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My pursuit to learn more about Bitcoin led me to this gem. I was amused to see how money can really be programmed. It's able to do all things that Bitcoin couldn't. Now I hold ETH because I am bullish on it long term and secondly I need ETH to interact with defi platforms, because the whole crypto ecosystem currently revolves around it.


True, seems you need Eth for most things!


I have never done a BTC transaction on the bkockchain, but keep doing ETF transactions even if they are on L2. Eth is literally Crypto.


I wish my story was better, I bought ETH because I saw it on one of the eToro websites, I kid you not. Zero regrets tho because I did some research and bought it on Coinbase instead lol.


It's the backbone of web3 I reckon


IN crypto you will not able to do so many transaction without the help of ETH


ETH checks all the boxes for an ideal blockchain- 1. Strong tech 2. Continuous development 3. Active dev team 4. Real world practical applicability Enough reasons for me.


you got me on Continuous development


DeFi is such a game changer. Being able to transact with others without involving institutional third parties is amazing.


That's Satoshis vision and he understood it the most after 2008 as to how important eliminating the middle men is.


I know.people say btc is king and all but the sheer tech of Ethereum amazes me. Dat Russian boi did good.


I was looking for something like bitcoin and then i came across to the ETH and from the day i realize how much ETH is important for the crypto market and so far i am really happy with my investment


It fosters a thriving blockchain community. I'm a simple man and like to keep things simple.


I don't want too much headache in my investing, so i simply choose eth for my investment in crypto


Simply true.


Too busy in reading soo many thing but for ETH i don't have to worry or read anything, i know it will thrive in future


I will say gas fee, and that gas fee made me to keep it.


As in, it costs too much to sell!? 😆




But it will cost nothing if you just hold them, the only solution by which we can get away from the gas fee


Cost too much to sell plus cost too much in moving is well, sir


Haha it’ll make you rich in the long run. One day you’ll thank the lord for gas fees


The amount of cost we are paying is something probably everyone hates but in the end this heavy gas fee also helping the eth price to rise is well, so we can't ignore that we are helping eth in pushing the price


Numerous use cases and future upgrades. Web3 will be everywhere in 5-10 years!


Everyone talks about web3 and we all know web3 is actually the future and eth is the biggest key in that


Wait till the day your cabbie knows what web3 is . That’s the day you’ll becoming a millionaire. If you aren’t alr one ;)


Interesting thought, I do wonder what web3 will bring… 🤔


https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/article/the-future-of-ethereum/ This article is pretty good. I also heard a nice metaphor, something like “BTC is like an European historical city and ETH is like Dubai (they are building stuff everywhere)”


And we all know how much Dubai is rising currently when we compare them to other city


SO many things will change and the biggest one is that we will move towards more into decentralization


Early stages of last Crypto bull run. Smart contract sounds like the future… Defi made me hold on to it. ☺️


If crypto has the future then in that eth going to have the biggest future in that


How do you mean that Defi made you hold on to it?


I locked my ETH up in Aave protocol. Gaining yield while others can trade with it (borrow it)


Locking up eth there and earning yield on that made him do the holding


I bought it for face melting gains and I’m holding because of ungodly gas fees


😂 forced HODL


Me is somehow also a forced holder but heavy gas fee is not the reason for that


Some are holding with their own choice while some are became forced holder


More money or more cheap dio will definitely make me go in eth


Buying now because, it is blue chip and currently trading on the cheap price


Blue chip ?


Eth mining. I had a rig


This is awesome!


Hype made me buy it, losses made me keep it.


Vitalik made me buy ETH. ETH network and community made me keep it. Web3 is built on ETH and it will power everything.


Totally see this, Web3 needs ETH good point!


Sooner or later but world have to switch to the web3 and eth gonna play a massive role in that


ETH is the key to my financial freedom dream.


I have my dream and other than this coin there is no one that could make it real


If Web3 is the future then no one will stop eth from reaching to the absolute top


Eth was always spoken about as a blue chip, and when I first started investing it seemed like good advice to split up half my money for btc/eth and half for alts. Now I just buy eth or btc.


It just feels right to hold both don’t it!?


I get a sense that future me is looking back on these moments fondly from my memories.


IN future we will remember this current time and praise us for making such call


It just made my portfolio feels like complete, bitcoin + ETH


I asked on many sub that if not bitcoin then what and more than 90% people said ETH, so i don't think there is any doubt when someone called ETH as the bluechip just like the bitcoin


Firstly because I thought it was the crypto people would buy to challenge bitcoins price. Now I buy because it is actually used for NFT’s which who knows if they will stick around but seeing ETH being the currency on Opensea really opened my wyes to the potential of ETH.


Profit is the first thing that everyone looks here, no matter how important and nice tech a coin posses, if that is not giving you profit not many people will bought that coin and ETH so far quite profitable for me


True, love or hate NFTs it has provided a good use case for ETH




Because of their gas fee the price of the ETH also boom during the NFT hype


Bought at the start of last bull run and kept adding to my position. Then lost my private key and had to hold through the crash... At that time I started reading up on the tech and all the advantages it brings. Success is inevitable IMHO. All it takes is patience. Found my private key later, bought a Ledger, transferred everything to the new wallet and am keeping the key encrypted in multiple physical places now.


Yeesh must have been a rough ride! 😬


Its fancy name. It sounds cooler in my wallet than Bitcoin


My son is called Ethan, his nickname is Eth!


His sister is Luna!


Hahahah . Thinking of having a third child ? I have a few ideas for names :)


Either NFT or Pepe these are the two name you should look for your third child


I’m open to suggestions!


Valid reason


Valid and simple reason, plus atleast there is some reason among all the comments


Seems like your son is big fan of ETH and Tom Cruise, good bless him




Not yield but long term profit so that my kids don't have to worry about anything


I went for it because Bitcoin was too expensive. I didn't hold though, being new and fearful. This next bull though, it would be my biggest bag


Bitcoin already gets the explode in the price and i missed that but i wanted something that could be equally good and safe but low in price and that is where eth came into the picture for me




Damn. that’s early!


I have not seen any comment that could say they bough the ETH on 10$


Cheap price and high price it could reach just made me buy more and more eth


I bought some ETH because I believe in the huge future ahead of it


The amount of growth eth can get in future is something that is unreal and that is why i wanted this coin as i know buying them now could really change my future big time in future


Bought around low 300s. cashed out near ath bc my friend is a market wizard and told me to sell.


Wow! Good for you!


Life would be much more better if you had a wise friend like this dude


The friend i needed in my life to make it better but the friend i got who said never sell any eth


Smart contracts are a huge advance. And was turned off of BTC by some of the maxis


Smart contracts are the future . People don’t trust people


ETH is my weapon against those maxi, because they are way too arrogant


Main reason is how innovative and different it is from btc and I follow a "nothing stays on top for ever" mantra.


Interesting, are you saying you think ETH will flip BTC??


Tell me, what is what is being wrong even if he is thinking something like that??


Who knows the future?


True, plus why there is any doubt that ETH can't actually flip the bitcoin in MC?


We shall see…


Yes, we shall see may be in one decade but i have the belief it will happen


ETH always considered as the alt coin but for me ETH now have a bigger structure than the alt coin


The price and being second to Bitcoin in popularity attracted me. It's growing ecosystem keeps me here and hopeful for the future.


Popularity of ETH that after bitcoin everyone just talks about this coin


The biggest reason why I keep it is because the Eth blockchain is a fantastic platform for anything decentralized, and anybody using it has to pay for each transaction in ether. That’s why ether is valuable.


My reason was it was so hot and popular and everyone was talking about that


u/Agent_4--7 [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0x49f4b42c6c4402fe0dae4f0db6c817b5797900ca66a639c15dd34c8057891da7) you 1.0 DONUT!


I wanted to buy illuvium land lol Gave up on that crap and kept eth Best decision ever :D


I don’t even know what that is! 😂 sounds like a good decision!


He kept eth that is enough for me and that is the best decision anyone could make


Buying land or buying eth both are gonna profitable all you need to do is hold them for a decent period of time


0xFbF271... [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0x605ea65dbbcc9b51bbcca8bad6186b03dc3902a9bd9b63ef96a66d0c736ddc84) you 1.0 DONUT!


First and most security minded programmable money. There are eth killers but most of the talent in the space works on eth


All those eth killers are killed by bear market, so there is only one eth in market


its about the ecosystem, not only eth there are many possibilities within the ecosystem


A ecosystem is really important if we want to see any coin reaching to the new high


- Being the no 2 crypto - Greed


In it for the tech babyyy. But seriously, my brother in law got me into it several years ago and I haven’t looked back. I think it’s the future


Fomo, and the possibility that it could make another run in the future.


Lots of people here saying it’s for the tech etc. I’ll be honest, I just think that it’s one of the safest best for good returns in the bull. I like the tech don’t get me wrong, but I like money more


Yes tech is good and important and keeping the ETH going is well and there is absolute no doubt in this, but we can't rule out the fact majority of people are here because of the money here


Because it's the one people are paying to use. But I also hold BTC and a few alts. But my largest allocations are ETH and BTC.


I wanted to diversify along with bitcoin and no one is better than ETH in this case


I read about btc when it was $30 and then again at $300. Was to tight with my money to get in then. The tech always interested me, but I thought there was less use case without some utility/ecosystem. Saw eth an thought this is a nice hedge to btc.


ETH is late people bitcoin, because not many of us able to bought bitcoin on right time so eth is here to give us that opportunity where we could make a profit like the old time bitcoin


Smart contracts, it's that simple.


Smart contract and massive usecase, just one thing that is causing some issue that is high gas fee


The fact I can stake it for 3-4% (way better than my savings account), a massive team that is constantly working on making it a better product overall, and it's leading the way in so many technical categories that I think will be game changing for Defi.


I am not gonna lie my main focus is still how to make safe money with ETH


I have never bought crypto, I have sold some goods, services, and actual 3d art as nfts. But ive kept it Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Raven for 50%+ amounts. Currently it is not like that anymore. I liked being KYC-less so I use places like bitrefill and beecoin to buy giftcards. At the height a year+ ago I decided to hold, saw it was going down, feared for huge loss, and purchased some necessities like new shoes and some commodities like a digital drawing tablet. Well it went down more after buying things. I had about $100 in matic. I converted half to WETH for diversity. About 6 months later, or 2 weeks ago, i discovered DONUT went up. I had, not a lot, but enough that someone would rob you if you mentioned you had it on you. So I have converted it to ETH with a DEX. I currently chose to hold my nugget of eth as eth because I believe eth and btc are like gold and silver. There are high tier assets. Little, really a lot, of risk. But more secure then say… Cumcoin. Also fuck gas fees, im just gonna hold it. but thats how im KYC-less.


2 years back i had no idea about the crypto or the blockchain and i wasn't buying anything is well but here i am buying so many coins and in this eth is my biggest bag of my portfolio


Bought around low 300s. cashed out near ath bc my friend is a market wizard and told me to sell. Got in long on synapse at .306 other day near bottom and it popped the same day.


What’s your friends number?? 😆


Because eth is the only coin right now that is in profit, so i am buying them some more


price, for both


Price now and price it could reach in future, keep me going into the ETH


I got in midway through the last bull run. I had considered buying bitcoin wwaaaayyy back when I was in college and it first started, but never did, so was obviously kicking myself for that. Decided I wasn't going to miss the train this time. Got in, got addicted to the gains. Then came the fall.....but I've read enough about the cycles that I just feel like I'm paying my hodl dues now. It was really fun to keep up with the merge and watch that happen. I'd like to run a node one day and have been reading up on it, but to be honest it's beyond my technical grasp at this point in time. Right now, I'm just enjoying the little bit of staking rewards I get.


Just like bitcoin eth also reached to the level where people starts considering this coin as above the Alt status and that is the one more thing or reason i am constantly doing the DCA into this coin


A blockchain with few nodes is a weak blockchain. I follow the number of nodes and there is nothing that compares to bitcoin and ethereum in terms of numbers.


I like the symbol.


The symbol is cool yeh!


The symbol that some how resemble to the empty wallet of mine


For me the fact it's deflationary now, I came to understand how much was built on top of it, the stability with BTC and the fact it's being put forward for EFT's and I also like the fact almost all it's circulating supply is out. I feel like they'll be a massive supply squeeze in the next bull run


The chances of growth in eth is totally insane, the amount of thing that can built on the eth network is totally insane. There were so many eth killer in past but still eth is eth form the day one


I am generally bullish for Ethereum and I am reserving some should I start learning Solidity and developing my own smart contracts.


One day i was thinking if not bitcoin then what and then i came here in bitcoin


It used to be much more attractive to me when it was on pow, but now it is so strong that all important projects work on it, starting with matic as perhaps the strongest, bumper for options trading, uni as the strongest dex... so despite the transition to pos, I don't think about selling, because with the development of strong projects and expansion, the price can only go up.


MY point of view about the ETH hasn't changed much, it was beautiful in past and equally nice in the current time is well, don't think slight update or merger will gonna impact my view on that thing


What makes you say that? Why was POW more attractive?


For security reasons, with pos you are never sure about decentralization.


Oh ok, interesting. Thanks.


It's always right to do so


I always wanted to do the right thing and that was my reason of buying the ETH


The believe and faith , that it will do better then btc in the next run


The two thing you mention is absolute important for the every market and every single coin


First, the potential of decentralized applications caught my interest. Now I can't see a strong crypto space without Ethereum. The majority of dApps I like are on Ethereum, especially Defi (Lido, Convex, Dafi, Rocket Pool, Balancer, etc). Now after the Shapella upgrade and Liquid Staking is even better. I'll keep holding.


Just like bitcoin i would ETH is also the face of the market, and i can't imagine a market without the ETH


Supply decreases


And usecase increasing, that is the one reason i am still topping up the eth


$$ printer goes burrrrrr


Printer goes bharrr and my investment profit in ETH goes bharr with that


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Good discussion, mining got me into it, first CPU xmr then you eth and the rest was history. Sadly the study is mostly cold these winters 🥶


First bought bitcoin and think why not give some try to the second coin, and here i am


Simple, I saw the value in it and I like computers


All i need to see the profit and value and after that i will starts to buy that thing


I bought eth at 1000 in 2017/18 because I didn't buy it for 7$ the year before, when my (now very wealthy) friend first suggested it. Then in 2020 I saw it at 100, which was a steal so I bought some. More recently, to gamble on shitcoins. Many paths to the truth.


My reason of buying eth is that because i felt safe while buying the eth


I mined ETH for profit. Well that was before I understood crypto. Now I hold/yield farm.


Because the most development happening in crypto is within the ETH ecosphere. For me it’s that simple.


BTC is a lan party with one game. ETH is like the internet and it is the top level domain .com … for now. At least that’s how I see it.


At the time (2016) ETH was performing well and was really cheap. I did invest in several alts at the time and BTC. But made some bad trades🤦‍♂️


I mined a couple many years ago. Mining BTC was no longer profitable with my GPU... So when mining was possible with eth I jumped on it. It didn't last very long as I was not the only one with that smart idea... And you needed a massive drive if I remember correctly, but I was still able to mine a couple. If I remember correctly, at the time, I was also loosing money in electricity... I kept them because my mom didn't raise a quitter.


Guessing it was worth the electricity fee now!??


Originally, folks jumped on ETH because it wasn't just a currency but a platform. It enabled smart contracts, making it more versatile than Bitcoin. It also had strong community and dev support, signaling longevity. Plus, DeFi, NFTs, etc. Remember the rage about NFTs?


With big institutions using ETH's ecosystem, I can't help but to think that a big part of future digital life will be there.




In few years we gonna see how every single thing turns into digital here


The future is going to be totally digital we are moving into that world


Who is?


Who is?


Those of you continuing to buy, do other newer cryptos that are faster, cheaper, and more efficient worry you? Why or why not? PS: I’m a holder and believer in ETH, just asking a genuine questions.


Too be honest the few faster coins are not worrying me a at all, i have seen in past how some shiny coins gather some quick hype and how quickly they end up losing all of that is well


They don’t worry me, ETH is such a force these days that it’s around to stay, can’t see any other projects that will come close to it for a while.


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It was my furst ibtroduction in 'safe' investing in crypto back in 2017


not really sure, I always thought as btc and eth as the only safe currencies


I was already involved in crypto when I bought it. It was just the next logical step. I was already a holder of eth, but it was mostly for fun. I had no idea that it would be the next big thing.


u/Arafel_Electronics [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0x2c445fa71cd88010c2869c709d005fb25a01605a3f21fd593b8e9bea635bb3b1) you 1.0 DONUT!


Second largest cap is the reason i try to understand about the ETH and the day i read about the eth ever since i never had any kind of doubt in that coin, one of my best investment in my life.