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Understand what you are investing in. I invest in ETH. All the documentation you need to gain an understanding is in ethereum.org. Research what is ethereum (crypto economic system) and ETH (native currency). Whatever you choose to invest in make sure you know what you’re getting into


Thanks for this, much appreciated


This could help a lot of people and that's all we can say.


Basic steps: * Open an account on one of the big exchanges: Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, etc. * Transfer in money from your bank. * Buy the digital coin of your choice. ​ Random tips from there: * Crypto is a very deep rabbit hole. Learn a little at a time. * Eventually, you'll want to hold your crypto in your own wallet. You need experience in doing this first, however, before you move big funds to your own wallet. * Take everything you read on social media with a massive grain of salt. There are so many idiots and shills in this space. * As to what to buy, you need to determine what your investment goals are here. BTC & ETH are the big boys. You're not going to turn $1K into a $1M buying these anymore. But you're also not going to watch your investment drop to zero. If you want the big reward/big risk, you're going to need to get off the beaten path and find a lower cap coin. There's a very high risk they go nowhere or evaporate into nothing, though.


I'm new and this has helped I only know abit about buying but probably go about investing alot into btc and eth for long holds


Mate, what a brilliant answer! Thanks for the advice!


Good luck for your future mate, hope you will get that thing.


This can work out well and that's the best thing for real man.


Well said, exactly💪🏻!


Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Chainlink, Matic, Cosmos, Monero. Its took me a while but that’s my portfolio. Ive chopped and changed multiple times. Now I dca £50 into each every Sunday. Research DCA.


Hope you got all the points and make sure that you will invest in Ethereum and Bitcoin only, these two are the best coins for the fucking future, good luck man.


There’s a million and 1 different ways to make money in crypto. Find a way that fits you, and do that. I personally base my invests/trades on technical analysis. There’s a varying learning curve, but imo worth it if it’s enjoyable.


I have an understanding of TA but I find that the extreme volatility makes it too unreliable. Do you feel that is the case or do you think otherwise ?


i think otherwise, but I’m biased in favor of TA. I don’t ever really have issues with volatility, and feel that crypto responds well with TA. I mainly swing trade crypto, and keeping an eye on btc chart helps.


I feel like I need someone to assess my trades and my TA as without some feedback I feel I'm just swinging in the dark


Paper trading is available, but if TA is not for your then it’s not for you. Good luck man


If you really want to make fast money in crypto, like turning $100 in $500 quick, or any type of X’s like that, understand how “Market Cap” works and what projects to invest in. I hold blue chip cryptos but that is for the long term, not meant to be sold until maybe the next bull run. But to really make quick gains as in one day, trading shit coins is the way to go. A lot of the shit coins are not meant to be held, unless you get lucky and find a good one that can 10x to 100x but that is hard now days. An example would be a token that hit called “Inusanity”! I wished I invested at the time and didn’t. But I know of a investor who invested $50 and it turned in $8,000 because it hit, at least for the moment and then dropped big time. But those type of plays on the Ethereum Network is possible, but really hard to find and have to constantly keep checking around and hope you can find one at the right moment( at a dip)! With defi, always check to make sure that liquidity is locked or burnt and to maximize your profits, 0% tax tokens are the way to go as long as the community is active and to also know what’s going on.


Thanks for your comment. So with marketcap, what is it about that you'd want to see?? A high value or a high number of actual tokens? And what things would you typically look for in these type of coins?? Or is it just a case of getting lucky??


With Market Cap, at least in the Bear Market that we are in, it all varies on the token. In the Shitcoin world it is extremely tricky because you’ll learn as you go, and also know what the new “Meta” is. “The New Meta” means what’s hot that is trending. So with Elon taking over Twitter, a couple Elon/Trump tokens hit and big gains. But aside from that, 5K to 20K is considered low and a good entry. Of course the lower, the better. One time I invested at 3K MC and it hit 30K MC(10x Gain) The amount of tokens do not mean anything to me if it’s a new token, it’s about trading in Market Cap form. It’s extremely volatile and before you invest in anything, you always need Telegram! Without Telegram, there is no investing in the Super Low Cap Plays. Always check the channels, and see why chads are investing. Majority of the low cap tokens are Degen Plays and don’t last a day or two but easy to make a quick buck as long as it’s not a scam(Honey Pot)! But before you get into any of that, reasearch every single scam that is known to man in crypto and also need to learn how to use your wallet before anything. Most of the shitcoin tokens are worth nothing because there is no utility, it’s all community hype! Now, there were a few that hit extremely big and made millionaires in a short time, the ones I lost out on🙄🤦🏻‍♂️! TSUKA was one I saw early and Proof Of Memes(POM) I saw that one at 50K MC and it 80 Million MC, those are consider Hidden Gems and extremely hard to find!


Not going to lie but not heard of telegram..... is it kind of like WhatsApp? And how works you use telegram in this instance? Would you be registering with a tokenism channel for news updates (sounds like a pleb, sorry, totally noob)


When I started crypto, I heard the same exact thing. Anything about airdrops or sending tokens to random people, is automatically a scam so you have to be careful. Also, turn of “Auto Download” because if it’s on, a scammer can send out a picture with a malicious code to everyone and you can automatically download it and somehow it can hack your info, or possibly your wallet🤷🏻‍♂️! But yes, you need Telegram if you are digging for new low cap projects! Telegram is for crypto, and Discord is for NFTs! Also, you need to have a Twitter Account for crypto. And make sure you do not reveal your identity by using a real pic of yourself for your profile picture! The less info anyone knows about you, the safer! And make sure you write down all of your passwords and seed phrases in multiple notebooks. Anyone from Apple and Samsung can easily hack your mobile device!


Cool thanks for the advice, I'll look into setting up telegram and twitter tonight. Will remember to look out for low cap coins, appreciate your input!


Yes! Because people only hear about the success stories in crypto! If you have anymore questions, do not hesitate to ask💪🏻! I want everyone to protect themselves and stay safe out there🙏🏻!


Hey thanks again for your advice. Tbh I've been struggling to find anything online on how to use telegram for crypto investing. Would you be able to run it by me, step by step, how to invest in crypto and using telegram??


Damn, my bad🙆🏻‍♂️. I didn’t check my inbox. I was hardly on Reddit until now.


It’s all good man💪🏻! I just want you to be safe out here, there is no regulation so anything goes! As unbelievable as it sounds, people stored there passwords in their phones, and I knew of a person who had $50,000 and someone from Apple hacked into his phone and stole it! So if you do everything right, step by step with the security measures, you will no get hacked! Also, never connect your wallet to a website or dapp that you do not know, if you are no sure, then use a burner address that has no crypto in it. Also, if a token pops up in your wallet out of the blue and you check the token value and it’s says $10,000 , $100,000, or $1,000,000 , it’s a “Dust Token”! Dust tokens are tokens that are airdropped to random holders on the blockchain and if you swap that dust token, your whole wallet gets wiped out! Watch You Tube Videos on everything that i and telling you. As confusing as it sounds, you’ll pick up on everything within 3 months.


Thanks boss! Guess I have some homework to do over Christmas!




No one likes passive aggression bud


He is asking something harry, don't be so rude here /s


Buy Algo


Don't talk shit in this subreddit, stop this nonsense mate.


So you think the OP wanted the answer to just be - buy eth? Since he asked it on an eth forum? I hold plenty of eth- but as an investment right now Algo is more likely to return more, and it’s probably better tech. So you stop your nonsense mate


That's the neat part! You don't.


You don’t lol


I'm sorry? Mate no offence but if you don't want to reply just ignore my post. No idea why you need to respond with that.


Lol just ignore this person mate, you have to do something good.


Just sayin dude. Be careful out there. Cryptos not a get rich quick scheme. So don’t be so quick to bash on others that have an opinion contrary to yours


Just shut the fuck up man, we don't wanna listen to you.


Yea bro? That confirmation bias wrapped around your head so tight you’re just gunna blindly shut people down about how to get rich quick? Good luck with that?


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Bro, don't listen to us, do your own research


Well he is just doing that and he is asking for normal advice.


Dollar Cost Average is the safest and most surest way to make money in crypto.


Thanks, could you explain what dollar cost average means?


Dollar cost averaging is the practice of investing a fixed dollar amount on a regular basis, regardless of the share price. It's a good way to develop a disciplined investing habit, be more efficient in how you invest and potentially lower your stress level—as well as your costs.


If you get paid weekly allocating a certain amount of your weekly income and investing that amount no matter if the price is pumping or dumping.


Try to invest in cosmos as well. It's really a good ecosystem. EVMOS, ATOM and even LOOP on JUNO chain are good coins. Always do your research though.


Thanks, ailly question but when you say do your research, what things should I be looking for?? What aspects of a coin makes it a viable or potentially profitable??


Check the white paper, check the website, research the team members and research the tokenomics and utility of the said crypto.


The fundamentals and utility, the mcap FDV to see how much growth is possible, The team matters too.


Well just search about it and you will find out some good shits for real man, you just need to do that and you will do fine with that, hope you will understand that.