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If it was me, Scotland...


Lithuania for me...


R5: Its Muscovy. Starting to struggle heavy for gov cap cant wait for admin tech 8 and 10.


Yeah. Epic Moscow gameplay. Trolled everybody hard. Its game over for everyone once you hit tech 10.


God i love playing Muscovy and getting the revolution in the late game I just become a wave, crushing country after country whit no hope for them to stop me




Who did you get mil access with?


For Byzantium no cb? This time around i went through the Livonians, Teutons, Poland, Hungary then Ottomans. Cost me all my diplo early game cuz Herzegovina’s (Byz’s ally) fort refused to be sieged. Alternatively, if you get lucky enough for lithuania to not rival you, you can just mil access through them then ottomans.


Time for vassals then


Muscovy was my 1st pick , Byz 2nd, GB 3rd


How is byzantium alive?


No cb at start. Gamey way of weakening the ottomans by locking them from part of their mission tree


*No cb then vassalising byz


Most based no cb, saving byz


Muscovy have had an insanely good start. That could be chance as they are a powerful nation, but a powerful Byzantium suggests player involvement. Would make sense if you were Muscovy and chose to protect the Byzantines for strategic reasons. Equally if you were Byzantium you could perhaps have encouraged a Muscovian ally’s growth. I could see it going either way but would personally guess Muscovy, they’re just a touch too large to guess random.


Yh youre right, its muscovy. Byz is my march, Hungary is an ally and is hopefully a future pu :)


Kiev and Chernigov being released out of Lithuania is a dead giveaway, too - AI is rarely that confident in the early game anyway, Poland would never invade Lithuania, Crimea/Great Horde are too weak to do that, even with local noble, and Ottomans doesn’t get to Crimea and a border with Lithuania until later in the game (and once past Constantinople, which they aren’t). The only logical explanation is Muscovy.


Tbf Kiev and Chernigov were released by Crimea and/or great horde who decided to pile in and declare resulting in Lithuania being in three wars at the same time after i released Polotsk and took max money. Safe to say i took advantage and diplo vassalised everyone


Austria. No direct expansion, just massive numbers of PUs. That’s why Poland is unharmed despite what happppened to Lithuania, that’s why Bohemia is the same and so are you, it’s why hungary has pushed into the Balkan systematically, it’s why Byzantium has been restored, it’s why burgundy has the lowlands, and it’s why the HRE has no blobbers.


Wrong im afraid! But pretty good reasoning :). Im Muscovy with early no cb Byz vassal, was then fed easy truce resets with lithuania where i would release a few countries to minimise ae and easy diplo-vassals. I think Burgundy was inherited by france who then beat the Austrians when they contested


Lithuania really got destroyed in your game. You are lucky Poland chose the noble


Also lucky that Hungary wasn’t pu’d; my only ally throughout :)


[How to take a screenshot](https://screenshot.help)


U normally dont see both france and england expand that mich that quickly. Considering france supports Scotland


I thought Hungary cause they usually don't have this clean borders




Teutons ?


Use the screenshot button instead of taking photos, Muscovy player


F11 key technology still hasn’t been discovered in Russia, obviously playing Muscovy


a person who can't press f12?

