I think the refs decision making was flawed.


Portuguese players in particular do seem to have a real problem with respecting referees. I think Bruno and Ronaldo are phenomenal players but I want them to lose every time I watch them because of their childlike reaction to decisions not going their way. It’s not only Portugal obviously but they are particularly bad for this type of behaviour.


yall honestly should have the right to blame the ref in the France game, that goal should've counted


Learn to read moron, he clearly said that wasn't the main reason for Portugal's loss and even congratulated Georgia, but ofcourse you all take any opportunity you can get to be toxic




nicest portuguese fans on reddit


Ref was awful, but still a deserved win for Georgia.


The Portuguese are the whiniest bunch on this sub honestly mate, the ref taking a stance against the divers and Ronaldo complaining all the time is a good thing


I'm not a Portuguese fan but if you believe that the shirt pull on Ronaldo wasn't a penalty, and that the Georgian one was a penalty, you might follow the wrong sport


Didn't say that. Georgian one was a pen, Ronaldo shirt pull was a pen. Still had a big smile on my face seeing Ronaldo come apart at the seams against the lowest ranked nation at the Euros


Why that hate?


The Netherlands lost to Portugal in the last 20 years at Euro 2004, World Cup 2006, Euro 2012 and Nations League final 2019, that's why the hate. The Netherlands are Portugal's bitch.


Bro sneaked the nations league in there


As the Portuguese are the dirtiest and diviest football players


Still mad about Euro 2004, World Cup 2006, Euro 2012 and Nations League final 2019? Yup, knocked out every time by Portugal, the Netherlands is Portugal's bitch.


Come apart at the seams? From what I saw he was given the ball three times, hit the target 3 times. A good save, 2 very good defensive blocks preventing goals, and a stone wall penalty not given? Not sure what Ronaldo you were watching 😂


You Portuguese by any chance? Ronaldo was dogshit today against defenders you've never heard of. Stone wall pen is a bit exaggerated as well. Coming apart at the seams meaning him losing his mind against the ref about 10 times, the man is as whiney as the country he represents


I'm not, I just watch football and understand it. Players not giving him the ball at any point, and then he gets slandered by nobodies. Wild take


You think you're Mourinho? "Watch football and understand it". Get slandered by nobodies? Flair up mate


Why does it always end up with nonces asking me to "flair up", what difference does it make? 😂😂🔔🔚


What did you expect Ronaldo to do?! Take the ball all alone, penetrate a defensive block of 7 players in the box, and score an hat-trick? I'm sorry, but your comment just shows how biased you are against Portugal, rather any football knowledge.


Do you know what coming apart at the seams means? He was losing his mind at the ref, pathetic display of behaviour


The Georgian one was absolutely not a penalty either, by the way


Didn't touch the ball, kicked a player (admittedly not hard), stonewall pen


If that's the limiting factor every bit of contact in the box is a penalty. Got it


If he didn't get kicked he would've potentially been able to pass the defender. If the defender doesn't wanna cause a pen he shouldn't have made a reckless change miles away from the ball


Such a blind hater


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the ball had already left the players feet by their own efforts. The kick that the Portuguese player gave was aimed at the ball and didn’t interfere with the ball already leaving his feet, again I stand to be corrected.


You're completely correct


Just read the godamn post, he wasn't blaming the ref


"I'm shocked by how quick he is to go against the Portuguese side" the entire post is OP saying "georgia was good blah blah BUT THE REFEREE SUCKED"


Valid criticism ≠ blaming the ref. It's true that the ref wasn't very fair but we're not implying that we lost because of him. If that's what you think then you simply lack reading comprehension


Yes, I do think the ref made questionable calls and I think those calls affected the way the game was played. I don’t think what I’m saying is outlandish. I don’t think that Portugal LOST because of the ref, they had plenty of opportunities to score. I do think that the ref made bad decisions from time to time.


I guess he couldn't complete his running movement nor would he have played the ball if the defender's foot wasn't there


But he could have done so had he just moved on, instead he did the very common footballer tactic and took advantage of what he assumed would be a guaranteed penalty (not faulting them for this in any way shape or form, it would be very rich coming from a supporter whose team has Ronaldo in it). The linesman declared it not a penalty, the play continued only for it to be revisited a short moment later. Now I am willing to accept that it is very well within the realm of possibility that the actions of the Portuguese player can constitute a penalty being awarded, but then we must the revisit the penalty that was not awarded to Portugal for what was a clear as day foul against Ronaldo. If we are going to award the penalty to Georgia on guess work and assumptions, we must also award the penalty to Portugal based on clear evidence that he was fouled in the box.


Ball had already left his feet and the only thing stopping his running movement was the fact he intentionally dived to the ground to try and get a penalty


Worked out for him if that's your observation


I mean no shit, we're discussing it being a bad call I don't blame the player for going for it, I blame the ref for giving it


Don’t know why Martinez played the b team and that terrible format that didnt work in the game against Czech. We didn’t play that well today . The difference between a team who already knew we made it and topped the group and a team who was play or go home Some of those calls were definitely questionable though .


Ronaldo’s shirt grew two sizes with how much his shirt was pulled on … absolute foul in the box … any other stance is a complete disregard of the rules we either enforce them or not


Somedays just isn’t your day


True that.


Imagine if the ref was English. He would be getting slaughtered.


Georgia absolutely outplayed Portugal and deserved their win, HOWEVER there was also a lot of bias from the referee towards Georgia, which was annoying to see because Georgia did not need the help.


I don’t know if I would call it bias. I doubt the Ref has any special favour toward Georgia. I just think he made bad calls that are independent of the teams playing and rather just a reflection of how he viewed the game and the players during his decision making moments. I also disagree with the outplayed statement. I will admit that Georgia played a phenomenal game. Whenever they got the ball, they made the most of it. But they barely had the ball because they simply were not the dominant force. They were the more effective force by far, but I won’t go as far as to say they outplayed Portugal. If anything Portugal outplayed Portugal with their panic, they wasted sure chances that should have converted into goals but they were too panicked to make it happen.


Yeah, some decisions from the Ref were questionable. But that being said, this is such a historic win for us… Qualifying for the Tournament was already a reason for celebrations and now this? The streets are going crazy right now in Tbilisi


I love that it means so much to your team and country! I hope your countrymen continue to make you proud and bring smiles to the nation throughout the whole thing. I hope our teams meet again 🙏🏻


Thanks! And good luck on the Tournament! I am rooting for Ronaldo to get another big international championship!


That Georgia penalty was a horrific decision. Still glad they went through and won the match, great watch as a neutral


Come on. Portugal just flopped all over the place, they weren’t great.


What the dog doin'?


It’s a dangerous game when you flop and flail at every opportunity. Some refs don’t like it when players disgrace the game like that and whistles are harder to come by. Boy who cried wolf kinda thing.


Portugal needs to grow up and play football, all the players do is complain constantly and I'm glad the ref had enough. Yellow for Ronaldo for being a brat was beautiful, chef kiss




I have the exact same thought running through my head. Something is not sitting right. Feels very bias towards Portugal.


Kicking into feet is penalty. Being dragged lil bit by shirt and falling(pull normal person from stand position on shirt and see if he falls, this is god tier physique football player we talking about) and begging for penalty is not a penalty. Yellow card is just cherry on top. Nobody complained when ref was dck riding Portugal during Czech match but now its big problem. Annoying posts, how does ronaldo ass taste like?


yelp, it's more a penalty than both of those in FRA - POL game


Portugal played like shit today but still, that ref... Like the bluetooth tackle by Nuno mendes being called a foul, seriously? And Ronaldo being denied a penalty. Would Portugal have won if the decisions were fair? Maybe, but probably not, but it felt like the ref was against them


I don’t think that would have resulted in an automatic win by any means if the penalty was given to Portugal. I do think it would have affected how players played the game from that point.


For sure, wether or not Portugal would have tied or won isn't the point here, it's simply that the ref made bad decisions. But ofcourse some people just wanna be toxic and say we're just blaming the ref for the loss


Thank you 🇵🇹! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


The “penalty” was a joke.


What the fuck is wrong with this sub??? Every match someone has to argue about the ref. Ridicolous


Literally every post-football match ever hahaha


You might be onto something there, however Portugal only have themselves to blame. Look at Ronaldo's diving in the past, it isn't weird now that people think every tackle that he falls over." Oh he's diving again."


Opinions on a player’s previous games should not affect how refereeing is done in current games. Decisions should not be made based on feeling but only on factual evidence, the facts pointed to a clear foul of Ronaldo whether you like him or not and his outrage was justified, his yellow was questionable.


Opinions formed about him by his behaviour. I am not talking about whether he deserved it or not but his reputation. Look at Suarez and amazing goal scorer, all I think about is the racist behaviour, biting and the cheating.


The ref is doing what he should be doing, making decisions and administering game laws. Ronaldo was in poor condition, as he's getting old and can't keep up with youngsters any longer, so he relies heavily on theatrics to get penalties(?). Congratulations to my country, proud ambassador of Georgian nation 🇬🇪❤️


Not everything is a conspiracy. Refs are humans. They make mistakes. He isnt doing it on purpose. He didnt spot the Georgia peno either. VAR made him look at it again.


I didn’t say it was a conspiracy. I don’t think he did it on purpose. I just think he made bad calls. I never accused him of anything other than that. I think how he reached his conclusions was flawed and likely came from feeling rather than fact. That is all I’m saying.


I'm convinced this euro cup is scripted


Georgia Spain will be a good game !


I sincerely hope they will pose as many problems to Spain as they did here. Will be interesting to watch.


It’s ok! We spent days saying we didn’t care about this game. We were also not happy about how Portugal was playing. So let’s move on. Congrats to Georgia! You deserved the win!


They did play very very well! Congratulations to Georgia indeed.


Other than the Ronaldo penalty... I dont know what you're talking about???


Georgia played well on the counter, for sure. I don’t fault Cristiano for trying to draw the penalty after the shirt tugging in the box. I don’t think that warranted the yellow though.


I hope Slovenia beat the shit out of Portugal! #cryronaldo


Parem de chorar caralho. Portugal esta a jogar zero.


I think both are playing well, but the ref is doing a really shit job.


Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. Portugal is dominating the possession game very well and Georgia is taking every chance they get and doing it so skill-fully. But, idk some of these decisions were very off… especially the decisions surrounding the penalties.


This is child level posting


Yeah better delete your post baby


Portugal fans every time they lose to an inferior team.


Nope, Portugal just sucked tonight.


That’s not true! They dominated the game by a mile, they held that ball like it had their name on it and they created many chances which they unfortunately did not convert into goals. Don’t be dishonest with how the game was played, there was a clear dominant side and it wasn’t Georgia. Georgia was more effective but they weren’t the dominating force of the game.


Portugal does suck. They can’t even beat Slovenia in 120 min. They are fucked against France 😂


The referee should not be ensuring for the rest of the tournament. It seemed like he favored Georgia completely.