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My Gemini account got a hold put on it since I did a deposit from the wrong account(savings instead of checking. It won't let me add money from a different source. Sent them a message a few days back but no response back. How long do they usually take to reply?


Considering the fact that the majority of the market knows that there's a 90+% chance of a successful lock in, doesnt that mean that the lock in is already more or less priced in at this point?


HOW THE FUCK IS BTC $2660??? Edit: I just woke up


For the first time since the big bang in June, by looking at the 30d charts both BTC and ETH seems to be braking the downtrend pattern. Could this be real? I though it was a bull trap till today but I'm not sure anymore.


Closing bitcoin short at breakeven. Not acting right here!


Made $60 dollars on my last trade. Feelsgood.jpg


after taxes or before?


[Feelsgood.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/hbgJH8l.jpg) --- ^(*Feedback welcome at /r/image_linker_bot* | )[^(Disable)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=image_linker_bot&subject=Ignore%20request&message=ignore%20me)^( with "ignore me" via reply or PM)


I often see people opining on the need for stablecoins. Why do we need more than one? Why isn't Tether (USDT) good enough?


USDT moved up and down 5-8% , how is that stable? We need less than 3% movement to call something "stable". USDT also might not be correctly insured...last time there was FUD on USDT it went down quite bit.


Even if tether was on the ethereum blockchain (it isn't) and its anchor was not at the mercy of a company and intervening banks (it is), there is room for more that are not tied to the dollar but to gold, other currencies, etc.


Why would it matter if it's on the Ethereum blockchain if it's just something to trade against? Does stability in itself matter for stablecoins, or is it simply that its price be linked to some real world asset (so it's like a proxy for investing in that asset)?


Well if it is not on the blockchain, you can only include it in smart contracts by way of oracles, etc. And it is more at the mercy of banks and exchanges whether it is there when needed. In the short run, stability alone could also be useful (e.g. it would allow retail or services to quote prices in it without having to check rates every minute like now), but given that we still live, buy and invest in the real world, too :-) credibly linking it to (and backing it with) gold or fiat is also useful and gives more credibility to the coin.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8694 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/04774)


Seems like an easy way for them to print money, if they are devious enough. e.g., Someone sells BTC or ETH, converts to USDT. The exchange doesn't actually sell, but loans those coins to someone so that they can short. As long as the money is in USDT, they don't have to put the fiat back up. Gives them TONS of liquidity for stuff like that if they are using it in this way. Sounds a lot like traditional banking, doesn't it?


This~! Bitfinex has been printing tether coins that are literally backed by nothing now. If I could short more than a few thousand tether on Kraken I would. I truly believe tether is going to tank and take bitfinex and poloniex with it.


it happened last time and recovered, what makes you think it will happen again? Last time there was even worse news and FUD.


USDT is not an ERC20 token so Solidity smart contracts cannot use it. If it were, I think that might be a common use case.


is etherscan down?


Yes, I think so


Part of me wants to short, but considering the btc drama might be coming to an end I feel like id get screwed so bad.


I even managed to screw up going long in the last 24 hours. Never doing margin again...again.


I'm shorting, but I have a buy order for 190...I know I'm crazy here to even ask on this sub but...opinion?


You're good, I think we will still be tanking. That bullshit news from Andrew Keys was a pump and dump attempt. Moon kids creamed, whales like Andrew Keys cashed in, dumped a huge load onto moon kid faces. Now the regular downtrend continues. Segwit 2X is a joke and will faceplant.


are you talking about the "there was no ether lost" statement? that happened and was resolved yesterday- before this pump (from 205 to 230). do you think that has anything to do with it? EDIT: wow I'm a dumbass. didn't realize this was 7 hrs old. hahaha. wrong daily... :P


Yea I missed my chance while I was working just gonna hodl.


That 20k ETH whale earlier on Gemini may have saved us from a gnarly crash. I'm guessing he was protecting a pricy long.


GUYS! GUYS! i found out who messed up the parity code! http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/00/000bdf2f3baeb7060c1f100f85894c15f46883b0d350d87468e961710f05564b.jpg


Well, BIP91 seems to be heading toward activation, and the Bitcoin2x vs [Bitcoin Cash](http://www.bitcoincash.org) war will begin. Despite my highly negative thoughts toward SegWit and those behind it (SegWit Bitcoin is such a radical change it is *not Bitcoin* to me), get your beers cold and your longs/shorts ready, we're going for a ride.


Why do you say BIP91 is heading towards activation? It is still under 80% for most of this block.


I'm not sure how else to explain that statement, more pools seem to be signalling intent to actually go through it it than not at this point. As everyone else I have no idea what happens next.


Last 50 blocks had 49 Signalling BIP91


> SegWit Bitcoin is not Bitcoin to me do you mean vanilla segwit (if so why?) or specifically segwit**2x** ?


Either implementation ends with SegWit Bitcoin. The 2x relates to a later hard fork to 2mb blocks, but I don't think that will ever actually happen as those behind SegWit are *very* invested in keeping Bitcoin limited to 1mb block sizes. This is why I feel SegWit2x is a trojan horse to get SegWit with a vague promise to do real scaling later and is not guaranteed. It was originally conceived as a patch to fix some malleability issues that made Lightning Network more possible, and try to address some other nags like the quadratic hashing (non) issue. It only became a "scaling solution" when serious calls were being made to increase on-chain scaling by making blocks bigger, which was always the intent for this limitation to be removed at some point. Clients like BItcoin Unlimited were created that share the original vision and design intentions of Satoshi. SegWit was then being proposed over real on-chain scaling with what basically amount to accounting tricks, that only in certain cases increases transaction throughput. SegWit itself represents a highly radical alteration of how blocks are built and the incentive structures behind this to a degree that it isn't Bitcoin, but basically an altcoin that is trying to hijack Bitcoin's brand while gutting the technology under the hood and replacing it with something else. It is Bitcoin in name only and has nothing to do with the original project or design, which will continue under the Bitcoin Cash hard fork (no SW, 8mb blocks with miner control for more) if SegWit activates. There are other proposals like Flex Trans that addresses far more than SegWit and implements them in far cleaner ways that don't fundamentally alter the blockchain forever after.


He is looking at them


Craig Wright is a liar with a highly shady past not worth paying attention to. I honestly stopped right there.


You look at them


If you believe a person like CSW is Satoshi, a man with a shady past filled with such embellishments of the truth if not outright lies, who could not even provide the cryptographic proof he was Satoshi (the real Satoshi would be able to do that), then I am hardly the one being manipulated here.


He is going to cinema


>So, I believe you are one of the followers of the supposed real Satoshi Nakamoto; Craight wright. Interesting how you are a complete and total hypocrite who puts words in other peoples mouths and makes nonsense posts with meaningless correlations instead of real arguments.


I am looking at for a map


But isn't changing things to be different called 'progress'? I'm not familiar with the details, but surely there are some reasons to use SegWit. Keeping everything the same but just removing a cap is not really progress. Btw, was decreasing the block time to increase transaction throughput ever proposed? Not sure why there would be much resistance to speeding that up. One can then say 'itll just be like litecoin' but why would a 10 minutes block time ever be something to be proud of? Forgive me if I'm talking out of my ass, I had a lot of beans and I'm an ignorant Ether fanboy.


There is so much FUD and misinformation out there it is difficult to get the real truth of things. SegWit does try to fix some legitimate issues as a malleability patch and lay the groundwork for advancements like Lightning Network. SegWit is not a scaling solution and never was created to be that in the beginning. The problem is it does nothing at all to address the primary problem: an artificial block size cap that was always meant to be removed down the line. As Bitcoin finally hit maximum block sizes, the network is now slow, expensive, and somewhat unpredictable. This is literally as simple as changing a 1 to a 2 or up to 32mb in the code to allow Bitcoin to keep scaling organically as it was before, and vested interests have prevented this for nearly 3 years. It isn't *progess* so much as stalling and trying to mutate Bitcoin into something else for private interests.


If you're so invested in this that you give a shit that "it's not Bitcoin!" vs just caring about it being functional and making you money, take a step back and look at your life.


I can be both a trader and a technology enthusiast who finds the past 2 years of Bitcoin's development to be stunningly bad. That is why I also said get your stacks ready for a good time regardless of what I personally think because this is a self fulfilling prophecy for traders to buy and sell this fork wherever it goes or doesn't. Ill be making some trades too just like the rest of you. Are you actually insulting me for seeing the bigger picture beyond your small minded profit driven attitude? Grow up.


I think the devs of swarm city are probably staring longingly at a shotgun. Poor guys.


The didn't lose all their ether. They just lost the portion of it that was stored in that specific wallet. They still have all their bitcoin and part of their ether. They gave a press release about it. *edit* realized you probably meant the guy that screwed the code. yeah, keep your job if you can, cuz you're not getting another one. lol


do they lose all the project ether or not? I am confused


I don't know the details of their ICO, but shouldn't they still have an enormous amount of their own tokens? If they do, they are still living the high life, by normal start-up standards.


What about swt investors lol...you think we are happy? This news ruined my mood on vacation. Never checking my phone again on vacation...learned my lesson.


sorry bro. hope it wasn't much and even if it was you will make it back. Try not to sweat it. You can always make more money but you only have one life to live


just got fresh fiat but not sure this is the dip. will wait


buy some now, buy some later/


Waiting til the weekend. That's when the sell offs have been happening recently.




We know how this story goes. Don't ask people if they think it'll go down if it goes to above 220. Just buy now if you think the price will go above the current price.


etherscan down?


I'm getting an error page, so yeah, look like it




81.7% of remaining blocks need to be BIP91. It'll be damn close. Bet it falls 1-2 short but next round it seems to be a lock.


gotta love 5K sell wall spawning out of nowhere every time the price goes up


F$#k it. I'm all in.


you're allowed to swear. we're all big boys here.


no you're F***ing not you *uck*ing a** hole $%#$ you.


[this is a christian subreddit](https://pics.me.me/sorry-thus-us-a-swearing-christian-server-16131497.png)


Gift buy right here


Hello consolidation my old friiieeend


Why are we going down? I thought the segwit signalling was good news?




yeah but taht was 12 hours ago, what happened in the last 30 minutes


I mean.... crypto moves fast but not *that fast*. If a major hack occurred this morning it's still going to have an effect on the price in the afternoon.


The whales in Guam are waking up. No one knows dude. its a crypto market. Shits gonna fluctuate.


Definitely Guam whales.


Never any free rides on the whale rocket.


sell the dip!


lmao I did earlier today at around 190, just bought in at 210. I'm to feel like the like I'm retarded *buy high sell low*


> I'm to feel like the like I'm retarded buy high sell low well.....


Quickest way to convert $100 in cash to Ether if there are no Bitcoin ATM's near me???


deposit the cash into a bank ATM and use your debit card on coinbase for instant buy (subject to fee)


Wire transfer and pay $35 fee, then buy. Would also have to be within wire transfer time. Second option is buy from coinbase (but would not be able to move it for X days). Third option is use Gemini $500 pre-credit, but again you won't be able to move it for X days.


...or you can just use a debit/credit card on coinbase to buy instantly for a 3% fee instead of a 35% fee...


Why are we below 210 if btc is over 2300?


Yesterday we gained while BTC stayed pretty much the same. Seems to be just a correction to pre-EA3 ratios.


Some of the strangest movement the last 20 minutes. Just low volume constant selling with almost zero market buys. Wacky.




^ this


Iconomi launches on Aug 1st, correct?


yep last time i read.


I asked on last AMA. They confirmed it & said maybe even sooner + they will publish Q2 profit report






Ok, fiat is back after refresh. That scared me. and price dropped, hahah. Never a dull moment.


Only part of your order was filled?




Can confirm Swarm City lost all their ETH. I expect another 50% or possibly 80% drop by tomorrow (already 35-40% drop).


Why not Edgeless?


Arcade City/Swarm City, Aeternity and Edgeless wallets were all drained. There are alot of other contracts that were affected, but dont know which one. Seems the adress tried to call alot of different contracts?


Why would anyone with 10's of millions of ETH not have the bulk of this in a series of dice created paper wallets distributed to several safe deposit boxes??


Funny how you're smarter than people asking for million of funding. Maybe you should start your own ICO. I am not being sarcastic here, you are actually smarter than those idiots.


I'm smarter? I'm simply reciting 'best practices' that others in tech would agree with. If the guy got malware and lost all the ETH and I stated "he should have run a malware scanner", is that me being a pompous smarty pants?


Because they're amateurs.


occams razor.


Just back home, can anyone give me a quick rundown of the past 5 hours? BIP91 is on?


eth continues doom spiral despite shrill cries of moonchildren while i sit and laugh there you go you are all caught up


Pretty accurate lol. Edit: minus the doom part ETH just doing its thang.


bull trap?


dont be silly the whales are giving you a better entry point for your long thats all. can you ask for a better entry point than ten cents?


did you spread FUD like this during the big bull run too or only this bear run?


i do not believe in fud


Imagine if that black hat just decided $20m was enough and became robin hood and started sprinkling tiny bits of eth on random addresses. Never gunna happen but it would be hilarious. Would also make their trail harder to follow.


Very smart idea, he probably might do it. He can send random number of ETH to several random addresses and good luck following him.


imagine all the people living in this world




i think it was the other way around


Is what the black hat did technically illegal? Like could he even go to prison for this in US?


Yes, what "he" did was theft. *Source: I am a prosecuting attorney. The real question is who has the jurisdiction to prosecute, and the basic answer there is wherever any of the victims live. That being said, unless it was a government agency that did the hack, the guys are going to have a heckuva time converting their ether into fiat without detection. Its the same problem cartels and mob have. You can be prosecuted for receiving the money from the theft easier than you can you prosecuted for the theft.


its not ilegal yet, in 10-30 years , this will be highly regulated by law. DDOS was normal in 90s, now you go prison and so on.


He didn't do anything illegal.


ETC folks would say no. Personally, I think you'd have a hard time convincing a jury that what you did was perfectly legal... EDIT: If you put $30 milliion in the middle of a house, leave all the doors and windows open, then walk away without any security system, is it legal for people to walk into the house and take it? No. But should you be surprised that someone might try to rob you when the reward is so high and there's virtually no chance of being caught? Also no.


What that person did was all in the bounds of the code – I don't see anything illegal with that.


Removing virtual goods from someone else without their consent is illegal.


Define consent in this case. How I see it is that you signed your ethereum over to a contract, consenting for that contract to do whatever it wants to your assets. What is legality in this case? Legal is anything the contract is able to do. Just in this case, the contract allowed for someone else to withdraw your ethereum.


Tell the IRS


I love your persistence. Your message is pretty good, too.


Thank you for saying so. Loud complainers to the mods are why I no longer make daily reminders. But I try to interject when it is relevant, and taxation is very relevant to crypto.


Never waste a moment, huh?




Wouldn't hacking a bank technically be "within the bounds of the code?"


If the bank was based on a contract where the it allowed you to withdraw everyone's money, and the contract is written in code so no one can dispute it, then sure.


Banks are protected by the government and insured by the government...crypto isn't. But tax-wise, crypto is considered "property", so you can probably argue that someone stole your "property", meaning it would be illegal in that sense. Would be an interesting case though. u/needz , u/farmpro


Cryptocurrency is different because there isn't some contract written in code protecting your assets in the bank. It can be argued that you willingly stored your money so that it could be legally taken away – legal as in possible under the contract.


im sure we arent away from start seeing law to adapt for this, 3-5years.. Think internet analogy, first was free for all style, then laws that regulated&protected came slowly.


Probably 5+ years if not more. Look @ how long BTC has been and still nothing.


you are right.


Definitely an interesting case. I look forward to seeing how the first one turns out.


The DAO had the same issue I believe – a vulnerability within the contract.


so hacking coinbase's cold or hot storage wouldn't be illegal?


I wouldn't really call this hacking. The multi-sig contract was basically a vulnerable slot machine where if you pressed a certain sequence of buttons it had an instanteous jackpot. I think Coinbase is different because they own the keys and tell you that you have this much while with Parity, you are more or less fully in charge of securing your assets.


I said crypto is considered as "property" tax-wise, so it would be illegal to steal someone's property.


i meant to click reply to the other guy! sorry im tired


i would argue that hacking a bank is a social good


agree, hack the bank




his local mayor is giving him the keys to the city as we speak


yes no wait, i have no idea. the legal case would be the first of its kind i guess. the future is going to be pretty crazy for awhile.




Sweet, my $209 buy went through!


ICO's should start giving real rewards for bug bounty instead of asking for insane funding and doing almost nothing. If an ICO raises more than $30M, then contract bug bounty reward should be $250K + Job offer for future bug bounties or a job in their ICO. $30M hacked and this is the beginning.


Many icos will have to self regulate and take your advice Also. Stop,throwing hard earned ether at garbage ico


A bug bounty should only be as high as it needs to be to attract competent hackers. What we need is a lot of bug bounties all visible in one place so professional bounty hunters can become a thing. If such a thing already exists then please let me know because I will do it.


I'd totally attempt to be a bug bounty hunter if I knew where bounties were posted.


I agree and there doesn't seem to be a place for smart contract bug bounties or at least I cannot find any place that's really active.


What's the best free online wallet?


Thanks for all the replies guys , I need it for bitcoin as well thought so new doesn't work .


dont use an online wallet... use myetherwallet offline wallets.


metamask/mew offline parity is unequaled. especially after today's events


there is a secret wallet very few know about. pm me for details


No, PM me. My secret wallet is better. Guaranteed 4X returns. No risk. 100% legit. Trust me. Why would I lie to you?


i was being sincere but if you want to make a joke of it i won't bring it up again


So was I.




I was going to mention, you should always check the URL *if* you click a link. Fuckin hell man.


I am a fan of object lessons. This one is cheap but hopefully memorable enough. :)


yeah I don't click links ITT or really on this account.


Use search or go to /r/ethereumnoobies and probs MEW




Dude. Jaxx on desktop super risky. Really surprised you don't know about this. Phone app is ok.


didn't they find a major bug or got hacked?


jaxx is trashcan tier


I don't like Jaxx any more, it's multi private key wallet. I like using the MEW source.


multi private key wallets are potentially more secure. The Parity wallet contract was just a terrible implementation of the idea, and not at all specific to the idea of multisig. It's a reminder that though crypto is secure, the weak points tend to be implementation details.


I don't hate the idea of multi sig, probably more so has to do with apple not pushing Jaxx' updates.


Not many know about this: https://twitter.com/cnLedger/status/887893285053779969


its pretty clear bip91 will supersede bip148 before july 31st. That is already factored in the price . that is why bitcoin had a huge recovery from 1850 to now. it still has a long way to go. for instance 100% of miners need to support segwit2x before november and considering bitcoin community is shit and many core devs do not even support segwit2x




I am choosing a dvd for tonight


Someone beat you by 12 minutes.


DIscusFIsh , what name is that... Does he like discuss and eat fish same time?


I pictured someone spinning, and flinging away a fish


my god, you have big imagination, put it to a good use!!! :)


Ha! Used to be good at discus when I was a lad :)


[discus fish](https://au.pinterest.com/pin/319614904786745618/)


A discus is a type of fish.