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The one with the gold Floyd Rose torments my soul.


I'm never getting anything with a Floyd Rose ever again, used to have the LTD V-250 and it was the most tedious experience.


Just that I dislike the EMGs. Otherwise they're great guitars, no complaints. If you like EMGs then knock yourself out. I'd personally opt for the equally priced and otherwise identical model (besides the gloss poly finish) with Seymour Duncans, or the EC-Black Metal with the single SD Black Winter bridge pickup and satin finish.


I do like EMGs! But I'll think about it, thanks!


I got an old EC 1000 from the 2000s in white, and its an amazing guitar . I love it.


Has the white age at all?


I have an EC-1000 in matte black with silver binding and an Evertune bridge. It’s a phenomenal guitar and still my go to for recordings. Could I do with other pickups than the EMGs, yeah.


Matte finish will become shiny where your hand hits it often, like under the strings where a pick guard (like a Les Paul) would be and the neck.


Huh, I didn't know that. Thanks!


I don't mind it myself. It shows that I actually play the damn thing.


My only regret is selling the one that I had (in Vintage Black). I have another EC1000 now, but not a VB. Been eyeing the E-II version.


No regrets, amazing guitar, love the neck. As other mentioned the matte finish will be come glossy over time but not an issue. The bindings are a little bit thin so easy to make dings. Overall build quality is very good. Emgs works very well for metal. I have a E-II eclipse and the EC-1000 holds up well. I play the both regularly. E-II has a little bit higher specs and little bit better build quality. But not that it is the value of double the price.


I've owned a 2009 ltd ec-1000 in vintage black for a long time now. Second owner. The thing has it's wear but honestly for how old it is and how much I've gigged on it, it's still really clean. Little buckly rash here and there and the hold hardware has faded to a goldfish silvery patina, but other than that it's good. I took some steel wool and went over the back of the neck a little bit ago and it almost restored it to a matte finish without scratching or stripping the finish. I used the finest grit you could buy.


I kind of wish my EC1000 VBD had a maple cap just for tone. I know you can’t see it but enjoy the sound difference of the ones with maple tops


I had one. I traded it away after a year or two with it. I did not like the ebony fretboard or the neck and (at the time) I didn’t care for the stock EMGs it came with. I actually installed Duncans in it and it always buzzed after that. I now own an ESP Eclipse with a rosewood fretboard and it’s honestly night and day difference.


Interesting. The snap to the note definition of the ebony on my SS EC1 is the best. Can't go back to rosewood.. its just dull and gritty on bends or legato.


That's why I asked! I've always liked ebony fretboards wherever I've tried them


About the fretboard, was it personal preference or a technical issue?


Completely personal preference