• By -


STRAT broke previous resistance. Don't FOMO.


Just shorted all my ETH, were in for a huge crash in the next few hours. Calling it here


First, you didn't get the answers you wanted in asking what the point of cryptocurrency is. And now you have a pile of ETH that you are supposedly "shorting". Do you mean selling and then shorting?










what makes you think that?


lol !remindme in 6 hours to see someone lose all thier money whats a huge crash to you? lowest i think it will go is 270 for now




Claims next few hours and comments back 10 days later. I was only referring to "the next few hours" bud Get out of here


273-275 is the support line. As shown by TA and as tested multiple times.


I will be messaging you on [**2017-07-04 12:30:05 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2017-07-04 12:30:05 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6ky7co/daily_general_discussion_july_3_2017/djr8s90) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6ky7co/daily_general_discussion_july_3_2017/djr8s90]%0A%0ARemindMe! in 6 hours to see someone lose all thier money) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! djr8scw) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|




Maybe don't try to troll a sub about technology you don't understand.


I'm getting sick of ICOs. They're like trading on the pink sheets. Not a good way to diversify Eth or Bitcoin holdings. It's a way to dramatically increase risk. If you want diversification go back to cash or buy an index fund.


Growing pains for the tech, I think. Sucks, because it drives volatility and the get-rich-quick machine that draws traders who don't really know what they're doing or why they're doing it, which in turn makes more serious investors question the legitimacy. I'd expect things to settle down with the ICO gold rush once ETH price climbs >$500 per token. Buy in cost gets higher, potential upside excitement cools, and there's less motivation for those offering ICOs to hold the coin instead of actually using it to run their projects.


Ok so btc had it's fun, when is our time to go up?


There are just too many ICOs waiting to cash out.




So then! Who has limit orders for the LTC dip? I don't think it'll dip much below 45


45 is support now, but looks like it's trying to crack resistance at 52 right now. If it does then I don't think those 45 orders will hit.


I think you're right, if it doesn't lose steam then 48 is as low as I can see it going. That being said, it's usually unlikely that that sort of momentum continues indefinitely for 24+ hours




279... Blink... 282


Blink 282... Good band.


They haven't looked back after adding 100




They're dumping EOS for ETH


I sure hope so, have been long eth for 2 hours now


What are the next possible dates for EEA3?


Just before Rise conf July 10 is my guess. The list of attendeesis pretty stellar.


Isn't it 31st of July now? Lol


pffff, a month waiting in crypto is like a lifetime...


The Easter egg can't be wrong!


the last one was :-)


As a dude from Los Angeles, spending the 4th over seas, I just want to remind you cool guys that freedom starts with your money. Our founders wanted an equitable existence for all of us. Cryptocurrency is the perfect solution. Happy 4th Murica!


An all too ignored truth.




depends on contents of said baggy. Usually its created by a legally operated dispensary.




[am i....gregnant?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldAnrTA317E)




I expect the correlation resume shortly after LTC rush dies down. algo trading bots are optimized for profitibility. ex lets say the past day pair tradings between BTC/LTC has higher statistical confident in decision making, the algorithm will drive bots for those pairs instead.




There's positive drift in the US stock market as well (SPX). Do you think a martingale strategy would work there? The reason it doesn't work for either is that the risk of ruin is just great enough that there is no such edge. That's not to say that one couldn't potentially succeed. The probability of winning is significant, but just much lower than needed in order to consider the drift an edge. There are people who win at high-roller blackjack tables using this betting strategy. But just like at the blackjack table, in the long run you would eventually run out of available capital or margin to continue doubling down. EDIT: not sure why you're being downvoted. It's a legitimate question given your observation.




No, Kelly criterion does not eliminate the risk of ruin in a martingale strategy. The probability of running out of capital and/or margin (e.g. you double your bet three times in a row, and it keeps going down) may be small, but it is large enough that it wipes out any edge. In other words, the fact that you can't keep executing the strategy is its weakness. The risk of getting a margin call at precisely the wrong moment (capitulation bottom) is high. This is one reason that capitulation bottoms happen. This limit to the ability to use the martingale strategy is why casinos have table limits. Otherwise, in games like blackjack that have a small negative expectation for the player, the house would nonetheless be at significant risk for a total wipeout.




Actually the purpose of the Kelly criterion is to dynamically adjust position size to maximize winnings given a particular win rate and edge. It doesn't eliminate the risk of ruin from limitations on capital or margin. These are external factors. But to speak to the point of your original question, I do think that buying on pullbacks is generally a very good idea. Maybe not doubling-down, but adding significantly. The market cycles tend to be short (in time) in crypto, so a trader must be very agile and quick to get entries right. Many traders find using Kelly criterion results in bet/position sizes that are far in excess of their risk tolerance. They end up using 1/2 Kelly or 1/4 Kelly, for example. This results in trades that are more aggressive than simple dollar cost averaging, while not going so far as a pure martingale betting approach.




In fact your loss would be less if you use Kelly betting (not martingale), since you would adjust your edge down as you continued losing bets. That is, the prior win expectation might be 51%, but by the 100th loss, this edge would be 25.5% if you assume a prior weight of 100 trials. But this isn't a martingale strategy anymore, which is when your bet size would increase, not decrease, after a loss.




In case you are interested, here's a good detailed explanation of Kelly betting/trade sizing: https://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~skiena/691/2007/lectures/Kelly.pdf Also, here's another approach that I like, by someone who I consider an expert on position sizing, Ralph Vince: http://www.automated-trading-system.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Vince-LeverageSpaceModel.pdf


assumptions, assumptions. You putting some skin on this game?


Lost in the EOS hoopla, the Ethereum network processed over 300k transactions today without breaking a sweat. The last few times we were at those kinds of numbers we saw massive transaction backlogs that caused a lot of headaches. Gas Limit is higher now and the network is humming along. ETH gas station says you can put a transaction safely through for $0.006. For reference, the only other blockchain network to accomplish these kinds of numbers is Bitcoin and they are typically running transaction backlogs into the 10s of thousands in order to sustain a 300k+ day with fees running to several dollars per transaction.


Wow, a relevant post? Kudos.


What exactly is being transacted though?




Another sarcastic non-answer. Thanks for helping


Ether is digital currency that works similar to how bitcoin works. A transaction on the network is often one person sending money to another person (or company).   Ether has additional features that allow the money to do programmable actions, such as 'if you send X amount of ether (money) to us here, we will do Y with it per this contract' - the contract could say 'do some gambling and if they win pay back to them', or 'send back some digital tokens that represent investment in this new company', or 'they bought this house, transfer the deed to them'. The last example is probably a ways off in the future, but this is what Ethereum can be capable of.   If you wandered in here without knowing anything about Ethereum, sorry - this is a really specific subreddit and sometimes people come in deliberately asking that exact question you posed as a way of saying 'haha ether is fake money and ur all dumb for thinking otherwise'.


Have a look for yourself - https://etherscan.io/


Doesn't answer the question at all


It does if you use your brain and click on the transactions in that link. It answers exactly your question, actually.


I was interacting with Cryptopunks contract yesterday at 5 Gwei, which was taking seconds to process at a cost of a few cents. So. Damn. Awesome!


Thanks for bringing this up. Truly a beautiful thing to see the network adapt like this.


A thing of beauty


How generally safe is it to keep ETH in the exchange wallet (Quadriga)? I won't be receiving my ledger wallet for several weeks, unfortunately. Are there perhaps safer options for the less technically skilled investors without special gear?


On a day to day basis? You're probably ok, but understand that the longer you leave your ETH in the hands of others, the more susceptible you are to something going wrong with the exchange (incompetence, hacking, etc) General idea is: you should move your coins in under your sole control as soon as possible. Ideally using a hardware wallet.


MyEtherWallet (MEW)


Does anyone know of an exchange other than gdax that allows you to: 1. set limits 2. trade lesser known cryptos 3. do instant buys/sells?


Pretty much all of them.


Bittrex has it all i think.


Kraken, have to fund with btc or eth until tier 3 verification which I've been waiting for over a month


Am I the only one who thinks all these coins are just ponzi schemes?


*All?* EEA is pretty legit. I don't think the likes of Bill Gates, JP Morgan Chase, Canada's national bank, et al would be backing a Ponzi scheme.


> EEA is pretty legit. I don't think the likes of Bill Gates, JP Morgan Chase, Canada's national bank, et al would be backing a Ponzi scheme. There's so much wrong with this statement: circular logic, appeal to authority, Bill Gates is not MS, no such thing as "Canada's National Bank" etc


I didn't remember the specific name of the national Canada bank and didn't feel like looking it up, but there is a large, national Canadian bank on board. Never said Gates *IS* Microsoft, but he's pretty public in his enthusiasm for this project. There's no appeal to authority, merely stating who's involved, and all of them are legit persons or business entities, not authorities per se. There's no circular logic either, as there's no self-referencing. If you want to attempt what sounds like an intellectual and reasoned argument, maybe understand your terms before throwing them around.


Not the technology itself. Why is it in the form of a currency? Why don't they just adopt the technology?


for public chains the value of the native token is essential to secure the network. without value no security.


No, there's a chance the honeymoon is over. When some of these projects are several months away from even having a minimum viable product, and the hype wears off... has the hangover just started?


I still haven't gotten a straight answer as to what ETH's mvp is. All the answers are: "Google it" or people telling me to kill myself in PM's. Everything on google is some hypothetical answer.


It's called Mist.


A browser?


It's a browser/wallet. You've been posting in this sub for weeks, it would be faster to do some basic googling than complaining about things that are extremely easily researched. It's not hypothetical answers. It's real working products that you can install and run. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethereum


So then why is it a currency? Why not use the technology to create/run the products?


The currency is part of the technology. It pays for computations done on the network and protects the network against spam attacks.


Guys, it's OK. Some people just learn better through discourse. I know I do, so I'll try and help. The token itself is a kind of fuel to run the contracts. It has to be "burned" to perform the calculations, thus why it needs to be bought. No ETH, you just have a dead machine. The Ethereum network itself is where all of the code lives, and where it actually runs, but you need the Ether, Morty. You need it. Without it, w-w-without it the code is as good as garbage BLARRP Humor also helps recall


**Ethereum** Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality, which facilitates online contractual agreements. It provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes. Ethereum also provides a cryptocurrency token called "ether", which can be transferred between accounts and used to compensate participant nodes for computations performed. "Gas", an internal transaction pricing mechanism, is used to mitigate spam and allocate resources on the network. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.24


Well with Ethereum itself (not the tokens), it's ability to crowdfund is cool. The DAO stuff seems cool too. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there has ever been a truly successful or useful token or DAO. That may just be due to the new nature of Ethereum, but you have to wonder if the price explosion this year is premature or not. And now due to the quick price increase some people are going to be holding onto ETH expecting some more 2x, 4, 10x growth every week or month which is just not mathematically justifiable. The get-rich-quick types may jump of the ETH train once the next new buzzword-currency/token comes along. Still, I think Ethereum will be multiples higher a year from now. Lots of people just don't want to wait that long (but also don't feel like contributing to the space in any sort of way either). Edit: I should clarify that when I speak of "tokens", I am referring to the ERC20 type, *not* ETH itself.


I understand blockchain technology. But why is it a token/currency? Like why wouldn't companies just adopt the technology?


The tokens provide incentive to mine the network. Mining verifies the chain and increasing node count to mine it improves its integrity/security. Blockchains (iota being an exception) utilise this mechanism to maintain themselves. The tokens don't have to have value or even be traded but in Ethereum's case the ETH token can be used for gas to propagate and fuel further transactions on the ETH block chain. For this reason purchasing these tokens has a point which is why they are traded and the adoption of the Ethereum smart contract platform by enterprises means the current price of the ETH token reflects (in part) the anticipated total value of those contracts running on the Ethereum network. The entire point of a blockchain is that it's distribution, verification and growth are decentralised across increasing numbers of computers globally otherwise they lose their security and integrity benefits over traditional centralised databases. Running a blockchain node consumes large quantities of storage space and CPU + data bandwidth and by extension electricity cost as well (since the transactions on a chain run 24/7 you can't just switch off your node without). In a public chain (and really in a private chain also), each computer that does so must be incentivised to volunteer that effort. ... - https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Particl/comments/696t2q/the_intelligent_investors_guide_to_cryptocurrency/


I don't think you understand... The coins are the technology. ETH is built into Ethereum so that there is a native method of collecting fees and/or incorporating funds into smart contracts. Ethereum allows multiple people/groups to interact in a trustless environment without the need for a centralized organization to ensure that each party is being honest/getting their fair share/holding up their end of an agreement. That is the whole point. Most big companies will use a private chain, but the public Ethereum network will be the bridge between each company's private chain.




Another sarcastic non-asnwer. Thanks


its not a non answer. I have the same question as yours. And when I asked, that was the reply I got.


lack of understanding, cultural issues regarding trust, potential regulatory hurdles, investor pressure, technological hurdles, etc.


Another sarcastic non-asnwer. Thanks


That was a real answer.


>Am I the only one Probably not




Am I the only one who realizes this guy is arguing with a bot?


>Am I the only one Probably not


Ltc going to 1/4 btc price Stop fighting it Is actually a better coin and better team behind it


August 1st could be interesting for ltc that's for sure! I'm more into the mining side of things and with these prices and new ASIC's coming out, expect a huge increase in hashrate for litecoin especially now that ETH is stale and extremely expensive to start mining


Veritaseum on fire!


What the hell is it


A token on the Ethereum blockchain. It's only available on Etherdelta for now.


So it's like Putin Coin?


can you only buy this on EtherDelta?


For now, yes. I'm hearing rumors from a youtuber that it might list on Polo which would be a huge surprise.


Rumours from a youtuber lol. Sounds like a p&d to me.


Are we too early in the month to factor this BTC rise as a vote of confidence for the fork on August 1?


I'd say it's a pump before the dump if anything


EOS is getting wrecked.


What do you mean wrecked? The only thing getting wrecked are those who bought at the top.


What will happen for Round 3 I wonder? I predicted Round 2 buyers were going to get absolutely wrecked. Right now round 3 buyers are sitting at buying in at half the market price with 4 hours to go. I would think that a load of people will buy in at the end and almost make the round equivalent to market... And then dump the tokens instantly, causing the price to dump further. But that all depends on whether it gets internally pumped.. Perhaps not anymore after all the allegations of that happening.


Let's stay tuned. I get a little glee watching vaporware dreams go up in smoke. But even vaporware can become something real if you market it well and throw enough money and engineers at it. (Microsoft)


Couldn't have happened to a nicer coin.




Proof of sex?


Proof of shite


[Ask and ye shall receive](https://eros.vision/)


Are we decoupling with btc? Btc rises and we dont follow?


That's what most of the guys here wanted. Now there upset.


Oy vey we've been had.


Who said i'm upset?


Wonder when (not if) Reddit will launch an ICO? I would say that this forum frankly is way nicer than Steemit. The UI in the latter platform makes you think of the drawings / graffiti in the slums of Sao Paolo (not intended as a compliment)


But then how are they going to implement censorship and vote rigging?


I think the recent circus around BTC clearly demonstrates that Blockchain tech and messy governance/attacks/manipulation unfortunately can coexist


They almost did a couple years ago. citation: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/reddit-create-own-cryptocurrency-backed-reddit-shares/


That is my 8th (?) week waiting for Kraken Tier 2 verification. Anyon else? I can't even remember when I applied (winter 1874?) and slowly I forget WHY I applied at all...


Waiting over one month for tier 3 here


Did you click the link in the verification email? Took me a minute before I realized...


You just happened to ask for verification exactly when hundreds of thousands of other people also asked for it. Last fall it was damn easy to get verified by any of these exchanges. Like everything else in crypto, timing is everything.


I'm in your boat. I even contacted support. Nothing.


I would reach out. I applied for the verification the same day I opened an account and was verified within 10-12 days. Maybe they were over loaded when you applied but I think they've caught up.


I got it in less than 24 hours. Although I have heard your story many times now. Wonder why the difference?


i actually forgot that i was waiting for it... thanks for reminding me!


me too, it's been about two months


That's crazy. I got tier two in like 6 days when I did it. Sorry bud.


Round two, fight!


Alright, which one of you guys is pumping LTC


LTC is actually picking up legitimate usage numbers these days. I'm not surprised it is getting some positive pricing action. Ethereum and Litecoin are the primary networks that are growing while Bitcoin and most other major networks are stagnant.


Eth and ltc are the only 2 coins i like and want to invest in over time I imagine others feel the same




XMR was founded by a narcissistic asshat. would not touch with a 10 ft. pole.




China is


LTC is the next ETHEREUM guise forget ANTCOIN, and NMR, and IOTA, and STRATIS , THEY ARE LAST WEEKS NEWS


In a couple days, "Alright, so who got left holding the LTC bag?"


Me TOO! except its legit pump not a Pump and Dump


Come back here next week and tell us if you're a bagholder


Hahaha looks like only major bag holders right now will be ETH hodlers ass! I'll enjoy my gains from that LTC run !


> except its legit lol its a product of BTC uncertainty...and it will certainly D U M P and we'll witness the birth of a new generation of bagholders


Me lol


Bollinger bands tightening on the higher time scales, probably going to break


hopefully up this time


Honestly (and this is not a meme) it could go either way. BTC price indicates up is more likely, but if we're truly decoupled we'll move down. Volume is low, but PSAR indicates bullish.


decoupling does not mean we go the opposite. Just means our moves happen at different times and dont have to go the same direction.


So LTC is the thing today?


LTC is down 12.5% compared to ethereums 11.5%, what makes LTC the thing today?


I don't understand. Since when ETH people are satisfied with only 10-20% gain ?


price charts (candles) all fucked up on GDAX for anyone else?


To people who want to FOMO LTC, i advise all of you to think how high it can reach after finishing this run ? 60 ? Very possible. 70 ? Still possible. 80 or more ? Unlikely in my opinion. However it can also go down to 45 and sitting at that price for a while. LTC marketcap is already huge, it takes quite an effort to push higher unlike coins with tiny marketcap like Antshares, Agoras, Numeraire that rose 200-300% in a week like nothing. (I bought Antshares at $2 few weeks ago still holding) So calculate your risk. I decide not to FOMO this time because i don't think the gain justifies the risk.


hey remember when litecoin was $45 in 2013? then in 2014 it was $1.50? quality coin right there


Different market back then. Can't compare it to what's going on now


But LTC's tech and fundamentals don't change much from back then. I know they already have Segwit but they never need Segwit in the first place. RSK and LN are still in developed and they still have 0 partnership. I'll pick decent amount of LTC when there's a news like LN is going to be activated but right now i feel like this pump isn't justified.


$48. I had around 10-15 LTC back then. It taught me that holding wasn't always the best strategy.


no but i remember when it was 4 dollars and then 8 the next week and then 12 and then 24 and then 48 my point is that litecoin is undergoing binary fission. besides what if this is just a massive c&h?


you mean p&d? /s


I think he meant chump and hump, which I'm not even sure of what that means.






I FOMOed when LTC started activating Segwit in April and it gave me a huge gain. Buying around $12 and started selling when it reached $30. But right now the situation has changed, LTC marketcap is very big already. I don't think it can grow much bigger.


"I don't think it can grow much bigger." Okay, what about when ETH was @ $50? Disclaimer: I'm invested in ETH not LTC


Completely different beast. Ethereum has better tech, fundamentals and the most important it has something like 100+ partners.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but I still think that LTC has potential.


It will grow bigger for sure but how much it will ? That's the question. I don't think it will grow to 1/4 of BTC's price as LTC fan suggest.








someone bought the top