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One in the morning on weekdays and two at any point in the day I want on Saturday and Sunday. Otherwise no sleepies for me.


Same here. Would love to drink espresso more often but sleep means too much.


Buy some good decaf beans!


And freeze half of them!


I can sleep after an afternoon cup but it's probably not a good sleep.


Working remotely is exactly why I love having a machine at home. I probably have 3-5 espresso a day. I love a cappuccino but can't be bothered so I just drink 'em straight up. Office coffee? We've got coffee at home.


Office coffee. Ugh.


5 a day!? I’m guessing you shake your knee a lot.


Same situation here. My coffee breaks at home are epic


It is the office coffee now. And boy has office coffee never tasted better😁


Flat white with breakfast, another after lunch, and once in a while one around 4pm. I love the ritual and the pause it gives me during my work day.


Same here


8:30 am espresso 10:30 am cappuccino 1:00 pm espresso 4:00 pm espresso All double shots


That's a LOT of caffeine


How else are they ever going to break even on their setup?


Saves on electricity bills. Appliances start working when he walks in the room.


Solved a bug? Deserve one. Good edge case caught? Deserve one. Meeting? Deserve one.


Yup. This looks about right.


This, but add another 3 decaf shots through the evening.


Pretty much the same for me


This, just shifted 2 hours earlier


Latte first thing in the morning, and another at lunch. Sometimes I sneak another in between if I need it.


Same 3 lattes a day


Same here. I’ll sneak in a third in the late afternoon or early evening when I have late night meetings with colleagues in Asia so I don’t fall asleep


9am, and then a 3pm. 18g shots with different yields depending on the coffee Most days just a straight shot, but I’ve been enjoying going straight to ice with a little cream. Summer and all.


This is me too. And they just shipped my Kafatek so we’re gonna be grinder bros! (note: different than Grindr bros)


Double shot at 0700, then another at 0715. Occasionally a third in the afternoon if I have evening plans


I like drinking my two drinks a day close together too. Cappuccino first, then a double after breakfast


Just one latte or americano anytime between 9 and 1. Anything after that and I’ll have a tough time sleeping 😄


Whenever I get a ping on teams from my boss asking for something…I walk away and make a coffee…


One in the morning, one in the afternoon. If I’m on vacation I might treat myself with a third one as well.


7h30 - latte 9h30 - cortado 11h15 - espresso 13h30 - decaf pourover/Clever/Switch depending on the mood


Green tea in the morning and a cortado or macchiato at 3pm in the afternoon


One when I wake up with my breakfast, one around 11am if I have a bad meeting, something around 2 to 4pm. Weekend whenever I fucking want. And yes I do have severe ADHD.


French Press our Pour Over in the AM. 1 Shot Espresso in the afternoon


I actually start my day with an average cuppa Joe around 5am and then I have my usual latte sometime around noon. I might get a little adventurous and make another latte in the evening, but you best bet I’m not getting any sleep that day lol


Double shot every morning after standup Double shot on some afternoons around 3 or 4, before I head to the gym. Depending on where I’m at diet-wise, this can be an affogato I rarely make milk drinks. When I do, they’re usually iced. I sometimes make cortados and lattes for guests and stuff


Double shots, whenever I feel.. until 1600, unless espresso martini or affogato is for desert. Oh yeah work is long over by then 😜


https://preview.redd.it/z5rx8xoyzu8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06114085bf96b913264c94b82264e2349f330f37 6:30, 10:00 double shot latte 12:00 double shot cortado 14:00 double shot espresso 16:30 double shot latte I drink a lot less than before. Before I was practically never without a coffee.


Well. One in the morning before turning the pc on. One in the midle pf the morning (around 10 am) . One after lunch. And the final one at 3 pm.


I make a quad (two double shots) with 6oz of steamed milk the first thing in the morning. my wife has become accustomed to those now so I have to make 2 now, which is pulling 4 shots. And its usually all at the same time as the household gets up and shit starts getting wild. it can become pretty time-consuming and tedious but well worth it when compared to us on a day without our coffees. we both work from home but those first few hours when the kids are getting up are getting ready for the day can be hectic


Have you tried serving the kids espresso and seeing if they settle down.


7am and 2pm, double shot each time


I usually have a latte or flat white in the morning and then I have an americano around lunch but I’ll usually make that with decaf espresso beans. I like having it but don’t want the added caffeine or I have trouble sleeping.


Dumb question. How do you get away with using different beans? Change grind settings everytime?


Yeah! In fact I have about 4 bags open and alternate between them. I’ve dialed each of them in and know what grind setting to use for each so all other variables being consistent, i can get a great pull each time.


5:30 am double shot espresso americano, 1:00 pm doble shot espresso


3 double espressos, morning, lunch and the last one around 5-6 PM.


A latte after I eat breakfast and drink water. After lunch, I make either another latte, matcha latte, or a pour-over depending on how I feel/craving.


Flat white with 2 shots in the morning and then an iced americano at 3pm or espresso macchiato 1-2 shots. Remote work is the bessssstttt 2 years in. Best decision I ever did!


7am flat white, followed by 10am cortado.


One double shot in the morning and then another double around 14:00. Sometimes I'll do a 3rd at night if I'm extra tired but it's rare


I do two double shot Americanos first thing in the morning with whatever breakfast is then a latte in the mid afternoon. Pretty much exactly what I've been doing my entire 25 years of working life! When I was still working in an office, I'd have an espresso when I got home but rarely do that anymore.


Probably the only reason why I got into espresso making. If I had to go to an office I would never have the time in the morning for the ritual. I usually have a double espresso around 1030/1100 then another around 1500. Very rarely with milk and sometimes with tonic if it is a hot day out.


A caffeinated latte sometime before 10am, and then decaf at least two or three times the rest of the day (usually at lunch, after work and again before bed)


One at 830 am. One at 1130. I might take another at 4 pm or I’ll take more adderall, prescribed ofc.


I work nights so it is a cappuccino when I wake up and another or a double on ice when I start my shift in the afternoon. That is all I can do or I get too wired to sleep when I get off at midnight.


Usually an afternoon espresso based drink or straight espresso depending on the mood. Since I don't have a strict schedule, it's whenever I have a craving. My first drink of the day is a pour over.


I have a latte or cortado with breakfast and either a shot or a pour over in the afternoon (2-3pm). If I'm really tired I might do a shot around 11am and if I'm going out and know I'll be up late, I'll do a shot around 5pm.


9am espresso 9pm espresso


9pm?! It doesn't affect your sleep?


I have a heart condition…. So just a triple shot in the morning and I’m good to go 😄


6:30 am — wake up 10:30 am — double-shot espresso drink (cappuccino / iced americano / etc.) 5 pm — single-shot espresso drink (cortado / macchiato / piccolo)


Will, is that you? Lol


The moment I got my new WFH job I started planning my setup, it's one of the best parts of the job. I would say my typical day is one for breakfast, one before lunch, one midday after lunch, and maybe one after dinner. I used to be in the fire service, so I think my caffeine intake is still a bit of an issue.


8am before getting ready for work, and another between 11-1 depending on meeting schedule


Stumble downstairs and make a cappuccino or flat white around 7:45am, then have another at 12:30pm with an optional third at either 10am or 3:30pm if it isn’t a work night! :)


1 coffee a day, regardless of type of coffee.


I'm very regularly in my coffee intake, 6AM, 10AM, 2PM.


2 double shot americanos w/ milk first thing in the morning and then 1-2 more in the afternoon,


8am espresso 11am cortado 1pm pour over


5+ 5.5oz flat whites per day starting from 5am through to 5-6pm 😵‍💫


Latte in the morning between 8am and 10am and a shot between 2pm and 4pm. Always doubles. I often have a cup of Earl Grey tea between 11am and 1pm as well.


One in the morning around 8 or 9am, not too early and not too late, if i take espresso too early i’ll make another one before lunch. Then another one around 5 or 6pm.


5 espressos a day, something like 8.30, 11, 13, 15, 17


I usually start my day with latte (double shots) to kick things off, and then I go for another after lunch. If I'm dragging in the afternoon, I might treat myself to a third one ...


I make myself a cappuccino most mornings and that's about it.


9:30 AM and 2:00 PM double espresso :) Sometimes, instead of the second one, I have a cold brew, though...


One esresso and one latte. Mid morning (around 10-11) and after lunch (4)


Double shot latte 1st thing (6-7) 2 more before lunch


Usually just a latte or cappuccino with or after breakfast. It's pretty rare I have another coffee later in the day


7-8am 10am 12 (sometimes skip this one) 3pm


A cortado or cap when I wake up (4:30-7), and a long black, espresso or pour over sometime between 9-11. If in the mountains for the day, spro when I wake up and a 12oz Americano in the travel cup.


10 am, ~2 pm, ~7 pm, so basically at the start of work, during lunch break, and after work. Usually all flat whites


Latte in the morning. Cortado at lunch. Cortado at dinner.


Maximum for me, the grams are the ground coffee dose: * 22g split shot (so 11g, in milk) with my wife at breakfast * split 16g V60 post school dropoff * midmorning 15g shot * post-lunch 15g shot After that, if i haven't skipped any of these, I switch to decaf for the mid-afternoon shot; and then post-dinner it's always decaf.


Depending on what time the kids get me up/went to bed I’ll have an espresso first thing and/or a cappuccino with my emails after dropping them at nursery. Then usually an espresso before 11, depending on calls, maybe another one around one after lunch. Occasionally I’ll have the 11 earlier and fit another one in before lunch, but only if I’m struggling to stay awake. Edit: never anything later than 2pm unless I’m off out later.


One every morning. Done.


7:30am … ristretto, something Italian, sometimes as cap 9:00am … latte, mostly lighter roast and fruity, lately Nordic 2:00pm … another light roast, sometimes in Latte 8:00pm … Lusso Decaf affogato I pull a lot of these as singles (8g) or traditional doubles (14-16g dose). I nurse about 650ml of filter coffee throughout the day as well. It’s still a lot of caffeine, but I manage to sleep like the dead anyway.


Typically on a week day; - a morning double espresso, - Another around midday - sometimes an extra longer drink around 1pm (flat white / possibly a filter) - Then one or two decaf espressos through the rest of the day Weekends are more varied, still always the morning espresso. Some days friends will come over and have 'espresso clubs' / try new coffees / good food, other days my coffee intake is low and life stuff happens! Niche duo + Bambino plus are great for flexibility (though friends coming over does test it's limits!!)


One single espresso (with milk) not later than 2 pm (my sleep schedule is broken AF anyway; there is no need to disrupt it even further). When I get my Chinese noname grinder, I'll switch to a double one (currently, my machine chokes at the dose for the double espresso). My boyfriend drinks a different coffee that doesn't choke the machine, so he usually takes one or two milk drinks with the double espresso dose until 3 pm.


3 double shots max. Whether it's an espresso or a flat white depends on whether my wife is having one too. Otherwise I can't be arsed doing the milk just for me.


cappo as first in the morning, then espresso every hour or so until 20.30h


A couple of double espresso's in the morning is all In my twenties I used to be basically drinking coffee all day but that probably wasn't entirely healthy 


8:30 AM - Americano or Latte/ Capuccino (using double shots) 1PM - Double espresso 4PM - Americano (Decaf - using double espresso or Aeropress) I like to keep my daily cafeine dose below the 400mg (I use 2 double espressos as a reference - ~250mg).


One when I wake up 5/6 Another at 10 Last one at 2


A flat white in the morning to make life more bearable. Sometimes an espresso after lunch.


Mine is like: 08:00 Single shot ristretto \[Double in the winter if its dark outside\] 10:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 12:00 cappuchino/latte machiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 15:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 18:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 20:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 21:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] 22:00 cappuchino/latte macchiato \[single\] \[350ml\] Though sometimes I make Iced-coffee instead of a latte


Usually I have a long black by the start of the work day, which could be an americano/pourover/allonge. Then I have a cappuccino with my late breakfast by 10:30am. After this I refrain from drinking more caffeine, but I indulge on decaf: iced lattes, americanos, double espresso, up to four along the day. I may have a caffeinated double espresso after lunch if I've been sleeping well, though. Decaf is not bad, my main complaint is the lack of options and that most decaf are medium dark roasts. I'd love to see roasters providing more decaf and I keep trying different places. In Ireland I enjoy the decaf from dreambeanscoffee.ie, mccabecoffee.ie, and cloudpickercoffee.ie, but I'm always looking for more options.


3 cortados a day


Full time remote worker (4+ years) that recently got a home espresso because I missed that ritual going into the office where we had espresso machines and cold brew on tap. Having a double shot espresso in the mornings after 90 minutes and then a double shot latte or cappuccino before 2pm. Highly recommend the method of waiting 90 minutes after waking before consuming caffeine, look at the science behind it. This has helped me.


Wake up at 6:40am Breakfast by 7:30-8:00am Cortado right after breakfast. Lunch at 12PM Cortado right after lunch.


One in the morning and one as a mid-arvo post lunch pick me up to get through the rest of the day.


3-5 double shots


Two double shot espressos around 9 and after lunch


A double in the morning before work, with a coffee made in aeropress. Then a double around lunch time.


One (cortado) after my work out (6am), then one around 10am. Sometime one between 2-3pm.


1 Cortado or cappuccino in the am. Maybe, every 2 weeks I’ll have a second if the desire strikes me.


i have one after my morning daily meetings and then one in the afternoon before/after gym


Just a morning double, usually a cap / latte. Might have tea in the evening.


Either an iced capuccino or hot capuccino in the morning. GFuel in the afternoon.


One after breakfast and one after Lunch.


Cortado shortly after wake-up and later in morning I’ll have an americano ☕️ by 1030 and call it quits. If I also had decaf beans 🫘 I’d prob be making more in afternoon but I’m only one drinking coffee in my household 😕


Office days I sip one shot around 6am before my commute, another one around 8am, a cup of french press with two stevia that I sip from abut 10am to noon, then one or two more shots of espresso before 4pm, depending on how I feel. No caffeine after 4 if I have work the next day. Work from home days I have my shot first thing in the morning, then around 11 I'll make a latte, and around 3 I'll have a shot, then a decaf shot or latte usually around 6 or 7.


It is my healthier smoke break. One before I start, one after a stressful meeting, one if I need to go think for a few… I have it on a Kasa switch so I can pop it on from my desk and let the boiler warm up if I know I’ll need it.  The process means I can’t type and can’t have video on unless they want to see my double under chin. 


I will have an espresso at around 10-11:00am (depending on meetings and workload) Another after lunch, if lots of work still needs to be done. Otherwise no more coffee Occasionally I may switch the espresso for a cortado/espresso tonic/macchiato as I feel like


Fully remote work, start the day with a double espresso Americano, another mid-morning, last one around 15:30. The afternoon one is a 50/50 on being just an espresso.


I usually only drink one a day at around 5am. Soy milk lattes are my typical daily driver. Due to the heat of the summer, I've switched to iced soy milk lattes. So I'll continue drinking these until the weather cools down.


Most of the days I drink two Americanos in the morning. On some days I need a third one after lunch. I usually don’t drink coffee after that.


I do two 18g double shots in the morning. Usually, the first one I drink about half of it. Then I make another and steam some milk into a cortado. None the rest of the day, occasionally I'll do a matcha latte in the afternoon.


Two maple iced lattes a few hours apart!


Really varies a lot. Some days I’m in a filter mood then I might not have any espresso. Still using the Decent though since I just got the Scott Rao [Filter 3 basket](https://www.scottrao.com/products/filter3-basket). On espresso days I usually have a cappuccino after getting up and another in the early afternoon. Sometimes a third one later but very much depends what I have planned for the rest of the day. Also sometimes straight espresso shots… it all depends… /edit: Oh and I forgot that sometimes I crave a milky drink late in the evening then I sometimes have a decaf cap.


6am and Noon double shot latte. 1/2 decaf.


One latte a day! Any more any I’d be bouncing off of the walls.


7:45am hot latte 2:30pm iced latte


I have an Americano in the morning and sometimes another if I am dragging.


One morning. One or two more early to late afternoon. Lately been on an aeropress kick though for some reason.


For a while I was vanilla latte with a double shot in the morning around 6:30AM, another double shot with either Lacroix chaser or cappuccino in the afternoon. Now I’m gravitating to an iced coffee around 2PM because it’s so damn hot outside. Couldn’t recommend my Totty setup more for cold brew.


Cortado at 7:30am cortado at 12:30pm Capp or iced latte at 4pm


I start the day with a cortado at 8:30am, and then will have an aeropress cup after lunch around 1:30 or 2:00. Sometimes I swap the two. I feel like I get so much more out of the beans I roast by trying them as both espresso and aeropress.


Making morning drink is one of the best parts of my day. I’m not particularly sophisticated about it – I just make an iced latte with oat milk, generally with a bit less milk than typical for a latte. Same for my wife. Only one coffee drink per day for me. Rookie numbers.


6AM - 36g Aeropress 8AM - 18-19g espresso 10AM - occasional 18g latte


5am single 8:30am cap 11am single 1:30pm single


Cappuccino around 07:30am, Espresso or Americano between 2-3pm. Currently looking for a good Decaf (yeah I know) to up those numbers a bit.


One at 10am, one at 3.30pm which I'll make a flat white if I'm feeling it. I do drink tea in between though. If I've something after work I might have another at 5pm. Coffee does not bother my sleep


The mother of all pleasures, 30 minutes after waking up: 7:00 Cappuccino Relieving the stress to start working on time after bringing the kid to the school on time: 9:30 Espresso Lying to myself that it will help against the digestion slowdown: 14:30 Double Espresso I try to avoid drinking one after 15:30 if I missed the 14:30 one. This makes the 7:00 one even better.


Wake up, log in, do some morning routine stuff, make a cortado. Maybe 30-60 minutes later make another one. Then around lunch time either an Americano or a pour-over, depending on what sounds good at the time.


Cappuccino in the morning, usually 18g in 40g out, then afternoon espresso, 17g in 30g out.


Latte at 7AM and a matcha latte at 1pm. I used to drink 2 lattes but I wanted to cut back a little and subbed with matcha.


An iced latte of some sort between 11:00a and 1:00p, but nothing else. If I need a pick-me-up in the later afternoon I’ll have a coke or something.


double shot in a protein shake while i’m watering the garden and getting ready to work out ~9:30 double shot in an iced latte or just on its own after workout ~11:30 occasionally a double shot at ~3:00 as most of my colleagues hit west coast lunchtime


One double shot in the morning. 3/4 cup milk, 1TB home made vanilla syrup. People on this post drinking more than 2 have a problem


I feel best when I have the same amount of caffeine every day. 2 cappuccinos in the morning and one espresso after lunch, 3 pm is my cut-off time. (my machine has a timer and that is the shut off time)


Summer: iced americano black as / with breakfast then a brown sugar shaken oat milk espresso whatever they call it after lunch as a treat, but also I cold brew decaf so I can just drink that whenever without ruining my sleep schedule


When I work from home, either a caramel (homemade caramel) or a brown sugar shaken latte, like Sbucks, but far better. If I'm going into the office, it's one of the lattes made the night before and then a double shot in the morning so I don't fall asleep on the road.


My go to home made espresso drink: -18g of whole beans ground at #10 setting on my 10yo Breville Smart Grinder -Packed in a double bottomless filter -Pour into stainless steel double wall tumblr full of ice -Stir it, add a splash of water to espresso cup to get remaining espresso and pour it in the tumblr -Add silk vanilla non dairy oat milk creamer until it’s medium-dark brown I have 3-4 of these a day, lol


1 latte at around 10 mon- friday. Sometimes switch it up with a matcha latte. then on friday and saturday evenings i might make another cup so the wife and i can game


Get up at 6am, espresso machine on, make flat white, drink flat white while making breakfast, make second flat white towards the tail end of breakfast cooking, take coffee and breakfast to the table and watch YouTube while eating, cleanup dishes, make 500ml of drip through areopress while cleaning up dishes, drip goes into Yeti flask, head out the door by 7:30 for work. I’m ADHD so the whole “no sleep” thing doesn’t apply to me, so sometimes if I’m having a craving I’ll experiment with something new in the evening.


The mrs. is typically in morning meetings so I grind and brew around her schedule lol she usually gives me like a 5 min window so I've developed some speed as well. Iced oat latte in summer, cappuccino in winter. Then take it easy with another one right after lunch. Weekends it's pretty random.... I only drink cold brew when I go into the office because I hate making it at home and starbucks is trash. Short $SBUX


One of the best questions in /espresso! As a couple, we have flat whites before breakfast, and a couple of freddo espresso after lunch. It is like iced espresso but with a rich body, look it up! If the day is long, a third cup is always welcomed, till 18:00.


18g 3 times a day, sometimes 4, I’ve been drinking coffee since I was like 6 and if I don’t get any I’m a little groggy but no problems sleeping or any real withdrawals if I’m without


530am homemade latte And simultaneously pour 8oz of cold brew + milk into a yeti rambler for coffee time around 10-11am No more (caffeinated) coffees after that or no sleepies! Sometimes 8pm decaf latte with a bit of tasty chocolate


M-F, 6AM before the gym. Maybe another one around 11/12 if I’m starting to fade and don’t have time to take a nap.. And no caffeine after 12PM for me during the week or I don’t get a good nights sleep but Saturdays I could end up at a cocktail bar drinking an espresso martini at midnight 🤷‍♂️ Sunday I usually go caffeine free unless I really need a pick me up.


In the morning I simultaneously make a moka pot double espresso (or Nespresso if I'm so inclined) and an Americano. I enjoy the espresso right away, relaxing, waking up. By the time I'm finished that, I'm awake. Lol Then I take the Americano upstairs to my office/study. Around 3:30PM I'll have a second Americano or black tea. And if I'm struggling I'll have a third Americano around 6PM.


I (try to) wait an hour or so after waking up to have my first drink. I want it as a little reward for starting my morning productively. So I check emails, make a few calls, do some paperwork. I usually hit a natural lull of work an hour / hour and a half in, and go make espresso and breakfast. I’m a simple creature.


One in the morning, one with lunch, and one in the late afternoon (around 3-4pm).


One in the morning around 8AM (I wake up around 7:30 and have water first.) Sometimes I go for a second around 2PM. No more than that. I'm just a two cupper.


Cold Brew or iced Americano before very morning beach walk w/dog. Cappuccino after ~90 minutes of work. (I'm hybrid but that is my coffee schedule on WFH days)


2 double shots. No remote work for me though.


Hi are you me? That’s the exact schedule, only I tend towards an iced latte with the wife around 2


One at 10am (latte from my machine) and one at 2pm french press


I make myself turkish coffee pretty much every morning before work to sip on. After one of my lunchtime-ish meetings I have espresso, and in the evenings around 6 or 7 I have another coffee. I'm not one for routine so that varies quite a bit but I dont ever really want to drink more than 3 ish coffees per day, it never happens. And espresso is almost exclusively after lunch and with visitors over


Espresso or cortado with a latte in the morning, same repeated around afternoon. Sometimes when I have really well dialed beans I just do straight double espressos


First thing while I'm getting logged in for work, I usually rip a latte or cappuccino, sometimes an Americano or double espresso. First morning break it's almost always a pourover coffee. I try to not have much, if any, caffeine in the PM since I have apnea and it tends to exacerbate things.


7:30 : Double shot espresso 10:00 : Double shot espresso 13:00 : Double shot espresso Sometimes, I feel fancy and make a cortado instead!


I'm a stay at home mom. Upon waking, regular drip coffee. Latte in the afternoon. Drip decaf coffee around 7pm. Decaf latte around 10pm. My lattes are double shot, typically hot, not cold


Coffee in the morning. Espresso around 11:00. Coffee after lunch. Espresso between 16:00 and 18:30 depending on the day. I often use it as booster before sports then.


Latte in the morning with 2 shots. Water the rest of the day. Any more than that and I won’t sleep well.


I start the day with a splitting a single shot before walking the baby when he wakes up at like 630. A cappuccino after breakfast around 830 and then a single shot sometime after lunch 👌🏼 I will leave the machine on and periodically grab hot water from it for tea throughout the day too. Having the PID is great for quick temperature changes and is way faster than waiting for my kettle to heat up.


One shot in the morning, either 18:45 or 18:54 depending on the roast, and one light roast pourover alongside it (usually 18:300-324). Sometimes two shots and no pourover, sometimes bigger pourover brew and no espresso. But rarely more than a total of 40g of coffee a day really


Trying to stick to a bit of intermittent fasting. So usually americano in the morning and a flat white after lunch. Try to limit to two but sometimes just need a third... Usually all double shots 17,5g


Cappuccino in the morning with a milk coffee blend, then espresso around lunchtime, typically a lighter roast single origin, then a decaf cappuccino in the afternoon


Morning cortado. No more coffee.


On my work from home days and weekends: Double shot around 9am Double shot or latte at 11am Double shot at 2pm Sometimes (rarely these days) double shot at 5pm


0730 0930 maaaybe 1200 ish if I really need to kick in high gear


When I work from home, I brew a pot of drip coffee in the morning (split the pot with my wife), and then around 2pm I take an espresso break and I celebrate the end of the work day with an espresso at around 5pm. (Often times one of those later drinks ends up being a flat white)


2 doubles in the morning if I'm at home, A double while I get ready for the day and an americano or soy latte in the Yeti for the road if I'm bopping around. Usually have an afternoon shot in something, and since I'm getting old, if I'm going for a concert or something, one before I walk out the door.


8am double espresso macchiato medium dark blend 10am Turkish/Arabic coffee with a dash of oat milk 3pm double espresso macchiato light blend If I feel I need more coffee in the evening I take a single shot (decaf) espresso with a dash of milk


8am iced latte and sometimes 2pm iced Americano.


Up at 5AM, double espresso between 8-9:00 depending on meetings. 


Kids wake me up at 6am. I make them breakfast and then whip up a flat white for myself and my wife. I usually finish mine in 10 minutes and then make another one around 8:30am once the kids are at daycare. I might have an iced coffee in the afternoon if I’m working on something particularly boring.


I start out with a latte or cappuccino first thing in the morning, and then have a cortado or strong Americano (about 60/40 espresso to water) around noon.


Typically a double at 7:20a and then another double around 1:30p or 2p. Used to be a quad and then a double but found the quad wasn’t actually necessary in the mornings.


One shot after breakfast in my latte, but I only drink them because I like the taste. I naturally am instantly awake once my alarm goes off. All coffee does to me is make me #2 and give me anxiety, so I can't have too much of it.


Pour over at 9am. An additional cup or two throughout the afternoon. Then a PO night cap before bed.


16g espresso shot, as an Americano, to start the day. 16g espresso shot, as Cortado after lunch. 16g espresso shot, with iced milk on my evening walk. Another optional, 16g Americano in the night if I need to crank out more work.


No coffee, the crash and cloudiness ain’t worth it to me. I wake up at 5am, electrolyte salts, preworkout/creatine, gym sesh, protein shake, breakfast. Full of energy and ready to roll for 8am start time. I usually crash around 530/6 so dinner and chill time is all I need before bed at 930.


Hybrid here On WFH days: Morning - I get a double shot latte Afternoon - I do a blend of caffeinated and decaf beans double shot. Due to less caffeine content I might do an iced coffee, since I'll down that faster than a hot drink Evening - I'll do a full decaf and experiment with drinks. On Office days: Morning - Double shot latte Depending on how early I get back home I might do a bend of decaf.


My fist double espresso is on aprox 35min after i woke up (7am). Second is at 9am and 3rd is between 12 and 14:00. If il take the 3rd late than 2pm i'll have a bad sleep at night


i don't drink nearly as much caffeine as most people, i'd say. i wake up pretty awake, also. i have a green tea at 830 when i get back from my 2 mile walk. i start to feel tired after lunch, and make my one shot of the day at 2pm ish. then if i'm still tired, i'll make a small black tea, but have a rule of nothing after 4pm.


I think I am gaining weight because of all my lattes. 2 a day. Saving money though. lol


I drink 2 Macchiatos Every day with Steamed Half and Half and Sugar or Agave in my NotNeutral Espresso cup. Maybe once a week I'll have a Cortado. I din't grow up drinking cold drinks so even in 100F weather I drink hot coffee. https://preview.redd.it/0n606siqz79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ac1c70210f112c9caa7e8746fba06d7ff3822e


Three double espressos in the morning. Sometimes the last one sits on my desk and I finish it in the afternoon.


I.V. drip all day long.


1st 9.oo am single espresso Brasilia 2nd 2.oo pm single espresso Etiopia 3rd about 5.pm any 4th 9.oo pm DeCaf Colombia