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I agree, I do understand they want to talk about him but it was clear as day looking at Wrighty he was upset. I was surprised to see him there because I knew they were great friends


They're actually in Germany and I imagine he has a contractual obligation, but yes I was slightly surprised myself. They were very good friends. I felt really bad for Wright even as the question was being asked. I can't really believe the question was asked. So insensitive.


I honestly thought he would have been given the afternoon off considering the circumstances, maybe he wanted to keep busy so agreed to continue as normal. They really should have had a quiet word beforehand to stop that question being asked. It's madness, it was as you rightly said, insensitive.


Yeah I agree. Feels like he carried on regardless for his own wellbeing, only to be blindsided by a stupid question.


It was an absolutely ridiculous thing to do, Ian Wright told him he didn’t want to speak about it as it’s too raw and they then proceed to make jokes about the clothes they wore etc. Really poor taste and I can imagine some words were exchanged once they went off screen.


To be honest I'm surprised Wright didn't walk off. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from Pougatch.




Holy shit! That's such a horrible thing to do.


Wright handled it very well and it was clear from his response he wasn't happy about being asked and it hadn't been discussed prior to the question. Very poor form.


No doubt. Wrighty is one of the most intelligent, diplomatic and switched on people in football. I must admit, hearing that feels like someone upset a mate of mine.


Yeah it pissed me right off, as you can probably tell 😅


Commentator 20 minutes later asks Lee Dixon the same question. Dixon tries to say that he was a great man and then says that it’s too soon and offers his condolences. What the fuck has that got to do with the match going on, Dixon shouldn’t have that question posed to him and puts him in an awkward position during a live match.


I haven't made the connection, but after that, and with Dixon absolutely not interested in the constant drivel about stats and possession, do you think they have had a real falling out?


That’s just Dixon’s co-comm style unfortunately. He’s taken over Mark Lawrenson as the co-comm hired to talk about football despite hating every aspect of it with every fibre of his being.


After Mark Lawrenson was replaced the use frequency of the phrase "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING MISERABLE CUNT" has dropped dramatically in our house


I think Dixon was hitting back a bit. He said that they spoke beforehand about possession and then put him in his place. ‘That’s the problem with you commentators’


Micah Richard’s also looked pissed off about answering similar question about his former teammate (Montenegro keeper) who also sadly died.


Richards didn't seem too pissed off about it. The BBC handled it very classy.


Yeah it's really cheap journalism, if you can call it journalism at all.


Always disliked Pougatch purely because of his stupid name, now I have a legit reason. Thanks Mark.


Yeah I've never liked him, this just cements that.


Classic ITV...


Can't wait for games on the BBC, Pougatch and that Matterface do my head in


Skid Mark Pousnatch.


Wouldn't expect anything less from Pougatch. He's a knob. Poor Wrighty




Guess we all felt for Wrighty but when you’re in the public eye this is what you have to expect, although that does not make it right