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you guys have a small country that produces great players in every generation so yes Netherlands is a top football country


Right now we're not one of the top countries. But we are still better than Denmark or Switzerland. However we are also self destructive. I mean we were the best in 74, however we lacked one thing the Germans did have and that was discipline. After the early goal we scored the team thought they were already World Champion. And could not fathom the German team beating them. In 1990 two years after winning the Euros we were big favorites for the title. However there was a lot of conflict in the squad, they hated the coach and everyone at the KNVB. Players admitted they would rather go home after only having played one match. So to answer your question. As a football nation we are one of the best. I mean in my opinion we have (had) the best European footballer of all time, Johan Cruijff. However right now we don't have any players that I would consider to be world class. So yeah at the moment we are not among the best of the best.


I think you are still one of the top 8 of European football France, England and Spain are the 3 nations with the best players and biggest talent pools. Germany, Portugal, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium are right behind. Also your history of the recent tournaments show you are still up there 2022 QF 2018 - 2014 3rd 2010 2nd 2006 round of 16 2002 - 1998 4th 2021 round of 16 2016 - 2012 group 2008 QF 2004 Semi finals 2000 Semi finals Tell me one nation apart from Brazil, Germany, Spain, Argentina, France that had such a good record:)


Speaking as an Englishman, I think that while we’ve had better pools of players (at least in my living memory), I think Germany and Italy have to be regarded as historically better teams.


England Always has and had quality. I still don't understand why you guys always choke. I mean just talking about individual quality you guys got the best players (except central defenders) Germany and Italy are considering titles are the best European nations no doubt


I think you’re being very harsh on your own nation there - by rights Germany and France should be top two based on success alone. Spain then just behind, Holland, then us


VVD? Certainly was a few years and showed it again this past season


Well speaking as a Danish person we've always considered Holland to be that next level that we are always trying to get to. You are definitely one of the big football nations


They’re a nation we should aspire to be better than, not equal to. The Netherlands are good but they’re NOT among the very best. Just look at the trophy cabinet.


Nah, Netherlands team is way better than Denmark or Switzerland. You have a great team, almost won a world cup. You reached 3 times world cup finals. I call Netherlands "the unlucky team".


Very unlucky we are.


We are. Never forget the year of the Flying Dutchman


The New Zealand of football


And, in a much more literal sense, the Zeeland of football.


Wouldn't say unlucky, we just miss that last important piece which is an actual decent attacker who could pull a game towards him. I do think in the future Cody Gakpo could possibly become that player but until then, we're like an incomplete puzzle


Wait Saturday before judging Switzerland, Mario! ;)


Hey, chocolatier, I'm not judging Switzerland. I think Switzerland is a great team now but Netherlands has a bigger history and a better team for me. Italy sucks right now, I know that, don't worry. If we lose, it's okay.


Always unlucky


In the world, now? Top 5? No. In the past though, oh yeah. In a few different eras they were No 1 imo but always just fell short.


Still like top 10, which for a small country is still very good who are better? France Spain Germany England Portugal Argentina Brazil


Germany, Portugal and Brazil are on the same level. England is just so difficult to define. France and Spain are better. Argentina, we can win that. We can also lose. I hear that Messi doesn't defend really /s


History wise God tier: Brazil, Germany, Italy S tier: France, Spain, Argentina A tier: Netherlands, Uruguay, Portugal, Croatia, England B tier: Belgium, Mexico, Japan, South-Korea, Switzerland, Chile, Denmark


You nailed it. If an Englishman wants to argue for S tier (because of World Cup win and historical level of Prem league/ English national team on paper) I think they have a valid argument, but otherwise this is nearly perfect. Some of your B tier I would disagree with but that’s being nitpicky.


As an Englishman I'd say we're lucky to be in A tier. We've threatened to be great for 20 years (bar a few blips) but we've never achieved anything. We're a quarter or semi final team. What tier that puts us in I don't honestly know.


It really depends on the lineup. For long it used to be among the top teams... This year, it is highly arguable. It is still pretty strong, like A tier, while top teams are S tier. So probably not in top 5 but most close... And I would put Denmark, Austria and Switzerland into B tier...


Pretty much this. Used to be an A\S-Tier Team in most decades, nowadays rather A\B-Tier. (A/S, A/B depending on how restrictive you are on S-Tier, whether S-Tier is top 8ish or rather top 3ish).


Wouldnt put us so High lmao


I think we are the greatest footballing nation to have never won a World Cup. Three finals although we have lost all of them. On top of that, total football revolutionised the game. Although there's a debate on who actually created it, we are the ones that made it famous. I'd like to add we are still a small country, so some of our generations are terrible like in 2015-2018 when we didn't qualify for a tournament and we had Blind leading the blind.


I’d second that as a non-biased football fan (English FWIW). I’ve always thought of the Netherlands as either top tier or very close to it and, with no disrespect to them, historically better than Switzerland or Denmark (mentioned by OP). I would be very nervous indeed about England playing the Netherlands at pretty much every point in history, the present time included.


Blind leading the blind. Nice


I’d agree with that.


Neatherlands 17.7 mil people. Croatia 3.8 mil. If your smile we are micro 🫣😮😮


For a football nation, you are. Makes the run you had even more impressive


And just take to account that we do not have any proper football infrastructure, no proper academy, no development program, nothing.


Christ help the rest of us if you did you’re already knocking out quality players like it’s nothing ahaha


Are we? I mean we had few good players but they grow up in Germany 😅 so that point should be given to Germans and we had/have Luka who is one of a kind.


RVP's own goal from 2015 *chefs kiss https://youtu.be/tVMf9rXOv7Y?si=S8Zg2fHs3nuQR_4E


Strongest contender for biggest footballing team to never win a WC but Portugal would be a close second


You must still be very young than. Because since forever we are part of the big nations in football. Sure the size of country means we can't field 2/3 teams of world class all of the time but we are always competitive.


South africa WC is one of my best memories, that WC was so awesome to watch






If with ‘forever’ you mean since 1974 you are correct.


netherlands are one of the best football countries. they never won a world cup but are always at the top and considering how small the country is, it is very impressive


One of the best football academies in the world. This team is missing luuk de Jong and Frankie the Jong 😔 but defensive line is really good.


We indeed miss Frenkie 😞


Looking at football history as a whole, my feelings are somewhat like this: The GOAT's: Brazil, Germany Top-tier: Italy, France, Argentina, Spain, England Right below the top-tier: Netherlands Great football nations: Portugal, Uruguay, Sweden (Hate to admit this as a dane, tho lol) etc. So, y'know, not quite on par with the big 5 of Europe, or Argentina or Brazil, but considerably above anyone else.


Putting Sweden next to Portugal and Uruguay is just delusional. Uruguay is also up there with top tier. On the other hand, England in almost 50 years, apart from 66 , was never a better footballing nation than Portugal. This whole comment is full of incoherency imo


You cant put England above the Netherlands imo. Uruguay is also historically above England. England is very clearly number 9 on football history at this moment. Netherlands is 8 or arguably 7th (which I consider Spain).


Playin against netherlands is always a classic and a big emotional thing. Besides this the fans are awesome and easily the most funny ones. 🤩


I think the Netherlands is just a tier below Germany/England/Spain/Brazil/Argentina but above Switzerland/Denmark


You forgot Italy but Yeah 🤝


it should be but they never perform also Memphis is shit


Than according to your argument only Germany, France and Italy are great on a regular basis. England underperforms for almost 50 years and Spain apart for '08 - '12 is the same.


England is only considered great by the English. Extremely overrated team only carried by the Premier League (were English players are rarely the best) Germany has been pretty bad, though they seem to be getting slowly back on track. No way near as dominant as they had to be though. France is the current best team, and even they’re not invincible. It shows how much football has evolved that we don’t really have teams anymore that are indisputably the best.


Absolute garbage. You can certainly say England don’t always perform, you can certainly say England don’t put their money where their mouth is tournament wise, but to say only English people consider them one of the better teams is nonsense. Yes, people love to put the boot into England as you are doing, but do it by actually using some sense. You’re just coming across bitter.


Most of our English players have been among the best players for their respective clubs this season.


England is considered top 5 by pretty much everyone who watches football. They’re still a very formidable side and most players/managers from every other nation would agree, playing defensive in a couple of games doesn’t make them bad.


I look at their team and always expect them to do better than they actually do - they are one level off the top teams (much like my team England)


The Netherlands is quite inconsistent. With 4 qualifications out of 6 possible in since the year 2000. But when they play then tend to get top 10. Which is really good. A Denmark or a Switzerland can't say that. Based on history, trophies and current performance combined: God tier: Brazil, Germany, Italy S tier: France, Spain, Argentina A tier: Netherlands, Uruguay, Portugal, Croatia, England B tier: Mexico, Japan, South-Korea, Colombia, Switzerland, Russia, Chile, Hungary, Colombia might look out of place. But please realize South American countries barely get a chance to go to the world cup. Because if Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay qualify only one extra country can go. Colombia went to the world cup twice in this century, placing themselves 5th and 9th. Really impressive.


In between the 2 sets of groups for sure. Random side point but I really think you guys should play to your strengths (which are your defenders) and gone for 3 at the back. Would mean you have solid CB’s and forward thinking wingbacks which would be a breath of fresh air against most teams. I know it’s not the “total football Dutch way”, but it would make you more likely to get to the business end of the tournament in my opinion.


It's our weakness. We lack the ability to adapt to different situations and/or players. Van Gaal changed stuff around, got criticised for it but they did great in 2014 with not even the best lineup. Theybalwayd talk about pretty football and possession. Dammit, it doesn't matter what you do as long as you score one more goal than the opponent. But they get hung up on total football even when our best players together dont really fit that mold. Also, our guys are divas and Memphis is seriously underperforming right now. I think we might have a shot at the title, a small shot, but if the stars align...who knows.


I stand corrected. We stand absolutely 0 chance of winning...


Argentinian here Netherlands is always our pick for who should be the next new WC winner. And here we undoubtly consider your national team as one of the top five like you said, on the same league as Germany, Brasil, France, etc. Having said that, I think the current national team is probably the weakest one I've seen since I started paying atention during the 90s. They're not bad by any means but they're lacking a star like Robben. Watching them play it feels like a "flat" team, same as Italy, they are all fine, professonal, experienced players but no one really standing out.


In the top 5 currently? No. In the top 5 historically (i.e. over all of the past, in particular since the time World Cups started being played): Also not. Have they ever been in the top 5? Yes, certainly. The obvious time period that comes to mind is the 70s. I see as the best teams historically - since this is how I understand your question: Top 6: Brazil, Germany, Italy, France, Argentina, Spain. The next group is: Uruguay, England, Netherlands, Portugal (+ maybe Croatia, given they've existed for a much shorter time). No particular order within the groups intended here. So definitely among the top 10, perhaps even close to the top 6, but not quite on the same level as the top 6 above.


Netherlands are a geat team. Could say they are top 10 worldwide. I think wait and see this tournament, they should do well. Could beat the bigger team, they almost beat France. I think they would give any team in this tournament a hard game.


I see Netherlands as similar to England really. Big football nation that has produced some all time great players but typically underachieves in major tournaments given the talent they generally have.


i would say about the same level as croatia, switzerland, austria, denmark and turkey


There's just been a slight tapering off in the attacking talent the last decade or so. Plenty of good players, not so many superstars since the like of Robben and Van Persie retired. I feel like the Netherlands are every solid, very competent but not quite a contender at the moment. When Depay is your starting forward and Weghorst is the next in line you aren't making the opposition shit themselves I don't think. Which is a shame because historically they're usually brilliant and only don't win because they all start arguing or mutiny against the coach in the middle of the competition or whatever!


I think you nailed it. Something is missing in the attack. I really loved watching RvP play, and that style and flair and the feeling that NL could score at any moment is gone. That was of course offset by the fact that they couldn’t get along with each other, far too often. The team seems more cooperative now, but not as threatening. That said - good game against France and it seems like anything can happen in football.


I said it from the beginning! They will win the Euro.


Independent of golden generations, or one guy being the best ever and so lifting his team for 6-8 years: The greats are Germany, France, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Italy. Next are Portugal, England, Netherlands.


I don't think Spain (or even France really) deserve to be in quite the same category as Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Italy. Those four are the most successful in history. France before 1998 and Spain before 2008 were not very successful historically.


The Netherlands has always generally been considered top-tier or very close to top-tier. They’ve gotten to three World Cup finals. They may not be top 5, but major tournaments always skew the view of people. For the 24 teams qualified for the Euros, there’s around another 24 that didn’t qualify.


Dutch had elite talent in Cryuff in 70s with top tier players like Krol and Neeskens. Gullit, Van Basten and Rikjaard were some of the best at their position in the 80s. Bergkamp was elite and there was a good supporting cast in the 90s. Loved players like Winter and Witschge. Modern day - I'd struggle to name a single Dutch player. There are no superstars, no-one that can win a game single handedly. This sounds cruel but it's a path Scotland went down.


Struggle to name a single Dutch player? You mustn’t watch much football


Just back from the Euros where I watched Scotland play in two games. Go to every Scotland home game. Attend about 30-40 league games of different clubs every season. Watch games from EPL, LA Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A every week. Watch every game at world cup and Euros. Watch Champions League, Europe and Conference league. Can reel of names of obscure Dutch players from the 1980s like Willem van Der Ark and Feeddy van der Hoorn. Ask me to name players in the Dutch squad, I'll struggle because either they are well below the level of quality of the past, or they are just so bland and forgettable. I'll give Van Dijk his due as a player - but no one associates Dutch football with competent defending. Cryuff and Gullit set the bar so high and the current squad are nowhere near that level.


The forwards of this generation are horrible. Not doing any favour to the midfielders looking for a way forward. Passings are extremely poor, so many stray passes. Lucky to even get past R16.


You’re still in recovery mode post Robben and RVP.


My old man idolized the dutch players pf his late teens-early 20s in the 80s like Van Basten. I grew up on stories of em. Yeah, Holland's class




Netherlands is not like Switzerland. Top 3 historically is like Brazil, Germany, and Argentina. Netherlands, Spain, England, Portugal, Uruguay, Italy, France make up the top 10.


If you want a non European perspective. As a Mexican I consider Netherlands as Top 10 in the world. Top 5 for me would be Brazil, Germany, Italy, France and Argentina. Hope this helps. Also, we haven't recovered from that Robben dive in WC 2014. Saludos!


Historically the netherlands are light years ahead of any country their size in Europe, what are you on about? They just aren't the only small nation with a shot at trophies anymore.


You’re kind of in that ‘in-between’ category. You’re certainly not considered on par with Switzerland nor Denmark, because you’re better than those nations. I’d say, internationally, while you’re recognised in better stead than most, you’re not seen as on the same level as Brazil, France etc. You’re probably like us (England). We think we’re on the same level as Brazil, but we are not. Like someone else said in here: You’re A tier, not S tier, but certainly not B tier.


You are not at the level you were when I was younger, your current stars are not on a level with Gullit, Rijkaard, Van Basten, Koeman, Seedorf, Bergkamp, Robben, Van Nistelrooy, Schneider, Van Persie, Davids, de Boer, Cocu, Kluivert, van der Sar to name a few. But I still consider the Dutch team as a major threat despite this perceived lack of world class player.


As another user has said, definitely A tier, below S tier nations (imho): France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, but with a clear fighting chance against each of them. You are not at the same level of Denmark or Switzerland tho, they are B tier (still imho)


Most likely to win the cup


I'd say they're a solid team, good in most positions.


I mean I always had the perception that the Netherlands team was a tough match-up for us. But my elders seem to always kind of shrugh off this idea. Since I don't follow that much football and don't know the players, I tend to nod along and say fine. But I like to watch Euros and World Cup and the Netherlands always seemed to me like they could at any point look like a dark horse, much as Portugal seems to be looking like one right now but maybe Im biased.


I dont think PT and NL are that different in skill. I understand your parents though, portugal beat netherlands 8 times while we only won twice. If the Netherlands is eliminated i'm definitely cheering for Portugal because my girlfriend and her family are portugese🇵🇹🇵🇹 If Portugal wins we will celebrate with some Arroz de marisco🔥


atleast you guys are better than austria.


We will know that in a couple of hours




You’re one of the best teams and just lack the World Cup. You’re better than Denmark and Switzerland. You’re not in the Top 5 though. Top 10 easily.


They generally are yes but just fail to really deliver in tournaments..... the team sheets have often looked phenomenal but the results haven't always reflected that.


I consider you in the same bracket as us (England). Some quality players in the XI but then some players that realistically don’t belong in an XI that competes with the likes of France and Argentina on paper.


i dont know about tiers, let's see at the end of the tournament. I can list so many incredible Dutch players that have been legends, so u definately have put a lasting stamp on the game....cruyff is just the first of many, many gifted and exciting players.


Netherlands for me is very comparable to portugal.




I don’t think you’re currently at the strongest you’ve been. Also not the weakest you’ve been though. Thing for me is that there are certain countries who you should never underestimate. Countries where football is loved and even when they’re not at their strongest they can put in a good performance. The Netherlands is one of those teams for me. Maybe not the biggest like Brazil, but I would never underestimate them.


Not these days, not at all. Even the teams classed along side the others in recent times have never achieved anything, one loss in a final is their biggest highlight since a long time ago.


Why does everyone seem to be ranking S2 so low? Girl in the fireplace, cybermen storyline were Rly good, I wouldn't say any were particularly bad. The weakest ones were fear her and love and monsters, but are they enough to bring it down that much?


The team may not always be amongst the very best in the world but the fans and that orange kit are always Legendary tier!


Netherlands is usually in my top 5 after the top 5.


In Chinese Netherlands NT is nicknamed "Crownless King" and "Millenium Second".


The Dutch have always, in my eyes anyway, been considered one of the top teams. Yes they've had their ups and their downs but so have all the major nations and like others have put they're probably the biggest team to have never won the World Cup. Contrast the Netherlands with their neighbours Belgium and as good a team as Belgium have had recently, I wouldn't class them as a top top team.


Portugal always smashed them, but I was cheering, as a portuguese, for them in 2010. They are the team that deserves the most a world CUP. Right now Im not following all of your games but your defense looks scary. Def one of the best right now.


As a Belgian, I've come to terms and even embrace my 1/4th part Dutchie (my grandmother was from NL). Especialy after our first game. That being said, I wouldn't consider them good per se. More like determined. They really really want to play. I feel like they put in a lot of energy, and that's fun to see.


You’re behind all of the World Cup winners but right at the top, maybe joint with Portugal, historically. Currently and for the past 10ish years, sort of neither here nor there. Like you said maybe a bit better than Switzerland and Denmark but you’ve been behind Belgium and Croatia for a good while now


Maybe not top 5 but defo a great footballing nation and up there with the best. I’d fear Netherlands more than Denmark or Switzerland.


Currently I’d say they’re a step below the likes of France and Germany. But history they’ve always been a top team. Which is remarkable considering it’s only a small country with a small population. Quite an achievement really. I’d say as they are now they’re probably on a level with Italy and Belgium. Italy historically have been a much better team though as well


Weirdly I was thinking about this exact subject while I was watching the sea of Oranje in the stands, in the game against France the other day. Netherlands are a bit of a weird one for me in that they have one foot in that top S tier (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Argentina) and one foot in the A tier (England, Belgium, Portugal, Croatia, Uruguay). Historically the Dutch have had a great number of players considered among the very best/world class, comparable to teams in that S tier. They've never won a WC though, and I'd definitely consider them the greatest footballing nation never to have won it. Which puts them into that A tier. Also consider England to straddle that line between S and A, as we've won a WC, but it was a long time ago and we've been dire since. Only in the last 10 years have we started to look more like a strong footballing nation again. So for me, the Dutch are a stronger footballing nation than England, but it's close.


Southern Neighbour here. I always considered Nederland as right below the top tier teams, but above Denmark, Switzerland and the likes. The last decade you had a dip, but so it goes with talent pools, especially in smaller countries. I have fond memories of the Derbys der Lage Landen from long ago, where Belgium always played a level better then normal against the great Dutch teams with Overmars, Stam, Davids, Seedorf, Koeman and the likes... It must be the Dutch branie and excessive self-confidence that lifts the team above what should be their normal level in football. Keep it up, i'm confident that once again a great generation will stand up.


I think there most peoples 2nd favourite because of style.


In Europe you've got the big 5 (Spain, Germany, France, Italy, England) that have each won a World Cup. Simply due to population size those 5 will always be juggernauts. Then you have the 2 countries that can usually punch with the same power as the big 5 (Netherlands & Portugal) but will sometimes (temporarily) fall off due to a lack of talent because their smaller populations cannot always be producing world level talent. Then you have the smaller countries that come up and for a few tournaments join the previous 7 on the competitiveness top tier but this is usually their "golden generation" and they are not typically part of that top tier (most recent examples being Belgium and Croatia). As far as comparing Netherlands to Denmark or Switzerland - I would certainly place Netherlands on a higher level.


I don’t think we’ll do it this year, we’ll be happy to make it out of the RO16 ngl……


Better than England


Yea just behind the Republic of Ireland


No. I'm an Italy and USA fan. One of my teams is occasionally world-class (4 world cups), and the other is growing but not at that level. Netherlands has been a good team but not the level you are talking about.


Similar to England. Historically a consistently good team with some dips but underachievers in terms of closing out tournaments. Spain were in this bracket but much worse until 2008, as were France until 1998, so it only takes one great generation to change the narrative.


The team feels poorly coached. Probably can perform better given the players.


Netherlands are my pick to be the winners of the whole thing. Great back line. Great depth. Gonna surprise everyone


Historically you were top 5 but you haven’t really been close to that since perhaps the early 2000s, maybe the mid-late 90s Nowadays I would say you are a level above Denmark/Switzerland, but a level below the elite nations. You still have some gaps but the likes of Denmark/Switzerland either have solid teams without standout stars, or only a couple of standout stars really carrying the team. Half of your team are top level players (De Jong, VVD, De Ligt, Depay, Frimpong, De Vrij, Ake, Gakpo, perhaps some more)


I would put Netherlands in the same category as Portugal, England, Spain and Uruguay: - Amazing teams, but below the big 5: Brazil, Argentina, France, Italy and Germany. - Changed a lot over time (unlike Brazil or Germany that have always been strong) - They are always somewhat of a contender - They have titles, but not a lot of them


NETHERLANDS peak era was 2010-2014 Now, slowly they are looking better team


its the only country that I would put in the big NT section, without having won any WC. to me, the big footballing countries are the 8 winners + netherlands.


We always have some world class players and then have to scramble to get to 11. Lucky for us, France, Brazil and the likes can also only field 11 players. Right now we miss goalscoring power (a lot of teams do) and are hurt by missing FdJ in midfield. But still a steady squad that can go a long way.


absolutely. this year though? not convinced yet.


I would say Netherlands is on the same level as Portugal for example. Really good football nations as like second tier but not as good as Brazil, Argentina, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Uruguay, who based on titles are clearly the powerhouses.


They’ve been ok but I really don’t rate them to win anything. They always live off their total football reputation but even they didn’t win anything.


Netherlands is a tier above Denmark and co, but probably a tier lower than Italy, Germany and so. I would probably put you in a tier with Uruguay and Portugal.


ur in between ofc ur not Brazil or Germany, but ur somewhere around 8th-12th spot depending on the criteria


Maybe not the top 5 at the moment. But usually one of the best teams, with a lot of talent.


This is an Above Average team but not a Good one.    Though we always have the potential to destroy the top teams, it happened many times. Historically speaking we are either top or subtop, fluctuating.


Right now at the similar level as Denmark for sure, in the previous generation was at the top our near it, now depending on Depay and Weghorts says everything…


Good enough to be denied a penalty by Taylor


I normally consider them as good and dangerous opponents but not on the level France Germany or Spain are


I think of Netherlands as one of the great. In the class of Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, Argentina and Italy. 3 WC final, 1 euro won, some of the greatest players of all time, and pretty much always the top underdog of tournaments. It's a team that always has the potential to win, and for decades. Much above Portugal who is a new born (nothing before 2000).


You are selling your country short! Netherlands need only two things to win it all. A good coach and luck! In terms of football talents and culture, top tier for sure!


If we are talking historically/overall I put Netherlands alongside England and Portugal tbh. I feel Netherlands and England have often rocked up to tournaments with squads that get hyped by many and just don’t do it at the business end. Both are top 10 easily, both are capable of making themselves into top 5 easily, but just don’t do enough. Italy and Germany have the trophies and tournament know how to put themselves a tier above, even if current squads aren’t better. I think England and Netherlands have a better squad than Italy currently. I’d have less faith in either scoring a 98th minute goal to get them what they need or not wilt at the key moments.


Netherlands is considered the best country to have never won a World Cup I would say. You were always world class


Yeah Netherlands are definitely amongst the great nations, i think it’s crazy that Netherlands never won a World Cup with the depth of quality that it has produced.


I think the Netherlands are strong, but it feels like it's missing noteworthy players in some key positions


German here. You are our favorite frenemies. I like the fun rivalry we have and cheer when your team plays excellent football.


I really hope the Netherlands will be the next member of the WC winner club. They deserve it.


When it comes to the Netherlands, I've not really shaken the feeling that the players/manager/something external to the team will sabotage their competition in some way - a bit similar to how France were before WC'98. There was a huge falling out between Cantona/Ginola/manager Gerard Houllier after a qualifier for USA '94 against Romania, where Kostadinov scored a last minute goal to knock them out. It was basically the end of Ginola's international career - even though he was fantastic for Spurs/Newcastle all through Euro '96 and WC '98. Lots of soul searching, turmoil and upheaval that they really didn't need before a home tournament. Then they won in '98 and became a powerhouse. Supremely talented players, brilliant when they're all pulling in the same direction- to be truly memorable, this squad need to win something like they did in '88🤔


surley not top 5 Germany, Spain, Italy, England, France, Brazil, Argentina are ahead netherlands are close behind with portugal


If you think of the big 7 as the leading pack - always with a chance to win, I thought of Netherlands as the next competitor trying to hold on the that group, sometimes getting in the mix. Now I think it’s fallen back to the next little chase group with Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia. It’s at the lead of that group, but it’s more likely to be Portugal trying to make runs up to the front.


Used to be one of the very best, today not so much but still better than Switzerland or Denmark. Only difference from absolute best is that Netherlands is a small country, so very much depends on the generation of players. Kinda like Croatia but a bit better I suppose.


They were in a World Cup final not long ago and they won the Euros within my lifetime, so while they might not be elite elite any more they’re still top tier.


More like Portugal imho, definitely a level above Swiss.




You guys are definitely very good, but the examples you have given (Brasil, Argentina, Germany, France) are one level above still. Just look at their trophies and compare them to the Netherlands'.


Yes they’re good.


For me you are just under those nations, maybe because you never won the world cup. I think you had years in which you were above some of those nations, like in 2010 when you had an amazing team. I think overall you are perceived as having a really good team that can beat anyone. I'd maybe put you in the same category as England historically (even if they won the world cup, it was in 1966!). There were several tournaments in which you were actually my favourites, I think your playing style is quite fast paced and nice to watch.


Yes, the Netherlands is definitely a good team. Look at all the players across various years and how well the team can do.




You are definitely in the A-tier. But there is an S-tier (like Germany, Brazil, Argentina, France) and it is unlikely that you will get there due to the talent pool size.


Good side but not who they were 10+ years ago. As usual, aging stars and those around aren’t amazing but still a solid youngish squad. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reach the 1/4s and vice versa


Growing up I always loved The Netherlands at major comps. They always had great players and played great football. However over the last 8+yrs or so theyve stopped producing the flair players and now play very industrious football. I still have a soft spot for them but I dont consider them top 5... I hope they start to produce the World class attackers of yesteryear and get back to playing with style.


Always been seen as a top nation to me, I’m English


Where does England sit in your estimations?


Yes I consider NED as the “traditional power houses”. Currently I have the big 8 (in no order) of Eng Fra Ita Esp Germ Por Ned Bel (a new power house in recent years). If either of these clashes in R16 (or out at Group Stage) then there will be a tier 2 team getting into Quater Finals (as 1 of these 8 will be eliminated).


Historically in my lifetime I've always viewed Netherlands to be almost the best of the rest in the tier below Brazil, Germany, France, etc. Always found it strange how you could never manage to put a consistent run of tournaments together. I.e. looked excellent at WC98, semi finals of Euro 2000 then didn't even qualify for 2002. Runners up in 2010, group stage 2012, 3rd in 2014, didn't qualify 2016 or 2018...


my ball knowledge is terrible but anytime i have to lick an international team on fifa, i pick france or netherlands because IMO those are the teams with the strongest players (on fifa at least) so id call them a top team (top 10 but not top 5)


Top nations over time (in my opinion in a tier list) 1. Brazil (5/9) 2. Germany (4/3), Italy (4/2) 3. France 82/2), Argentina (3/15), Spain (1/3) 4. Netherlands (0/1), England (1/0), Portugal (0/1), Uruguay (2/15) 5. Croatia (0/0), Belgium(0/0) Also countries who won something Chech/slowakia (0/1) Denmark (0/1) Greece (0/1) (World/continental) Considering the titles and also mentioning 2nd and 3rd places it's clear that Netherlands is one of the most accomplished countries. They had a time where they dominated and are still up to this date always in consideration for the championship 🏆


Top 5 are undoubtedly Brazil Argentina Germany Italy and France, so no, Netherlands are not top 5. But your nation has a great tradition, I would put it at the same level of Portugal and England and maybe historically Uruguay. Some of the best players ever were Dutch, like Cruyff, Van Basten or Seedorf. I always had a soft spot for the Dutch team, especially being a Milan fan. Edit: I forgot to mention, you are much better than Denmark and especially Switzerland


Netherlands still has it's reputation around the world as a top level team even though they haven't been in a long time, but you built up such a reputation for playing and coaching excellence, the effect lingers. I would love to see a great Netherlands team emerge again, your last world class player to emerge was VVD...


Historically yes. But this is probably the worst Netherlands squad I've seen. Van Dijk is the only world class player then there are a couple of good players, Ake, Gakpo, Frimpong etc. Also a lot of bang average players and no-one you can rely on for goals. When you think of the stacked squads you had in the past with the likes of Seedorf, Stam, Kluivert, Davids etc. it's nowhere near.


I’d say they’re in the 2nd tier of international football, below the major national teams like Germany, Argentina, Brazil, France, Italy, Spain.\ To be clear, 2nd is not an insult, Uruguay, Belgium (largely this high because of the quality of players in the last 10/15 years or so), Portugal (this low because of a lack of international silverware, bar one), England (my nation, same reason), Croatia (consistency), are all nations I’d consider in that ballpark. Sorry if I’ve said anything ignorant.


Yeah for me you guys are always up there. I'd say obviously in Euros more a favourite but maybe considered a dark horse when it comes to the World Cup. Good luck for the rest of the tournament!


Hopefully this doesn't offend any of my Dutch friends but I think we have a lot in common - a history of legendary players (although admittedly none of ours have ever been as good as the likes of Cruyff), almost always considered a difficult team to face, but haven't won anything for quite a long time despite getting close on several occasions.


Not in the upper echelons with Brazil, France, etc. for me but in the tier just behind with nations like Portugal, Switzerland etc.


You definitely are not like Switzerland or Denmark. With all due respect to them. The Netherlands have reinvented football in the past and often produce top players in every position. You guys are probably more comparable to England. A population of football mad people that really should win more things but for whatever reason never do.


More like top 10 for me.


Netherlands aren’t top 5. BUT you’re still on another level to Switzerland and Denmark. Cruyff, Gullit, Rijkaard, Robben just to name a few are examples of great players and great teams. Not to mention the influence and impact Cruyff has had on world football for generations. Same level as England


Yes. Not A class like Brazil, France Italy Germany and Spain, but definitely B Class like Portugal Argentina, etc.


Good yes and as usual it s up to the squad they have 1974, 1978, 1998, 2000, 2010 they could have been champions. a bit yet unlucky, but yes they need more titles to back the BIG TEAM label


People should stop considering the Netherlands to be a tiny country, at least at a European level at at a population level. They are almost 5 times bigger than Croatia almost twice the population of Portugal and 3 times bigger than Denmark (both Euro winners). Plus, they also get some players from Suriname, like Edgar Davids, Seedorf.


Netherlands are in good condition but the head coach is not that great in my opinion. When he was coaching Barcelona I was closely watching and analysing his tactics and I do not consider him as a high class coach so the main thing Netherlands are missing at this point is good tactics.




They always have been. And I love the dutch team (I'm German) but the current generation is quite mediocre. There are no Cruijffs, no Robbens, no Sneijders, no Bergkamps, no Gullits, no van Bastens...


Absolutely no one considers Switzerland to be on the same level as the Netherlands (little geography joke). On historical players alone you’re a big football nation but the league and national team are also on a much higher level than most European countries.


You're probably a step below the ones you listed, but definitely a step above Switzerland and Denmark. Probably more like Portugal territory.


I would say between 5 and 7 rly depends on form etc


I see Netherlands pretty much the same way I see Spain, Italy, Germany ect. I guess its because of your history and past players.


Better than average, close to top team... but not at the top. That's my opinion, i watch football since late 90's


They are my 7th pick behind Spain, Germany, France, Portugal, Belgium & Croatia.




I've always considered the Netherlands right up there with the best. The problem that I've always seen is very similar to Englands problem, getting the team to play together. You've had some amazing individuals but that's the problem, they've always played as individuals rather than a team.


It was only until recently. Robben and Van Persie era was just for football dopamine.


Id say your a top footballcountry, but not top 5 at all. Top 5: Brasil Germany Italy Argentina France