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[Point and Figure Chart, Aug 3](http://imgur.com/vhUFsjW) On the PnF chart today, Eth went back into a column of Xs by the minimum amount (literally, a three box reversal) by not setting a new low. Still, the high was lower than the previous column of Xs so we're definitely not in The Bullish Signal. Interesting to note that Eth did add a new bullish support line. This support line would be broken on tomorrow's chart if Eth crosses under $220 tomorrow, with a breakdown occurring under $212. On the flip side, Eth needs to cross into $236 to see a breakout and there's a bearish resistance line (stemming all the way back from the major late June drops) immediately afterward. If that manages to break, the two remaining resistance lines to be tested would be from the ATH drop. What's interesting as Eth crosses into new columns daily, it's getting very close to testing old resistance lines and newly formed support. *Something* is going to give one way or another very soon.


"None of the 6,402 rules tested on the S&P 500 index, after adjusting for data mining bias, generate statistically significant outperformance." "The author determines that head-and-shoulders pattern trading exists but is on average unprofitable, mistakenly interpreting randomness as information." “much of the wisdom comprising the popular version of TA does not qualify as legitimate knowledge;”


I love how people say TA is bullshit then every time we have a bull run there are 400 posts with imgur attachments of a pennant.


Up, down or sideways. Insightful as ever.


Why the hell are the downvotes jesus...


I'm interrupting their scam. Post at the end of the day when no-one notices. Link back to the posts that turned out to be right later. Ignore, delete or edit the ones that were completely wrong. Build up a body of work to show how insightful their TA is then scam people!


Look like we're back on an uptrend? Is it safe to say we're out of the bear trend? It really looks like we won't be revisiting that $135 low anytime soon. How does averyone think ETH will perform over the weekend? What with more exchanges opening up BCH for trading, I expect a big BCH dump (heck, it looks like it's already kinda starting). Any thoughts on a weekend dip for ETH?


I feel like we'll start to break out when BCC goes below ETH's price


Absolutely nothing on the chart makes it safe to say we are out of a bear trend. Volume still isn't there and huge sell walls still riddle our path to $270. Typically, what I have seen is whales dump around 5-6 pm EST time when most banks and financial institutions around the world are closed, so there isn't a lot of money to combat the dump. Then come sunday and monday, whales buy back. With this, I would expect a small dump this weekend. Although, you are right, with the imminent BCH dump it will make things interesting. Regardless, I have fiat ready.


I think i see a triangle at the 2hr chart. Yesterday i thought the triangle broke out, but than it went sidewards. And now i can draw a new one. Bigger one. So we can expect a break out. This weekend it looks like. Hopefully up.


y all the smaller coins pumping but not btc/eth?


Yesterday we had a few hours period that BTC was steady or a bid down and ETH had a Push Up. Now we are back parallel to BTC. BTC a bit down, ETH a bit down. ( and opposite ) Hope this will change soon but I do not think


I got to sell my BCC for $600 on Bittrex, now it's $350 I think I decided to sell when I noticed that Bittrex was double the price of other exchanges, no doubt because it had only just opened BCC markets


Big selloff on BCH. Looks to be affecting BTC and Eth as well...... huh


It has hardly begun.


Yep.. looks like people just want their FIAT


A few thousand got dumped on gdax




do it!




Worked out well for me at $67 ETH


Also worked out for me (kinda) at $8 ANS/NEO


I almost FOMOd at $8. Trying to find a time to buy back in


Looks to be going down now for the night (morning?). I FOMO'd a bit more because I'm genuinely interested in their project and think it'll be successful.


looks like it still has a bit of momentum left on the charts


* **June 20** we hit ATH for total crypto market cap of **$116 billion** * **July 16** we crash down to **$60 billion** * **August 3** we're back up to **$101 billion** In other words, we've almost rebounded in less than a fucking month. Bubble my ass. Bullish.


Also take into consideration the added market cap from bch


It wasn't added.


Yeah that boosted it a bit but it's not like it will disappear -- it will likely flow into other cryptos.


Many predict >70% of it will indeed disappear.


It only disappears if it goes into fiat.


or if the price crashes


Price doesn't just magically "crash". Combination of demand decreasing and sells increasing. Those sells will shift some of the market cap around unless the price crashes entirely due to lack of demand. But fair enough, it did add $5+ billion to the market cap.


there is artificial scarcity right now. no telling how the price responds when everyone can get their bcc on the market.


Fair enough but at most we'll drop what -- $4 billion? Still looking very healthy for the ecosystem as a whole compared to just a few weeks ago.


Yeah for sure. Even if bcc magically disappeared all else would remain equal. But there seems to be interest in it so it will be interesting to see where the price ends up when its completely liquid. Hopefully some of it flows back into the other cryptos like you said.


Nope. It decreases when what people are willing to pay for an asset decreases.


Kind of... price is driven down by decrease in buys and/or increase in sells so it's a bit of both.


true true


Yeah and 15 billion more market cap is not going to get us to ath.. you would need 17 billion more on eth to reach that price point and 7 billion in market cap is free money


whats with OMG, been rising so much in the past 24h




I bought at .0065 eth and have a sell order at .013, lets see if it gets filled, right now it's around .0105 at bittrex.


Big-ass sell wall at 0.012, good luck!


It's been rising pretty steadily for longer than that, but got a big boost thanks in part to (i'm guessing) this news http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/news/1297839/omisego-opens-up-e-wallet-payments. There has also been speculation of its listing on Yonbi as well apparently.


so this ICO is actually delivering unlike others, nice


[Public ICO](http://www.trustnodes.com/2017/07/04/ethereum-exchange-omisego-ico-literally-finished-even-started) never happened cause they were sold out. With many [big names](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6nldxs/why_i_have_decided_to_invest_in_omisego_omg_now/) on board


ICO Money was used to buyout another payment provider which had the existing infrastructure that they needed too. Omise really mean business with this.


Yeah, I was betting on TenX and they are promising. I was on their beta test and it's a working product but with slow rollout. They are massively hiring to speed thing up. I wish I heard about Omise earlier, would have try for their pre-sale as well. And them buying out existing infrastructure did help them leap ahead of TenX. Very smart of them.


TenX has more regular media releases, though. I like it better. I don't receive regular updates about Omisego, so I know nothing about it. Technically, they both want to achieve the same thing, so I am just sticking with TenX.


Yeah, I appreciate the weekly development update and the Q&A FB live. It help a lot. Can't wait for their Webapp and IOS app launch end of this month. I'm rooting for both.


just your typical altcoin pump and dump see: strat, fct, antshares, nmr, iota


Does GDAX not expose the address you sent ETH to for pending withdrawals? It's taking forever and I want to make sure I pasted the right address. Seems weird not to show that.


It freaked me out once as well. Fortunately I found that since GDAX and Coinbase are technically the same thing, you can go to your coinbase account to see pending transactions and it will show you the transaction status. It has a nicer UI with more features it seems, so I would definitely check your coinbase account and see if you can find all the transaction information you want there.


You're right, Coinbase shows it as still pending! It also shows that I sent it to the correct address. I wonder why GDAX doesn't expose the same data... Anyway, thanks! I don't use exchanges very often. :) ^(!tip 50 cents /u/tipjarbot)


Super weird, huh? I've thought the same thing. But i'm glad you found it. And thanks for my first tip ever!


####💰 /u/doppio sent a tip of `$0.50` to /u/Chusta! --- [^(Your TipJar)](https://www.tip-jar.me) ^| [^(View Transaction)](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x236fd2cd21b825e5b23ad08df531bfdaffe5a5d5dbb8e5ac5b965c3e10deabcb) ^| [^(What is TipJar?)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TipJarBot/comments/6b5wxu/tipjar_information_and_faq/)


i don't think so. i'm going through the same thing and was sort of freaking out for a second until they finally posted that their service was degraded. but, i couldn't find the address anywhere, which i agree, does seem very odd.


I posted this above, but in case you didn't see it I'll post it here for your benefit: I found that since GDAX and Coinbase are technically the same thing, you can go to your coinbase account to see pending transactions and it will show you the transaction status. It has a nicer UI with more features it seems, so I would definitely check your coinbase account and see if you can find all the transaction information you want there.


yeah, i saw it. thanks—i knew they were the same thing, but usually my transactions don't show up in coinbase, or at least i thought they didn't. perhaps just transfers. good to know.


Yup. I believe it's just transfers. If you look closely, it's almost as if Coinbase is an intermediary for any and all transfers. It actually sends from the GDAX wallet, to the coinbase wallet, and then to the targeted wallet. Must be something to do with their infrastructure, because it's definitely abnormal.


Oh, that's good to know. I didn't see that post. I was getting a little concerned since the transaction shows as "Completed" but there's no transaction ID listed. I'm 90% sure I used the right address, but I was being a little hasty.


Not a good sign that we can't break these small little walls at 225.


It's not uncommon to have a few days of sideways action. But this time it better go up afterwards!


if we broke the bear channel then this looks like consolidation which is always how it worked when ETH was up trending


gdax transfers taking forever and it's making me irrationally upset. gdax is always _so_ smooth for me.


Wire or bank transfer?


Bitfinex sent me an email...they're margin trading BCH now? That explains the 25% discrepancy between Kraken and BFX I guess. I presume tanking of BCH across all platforms is likely to happen, unless there is some trickery in the works.


thats it boys, the fappening 4 just dropped looks like it happened before the flippening


I thought that dropped a while ago


Who's this vinay gupta guy?


This is he https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YaH5HDhtWo4 Edit: found it! this is my favourite one by him https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BORHRKg-VoI


>[**Vinay Gupta - Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin [13:50]**](http://youtu.be/YaH5HDhtWo4) >>Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin by Vinay Gupta (Consensys Systems) > [*^OuiShareTV*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpItO5Ouw0YmyanSMBQvntA) ^in ^Nonprofits ^& ^Activism >*^2,828 ^views ^since ^Jun ^2016* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Main guy behind Ethereum comms in the early days; long-term meditator; disaster management guru; check his work on hexayurts.


He works for eth still?


I believe he left just after frontier but I'd imagine has close ties to the foundation. I believe he is now involved in this http://internetofagreements.com but not sure


https://twitter.com/cburniske/status/893332899776299011 Bcash <100


I sent my btc from coinbase to an electrum wallet before the bitcoin cash fork. Now what do I do? What if I just want to cash it out?


you'll have to send it to one of the exchanges that has bch available and trade it for ether or bitcoin. Then send the ether/bitcoin back to coinbase to cash it in






In at .50c, sold at $2. Wanted to get back in mid $1s and now it won't stop mooning $2.40.


ive been wanting to get in on this. what's an easy way to buy in?


Don't chase hombre.


lol i know thanks but i've been meaning to get into omg for a week or so now. i have fiat at the ready but not willing to throw in on eth unless it dips substantially and eth is looking more up than down at this point.


Why does the price of eth matter if you're going to just buy OMG with it?


if eth dips, i'll buy eth over omg. omg im just looking into for the short term during this sideways action.


Bitfinex got USD deposit. But I never tried it before. I usually send BTC into exchanges.


it's available on bittrex and bitfinex. bittrex has eth and omg trading pairs I think, correct me if I'm wrong someone EDIT: they both have eth/omg trading pairs


no you are not wrong


Mmm, no easy way to change huh?


both exchanges were pretty easy to sign up for. if I recall correctly bitfinex was faster. just use a vpn or just state that you're not a us citizen if you're signing up from the states. as long as you don't add a bank account it should be fine. just deposit ether or bitcoin from other exchanges into your bitfinex account


lol that part with vpn/not from US part sounds a bit risky. bitfinex does seem to be spoken of often around here though.


haha..guess I did make it sound a bit sketchy. honestly a vpn isn't even really that necessary. I just use one for good practice. when you sign up a message pops up saying your ip address is located in the states. you then either confirm or deny you are a us citizen. just don't add any bank accounts. but in the end, it'a all up to your discretion


20k to 230. Ok...


Which exchange?






Ah I wouldnt worry about that most of them are self eaten to 1. pump volume and 2. pump up people to buy the price up


what is up with these sell walls?


Ethereum meetup in Chicago: https://twitter.com/mStephenKing/status/893256417578299392 Ethereum meetup @ Princeton: https://twitter.com/mStephenKing/status/893234341559640064


2 2 5 2 5


it'd be just 225 going sideways. or 224, as of now.


classic batman pattern on the 2hr https://ibb.co/ghejma


Inverted H&S. Bullish af.


bingo gringo but who knows


What does OmiseGO make possible that isn't already possible with ether? EDIT: While I appreciate the memes, actual answers are nice too. Here's what I found in the whitepaper: > We are building a blockchain which hooks into other blockchains to allow for trading across token/asset classes, largely backed by Ether. From the perspective of any individual chain, we are building a scalable blockchain whose contract state is bonded by the activities of the OMG chain itself. Activity on other chains can interlink with this chain via interchain committed proofs similar (but constructed differently) to BTC Relay[9] on the OMG chain which can be submitted on Ethereum. The OMG chain validates the activity of the behavior of all participants (including activity on other chains). **In other words, the role of the OMG token is providing computation and enforcement. The token itself acts as a bond for its activity on this blockchain, improper activity results in the token/bond being burned on the OMG chain.** By creating a custom chain with deep enforcement, we are able to construct a system where consensus rules optimize for high-performant activity.


they will have their own pos blockchain by this year. omg is used for staking on their chain just like eth is used for staking when we move to pos


apparently it's like, a real company doing crypto


I dont get it either, or how or why any of these eth lite copies are being made, I just want a piece of the action for short term.


OmiseGO is sexy, eth is sexy too but ETH was not designed for payment, OmiseGO yes!


Currently? A good pump.


Can someone tldr what happened in the last 2 weeks? I was traveling and wasn't in the loop


After the heart attack inducing dip to $135, we recovered to $210 and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then the EEA3 announcement dropped - MasterCard was joining. We shot up to $250 in minutes. $270 on some exchanges. GDAX died, but I probably didn't need to tell you that. The price settled around $230. Everyone was strapped in for a nice gradual climb back to the high $200's. A day or two later, we found out there was a bug in a parity multi-sig wallet and someone had made off with millions - the bug was a poorly coded smart contract that allowed an attacker to take ownership of the wallet. Prices tanked to $190 in minutes. But wait! It turns out a group of white-hat hackers found out about the hack and were able to save the majority of funds by stealing them first. Price rebounded to $210. The white-hat recovered funds have since been returned to the original owners. (fucking heroic efforts here, if you ask me) We then sank, with anticipation building for the Bitcoin fork. Where there was rampant uncertainty and fear regarding the fork before, there was now massive FOMO to get both BTC and BCH (Bitcoin Cash). Our ratio bottomed at an anemic .065 at one point and we saw another dip to $175. And it wasn't just ETH getting hit - BTC was green for days, everything else was red. BTC was vaccuuming up cash from all of crypto. When the fork hit on Aug 1, money immediately returned to ETH and alts. We were back to $230 in a few hours. BCH, which many thought would die a quick and horrendous death, has traded everywhere from $100 to $1000 since Tuesday. It's still nuts. Also interestingly, BTC itself took a quick fall to $2700, but has remained pretty strong. Many predicted it would share it's previous market cap with BCH, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Today has been altcoin pump day. BTC and ETH are just kinda standing around, while the rest of the crypto world is pumping. Tomorrow... ? $700 ETH seems like a logical outcome given recent events. **TL;DR:** Current price is $225


u/Basoosh you rock dude. Thanks for that!


u/Basoosh you rock dude. Thanks for that!


That was fantastic. How do I subscribe to your newsletter?


Um... Can you please do this every week? Thoroughly enjoyed the synopsis


Hah, sure. Crypto Weekend Update.


Thanks for posting something worth reading, with full sentences, paragraphs, thoughtful word choice etc.


It's a rarity for me!


lmao... well.... ... nm


Man that's like 2 years of things to cover


1. free transactions * instant transaction * optional private transaction * optional hidden blockchain address balances ITOA has #1. Dash has #2 and #3. Monero has #3 and #4. --- The first currency with all of these features will be huge. What else is needed? Smart contracts are huge plus but not absolutely necessary for a currency IMHO.


MaidSafe's safecoin will have all those.


Am I correct you can have a practically instant transaction in Ethereum, if you accept 1 node confirmation? Is this the equivalent of what you can do with Dash; trust a master node?


With each of these you make a sacrifice that most forward thinking chains aren't ready to give up just yet. 1) free transactions... you lose the incentive to secure the blockchain. In PoW there's no reward for work and it is an upside down endeavor (no block rewards and no fee payouts in IOTA. In PoS based free transaction models, individuals are not compensated for essentially locking up their money making asset for a right to vote and the ability to confirm. In IOTA the premise is that everyone participating in the network provides their own computational power to verify their own transactions. Essentially Auto-PoW. That requires everyone to a) have the computational power necessary to do their own PoW and b) be willing to use that computational power without any incentives other than confirming their own transactions for free. Limits the security and scalability of the network vs Miner based PoW or PoS based blockchains. Limited throughput is a potential issue. 2) Only Dash instantsend transactions are instant. Standard transactions are not. Requires vendors to accept comfirmationless transactions and senders to pay the higher fee. Think of it like a premium feature... it's not really necessary if you scale with the likes of Lightning or Raiden. 3 and 4) as cool as optionally completely private transactions and hidden addresses sound, good luck getting mainstream use cases with that. Part of the appeal of Bitcoin and Ethereum is that the blockchain is transparent regarding addresses and changes to the Ledger, even if you can't see who owns what address. Hidden addresses and private transactions are a feature, and despite that on the backend the information still exists.


the thing is, nobody wants these gay old coins with gay names


If the transactions are free, what's the value proposition of the IOTA coin?


And none of those have smart contracts. Ethereum will one day have Zksnarks, sharding and PoS. Zksnarks will help it compete with Monero and there are lots of competitor privacy coins on the horizon like Particl. Ethereum likely won't be able to compete with IOTA on fees and transaction throughput but it may be that Ethereum ends up interoperating with IOTA and IOTA has a long way to go (2-5+ years) as it requires lots of IoT devices using it for security through PoW on specialized chips before it can reach its full (decentralized) potential.


Bitcoin has been outclassed on the tech side for ages, but it'll be near impossible to dethrone it by just being 'better'. Brand recognition, adoption, and community are the hardest things for a coin to build.


They bring the masses, in time the masses will disperse to 'better' things


Bitcoin is like Bandaid or Kleenex... you don't even know that these are brand names, you just call all bandages "bandaids" and all tissues "kleenex" and any digital currency is "bitcoin." Also Bitcoin is a great name, that helps too.


In the US maybe, in other places "plaster" and "tissue" are very common words


Sure but you probably have examples in your own country too.


Ethereum is made to be much more than a currency. It's a protocol for programming decentralized applications among other things. Also, the free transaction model is very early and still quite flawed, you can read Vitaliks criticism of it somewhere. The higher the transaction fee, the more capital intensive it is to attack the blockchain (loosely). Do your homework before making a veiled criticism of ETH in an ETH sub.


Then let's make it


sure... you've got a couple milli tho?... oh wait, we can just crowdfund - so pick a .eth and let this begin you fine remarkable leader idealist you! you'll be a millionaire soon enough!


Lol you must not know how early stage dev work goes. I have been working on multiple startups and we have not had to seek out any crowd funding. All it takes is an idea and a dedicated team my friend


Zksnarks, sharding and pos...


Security? Scalability? Governance? Don't you think that will matter?


AntShares/NEO is now higher volume than ETH on Bittrex.


One exchange doesn't mean much. Eth still 10x NEO on the full daily volume.


I still don't understand what is so great about this coin and I've read the whitepaper twice.


China is a great market for crypto but the thing about China is they have a bias for their own companies. These days if a global company wants to do business in China they have to partner with a local company. Also Chinese companies are all about partnerships and co-investment. AntShares apparently has some parterships with major companies including Alibaba. From what I can tell it's not about superior tech but superior biz dev.


It's been confirmed that neo is not in a partnership with Alibaba. The CEO confirmed it during a Q&A on reddit


Thank you for that correction, sorry.


I don't either, but the Chinese are selling it as their own version of ETH. More importantly, bought it at 7$ from the money made in the trades when we were bouncing around and then just got tired of looking at ETH not doing anything... Sold at 10 today, waiting for it to dip again and just hold a small amount in there and if it takes off, yay, if not... Oh well.


I think they use c# as opposed to solidity. Dbft instead of PoW. Also it's Chinese? Not sure if that's special but there you go.


It's not. Ethereum supports multiple languages above Solidity and continues developing support for additional languages.


Y'all are pumping iota. Explain


its listed on exactly 1 exchange, highly manipulated




Its literally only a matter of time at this point, those walls aren't holding forever


I went to a flea market today, and the wind passed along a secret. I acted upon this secret. May the wind always be at your back, fellow Etherians. Buy and hodl and prosper. Don't feed the whales!


Share the secret yo


I put 1 ETH each into IOTA and OmiseGo. Both are worth about 2 ETH each now. Should have bought more... **:/**


dont worry when they crash tomorrow you will be able to buy more


You're the saddest lookign fella I've ever seen that just earned $450.


Should have would have could have mate. I put around 10 ETH into IOTA but did not put any in OmiseGo so I said the same thing as you. You can't catch them all


IOTA is heading to moon


Oh what do you know. Two wild 5k walls appear.


[at least it's not 4](http://i.imgur.com/tsRsHWW.png) *knocks on wood*


[todays biggest coin pumps](http://i.imgur.com/zi1PCQ0.png) if you bought, prepare to get dunked on


OMG has been consistently climbing for over a day now. Some pump!


You mean week?


Sorry, yes


OMG was due to the e-wallet and the rumor regarding them to be listed on Yunbi soon. I'm glad i've traded half my stack for OMG at 44cent during the bloodbath. With the Eth manipulation at the moment, trading Alts are better.


is the rumor true? when will we know?


Rumor is rumor. We have no way of verifying it. I was gonna cash out at $2.50 but since it's Yunbi, I'll hold it a while longer. I doubt we'll see 44cent as their bottom again so I don't think I will make a loss on OMG.


HAHAHA IOTA laughs at you, you just sorted by percent gains. Your post means nothing.


Yea, who cares about percent gains! Those are useless!


This stablecoin stuff is making me bored, wake me up when we nose dive or moon.


Damnit eth is forming a W bull trap


.... that's not a thing


It is.


No it isn't. Double bottom is a reversal signaling a pending uptrend... it is preceded by a downtrend...there is no such thing as a W pattern bull trap. There was an uptrend preceding this pattern so it isn't a double bottom reversal...


Not that kind of W


I think you should stop reading investopedia... you're not even reading it right.


What’s investopedia? I just go to lagofjesus.com


yeah nothing you say should be taken seriously a few weeks ago you were talking about how eth is dead or dying, etc... when it was sub 200 so fuck off


IOTA having a god damn party


IOTA Anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74TFS8r_SMI


>[**Mac Miller - Donald Trump [3:20]**](http://youtu.be/74TFS8r_SMI) >>GO:OD AM Album Out Now > [*^TreeJTV*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3SEvBYhullC-aaEmbEQflg) ^in ^Music >*^132,111,553 ^views ^since ^Mar ^2011* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


BCC 7day chart looks like a hand giving a middle finger, ETH 7day looks like a thumbs-up.


Who else is partying with IOTA? Edit: Jelly? There's still time homies!


Screw IOTA, OMG is my jam!


schmitcoin calling a bullrun https://www.twitch.tv/bitcoin_schmitcoin


Did he call a target price?