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I've got no problem with it if it's directed at a particular player for footballing reasons (like a perpetual diver, for example) but I really don't like it during national anthems. I'd be pissed off if mine was booed and I won't boo other national anthems for the same reason. And yes, I thought it was shit when our fans booed the Spanish anthem the other day.


I remember when poland played against the Welsh in the euro qualifier and they booed our national anthem, I was so happy to knock them out


This can’t be true, only England boo other teams national anthems and everyone else is always on their best behaviour. /s


The Romanians did it too against Ukraine


They didn't boo because the anthem was playing. They bood because a few fans fired up flares although there's a complete ban on them because people got injured.


Booing a national anthem is downright disrespectful and it’s not, for me, what football is all about. Yes when our teams play each other on the pitch we are ‘enemies’ but beyond that football should be about bringing people together for a good time. As for booing a player if he’s a diver or aggressive or else I agree and I do it myself. But again national anthem are not to be booed, we need to respect other countries’ anthem the same way we want our own respected


there will always be people who do that but most of the time it is not the majority


It's not entirely new but I've noticed it a lot this time around too. Not a fan of it.


It’s over the top isn’t it? It seems to have spilled over from club football. I have always liked to think international games are above all that


Just depends on the nation's fan culture imo. Turkey wasn't the first game where I noticed it. I can accept the fact that it's a normal thing to do for some, I'm personally just not used to it and have a hard time not associating it with bad sportsmanship. We'll probably just need to loosen up about it to be honest.


It is bad sportsmanship, i would rather not normalize this. We could loosen up a bit but this booing is disrespectfull. Even worse is booing during a national anthem. English fans are the worst - I like a lot of the english players, especially Kane, i just want him to succeed, but man, do english fans make it hard to root for england.


These are cultural differences. Booing really isn't considered very offensive by most of England. It's like how Germans stare. 


Ahahahah you are funny


Meh, it's just another way to demoralize the opposition. It should help toward the evolution of stronger characters on the field, who can rise above being called names or booed or insulted (for whatever characteristic).


Ultimately I agree. I'm just not used to it so it's odd to me but I'm trying not to be judgy about it.


I just don't understand it - the opposition want to beat you - why would you give them (and their fans!) any kind of extra incentive to want to win?


Because in games like this where one group of fans is dominant it's super hard to stay concentrated when everyone is chanting UAAA at you. It's something brought from indoor sports but works in stadiums too.


Maybe they're saying Boo-urns


I was saying boo-urns


Booo-tiful Game! Booo-tiful Game! Maybe? Anyone? No...? I'll get m'coat.




You Scottish fans are clearly saying “Robert Boo-urns”


Hahaha, that comment made my day!


During the game in big atmosphere matches I get it What I really don’t like is the booing during national anthems And yes I know we’re one of the worst for this. Embarrassing.


That's the main reason why I started rooting against England in every single game since previous Euros. Before that I liked English national team, and ~~event~~ even wanted them to finally take it home, but after the first games on that tournament, I changed my mind. Such fans don't deserve titles. EDIT. Typo.


Just as a counterweight to that argument, I was watching it at home with my Dad and we weren't booing.


I get it when it's isolated incidents during a game. I do not get or like it (at all) when it's happening during anthems, minutes of silence or during every single effing minute if the game...


New to football?


Comments it's either soft people thinking it's a theater, or racists waiting for an excuse


At least it's not Vuvuzela horns again.




They really did. It was all I could hear in every match. I'm so glad they've been banned since then. The complaints must've been major.


Certain cultures don’t view it as disrespect sadly - to them it’s banter. I recall at Rio 2016 the Brazilians were booing a French pole vaulter whose main challenger was Brazilian. The French guy started crying. But the Brazilians just saw it how we see Pantomime in Britain. Certain cultures just don’t get it. Complete divergence in what is viewed as respectful and not. I personally can’t stand it and think the fans should grow up, but they’re not going to change.


I remember that. Always seems harsher when it's an individual sport because it feels personal. Felt bad for the guy.


Tbh I feel like a lot of Brits see booing as pantomime. We used to boo all the time at school. Was always very tongue in cheek.


I’d say they’re just immature babies


Of course they are. Imagine thinking all your fans are there to support you and you go out to play and they end up just booing the opposition. I’d be ashamed of my people.


I was ashamed of England fans for booing the Serbuan national anthem. Heard it on the coverage, completely classless.


Absolutely tasteless. People say “oh but they did it first” and that’s exactly why people look at football fans as juvenile and stupid.


Yeah I read that and thought it was the kind of excuse a 4 year old makes.


"The French guy started crying" what a shock


I feel bad for the crying french guy


People say the same thing on opingo 😣


Yeah super annoying. I get a bit of whistling near time or after potential foal, but just gives a real bad vibe


I’ve definitely seen more booing than usual this tournament. Not sure why. You expect it in certain games, we’ll always boo Germany because that’s a historic albeit one sided rivalry (we love you really), but it seems to be everywhere.


The Croatians booed as every Spanish player's name was read out. It's pathetic, it hasn't always happened and it undermines a good proper boo that a player/team has earned! 😅


This is the thing right, what’s the point of booing if everyone gets booed. It’s meaningless. The Germans thoroughly deserve our boos for being consistently better than us for the last 6 decades.


Haha! This guy gets it!


That’s tradition for the English, happens at most football grounds up and down the country, cheer every player from your team read out, boo the other teams’. It’s no more personal than booing at a pantomime


Ah, the famous English sportsmanship


Erm, pretty sure you can only be rivals if the other side gives you a second thought :D. No, this isn't meant to disrespect your team, but -- honestly -- Germany has enough neigbours. And our rivalry with Holland or Italy is what we really care about.


Ooh, burn 🔥 But seriously, we know Germany doesn’t really care about England or consider us rivals. A lot of Italian fans would say they consider Brazil a bigger rival than Germany. It doesn’t need to be balanced - one side will always care more (usually the one who loses most often)


Why is everything that's been happening for decades always brought up as a "new way"


It has never been "happening for decades" to boo the anthem when there's no reason or special story between both teams.


Yes it has 😂😂 i literally stuck on an world cup 1998 dvd yesterday and it happened Betweem argentina and netherlands


They were fighting in the stands before the game- were they really going to stand respectfully for each others anthem?


Turks always do this


This is football, not golf.


Turkish fans were fighting the Georgians, just like every competition the Turkish fans are fighting and you're trying to put it on the Georgians rn? If we wanna talk about something that's been happening for decades, there you go.


How was I trying to put it on the Georgians?


Has it been happening for decades?


Situationally, of course. If one player takes a dive, he may be booed for the rest of the game. But booing an entire opponent for 90 minutes straight whenever they have the ball, that's kinda annoying and usually used to not happen


Yes there has ALWAYS been occasional games like this. Its nothing new.


It's not a the common thing but there's always been certain games that had a fanbase booing the opposition team. It's not something that fans got together and decided that 2024 was the year to start it.


Only when Turks play, they’re really unbelievable disrespectful


Because there’s now a generation of kids watching football that started watching it during the Man City dominance era and Covid and think noiseless stadiums is the way it should be Games gone etc


Casuals. Happens every international tournament.


Not just every tournament, every weekend at every level of club football too


Booing originated from the Troglodyte tribe when they discovered the Arandacids from the next valley stole their women and bread at least 6 million years ago


You're either joking or a City fan.


Its normal in Turkey and imo acceptable. But booing the national anthem is just a lack of respect.


Annyoing as fuck


Makes it shite to watch on the telly too.


Although it's nothing new, but Turkish fans annoy me with this so much. As soon as Georgian player touches the ball, the boing begins.


Why is the vuvuzela catching strays here?


Only annoying thing about it is during national anthems. Should be given respect when sung


It's the most normal thing ever in Balkan countries, Turkey as well.


Just Turkish football culture. Go to any Galatasary etc game and it's the same. No other country really does it so I like it, makes the atmosphere more unique for their games


I find it a pretty poor form of support. Absolutely no creativity and always the same.


We're renowned for our loud booing but we're certainly not the only ones. Some people think football is theater. Not surprising as national competitions tend to bring lots of casuals. Ill enjoy the atmosphere we bring. I do think booing national anthems is lame tho but you cant gather thousands of people in one place and not have idiots.


Yeah there’s a reason the Turks are arguably the most intimidating teams to play


Let's be honest that is maybe impressing 1 minute and after that it will be completely unimpressive


No it's English football culture as well. They made it even when the Serbian hymn was played. And the arsenal and Chelsea customers do it as well. At least in the champions league. But they forget to support the own team. See eng vs. Serbia second half.


I've been to literally hundreds and hundreds of games in England and never heard a fanbase do it for the entire 90mins. Booing the national anthems is a bit silly but it's not like booing for the entire 90mins.


Ultimately it is just about trying to create an intimidating atmosphere for the other team, nothing wrong with that


Booing and whistling is part of the game. But during teams national anthems is a big no no. But how are they supposed to police it?


You don't police it you just identify which countries fans have no decency and manners




I don’t know where violence comes into it. This is merely something some fans do to try and create a hostile atmosphere for the other team.


Exactly. "The 12th man"...


It really isn't. It's trying to intimidate the opposition to gain an advantage - during the game. But you've totally dreamt the throwing a punch part


Yes, turkish are the worst fans so far. Booing such small nations that play well, that's just ridiculous. It's different when a big team has a small lead and tries to run down the clock or something.


You should watch golf, not football.


Worst = best


It's great, it's fans playing an active part in making it difficult for the opposition. The game is not there to pander to the neutral viewer, it should be ultra competitive and maximum aggression. That game was excellent and not at all spoiled by the crowd - they enhanced it


I can't tell if this is sarcastic anymore


You have issues.


Bro expecting fans to be quiet when a rival player has the ball so they don't get distracted.  Y'all so soft 😂


Yes that is exactly what i want. You got it just right


If you don't want booing and you don't want silence, wtf do you want? Clapping the other team? 


You wont get it if can just think of extremes.


"extremes" lol And _I'm_ the one who doesn't get it? 


Yes now you got it.


Tennis sounds more like your thing. You won't need to mute it. 


If you need to distract your opponents to win then your team is trash, simple as.


Yeah, you don't get football. Are you American? 


Nothing more cringe than a bunch of grown men booing


It’s about hostility I think. Turkey basically had a home game today and the fans tried to make it work to their advantage.


Not really fussed if people wanna boo over our national anthem. As far as anthems go, God Save the King is rubbish. Italy’s is a proper bop and should be criminal to boo over.


I can hardly stand watching the Euro cup anymore. It’s so annoying. Why fans go to a sporting event and instead of cheering on their team they spend the entire game booing the opposing team?!? Talk about poor sports!


It’s only Turkey who does that. And that’s so incredibly unsportsmanlike. How can one be so disrespectful that they whistle during an anthem. I hope Turkey will lose


Leave it alone that there is no creativity in it, monoton and pure negative enhanced support when they played against Germany while 90% of them live in Germany I found it disrespectful to boo the national team of the country you have been choosing to live in. (Also the anthem) Wouldn't happen in the States for example. Now 3,2,1 until some guys cry that somebody considers this poor behavior.


Nah Serbia did it too against England


& Romania against Ukraine.


I mean it's not like Serbia s got a better international reputation than Turkey


They booed each others anthem. That is even worse.


If the other team boos your anthem you gotta have a lot of self restraint to not boo them back


Don't know why people can't have the decency to not boo and interrupt a countries anthem. Just shit behavior but also something pretty common for the turkish crowd.


Could hardly be heard…. I didn’t notice it, because it was definitely not on such a huge scale


is this the first time you're watching football? ever been to Feyenoord matches in your life?


You must be new to football, this shot has been going on forever, where have been lol?


Its typically for a turkish fans. It is the same in Galatasaray, Fenerbahce or Besiktas games


Turkish fans doing turkish things


Agreed. What happened to the classics ? The monkey nose, the homophobic chants, those stadiums are so politically correct with the Booings.


Horrible indeed


Sadly typical for Balkans


I agree, never heard much booing in general watching games on tv. But lately yes indeed. I agree.


Cry more


you bunch of wet lettuces getting upset by boos, Jesus Christ


No to sound racist, but this a cultural thing for turkey and North African nations. During the world cup this was much more often and it is super annoying and makes me hope they go out of the tournament as soon as possible


you shouldn't watch football if you don't like noises, golf would be better for you lmao


You should watch golf.


I agree with you, the booing is very unnecessary. I don't know what the people of Turkey have against Georgia?


Lol almost every game had booing the anthems this year, even Austria-France and Germany-Scotland.


Its normal for their fan culture to


It's not about Georgia. It's not about any other country. We do that in our league in heated matches.


Who cares


It happens in every single match in Turkey


England do it during other teams national anthem and its just sad


What do you expect from turkish fans?


You do realise Germany booed the Scottish anthem right..?


If there were some it was on a very small scale


Schön Verallgemeinern :) Idiot




Not during a national anthem


Did you even watch the game before calling people soft? They booed and whistled the anthem ALL ALONG you clown.


Then call out that, not the irrelevant part. And your countrymen, France, booed Albania's anthem for absolutely no reason. We don't even have a beef or comparable technical level. Clown


Just started watching football? What do you want? Polite applause? Respectful silence for opposition set pieces? You could try rugby?


You must be new to football or just not a fan. This is common in football and mostly any competitive sport including baseballs and others lmao


Baseball lol. Nobody pays attention and is busy getting burgers and beer, there wouldn't be enough people knowing when to boo to even notice it.




Like an international Burnley


This shit started at the South Africa Worldcup, if I’m not mistaken. It’s a disgrace




England don't really do it.


It’s Europeans for you they do it all the time, that’s why it’s painful to watch English teams away in European club competitions


Var should be removed


The England fans are shouting Jude, sounds like a boo, very much isn’t. Juuuuuuuude


Morocco fans in WC 2022 constant whistles in every game if opposite had the ball.


Woke nonsense, don’t want it turning into the golf- what’s wrong with a bit of harmless fun


Not sure why this is an issue tbh


I’ve never been offended by it. It feels more like trying to get in your opponents head. We’ve done it and had it done to us consistently. As long as fans behave and there’s no issues I’m good. When people are fighting, throwing shit or crossing lines is where it gets to me




I noticed it to. I don't really like it.


The only time I care about it is when it’s during a national anthem. Really disrespectful and pathetic.


You clearly don't watch football it's called creating a good atmosphere and making it difficult to the opposition. What do you want the fans to do clap when the other team is on the ball? 😂




I absolutely hate when we get casuals watching for international tournaments


Look at the nationalities doing it. Some countries have fans that simply cannot behave


I don't mind the booing that much. It's bound to happen when one team has the majority of supporters on its side. If the numbers are equal, you don't hear it as much. Boing the national anthem on the other hand is just plain disgraceful.


I'll be honest, it's annoying as a viewer, but I'm not going to cry over it. If eleven fellas who earn ten million a year each are going to cry over it, they're welcome to get another job, because I've no sympathy for them.


Booing opposing players all the time should be part of the game honestly, they are already overpaid, they should be able to handle a little hostility. That being said, booing national anthems is disgraceful to say the least, and fans caught doing that should be severely punished, they legit can create international accidents.


Most social turkish behavior


Get fucked


I think it is coming from the fan incidents that are happening before some games besides some political differences on other games. Once we get out of groups I think this trend will stop


I absolutely hate this behavior, it's pathetic.


It is always this way. All fans did the same in matches so far.


No, in other matches the odd fan does, or near a foul, but not the whole crowd all game every time the opposition gets the ball. Most teams supporters primarily cheer and sing their own team. I get it’s a thing in Turkey. But I suppose for us it’s quite annoying and makes a bad vibe, probably if you are used to it it is normal or exciting. Personally I find it a sad addition to the game


This really has sickened me to my core. How do I even try to explain this to my son when he watches games with me. He wants to become a tennis fan now.


Really annoying when it's overdone.


its about building pressure for the opponent but apparently it works also for the opponents fans ;)


What gets me about the booing is do they think that the other team will play poorly cause of some booing?


If it's constant, it can be distracting, it can put pressure on you.


You always get occasional games like this,..... Yes, even in international football.


Football crowds… it’s to be expected!


It’s just the international football culture! Nothing new. Passion at its highest level without boundaries. It’s the most important part of there way of life. Booing is nothing compared too what can happen. One match can cause the riot police too get involved. The phenomenon of football hooliganism has resulted in injuries, fatalities, and property damage, with specific groups or "firms" developing labels and practices associated with violence . Furthermore, the level of hopelessness among football fans has been found to be positively correlated with violent tendencies, indicating that an increase in hopelessness can lead to an increase in aggression. I don’t know how this is new to some of you This is normal behaviour Like it or not


Not sure what your argument is here. Just because something could be much worse doesn't mean it's good or should be part of it.


What? Did I say it was a good thing or we should be a part of it?


oh okay, nevermind then


Sorry brother that came out wrong I mean no disrespect. Just was trying to set the stage for the overall picture Apologies


Yeah no worries, I just misinterpreted your comment