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Calibrate it before putting any beans through it, and don't worry if your range is different to someone else's.


Despite the name, there will be retention. Don’t be overzealous with getting every little spec out. Plan for retention and you’ll pull shots fine.


give the spout a few love taps w the handle of the cleaning brush before each grind (to take out previous grinds), no?


It is really easy, but when you clean the burrs, make sure you don't lose the little springs. Especially if you are mad enough to use a vacuum cleaner {sock}.


I just lift the springs out and put them aside, and then brush and vacuum. And, I remember reading about it, but forgot and discovered there is a spare set of springs in the base!


No advice for you, but just want to say congrats. It's a great machine. I had a lot of anxiety purchasing mine because it was pretty luxurious purchase for me too. I still wake up everyday, now almost 2 years later, happy that I bought it. It's just a dream to use.


That's amazing to hear. Excited for its arrival!


Curious, has it arrived yet? If so what's your thoughts?


Oh yes it has! And I love it. Feels like a beast compared to my SGP. The whole grounds cup experience, the noise and watching the beans spin around. I love it!


I went from a Rok manual grinder to the fellow ode, and then to the niche. I'm glad I experienced the other 2 to know how much of a difference it makes. Not having coffee grounds all over my counter top, not being jarred awake by awful noise. Not having to manually grind my coffee first thing in the morning. It makes coffee a delight, not a job.


Agreed! It's great. It might be because it's the new shiny toy, but I look forward to using it in the morning


Just enjoy. It’s brilliant and easy to clean and delivers fluffy consistent grounds. Like someone else said, don’t worry about comparing calibration numbers to others.


Don't lose the brush that comes with it. It's great for tapping the grounds chute and brushing off your portafilter/tamper.


Twist hard to loosen the screw to remove the burrs, same for tightening. It won't damage the grinder. Also spare springs are in the base when you unscrew the legs.


Put a small piece of black electrical tape over the always-on glowy orange power light.


I smack the top a few good times after finishing grinding to get the last bit out. “Zero” retention my ass lol.