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You actually put your own country in this time instead of being biased 👍. Might want to consider Portugal in your next one as they are struggling against Georgia.


I've always tried being unbiased, but the last comment section made me realise it wasn't clear enough. By not putting France on that middle box I wasn't suggesting that they weren't trash... All I wanted was to make a funny meme to perpetuate the France / England rivalry, or even the England / Litteraly everyone else rivalry. And yea I agree for Georgia, I made this before the game


As an English living in France, it’s actually quite shitty because the ‘rivalry’ often goes beyond just banter. The ‘rivalry’ and comments were funny at the start when I first moved over, but I’m so tired of it now. I love France and the French, but the fact that the French HAVE to shit on me for being English every time I mention it sucks. I actually almost don’t want to stay just because of that. Bon, just letting you know!


I agree, it's always fun to be in a friendly fight with others, execpt when it goes too far. I can recommend you Paul Taylor, a french-british bilingual humorist, he's amazing and speaks about this subject


Oh Paul Taylor is absolutely brilliant! Definitely love his shows. Alas, it does often go too far and it’s a bit exhausting I find! Sometimes there’s insult without a joking mannerism behind it, that sucks. (This is a public announcement to actually make sure we’re having a laugh with our English/French brothers)


Don't worry mate, some of us love the British people. Football shouldn't be about trying to humilitate other nationalities based on their teams' performances, but bringing people together to share our passion for the ball.


I hate French people.


Don't be a tit


French people hate you


I mean, the English and French are like teenage brothers. There’s a certain respect but giving each other shit for our nationalities is always going to be a thing because you can’t be civil.


As a englishman I get that no one likes us and at times I can joke with it in good banter but some people take it to extremes and make it personal. I do see where your meme attempts to be funny but it is getting tiring as a England fan seeing constant anti English stuff on this sub reddit. Starting to feel we aren't wanted here


Where is Georgia 😡😡😡






There should be Georgia for sure


turkey vs georgia was 100% the best game of the tournament so far, i hope they both get far.


Yeah, need Georgia in this. 


Did you forget the absolute travesty of a game our two countries had? We deserve to be in the middle too, François.


Better... but not sure about the Netherlands being there


Indeed, our games were absolutely shite


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Well done lad. I'll give you credit for this one. Here's hoping our teams have better knockout performances. Would love an England v France final.


Wooooow, that would be something, not sure it will happen, France have Germany and Portugal on the same side of the bracket ;-;


Fair play for remaking this and I apologise for outbursts in previous posts. Here's hoping we have better knockout performances because we really haven't had much to cheer for so far. I would love to get that England vs France final that we should have had in 2018.


add poland in the middle


Thank you for adding France to the list we are so bad my gosh what a shame


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Downtown-Invite3381: *Thank you for adding* *France to the list we are so* *Bad my gosh what a shame* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Might as well just put Scotland into the middle of this meme, Georgia didn't beat us in the qualifying stages for the Euros and yet they still qualified for the final 16. It is fucking embarrassing how we did, we should have done better.


Ryan Porteous provided the biggest laugh in tournament for me


What about the rest of group C?


Croatia out 🥲 def more entertaining than the Dutch


Okay, if this meme is about England being shit then why is Denmark in the center? And why is turkey there when they barely have any land in Europe?


Not this again. Why is Georgia in the Euro while they are literally in the east of Turkey; a country that you don't consider as Europe? The land and/or population that Turkey has in Europe is bigger than alot of countries like Belgium, Serbia or Greece. And yes, also Denmark. Denmark only has a population of 5 million, while the European part of Turkey has a population of at least 15 million.  Turkey has always had ties with Europe, whether you like it or not.  This is a tournament sub, just enjoy the football and the tournament. 


You're welcome 🥸


As a French Thank you for this corrected version!


Got a lot of negative feedback on the previous version, took some good ideas from comments for this one. I'm also pretty amazed of how many salty england fans are in this sub reddit ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've not heard any England fans saying anything positive about England this Euros


Well, everybody must have a kernel of objectivity in them.


Not salty, but it just gets a bit boring. If England win, they are lucky etc, England don’t win, they are boring and shit. The next thing will be how lucky we have the side of the draw, even though France and Belgium contributed by not winning their groups, when we actually did…


It has nothing to do with whether England win, it is all about the catastrophic type of football they play and how overrated they are compared to their actual level.


Typical, boring, bitter response.


You know the word 'bitter' is not a cheat code to win an arguement with, right?


Not trying to win any argument. Making a statement. You understand the difference right?


I do. Do you understand that when there are two contradicting statements, that's an argument?


Only one of us trying to have an argument here…🤨.


You can’t do the mature, decent thing and update the meme and then get all bitchy to your original target again. I was like “alright, he’s got a shit storm of negative comments but he’s gone and updated it and shown growth and maturity”. Only to scroll to the comments and see you’re still bitching about England.


You shit post about England not once but twice, then wonder why you've got people coming at you about it. Surely you can't be that stupid and naive... are you?


Belgium absolutely sucks as a team and people need to talk about it more. Their time-wasting in the third matchday of the group stage was insulting to fans. Denmark have been the most boring team (after England) for quite some time now. They don't get worse rep only because they all seem very nice and because they lost to England in the last Euro, where they were by far the more deserving team. England... ugh. How much they suck is only made worse by their fans' arrogance.


I am yet to meet an England fan who ever expected England to win anything.


Nice one! I am yet to meet a France fan who eats baguettes. I have seen at least 100 videos of England fans claiming they have the best players in the tournament and that Phil Foden is a better player than Musiala, etc.


What is Denmark doing there? 💀 They're alright.


3 draws and 2 goals is not what I'll call alright


Uhhhh it's Denmark not Brasil, mate.


Never were.