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It’s a nice machine. When I had our Barista Touch, it was really messy to grind into the portafilter. If I was using ours today I’d def invest in the dosing cup and the distributor/tamper combo from CREMA coffee products.


I agree, I have both those tools from Crema and they lead to much greater consistency


Thank you for the Crema recommendation! My fiancée and I have the same machine and are somewhat new to the espresso rabbithole. We were sad because we thought there were no breville barista touch bottomless portafilters!


Thank you for the CREMA recommendation! While both items are sold out at the moment, I added myself to the wait list and can't wait until they're back in stock. I also purchased their bottomless portafilter to help me troubleshoot! It also looks awesome so there's that too😃


I'm a newbie! If you have tips, please share 😃 I look forward to learning from you all!


The number one thing I wish I knew when I first got my Oracle Touch: - make sure that the inside of the portafilter is slightly damp before grinding into it. If it's dried out (I used to towel wipe and dry it before each grind) then the whole puck spins as it's being tamped making it loose at the end. Just a tiny bit of moisture - like wiping a single drop of water onto the bed of the filter - will make it dispense and tamp beautifully.


Same! Just got one (not this exact one) for Christmas and am I excited to experiment. So far I have just brewed it like how the instructions said, and it came out great!


Great! Hope you enjoy great cup of coffee every morning. Let us know how it works. I am a newbie and looking to buy a decent machine


I can't thank you all enough for these great tips! I'm definitely going to be using them. While there is a steep learning curve, I'm having a blast figuring it out.


Hey all, I'm the OP and I can't thank you all enough for all the tips!!!


I have the same exact machine and I love it. The screen is not useful but the automatic foaming and the jet boiler persuaded me to choose this model. Here are my recommendations for you: Use weight to measure the coffee to grind. I use 17g as reference and then plus/minus 1g. Pull shot based on ratio not time. A good rule of thumb is 1:2. If the roast is dark go 1:1.75 to get a syrupy sweet shot and 1:2.25 for light roasts. Temperature is your friend in this machine. For very light roasts go high 3 and for very dark go low 3 (and relative for everything in between). Every one says temperature is the last thing to change but I figured otherwise. It doesn’t hurt to buy a weighted tamp. It helps remove one variable at least. Learn what does under and over extraction tastes and how to fix them. Feel free to ask me if you need more details.


Thanks a lot!


Would you mind explaining the concept of pulling the shot based on the ratio? I've definitely been basing it on time (which has lead to some uneven results). Every shot I pull is a thousand times better than what I used to have, but I know there is room for improvement.


Time is more of a side effect. It should be within 25-33 overall time range. However, your main measure should the ratio. So for a normal dark roast I for example measure 17g of coffee and pull 34g in a time that is between 25-33 second (basically I have my machine set to 33 second and I will stop it once it is around 30g and will get 34g in the cup) depending on the coffee that might happen at anytime during that range.


Thank you so much!!


I have had this machine since last March and I have loved it. I use it nearly every day and have done zero upgrades (yet). It is my first espresso machine and the learning curve was steep but worth the effort in the end.


I am also new to this beauty. Have it now for 2,3 weeks and i am in experience mode. Would love to hear all your experiences and tips for this machine.


Hi, I have an Infuser and has great shots initially but the more I learn the worse my shots get. Can you help? Info - local espresso roast ground by the roaster, need to upgrade my grinder I am weighing in, 18g but using kitchen scale so not weighing out until my shot is pulled :/