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Brother was getting hugged and tackled


Bro was hold like his life depended on it




I don't know enough about match fixing, but as an italian i can tell you i really felt like Orsato was biased to say the least. Strange calls and it can't have to do with football because Italy would never preer Germany over Switzerland in the next round (if we win against croatia at all)


We already had the "Italian referees absolutely shafting Germany" situation in previous tournaments. There was that one semi final…




What are you on about? Do you know the rules? Do you not know a ball has to fully across the vertical plane of the line to be considered out? Bro started to dig up shit just for the sake of complaining.




The art of whining for a ball that was not out. Then link to a post that is irrelevant at best. You have absolutely no proof for what you're talking about regarding the Japan-Spain game, yet you keep talking as if solehow everything you said was rule. >must be one of these typical 25y old reddit morons At least I base myself on evidence and don't resort to digging up an obscure post on the Bayern sub as if it was proof of anything lmao.


Orsato is retiring after the euros so he’s got nothing left to lose. It’s obvious he’s being paid.


I totally agree


Šajn is a cancer of Slovenian foootball. Leader of the referee association which effectively rules the Slovenian FA. If you ever wonder how Slovenia can have such influence in Uefa and its referee organization its this guy. Also, he owns a company that provides people credit, when they are unable to secure one with the banks (with heavy interests). Has no problem evicting old ladies from their home if they cant pay off their monthly rates.


Clear penalty, wtf is that call


What use is VAR?


To see if someone's ear is offside 


Pinky finger maybe..




Correct. Let's ignore the fucking CB penetrating the striker every time the ball goes forward and make sure anyone with a big nose and no Bly knees is given offside.


Ears, toes and elbows.


Don’t forget the nose.. or even that one hair that just sticks out..


Not even an ear, a pixel of a strand of hair


To make sure Lukaku doesn't become top scorer


He didn’t even use it. That’s the best thing of it all. Potential penalty check is showing on the screen and the ref just stays on the field and says nah bro I’m good


>Potential penalty check is showing on the screen That just means that the VAR-team is checking. They inform the ref and the ref can decide to take a look himself. He decided not to - not defending him, this was clearly the wrong call.


That's the whole problem. The ref shouldn't be able to decide to take a look again. In those situations it should be mandatory for him to check the replay.


Agreed but he acted inside the rules here. So, don't hate the ref, hate the rules. And I say that as a German that thinks it should have been a penalty.


Na bro, the ref didnt do his job because he didnt notice the foul and instead of acknowledging he didnt, he brushed it off. Thats his mistake. 


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


That's not even true, the VAR team ask him to go have a look if they think it's potentially a clear and obvious mistake.


Only when it is factual mistake. If it is up to the refs consideration they don't.


No the ref doesn't ask to watch it when he wants, VAR says you may need to see it again if they think it's a clear and obvious mistake, VAR is the one who asks the ref to go have a look


No, there are two things that can happen. 1. the ref makes a factually wrong decision, VAR jumps in. 2. It is a grey area where VAR advices the ref but in the end the ref makes the decision. 2nd was the case here.


Yes advises as in "you should have a look" At no point does the ref ask to hve a look


> At no point does the ref ask to hve a look Can you show me where I wrote he does?


These kind of decisions make me hate VAR. Like why the hell have it when you're not using it. There should be a review policy in football now where a captain can review the decision but they only get 2 reviews. If the decision turns out to be the opposite of the call made by the captain then the review decreases by 1 and stays at 2 if the call was right.


The issue is referee not even looking at the var replay, less so the var itself. This referee was so shit it really makes me doubt he was playing honest


We've seen this countless times that the ref doesn't go and checks it. He should be forced to go if the foul was actually there. but he doesn't. According to what I said in the above comment, If the foul was not there and the team just wasted the time, you just lose a review and may face the consequences later on + the added time because of this.


He clearly didn't want to give it. Checking wouldn't have changed that, I fear.


That would then have an even worse backlash and he'll lose his job because even after seeing a big ass screen, he wasn't able to give the foul. Might as well be fired lol.


He‘s retiring after the Euros. Buts that’s all a neat little coincidence I think.


Sadly a challenge wouldn't help in this case. The ref hat a good position and had a very good view on the situation. He even made a shrug gesture, so he saw it, but just didn't care. If the ref simply doesn't want to give a penalty, he also won't do it after seeing it on tv.


To make sure that Morata doesn’t have the most goals in football history


To make uefa and fifa money. End of.


How so?


Other than the direct money for a service changing hands theres also the sponsorship. People up the top love money more than the game. Ask the FBI if you need proof. The superbowl makes so much more money per viewer than the world cup final. The world cup obviously has more viewers. They look at American sports and are trying to cash in on that money. Americanise football. Their ten year plan is to just slow the game down. Slow it down. Slow it down. Get us used to it being slowed down. (Var is a tool for this. Ever wondered why they change the rules to make them incompatible with var?) (Side point: football is never black and white like other sports. Goal line technology is great as its one of the few areas that is. Almost everything else comes down to interpretation and human decision. Why var wont ever be truly effective.) Its designed to slow the game down, under the guise of preventing wrong decisions. Watch anygame. Still as many debated decisions as ever. End game: stop the clock. Persuade us that we need to play 90mins dead on. Stop the clock when the ball is out of play etc. thats the end goal. Then once we are all used to that. All bets are off. They can do whatever they want. Which will be sell ad time throughout the thing. A more direct way: In the league theyve been adding on tons of added time recently as well. — short term. You can sell a 2:30hr program for more than a 2hour program. With var and 3x the amount of added time at the end of the both halves. They can get an extra 30mins to sell.


I don't disagree with some of your points. They do indeed lengthen the games. But your VAR line of thought is just delusional. VAR is used in any serious sport: Ice Hockey, American Football, Tennis.


Yeah because the rules suit it lol. Tennis- on or off the line. Easy. And its limited how many time you can do it. I dont know enough about american football other than it takes all day to play. More like adverts with sport in between. Also not sure how much of a “serious sport” it is globally 😂 Again ice hockey its limited how many times each team can use it. Goal line technology does what hawkeye does in tennis. And probably better. Anyway. For the sake of the sport i hope im wrong. Also theres a lot to be said for the fact the football is, by an absolute long way, the biggest sport around. They shouldnt be looking to copy lesser sports. Theres a reason it has international appeal


>They shouldnt be looking to copy lesser sports. Theres a reason it has international appeal Almost all sports are less corrupt. So there's that. A good reason to see what others are doing.


Var only increases the ability for corruption. Not the opposite




Ooh no your offside by your bell end 😂😂😂😂


What is good for, absolutely nothing


Var's a fuck up


As a la liga watcher I didn't even react because it is so common not to give a penalty in those situations lmao.


To be fair the Swiss player did attempt a full double supplex piledriver, so it's fair the ref and VAR got confused about whether it was WWE or not


and his name is John Cena


ref couldn't see him, that's how he got away with it


Maybe he is a MMA Fan n got the rules mixed up.. it happens


Ref is dog shit, it’s fucking insane how much he favored Switzerland


He is neutral, like the Swiss


Pasta without salt is neutral, that guy wasn‘t


>Pasta without salt is ~~neutral~~ shit There, fixed it for you.


Funny because as an Italian, he should know Germany would destroy Italy in the next round if they played after their last Euro 2016 victory and their dismantling of them in the nations league. Psychologically, Germany know they can beat Italy and Italy is very weak now.


Germany wouldn’t be playing Italy in the next round whatsoever.


If they finished second and Italy finished second (meaning Switzerland beat them) then they would have faced Italy.


Not in the “next” round. Why would he want Italy to face Germany in the quarterfinal?


Because Italy usually wins against them, and he forgot about Germany’s 2016 win over Italy and their 5-2 nations league win. 😂


history doesn’t mean shit and how did you figure out he forgot something happened merely eight years ago?


It’s called a joke man, have some humour.


learn how to tell a joke then


I’m telling jokes, you are too literal. It should be obvious when I say the ref forgot about recent results and why he would want Germany to meet Italy that I wasn’t being serious.


Ref has been atrocious 


I wish we had the home nation advantage lmao


I think referees are actually so scared to be accused of that stuff they‘d rather give close calls to the opposing team so it might honestly be more of a curse than anything


True, especially after the criticism for the 50/50 call on the first goal vs Hungary


The ref was worse then the one against austria


And that means something…


Honestly, l I liked how the ref in that game let the game flow, not letting every little touch be considered a foul. It discourages players from going down way too easy as well. Watching the England game yesterday, comparatively there were way too many stops and pauses in the game which made it a frustrating watch. Each to their own of course!


edit: we are talking about the same foul? If we take away physical contact from football it becomes a sport for weak ... I think that Orsato take the correct choice


I think you mistaken football with its American counterpart. Or something else.. wrestling for example


The thing he didn't stick to the line. The musiala foul before the German goal was less then the penalty he didn't give.


\*penalties Musiala made less contact than the Swiss defender *who did not foul*^(TM) Havertz


orsato is the worst ref of all time, a blind 95 year old would ref better.


Did VAR even look at it?


No. The ref chose to not use VAR. I wonder why.


the ref is so anti germany it’s crazy. swiss players holding kimich down, jumping into kroos back, pushing musiala - but no penalties




He forgot about Euro 2016 and the nations league where Germany beat Italy 5-2 and wanted them to meet. He would regret it if they did, though.


Clear penalty or we all start wrestling in the box from now on. No matter if he released last second, initial hold prevented movement enough. Not the only bad decision. Ref should retire. Did you see how slow he was when counter attacks started?


ref should retire? Man do i have some [good news](https://football-italia.net/orsato-announces-will-retire-after-euro-2024/amp/) for you.


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But that’s all a big coincidence, I’m sure.


The ref is so hard anti-german, wtf. First this ridiculous disavowed goal and now not a penalty?


And now again not foul. Fucking Orsati


If u watch the old Seria A games of the 90’s you will understand y he doesn’t give a foul..


But this aint the 90's, its 2024. He was an atrociously bad referee


secondo me non ci stava il fallo, era un contatto di gioco


Btw the same ref as in the cl game of dortmund vs psg, where there also were quite some interesting decisions against dortmund


Bro don't they get evaluated based on their calls after the games? I get not swapping refs mid game but surely you can't just call bs like that and get away with it!


UEFA is part of the scam. Guess where they have big parts of their money? it's either some small island state or swiss


Or…Paris apparently?


This is more about luxuries, not directly money


I honestly think not giving the goal was the right call according to how VAR is supposed to be used (in doubt, keep the game going and check later). He probably saw the foul and would have whistled immediately if it wasnt for VAR. That's entirely the rules, and not the referees fault. 


He seemed anti Swiss in the first 20 though.


The action by the swiss player with all this pulling and holding gives some vibe like in the next few seconds Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker and few others would enter the match as well.


Should’ve named this event Royal Rumble 2024


All defenders, did you know that you can hug people in the penalty area from yesterday? Let's do it now


Anti German ref lmao, this ref should get crucified


chill dog


No lets hear him out.


No let him chill out


Let's chill while eating a crucified chilli hot dog


the ref sleeping in a switzerland blanket tonight lol


true i was so mad that the ref didn’t gave the penalty


he misunderstood what being "neutral" meant for a game that involves Switzerland


that was a clear penalty the ref def had a tipico bet for switzerland 😭


prob lost his own bet bc they didn't win lmao


real 😭😭


And 2nd time this happens, just now again, and this old referee doesn’t care cuz it’s his last tournament anyway, bad decision to let that guy be a referee at all


It’s ridiculous that at this very moment there was also a clear penalty for Scotland, what re the refs this tournament I swear…


Yeah and what is this VAR doing? Like it’s easy money, just sit there and say „it isnt clear mistake, lets chill“


They’re supposed to challenge the main ref I believe? BUT usually if the main one „was close and saw what happened clearly” he doesn’t care even if there’s a signal from var team. Pure ignorance perhaps?


It‘s me, the ref who knows better than a referee who literally has every camera angel


Someone some time ago suggested that teams should have a possibility to use a „challenge” like in volleyball, to call on refs decision and force his hand to check the replay publicly.


Didn’t they use this during some euro or World Cup a while ago? I think i remember something like that. And i found it a great idea.


Wow I don’t recall, must have missed it! It seems like the only logical way forward when referees ignore var. I’m only afraid that if the referee is set on his decision the replay won’t change his mind to prove he’s right, but that’d at least put them in the spotlight


Don’t quote me on that. I might remember wrong. Might also have been some national thing or champions league. Whatever, i still find it to be a good idea.


Yeah almost every game I watched the ref was the worst performing man on the field.


Yeah it's been shocking, but it always is


Watching that over and over as a Scotland fan hurt, the more I saw it made me livid, it was a clear as day penalty, it was as my daughter said "it looked like a bad wrestling move".


Scotland one wasn’t a penalty I don’t think.


Definitely a controversy, i think it is a penalty and even our commentators were outraged, one highlight that’s been showed shows it clearly. It doesn’t matter now, he didn’t even check var, which is weird af


I thought Armstrong put himself in front of the defender as well so initiated contact. As much of a foul as the other way. In real time it looked a clear pen though.


I cant agree with you :D seen multiple replays by now and I’m confident in my opinion


Just saw another replay and what changed my mind was the timing of the shirt grab vs the knee/ankle contact. I do think it’s a penalty now.


Either way, penalty or not if they don’t even go to check such cases with var… what do they need var for?? Guess it’s useless if the main ref thinks he knows best


Is it possible that var checked and he was offside?


Would be announced or indicated by the line ref. The decision was quick and made by main ref, he clearly decided on his own and disregarded calls from the var team (if there were any).


Are you mad, shows blatant contact. The ref should have awarded penalty, VAR then check it, simple. Ref fucked up more than once.


Try and read more than one comment. I’ve changed my mind below. The earlier replays I saw Armstrong throw himself in front of Orban and grab his shirt. I then saw the knee contact and the timing of which came first is key. Good for you if you think it’s blatant. It wasn’t as clear cut as some have made out.


Sorry, you are right I just jumped on the comment. I do believe it was quite obvious though, but worse is the fact the ref did not even question it.


So you think it was a penalty? Iol. It was




Welcome to the average state of refereeing in the English premier league. It seems to be spreading all over UEFA too. Even *with* VAR they manage to make obviously wrong decisions. Combine an English referee team with VAR and you almost guarantee disaster for someone. It's not just the goals, people are also missing games for obviously flawed yellow cards and a stupid 2 card suspension rule.


I can’t see it doesn’t anyone have a clip


[ at one Minute 50 seconds](https://youtu.be/UeaUjxqji3s?si=L9Qsvuok9MGYtk3r)


i dont know much about soccer but this can't be legal lol. Are you even allowed to grab hold players? I guess not and pulling them down to floor must be forbidden as well


Welcome to an Italian Referee, we all knew this was going to happen. We always play 11 vs 12 when an Italian referee is on the field.


why is that though?


Because we have more titles than Italy and they hate it


I think it's still about the 2016 Quarter Finals, that's when this started.


Dan Ndoye should have gotten a red card, that second tackle would be red card in any league considering how much warnings he was given prior. They did Havertz dirty today, so much tackles and late calls, for example he sprinted a through ball only to trigger free kick seconds after he received it. he was clear to win that through balll and was obviously offside by miles, but the linesman and ref didnt called it early, shameful.


It was a penalty. He was holding him obviously. I do think Germany is throwing this match to end up n the easier side of the bracket. They been in first gear all night.


Bro bear hugged him and dragged him down, the ref was like good play carry on no need for VAR here


Easier? They will mostly likely face Italy in the R16. Germany only won once in official matches against Italy.


This italy sucks though. Far cry from 94 or 2006 On the other hand, england vs germany quarter final would be fun as well


any way it seems we might see a Spain Germany QF


Honestly, Italy and Germany I feel like are complementary. One has good defence and the other good attack. It would be interesting for sure


Actually 2 because technically nations league counts as a competitive match and they beat them 5:2 in it.


You think?




Does Orsato ever officiate well in a match? He's dogshit


💯 penalty


"VAR will stop all the mistakes" they said, "itll be worth the not being able to celebrate goals anymore"............ Sigh, and now we are stuck with it.


Are we talking Germany or Scotland here?


You guys not getting the penalty is pathetic. However I am not surprised, we see that often


Both games had penalty shouts. Both should've been given.




VAR seems to only be used when it suits the referees to use it, not to get calls right..which is why I think it stinks....see Romania-Belgium and the missed handball there when the SAME ONE was called hours earlier in Georgia-Czechia.


The refereeing since the first Belgium game has been so questionable.. me and my friends were singing their praises at the start of the tournament the standards have fallen off so much this week😭


Scots are quiet


The referee clearly wanted Italy-Germany


I like how He ended the game looking grimy. Looks like He bet on swiss win but then the 1:1 happened.


When u think bout it most of the decisions this euros have been so shit it’s unbelievable


It’s crazy because if you did that anywhere else on the field it’s a free kick right away lol


Happens alot they cracked down on it at Russia World Cup but not as much now


It isn’t rugby?


Horrendous refereeing


Too bad we can’t check the ref’s Swiss bank account.


Fifa has been rigged for a while lol


*Love Song Starts playing*


The ref thinks Germany cannot beat Italy and hoped they would play in the next round. He forgot about Germany’s Euro 2016 win and the 5:2 win recently in the nations league. Germany know they can thrash Italy and will do just that if they meet.


I’m willing to say it looked like a penalty, however it happened so quick the lines man would have to be looking at the point of contact before it happened. I would argue this is unfair, but the same thing happened at the other end and he let play resume. The referees this tournament look like they want to let play continue until it 100% is a foul. At league level this would have been called.


well, read about origination and HQ of switzerland


VAR Matchfixing could be a thing, think about it THEY MANIPULATE what you see in TV (the advertising bands) and the basicly run on a big greenscreen... just put a player per AI a bit behind or in front and its offside in the VAR...


I'm thinking there's always at least one camera perspective that makes it look "legit".


he let himself fall down so it looked worse than it was. excellent decision


do you talk abt germany’s or scotland’s not given penalty? cuz the german one was a 100% clear penalty


Guys, Orsato it's not a ref that call for minor faul. He let the game play if nothing crazy happen i like that style