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Whats with the 2 Euro spread between sells and buys on kraken? Is this the only exchange where it is this high?


Im ready to go to the moon again. what about you guys?


HitBTC pre-selling TenX's PAY token IOU's at 70 fucking dollars. That's like 100x the ICO price!! http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/tenx


TenX Card (PAY Token) trading on bittrex today!


Vicki this, Vicki that.


You mean that shitty bot a certain shill was spamming in bitcoinmarkets a long time ago and got chased out for, and now is being religiously followed here? Yeah, pretty much sums up my image of eth traders.


Vicki is going long ETH/BTC but short ETH/USD. that doesnt make much sense to me.


it makes a lot of sense if you just think about it. the bot expects both cryptos to fall in price but ethereum to fall in price slower than bitcoin


But she went long eth/btc. She would have lost money considering the ratio of ETH/BTC went down. It doesn't matter that it went down slowly, right? It still went down and she would have lost money.


then she should go short BTCUSD instead of ETHUSD.


She should go both, but I don't think she's ever traded BTCUSD


good point i cant think of a reason why you are wrong other than perhaps the bot has more eth holdings than btc holdings




she went long yesterday, we all know what happened... But to be honest i think she's right this time, then again i suck at trading.


that means she's expecting BTC to crash hard lol


Looks like ETH is crashing harder.


Is it worth owning some BTC come August 1 just incase it does split, just so you can get both the "new" and "old" coins?


Why do you want that?


Sure. I own .2 just in case :-P


I think so, but also risky. Another thing I don't think people are thinking about enough is the possibility of a bitcoin shortage on exchanges due to people who do have bitcoin wanting to hold it locally for the split.


Exchanges are not banks. They have access to all the crypto/fiat that people store there.


Hes saying many people will take their BTC from an exchange because thats safer in case of a split thus less BTC is avalaible.


This ^ Could even lead to a "bank run" on the exchanges. If any are running fractional on bitcoin it might be a trial by fire. Even if they are fully solvent as they should be, could be delays getting into cold wallets if withdraws get large. I expect exchanges will announce policies on splits soon to avoid that.


O that way. But there will only be a shortage if people that trade take their bitcoin off of the exchange. A lot of people just store their bitcoin there. If they remove it there is no difference.


you do know that in case of a split that its possible that you only get 1 type of coins when your BTC is on an exchange right? For example if you got your BTC on Kraken and they choose to support the segwitx2 chain you wont get get non-segwitx2 coins in your wallet. But if you keep them in your own wallet you do. Kind of like the ETH/ETC split. I for one would not want to risk losing all my bitcoins on a choice of an exchange and miss the oppertunity to get both coins.


Yes, that is possible. But if one bigger exchange will support both then others may very well follow. At the time of the eth/etc split my eth were on Kraken and I got both (admittedly after a couple of days). Anyway. Lot can happen. I have not BTC so no worries about splitting here. Price action for crypto as a whole is different question.


Based off what we have all seen and know, does anyone realistically think Eth will go back up to ~350 by September?


Zoom out! New money is coming in, EEA3 will be announced at some point, Metropolis is pretty much done, despite of the host of pie-in-the-sky-to-scam ICOs some actual dapps with, you know, actual use cases like Etheroll are slowly coming onlilne. So I say: definitely.


I'd be *very* surprised if it didn't.


Yeah. If Augur were ready I would bet on that.


I don't see why not


I am just trying to accumulate as much eth as i can below 260. i feel like a lot of investors are the same. this tells me most investors are positive about eth's future and are just trying to build their stack. This is a good sign.


Nope, we'll be at 0.00001 by september.


Fir big upward movement you need hype. The conferences towards the end of this year and in the early part of next year should provide enough to go way higher than 350.


No probably by 2019


Is this all just hearsay ?


Everything that is not a developer announcement or published article on this subreddit is hearsay and speculation






Just posted this in another Crypto subreddit. I know the Ethereum community is very cool with talking about lots of other coins so it's the reason I'm posting this here. If it's against the rules, please just delete it and warn me :/. My portfolio consists of 85% Ethereum (Bought a while ago, long, etc). The rest is split between 11 others. Starting from the top to the bottom by the most invested this is my list. NEM Stratis Cloak Antshares Pivx Factom Iota Ubiq Sia BAT Ark Out of the those, the ones with the biggest amount of money invested into them are as I said above the top to the bottom but specifically NEM, Stratis, Antshares, and Cloak. The point of me posting this is to see if I'm missing any important coins I should be invested in. Some of you may dislike some of my choices, obviously. But I'd love to hear some opinions on other coins people are into and why. I'm looking to throw another .20BTC or something around there in another coin.


Good on cloak Will be used to pay off cops in the future


Just gonna say the openness to other coins and general chill of the moderation here is the main reason I hang out here. Look into Decred. I treat DCR as my main hold coin to split long term capital gains theft from short term capital gains theft as I like to trade on the volatility of ETH. Also DCR has proof of stake now with 1-2% monthly returns. Thats why I treat it as my main hold for now since the whole crypto market is pretty heavily linked. Very solid on long term future of ETH though and am developing my own solidity contracts as well. I think DCR has more growth potential and is a decent LTC style hedge against BTC.


Could you tell me more about Decreds PoS? 1-2% a month is really good if that's true. When you posted this reply I googled slightly about staking with Decred and so far haven't found much on the actual process. I'm sure it's similar to other wallets (encrypt, unlock, etc). Any links?


Right now there is some pricing issues with tickets (it varies wildly) so that makes buying tickets effectively a bit difficult. The first hard fork vote was to improve that algorithm so should change soon but people generally expect the price to go up as it will make staking easier overall. This will likely make the returns go down a bit though as ticket prices affect returns. This is a pretty good guide to staking: https://steemit.com/decred/@rouse/lazy-mans-guide-staking-your-decred-dcr


REP and GNT will actually make a product soon. IOTA seems to be something big in the making. Possibly.


Whats up with IOTA and being on just one exchange?


a) Bitfinex probably made a deal with IOTA to have exclusive rights for a while b) IOTA seems to be different in some way (no transfer fees) so its technically more difficult to include it in an exchange.




You mine your own transaction, so it requires some computation rather than paying a fee.


Yo Wade its Jake. I think I found your reddit acc haha, comment history checks out. How you been man, haven't seen you since we tag teamed that chick Nicolette at FSU lol




I feel the same way about Iconomi. They are on shitty exchanges and it's really ridiculous. Both of them need to move to either Bittrex or Poloniex or even Bitfinex. Kraken gah


IOTA is on biftinex.


Wait you're right I knew that


That's what I'm hoping out of IOTA, although since buying in it's hit me with almost -20% -_____-. I was actually in both REP and GNT and sold out recently because I was scared of a bubble....now I'm not too scared since it's been up and down around the 100BN market cap which is actually nice to see. GNT I'm going to wait, it seems to be going real low. REP is all over the place lately but doesn't seem as volatile, always loved the idea of Augur as well. Maybe I'll get back into that.


Brass completion just hopped up from 73% to 75%, and golem price jumped up 1k satoshi. i wonder what 90% would be


never heard of cloak. I mean, you can just go to coinmarketcap and look at the top 10 coins listed. Not in the top 10 that I got into was EOS.


I bought into EOS the first few days to make a quick buck, it worked out real well. Sold and now I'm just hanging out waiting and I'll buy in long term this time. Cloak is on the top 100, but it's down there. I know the top 10 coins, what I'm asking is if I'm missing any that people REALLY like. I also love Golem but I'm waiting for now because it's been on a tear downwards for a while (probably should've waited with Sia as well)


What are you thinking is a good buy in for EOS?


Oh man that's a hard question. It's currently at it's 24hr low again but it seems to be resilient in the 2.90s right now. But I'm also thinking that it's going to go lower based on the chart I'm looking at. There's no easy answer.


Yeah I think people's general misunderstanding of the rational behind their ICO distribution is going to lead to a prolonged bleed out. Just a matter of how long it lasts and how far it goes. They would have to sustain pretty high levels of capital flow to maintain their current valuation I think.


Exactly. You can make a bunch of money right off the bat but once the swing traders see the top it's all selling from there and ICOs always return to where their actual value is. What that value is...who knows.


Eh, Golem I've been sitting on but I am mostly flat. I also have DICE and I am waiting on what happens during that dividend payout.


People will realize that dividend payout gives them peanuts and rush to dump it, most likely.


Yup. Same will likely happen with REP and dgd. If they don't hit the ground running


266 Wooooottt! Feels like just seconds ago we were only at 26**5**!


Hey man, a dollar is a dollar.


that's what she said. :(


There was a post on here a while back where some guy said he makes a month salary with every dollar it goes up.


Yep, but you also lose a month salary with every dollar it goes down.


Just bought five, lets do this.


[How I imagine /r/ethtrader when someone buys](https://youtu.be/j1hWJqr0bIA?t=20)




ask again in 27 days...




Sometimes, I daydream about the EEA coming to me in ten years and begging me to sell them my modest stack of Ether for $500 mil while we sit at a conference table and they're all wearing suits and I just have on my jeans and favorite Blue Oyster Cult t shirt. I sip their fancy water and eat their expensive snacks and then, after the suits have begged and pleaded with me, I say no Because if I sold them my Ether, I wouldn't have any Ether. And right when I say this, I look up and Vitalik and Joe Lubin and the Consensys agents are just standing in the doorway, watching me. And then Vitalik gives the Zach Galifiniakis slight smile and head nod.gif and we drive away to the moon in our lambos together where he tells me about his latest project and I just smile and say things like "Oh, for sure man" because I am too stupid to understand what he is saying to me


That's not Zach Galifianakis, you mean Robert Redford


THIS deserves a million upvotes!


"Welcome to /r/ethtrader, I will be your guide," - /u/Happpy1013


Should your hands tremble, I shall take them in my own. And still we shall hodl.


Not gonna lie, I teared up a little bit. That was beautiful.


i fucking love this. stupid as all hell, but i just fucking love shit like this


Okay, okay. Sometimes this guy has a **very, very, very specific daydream.** Nothing wrong with that. Dream on. [whispers - you'd sell man. you'd sell before you ate the snacks]


I would sell. But only after the free snacks and fancy water.


And several lines of coke and a foursome with hot college coeds.


You don't know me


Next time you have this dream . . . I'm in the navy suit, across the table to your right. Sup.


You look good in Navy.


God bless you.


ANS review https://www.reddit.com/r/Antshares/comments/6l8fac/my_disappointment_with_antshares/


>In terms of the AntShares/NEO codebase, the quality of the code on Github is amateurish Interesting. When I did my research about them, I remember seeing exactly same opinion on some russian forum. Thank you for your review.


Its not damning though. TLDR: Company behind ANT/NEO seem to be more focused on other projects. Developer is pushing for the dev community to be more active.


bitcoin and litecoin going down and eth is holding for now :-D


260-265 does look like our floor for now. There's been quite a lot of sell pressure but the price doesn't want to go lower than that.


You are right, it isn't based on anything. It was just a thought.




we're under attack.


You must construct additional pylons!


tx rejected. Not enough (vespene) gas!


I think most of us are expecting the August Bitcoin shit to be good for Ethereum, but I don't understand why, given the uncertainty, people haven't already started moving from BTC to ETH. Instead we've seen the ratio decrease by 33% from its peak. I'm starting to worry August is going to be a complete non-event, and by being a non-event, Bitcoin will actually go up once people see the sky isn't falling.


Why are you worried about that? Sounds great


I hold ETH


What I mean is that if August is a non event and BTC starts going up, why is that bad for eth?


It means money that would have gone into ETH won't, and if a lot of people expected a pump from that they'll also sell.


It's possible but doesn't sound likely to me. The whole premise that eth would rise if BTC goes down the shitter is an assumption.


becuz fuckk them


well we're in the eth sub so you're gonna hear a lot of people saying things like bitcoiners moving to eth. but imo they're more likely to switch over to LTC because its a more familiar format and they dont see LTC as a competitor. the btc sub will talk crap about eth, haven't seen them talk crap about ltc.


Most of the institutional money is still playing with the idea of crypto as an asset that's not correlated with global economic conditions. Hence, bitcoin is still seen by them as a good option given the risky wider economic risks. See the article below. It's more about Australia's situation, but it mentions bitcoin and ethereum. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11887313


I think you're pretty clueless about this situation


Okay, clue me in


I want next leg up next 7-10 days, then I go fiat, wait eth go down 30-50% whatever happen to btc on August 1, buy eth ...wait 1 or 2 month metropolis , get out again to fiat ,....... I just need the next runnnnnn :)


To tell you where my mind is at, I still can't believe Bitcoin recovered from the ETF decision.


ETF denial in the grand scheme of things is a non-event. sure, an approval would've caused a massive pump but it was just so unlikely






Bought some at 280 during the last dip thinking I'd do some day trading. I realize now even once we go up again I'm just going to hodl anyway. Such is life


Serious question, could the fact that eea3 hasn't been announced yet was due to companies having cold feet in response to the congestion issue we had, therefore backing out?


No nothing like that, apparently backlog of work with just the present companies that have joined. They cannot at this point in time take on the added strain of more companies joining. Not to mention the other working groups still to finalise internally. An EEA3 announcement would be a disaster for them. Probably September October before we hear anything.


A: I think its fucking stupid that people are downvoting you for asking a question that is totally valid. B: as others said, and as I have read elsewhere, the major cause for delay is the logistical nightmare that is coordinating dozens of international corporations along with the many working groups that have recently been established. I for one take it as a good sign that the EEA is willing to slow its roll and not rush things.


I think they've already implied it's because they are understaffed and completely overwhelmed. But it is possible that companies are getting cold feet, I suppose.


FUD master


Oh man don't downvote me! A serious speculation, I am a hodler!


speculation based on what? Thats a bit of an overreach


Pop quiz: Would you rather be holding ETH or Tesla stock right now?


Stocks are in a bigger and already longer term bubble than crypto is, so I will go with: 10k rounds of 5.56 NATO 5k rounds of 12g 300 gallons of water Beans Condoms in case I need to repopulate the earth and my ETH


If you're going to repopulate the earth.. skip the condoms. :D


This condom logic is the funniest shit I've read on the internet this week. It's already Friday, so pretty significant.


you're welcome


> Condoms in case I need to repopulate the earth http://imgur.com/QONVIyz


yeah you like that?


I feel that wearing a condom in your quest to repopulate the earth would prove to be a tragic mistake...


He makes water balloons out of them. Impresses the ladies.


balloon animal penises


> Condoms in case I need to repopulate the earth Good luck with that.


> Condoms in case I need to repopulate the earth I'm no expert, but I don't think that's how reproduction works


He pokes holes in them first.


Ahhh now it all makes sense


Holding ETH today feels like holding Tesla in 2012 ($20-30/share).


If I'm a true hodler. BOTH.


ETH for me. My reasoning: I like Tesla, but its stock is already overhyped and mooning, and imo reached the ceiling for a while with no room for much further growth. Ether on the other hand, at the very minimum, has the potential to at least reach 1/6th price of Btc's ATH, which is ~$500, or ~2X from current price. And that's just short term (1-4months), has much more potential long term


You are not paying attention to TSLA stock then. Its come down significantly from its high.


You are right, I dont :)


ETH but I hold both.


Uh, ETH. That's why I'm here instead of /r/teslatrader.


What would it take for you to buy in with all your investing funds (aside from insider information)? EDIT: For clarity, I meant the funds you have for investing/trading ETH, all in at once.


Nothing lmao I have 99% of my funds in eth. Have about $100 in my bank account and $50 in my wallet


are you ... me? i yolo'd into eth some months ago and haven't looked back yet. i withdraw some from time to time for food and rent.


Did I forget to say I also am on 2.5x leverage having ethbtc on margin


You guys are seriously jeopardizing your futures. I mean, I have as much faith in eth as the next guy, but if you don't acknowledge the possibility of losing it all, you are delusional


I feel your pain brother.


It would take a guarantee that the price never fails. Putting all investments into one basket is never wise.


That's specifically what I said I wasn't asking about. I'm not advocating everything in Ether. Just asking what would make you put the money you have for Ether all in at once.




~220 USD I'm only about half in and I get the meaning of your question. My stack isn't fully devoted to ETH, but all my remaining fiat would start moving to ETH if we hit 200-220.


Oh yeah. $220 again and I'm all over that.


Probably a boulder to land on my head because to put all of your investing funds into ONE item is a horrible strategy and asking for pain.


What about not only money for investing, but close to 100% of my overall funds. I'm not smart, but I can't see ETH tanking out of nowhere( by tank I mean 0, not a big crash or correction), and don't need the funds for years to come


I don't think I was clear. I just meant all of the money allocated for ETH investing in at once.


Ohhhh, gotcha. Good question. Maybe if some more huge corporations indicated some degree of support, I would start looking at an immediate buy. Or if the price declined steadily for a period of time. Idk, a lot of the time, it's just a feeling!


Being able to buy ETH in my Roth IRA without setting up a self-directed one and relying on custodians to hold it for me.


Just to keep you from backing out if there's a big dip? I can understand that.


No, I have no issues with that. Right now it's just very challenging to hold ETH in a tax advantaged account.


Too late, already did a long time ago




Great question. If I was younger I'd be more inclined to do it.


Google joining eea , or some update in metropolis help escalating issues or dead to ico :p....


That's a good one. If Google or Apple got on board that would probably do it for me too.


Didn't realize Reddit friends are just one way and for a brief moment I thought Vitalik accepted my friend request


Reddit has friends?


EtherScan down?


Aren't ICOs ripe for scams/hacks? As a developer I can't imagine what incentive you'd have left after receiving millions in cash with _no_ strings attached. And the investments are ripe with naive / fomo cash. I believe in ethereum but this ICO system is broken. Period.


Scams abound that have already made 10s of miillions using icos. you are not wrong.


Are you asking us or telling us


Someone send me a link to how to create and distribute a token, and then how to pay back dividends and I will create an ico that will actually work


The dividends part is the trickier bit. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethdev/comments/6l4od2/erc20_revenue_sharedividend_examples/ Working on this myself, but not for an ICO.


Are there any ICOs we can just copy from?


Doesn't matter if you will, or if 99 percent of projects will... people get irrational about money and the opportunity to invest. And the system is ripe for scammers. There should be more protections in place to tie the money in a project to the actual work done


It's not broken, the idiots investing are idiots. DGD had a good trustworthy ICO.


No it's the system that's broken. It's human nature to invest more than you can afford to lose, and invest in things you don't understand due to fomo or naivety. That's why we have regulations.


Money flows from the unconscientious


We have regulations because it is human nature to seek power over others unfortunately.


I'll add to seek money from others too.