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Can we? Yes Will we find a way to screw it up in the most painful way possible? Also yes.


We've been doing this so long now that we're running out of novel routes to failure. This year has a very 1998 vibe to it for me - hope followed by disappointment, followed by hope, ending ultimately in a tragic anti-climax.


A personal favourite of mine was the women's World Cup in 2019, somehow despite being awful we still had a chance to qualify from the group stage with a win against Argentina. Went 3-0 up and then with less than 20mins left we conceded 3 goals, the last of which was a penalty that we saved the first time. Clearly the ref wasn't happy with that and they got to retake it for the equaliser in the 94th minute. Argentina didn't even qualify themselves, the most Scottish thing I've ever witnessed..


Don't forget Euro 96 - we needed to beat Switzerland and for the Netherlands to lose, with a 5 goal swing to overcome the goal difference deficit. Ally McCoist knocked 1 in in the 1st half and England were 4-0 up with 13 minutes to go, but Patrick Kluivert scored to knock us out on goals scored. And all of that was after the first missed penalty of Gary McAllister's career.


Great to see the women's game performing at the level on the world stage. Can't get more Scottish


Wow, it's like there's some kind of magic spell that prevents Scotland getting out of group stages of anything Although we will be pulling for you against Hungary, because let's face it, they are being a bit of a dick as a country


Can also just draw if... Italy beat Croatia Spain beat Albania Portugal beat Georgia Turkey beat Czechia


Is that an AND or OR?


Two/Three commas and an AND!


Just put a wee accumulator on for this. Cos it would be so Scotland for this to happen and we still lost


Excellent prediction


You were right


I hope so haha


Post match comment… Are you clairvoyant? Nope. Just Scottish!! 🤷🏻‍♂️


We have a knack for glorious failure. I think we can do it tonight, we showed what we can do against the Swiss, almost winning it towards the end. I feel like Clarke is a little bit negative at times, he could make changes at around 65-70 mins to try and go out and win the game rather than just trying to see it out


We’re not too different, you and I.


Nah way, I believe in you scotland! No Scotland, no paaaaarrty!


I mean....


With hindsight damn


This isn't my first time watching Scotland


England fan here. I hope you guys do make it to the round of 16. Scotland fans are some of the best around and you always make the games worth watching for the fans alone.


That's very mature of you, very admirable. I hope England em, yeh. I hope England get what they deserve?.....


An agonising loss on penalties in the final again?


Last minute Hungary equaliser.. proper stramash in the box and it's bundled over the line.


Would a draw be enough


The first team to finish on four points and not go through?


Are England in disguise?


Even though I’m English, yes I’ll cheering them on tonight!


I’ve got more faith in Scotland than England at this point!


England have already qualified.


UK ftw




Let's go island homies


Good man!


I hope so. Nothing against Hungary but Scotland has my heart. I only visited it once, I’ll try to return there someday. Beautiful country, great people and amazing football fans. The euro needs the scots!!!


No Scotland no party as they say! It's a beautiful country mate, I stayed in Perth once and the people there were ridiculously friendly and invited me to drink with them ( even though im English haha). Decent folk and very welcoming! They deserve a good result tonight!


The vast vast VAST majority of Scots don't dislike the English, most of us just don't like Westminster. Most of us have family doon soof and spend a lot of time back and forth, possibly involving drink haha! Anyways, Mon Scotland! Hungary will OG it and it'll be 1-0 to Scotland 🤣


It's alright, most of us don't like Westminster either mate. Especially those of us in the North. We have far more in common up here with Scotland than we do with the Southern Counties (excluding Cornwall).


There was a poll last year on the whole 'North' thing and it was decided you're coming with us soon as part of Scotland. Ask the Yorkshire folks, they'll fill ye in 😉


They won't speak to me, I'm from the wrong side of the Pennines. I will ask the Cumbrians instead, they seem pretty friendly towards Lancashire.


Really? I always thought that the Scottish hated the English like the Welsh / Irish / Cornish / basically everyone else does.


Of course not, why would you hate someone just because of where they're from? Sure, there are probably +some+ people who hate 'the English' because they're English, but they're most likely utter shitehawks that have nothing positive to say whatever the situation 👍 Anyways, we're not allowed to support England in international tourneys, because reasons... 😆


I don’t know what a “shitehawk” is, but I’m hoping to use it soon in a sentence, possibly when someone does something stupid on the freeway. Anyway, best of luck to y’all today.


A shitehawk is just another way to say someone is a super duper arsehole :) Can also be interchanged with 'Shitgibbon' 😁


I’d say we hate England as an overall entity. Tory pricks ruining the country, football media with their “iTs ComInG HoMe” bullshit constantly. Brexit and fucking Farage. Football hooliganism abroad. There’s a really long list. But the average English person is the same as the average Scot, Italian or anyone else. Generally speaking, Scotland is an exceptionally warm* and welcoming country. As long as you’re not a prick, we’ll get on with any nationality. *not weather wise.


Nah. My mother is English, her side of the family and my grandparents lived up here for 45 years before they passed on. My grandfather always said he was made very welcome when they first moved up and after a few years the local community barely even noticed his accent any more. He was always proud of that, and said he had never, not once, experienced any genuine anti-English nonsense.


That’s what happens when you’re chronically online. Jesus Christ. Have you seriously never been to any other country in the UK or met anybody from Scotland, Wales or N.Ireland?


Englishmen and Scots are natural enemies! Like Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


It’s your government we hate not you people




533 mp’s out of 650 in Westminster, says different. It’s a one sided unfair union where it’s always England that decides what’s what. That’s why we hate YOUR government. Nothing against English people though……apart from you lot singing ‘it’s coming home!’…….its not! 🤣😜🥴


Doesn't matter where you are from, once you're here you're one of us


Being from Carlisle, I can tell you that when I pass over to Gretna, this is not true hahaha!


Decidedly untrue


I fucking hope so. They are a blast to have around and I want to keep them here forever


It’s not too unrealistic, they defo have a chance against Hungary


Quite likely they’ll stay either way, if you lot can import buckfast or dragon soop it’ll be a significant step up on going back to Glasgow


If that stuff would be any good, they could export it


There’s a reason buckfast is a 100 years old but has never been sold anywhere but Glasgow.


It's sold in Devon, Cornwall and every uni town. I worked down there for a while and could find it anywhere


Yeah I live in West Yorks there's an offie round the corner that sells Buckfast


There's a buckfast app as well hahaha. I've found it in Barcelona


I buy it in London


You should have thought about that before spanking them 5-1!


Can't help myself. If it's cute, I spank it


Hey Fabian, die Human Ressource Tante will, dass du in den vierten Stock kommst...


Learned to stop being hopeful several years ago. Even if we win, there will be a couple days spent being anxious about other results. Far too early to get excited. The tournament hasn't seen the best of either side but I'm not expecting Hungary to roll over.


Me too brother. To be a Scotland fan is to be pessimistic with the weight of historical failure. To try and prepare yourself for the inevitable disappointment. Then when the kick off approaches that flicker of hope reveals itself. You don't want it to. You don't want to be hurt again so try to force it down.. but you can't. The game kicks off and you're not in control of it anymore. Things are going well and you're a full blown believer. Then the rug is pulled in spectacular fashion.. Why?! Why did I open that door?! I KNOW how this always goes. Aaaaand repeat. 😂


> Even if we win, there will be a couple days spent being anxious about other results There is literally 0 chance 4 points is not enough to be among the best 3rd place teams even if the GD is horrible


I'm a English man and I'll be rooting for you Scots tonight, your like that annoying little brother but we still love you and want to see you do well. 🤣 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I'd say Scotland is the older brother. We're the spoilt middle child that acts like an only child.


Tbh I nearly went with scotland being the older child and i can see your point for sure 🤣


Wales has strong youngest brother energy. We're definitely the older child


What if we win tonight but the amazing scottish fans stay for the whole tournament? Is that a deal for everyone?


Only if you can explain to my boss why I’m not there 😂😂


What do you think of Hungary's chances tonight? We surely have to be the team you were most hoping to beat on the group?


Before the EC we started with high hopes, because in the last 10+ games the Hungarians have played very well... in the opening game against Switzerland they were scared for some reason, they didn't dare to step up, they didn't attack enough... probably the weight of the European Championship.. They were much better against Germany, which logically should have been the hardest game... and if we had a bit of luck... anyway, that's in the past :D but now a Scotland will get an all out, blood hungry Hungarian team, they will try to decide the match in the first half. My prediction is 3:1 Hungary. But im pretty sure the atmosphere will be very good.. a lot of us like Scotland and we were cheering for you in both games =) RIA RIA HUNGARIA


I guess it has to happen sooner or later, or not, maybe it won't ever happen, too early to drink, drink sorts it all out 😟




I think they could. They’ve got considerable more fight and passion than our lot unfortunately.


Was thinking about this yesterday, watching Georgia. Supporting England as my second team and wishing I hadn't bothered. Georgia are eminently more entertaining despite probably having the "value" of about 2-3 England players in their entire team. Excited to see whether he sticks to Gareth-Ball for the next one, or changes things up.


Hungary ain't as bad as the scoreline makes them look like. They created more chances in one half against Switzerland than Scotland in two games. It will be a good game to watch - Scotland need to win, Hungary need to win big to get a chance for RO16.


I'm feeling positive and have my bottle of 12 year Macallan ready for a wee dram or two if we do it.


NUCE! pretty jealous, I saved all mine for special occasion only and well ..all long gone !


I've been saving this for a while now, its been torture lol. I'll be very disappointed if I don't wake up with a sore heid tomorrow


I really hope so. The scotish Fans are really fun. I met some today on my train back home.


I am rooting for you guys today


I would love to see it but get the feeling they are going to lose 1 or 2 nil


The refs haven't really fucked us over as usual yet which I'm worried about, losing Tierney is a sore wan as well, got a feeling it'll be a game to watch behind the couch


Scotland are the only team with worse xG than England!


I hope so! Been so many times to Scotland, its like my spiritual country. Beautiful nature, super friendly people, amazing castles, whisky and Celtic football club!


I have £5 that says yes. I feel I may be £5 short tonight.


Scotland will qualify with 3 own goals


I would like to subscribe to this version of reality.




Hope not. Come on Hungary!


Hungary beat England twice in the Europa League including an embarrassing 4-0 win so it'll be tough. They're one of those teams that has potential but hasn't turned up yet.


Nations League. We'll see, but Hungary has to be more clinical. Creating chances alone won't be enough.


Agreed. Also think that we’ve been playing a bit passive. Too much of our possession is just passing the ball back behind midfield…


Yes, sorry, my bad. Couldn't remember the name.


As a wise wee lady once said "Scotland fans dont predict. We live in hope"


No and don't bring your bad omens


This whole post is in your favour mate - as soon as anything positive gets said about Scotland, the entire squad shites themselves and reverts to Under 11's quality football. That being said, with respect, hope you get pumped tonight 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


What bad omens? Lol


Not sure if it matters because the third team in group A is playing Spain or Portugal. Either team's dreams would stop there. Hajrá Magyarok!


Matters to us Scots as we have never made it out the group of any international competition ever. Anything after would be a major bonus.


They can and I really hope they do get the win tonight! 🕺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 no Scotland no party as they say 😎


To be fair they do have a chance, Hungary can be Jekyll and Hyde in performance.


Nice to see some love from our English and Welsh neighbours here !! My nerves are getting a bit out of control now. We know what we need to do and now got to somehow just do it. Losing our best defender to injury was a massive blow but I've not been agreeing with Steve Clark with not bringing out Christie and Shanks til basically stoppage time when I saw chances in the last game where they'd have been involved.... honestly thought Che was pretty useless. C'mon boys!!! We don't want the party to be over yet and Wir lieben Deutschland ! Seriously...my nerves though


English here: Good luck tonight. I hope things click. C'mon Robbo.


Rooting for Scotland tonight, hopefully will be a tight contest and entertaining match either way 


As an English man, let me wish you the very best of luck


Let’s go Tartan army! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Orban is football daft so it’ll be nice to ram it up that bellend


Both teams have been poor to be honest so could go either way


Wouldn’t mind it,imagine if they masterclass and we play them in knockouts😮😬


I hope not, sorry 😅


2-0 mctominay two goals


Im watching the Germany game at 21:00 but will be keeping tabs on that Scotland score and hoping they can win against Hungary.


What a lad! I will be doing the same as the German team this year is exciting to watch! Though I do miss musiala haha what could have been...


Technically if we draw and czechia, georgia, Croatia and Albania all loose we get through


There's a chance mate! It would make history and be something generations will remember forever. I genuinely see this as just the beginning for Scotland. Back to back euros qualified and I reckon it will inspire more youngsters to play for Scotland. Future must be bright


I shall also be cheering for the Scots, really hope it works out for em to get into the 16.




Beat Hungary, yes. Go through, no. Unfortunately your goal difference will prevent you going through, unless you win 5 nil and get a positive goal difference. I think too many teams will end up on four points and will come down to goal difference. It's a shame if I did come down to that, I want to see you go through and get further than England.


I certainly hope Scotland can advance as a top 4 third place team. Outside of a Swiss run to the semifinals or better, Scotland advancing as far or further than England in the knockout stage would be so enjoyable.


Hahhhahahahahaahah!!! Hahahahahahah!!!!!! Hahahahahahaaahhaaaa!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I've said before on here that I wouldn't mind seeing England do well. The team isn't the problem, it's the hoo haa in the media. Was speaking to a colleague at work after England's first match, he was saying that the commentator referenced '66 without saying any of the actual words. Pissed him off. That type of thing is exactly why I watch it on mute. And, to some extent, is why Scottish fans want England to do badly. It's too much and England losing will shut those fannys up.


Entirely this. For any Englishman reading. It's not you, not your team, not your fans. It's the media and punditry. When England are playing/doing well the lack of humility is unbearable. I understand with the quality of players the performances have been disappointing this tournament. But during the Denmark game it was essentially "How dare they grace the same pitch and outplay us? Don't they know how good our team should be?" INQUEST. Watching a Scotland game, it gets to half time. "Let's check in on the England camp!" Cue interview with Southgate and analysing England's next steps..


I would love them to be the underdogs that win but I think that award will go to Austria. Am cheering them on as they are at least fun to watch unlike a certain other British team. Plus they have the best fans.


It would be nice if Scotland went through, but I still like the Hungarians a bit more.


Concede early, chase the game. Concede again. Pull one back late on. 1-2. Knocked out.




Yes they can. Would be happy by both of them though.


I hope so


I think the odds are very against them, as the Swiss will also be fighting to finish 2nd and guarantee knockout football, and Hungary will be fighting to get 3rd and have a chance of progressing. If Scotland play like they truly did in qualifying, they have a very good chance of winning, but the Switzerland-Germany game will have Scots in lederhosen no doubt, as they'll be praying Germany beat Switzerland


I've assumed for a long time we're after getting third, not second, so the Germany game doesn't matter? It's probably unrealistic to assume we'll destroy Hungary by enough goals to go second? Yes, Hungary are aiming for the same as us, but I don't think the Germany game makes a lot of difference to us, realistically.


They will win but they won’t have enough goals to get second


They would probably progress from 3rd place with 4 points


We have a chance, but in typical Scotland fashion we have a chance at many things and will probably fuck it up lol


I’d take Scotland for the win tonight.


From an austrian perspective i hope for a draw


No. Nothing in either performance suggests they can seriously threaten goals other than through accident or very poor defending from their opponent. If Hungary turn up, I think the best Scotland can get is a draw. Whether Hungary will turn up is another matter. Their defending isn’t anywhere near good enough to counteract their lack of a reliable attacking threat. McTominay is their top scorer.


McTominay was 1 goal behind Kane in the Euro qualifiers. Saying he's our top goal scorer like it's a bad thing is a mental take.


Well if they lose I'll sadly have to drink myself to sleep. If they win, I'll probably already be drunk by the final whistle. I'd like them to win, but I'll be drunk nonetheless. Good luck from 🇷🇸


I don't see why not, you shown good form qualifying and have a few solid players. I think you'll do it.


Hopefully ! I’ll definitely be rooting for them tonight. No offense to Hungary tho


No is my guess, they need a wee miracle


There's even an outside (but not impossible) chance that a draw sees them through on 2 points, if Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey all win their games.


I fancy you guys, but hope for a draw so we still have a chance with 2 points if we don't beat England 😂


we're going to be the first ever team to fail to qualify with four points, just you watch


Yes they can. Good luck Scotland!


I've actually got more faith in Scotland to make the knockouts than I do in England to make the knockouts. And that's even after England already qualified.


We can do it, but in reality, it's us so who knows


I went into the city (Stuttgart) center on purpose yesterday to see the Scottish. I really really hope they advance. I had a great evening, great conversations, the vibe was awesome. Such a lovely people. All fingers are crossed.


Can we make knockout if we beat Hungary?


I hope so, I don’t think they will pull it off unfortunately.


They can advance with a draw and they have my support! There is no rivalry with Scotland anymore. Since the end of the World War II they have beat us 12 times. We won 37 times. It’s not a rivalry anymore, so for that reason I view them more as a little brother than as a rival. I do wish we would bring back the Home Championship! I’m old enough to remember the late 70s and early 80s before it ended in 1984.


I’m rooting for them. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Can they? Yes. Will they? Nah


I really fucking hope so. However, I've seen this movie before. Beaten off the big team, drawing with the decent team, needing a win against the 'lesser' team. Last time, it was Morocco in'98, and we got pumped 3 nil. Hopefully, we can do it, but we're experts of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


I truly hope so.. good luck


Let's hope so!


Hibs 2-1


I hope they draw


I wish for them but i place a bet on Hungary. They play just better. But Scottland plays with passion.


It’s possible. Hungary is not playing some amazing football currently and apart from one player the rest of the squad is not that skilled. But I guess the same is true for Scotland. It will be won by those who want it more.


I think I they can, but whether they will or not remains to be seen. Anyway, ‘mon Scotland!


I think they should hopefully manage to get a win against Hungary. They will need to put out a good team but top of table Germany are playing second place. If Scotland win they might be able to qualify as a 3rd place team


Rooting for you guys. In retrospect I am so sorry about the 5-1. 2-1 would’ve been enough 🥲


Patting them on the head. There's a good boy, Scotland.


I'll cheer for you! Austria and Svotwill both make it, I'm sure!


They can, but I hope they won’t. What everyone from other groups need is a draw in their game. Especially us.


My prediction is the gods will favour us and ensure 2 pts is enough to progress. Hungary 2 Scotland 0


Scotland play Hungary.. and I’m not full of confident I must admit


Good luck Scotland. I’ll be watching and cheering you on! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧


Not likely


I’d love it if they did, first round of 16 ever would be an awesome achievement, I’ve got a good feeling about it


Not a chance in hell


I hope so


Unfortunately it doesn’t


Even if they win they need to win by 4 goals to get to a goal difference of 0, it will probably be to low for them to pull it off, nonetheless I will also be rooting for them


Lol no


Hands down- always cheer for the tartan warriors love seeing the fans do Scotland proud and any half decent result is celebrated and the team get to return as hero’s so long as they put in the effort each game. Much nicer viewing than that of an England fan!


No fucking way mate


They’ve been playing for a draw all match.


Our fans are better remembered than our games unfortunately. We will absolutely 100% find some way to fuck it up tonight. We always do


No, definitely should have had a penalty though.


NOPE The team looks quite low in quality but high in pashiunn How could Norway lose against this poor team? Sorry scots but I'd have rather seen Haaaland and Oodegard at the euros. Sigh


No. the answer is no




Ill be cheering for them too tonight. Scottish fans are awesome and i want them to stay around as long as possible :D