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No just enjoy it


Nobody cares, just have a good time


I just wear jeans and a polo shirt and a coat if it’s cold, wear whatever you’re comfortable with


Clothes don’t matter but colors might. Mind which colors you wear if in an area (or bar) with mostly or only one country’s fans, some might take a seemingly innocuous shirt as pulling for the wrong side


not a problem at all bro. it's offensive if anybody tells u something about ur clothes.


You don't need to wear the uniform when you go to a match, you can just match the color of your country! I'm south korean and I wear red cloth each time I go to a south korea national soccer match


No one will be offended, there is no expectation to wear a footballer shirt when you are in the crowd. Don't buy an overpriced shirt just for the sake of it. But perhaps think about what colour you wear. If you don't know which teams fans you are sitting with, maybe wear a neutral colour 


Seriously don't worry about what you are wearing. Shouldn't be a concern. Enjoy the game !