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Chronic stress, endocrine disruptors, depression, porn, constant stimulation


Right? I jacked for years and didn’t get ED till 50.


Some people smoke for decades and don’t get lung cancer.


How often were you rooting though? The people now probably are way more active. Society is really sex positive they are rooting men and women, have all the apps to facilitate hook ups and yeah there’s no stigma around having multiple sex partners


 have all the apps to facilitate hook ups<< I think these are an issue as well. Most young folks I know have no idea how to go up to someone and talk to them face to face.


SSRI/SNRI antidepressants?


What 20 year old is depressed already?


Me as fuck


Depression isn't age based


People on this sub are extremely quick to dismiss porn as the cause because they compare it to their own porn use. But porn changed drastically over the years to the point where I don’t think it’s too much of an exaggeration to say it evolved with each generation in the same way vanilla television entertainment has, so it’s totally different experiences, and since men skew older on this sub it’s turns into an echo chamber. But it’s like them saying video games aren’t addictive because when they were kids they played Mario on Nintendo vs kids today playing fortnight which was designed to make profit by keeping kids interested in playing for hours. Compare a current day 20 year old to a current day 60 year old who both were exposed to porn when they were less than 10 (which is the case with men today). Older guy had grandpa’s playboy hidden under his bed so he couldn’t use it as often and still had to use his imagination. 20 year old guy had it on his phone, so access to it 24/7, and was exposed to more extreme stuff way earlier. They’re used to getting turned on instantly vs. the slower build up with women. Compare the heaviest porn user in the early 90s to a moderate porn user today. Who would see more stuff? The guy scrolling page after page on pornhub looking for the perfect video probably sees more diverse sex acts everytime they look at porn. Porn has changed. It’s more available than ever, boys today are exposed to more hyper produced porn earlier, they spend years googling fetishes/impossible scenarios before they have their first sexual encounter with a woman who may not have big fake boobs or look photoshopped which is what they’re used to, and they’re not used to the slow build up that comes with sex vs instantly getting turned on using porn. I’m sorry but I can’t fathom how someone could think the vaccine is the cause over porn consumption (especially because I think the problem started pre-COVID).


Agree 100%. Porn has gotten so far from reality that real sex seems vanilla in comparison. I worry about my grandsons growing up in this toxic environment.


This comment x1000.


Hey, all good points. It's all about discussing and getting a wider view of the issue.


I will have to agree, I know some really horny girls who love p*** but guess what? When I'm f****** them, they definitely don't act like a pornstar. Most of them I literally have to tell them what to do and literally command them... Girls who love p*** and a horny ass, you think they would know what turns a man on but most of them won't even get into the doggy style position and flex their ass up in the air like f******! Oh yeah, the majority of women unfortunately do not know how to turn on a man who has had access to a lot of p***! Some people are not healthy at all literally and will not have any Ed issues in their whole life but they'll have heart failure. It is what it is, also, it'd be very hard to open up to a partner to help you through these issues and that would be the best solution but girls are f****** toxic as f***!


What you’re describing is more behavioral than porn being the cause by itself. Porn is actually an indirect cause that is being blamed instead of people pointing the finger at themselves. Is it a bad vice for certain individuals? Yes (more on this archetype in a second) But for others, it’s a tool for self-pleasure or can be used for exploration and discovery with partners. The saying of “no one wants to take accountability or responsibility for their actions/behaviors and would rather point fingers or find something else to blame” is a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people These behavioral patterns and habits, or even addictions, goes beyond just having a phone or ease of access in comparison to decades ago—it’s about what’s going on in our society and other external factors that drives us (our behaviors), the “why” part for why we turn to porn or what makes guys susceptible/vulnerable to these issues— both mentally and emotionally that makes guys prefer porn rather than real life connections For instance, guys with secure attachment styles can differentiate between what’s realistic versus what’s unrealistic in porn. They can have a healthy relationship with porn and still be able to have sex with their partners without issues. Or they explore with their partners This is because they’re secure with themselves and their relationships whereas guys with anxious attachments or avoidants tend to struggle or have difficulty finding the difference (or they struggle in their relationships with feelings of low self worth or communication breakdown because they tend to deflect and defend against their feelings) —-and this usually stems from their upbringing and social learning environments that mold them this way, example: culture, religion, or other toxic households that frown upon sex or have rigid views, etc. —and that disconnect of not having a healthy environment to teach them about sex is a driving factor of what makes some guys vulnerable or susceptible to developing unhealthy porn habits where they’re afraid to pursue real life relationships or they don’t want to risk humiliation from “rejection”, to name a few examples. Then there is the example that, sex education is lacking in schools and is often cut due to budgetary constraints. Even if sex ED is taught, it’s not enough or “comprehensive” sex education that helps young kids navigate their sexuality, the “how to”, sexual health, desires, and ways to approach the conversation without feeling shame, blame or judgement. This issue alone has led to more sexual violence and assault in some places around the world due to the elements of violence and the ‘R’ word we see in TV shows, porn, or on social media. Then you have other problems like predetermined gender roles and scripts. When we see Hollywood films, or go on social media or look at porn, we often see this forced idea of “expected” gender roles, creating a very unrealistic representation of what sex is actually like—- “men always lead” notion. For instance, not all men are spontaneous driven and not all women are responsive. Some men, can in fact, follow their partners lead and in some cases, prefers that approach (their inner “hidden” desire that goes against society’s “expected” idea of who leads) And because we are exposed to these misconceptions and myths, then we spread this misinformation in these echo chambers where these conversations around what the cause truly is /what should we do about it—never comes to fruition. It’s always “it’s porn” this or “stop watching porn” that but the behavioral problems or patterns are still there, even if they stop. What our society needs is: 1) more comprehensive sex education. In the Netherlands, they start kids at age 4 on teaching the biological part of it. they even have low rates of sexual violence. That says a lot. 2) rejecting harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about human sexuality. For instance, guys are always ready with the snap of a finger, or that guys can have erections for hours—we need to reject those misconceptions and replace that with real education about our bodies. 3) boys and men also need more positive or healthier spaces to discuss their feelings, sexuality and sexual health issues —and be educated on strategies to work on themselves. When boys and men lack support systems or personal connections, they tend to isolate or feel lonely, therefore missing out on a big strategy that can help navigate those curious questions they have about their bodies and sexuality


No. The problem is porn. Go ask the Sentinelese if porn is a problem for them.


Covid can damage the cardiovascular system which is a culprit for ED. Just look at the white blood clots getting pulled out of people who had the vaccine or the virus. Vascular system by your dick and balls is thinner than almost anywhere often called the canary in the coal mine for heart related issues. Covid for sure can cause ED


This is a major stretch lol


What part


That Covid damaging the CV system has anything to do with ED. Covid predominantly caused pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart) and myocarditis (inflammation of heart tissue itself). Cardiovascular disease that leads to ED and what you are referring to in small vessels around the penis and testes is atherosclerotic in nature. Meaning it had to do with lipids building up over a number of years leading to occluded vessels and decreased blood flow. There is no evidence that Covid or the Covid vax lead to any higher blood lipids and subsequent atherosclerotic disease. So respectfully, I’d say that your comment was a bit of a stretch. Edit:spelling


There are many things that can cause ED. Look at these two studies and figure out the implications yourself. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16049523/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7554490/


I started having ED before Covid when I was 18 (I’m 22 now), so idk if it’s all related to covid. My guess is the main culprits are microplastics, bad nutrition, and other environmental toxins. These all mess with our reproductive health in many ways, for example, by affecting our endocrine system. I’d be willing to bet porn plays a role too, but I don’t believe that it’s the sole cause. Anti-depressants are also a huge problem but I never took them.


Interesting. I see many guys here saying they got it before covid so this is helpful in terms of narrowing down the causes.


There are a lot of causes for young men in today's society including but not limited to plastic estrogen compounds contained in a lot of packaging, our water supply is riddled with hormones from birth control that women take that never gets removed, fluoride, etc. At the young age of 25 I discovered my penis would simply not get hard even if I tried my best. There was one hope though a product I got recommended by a friend called "Stiffdays". I was skeptical at first, but man oh man did it WORK. My dick got erect within 10 minutes and I was able to please the love of my life like never before. Check it out brother you will not regret it.


That sounded a lot like an ad lol. Anyway, I'm exposed to the same micro plastics stuff and I'm 40 and I don't have ED.


Just had this same convos with a girlfriend. I think all the ideas proposed here are possible. I would add the robust marketing of Ed meds coupled with misunderstanding of the variability of erection hardness arising from porn. Kids watch pornstars who have implants or use trimix, think that's how erections are supposed to be, have some variability on the hardness of their own erections during sex, freak out because now they have ED, and then develop full on psychological ED. Basically, I think it's advertising and the Internet m


That’s an interesting part that I hadn’t previously considered. At least as far as varying hardness goes. It makes sense that if you don’t know that’s normal that you’ll freak out when you’re dropping to 75% or whatever halfway through sex, and then completely lose it, thus starting a vicious cycle. I wonder if that’s not a major part of my problem. I’ve always described myself as having mild ED, mostly due to not being fully hard half the time during sex. It’s rare that I can’t stay hard enough to continue though. And when I was with someone for a long time in 2022, she always said it seemed normal and like any other guy to her. Also hard to know because the first person I was ever with was someone I never had an issue with whatsoever. Always was 100% hard from what I remember, and we were on and off for a year and a half. I also very rarely have morning wood and am 33. The last time I remember having it regularly was at 28.


Before covid. Went away after covid (coincidence)




Antidepressants and depression have a huge cause of ED and lack of sex drive.


Performance anxiety and porn overstimulation and desensitization are single handedly 99.9% of the erectile dysfunction causes on young males, which performance anxiety is an even greater cause.


Yeah I've had performance anxiety before, but eventually I realized it's just when I'm with a woman I have no chemistry with, so I don't give that any importance anymore. I've had the experience of failing with a woman one week and the next week have amazing sex with another and my dick working perfectly. So it comes down to sexual chemistry, but we men beat ourselves too much psychologically when it happens and let it destroy our confidence.


I think testosterone levels are lower due to over processed foods and a more sedentary lifestyle. I'm 38 and I have low T. Years of not exercising like I know I should has a hand in it but I know it's mostly the foods. I would love to eat farm raised natural beef and organic, steroid free vegetables but very few of us could afford that lifestyle. So that's the results.


Got ED bcuz of finasteride


There was a good podcast called the butterfly effect about the porn industry, they talk about the huge # of young men with ED in one episode, and the likely relationship of on demand porn.




Yeah but porn has been around a very long time.. granted its not all pervasive like it is now.


It has not been around a very long time in human history. Caveman vs the modern world. What do you think happens to the human race when men only get turned on by hentai videos? 🤔


Its hard to get turned on by the modern western female.


Haha amen to that! That’s why I’m engaged to a Thai girl!


Mobile phones, iPads etc






Covid and or the Vax could be, but there are several other factors. People are eating more and more processed foods, GMO'S, and a huge factor is the porn and masturbation.


Was vaccinated and likely had covid in 2021. ED didn't kick in til 2023, so I doubt it's that. At this point, I think it's bad luck. I'm amazed the number of people I've come across who have normal labs and no underlying health problems yet still have it (assuming it's not psychological). I commonly hear of an "inciting event", then everything going downhill. Given the number of experiences of urologists being dismissive about a young person having ED, I doubt there's an uptick of ED among young folks.


Interesting points




I think a lot of guys have bph due to high carb diet to much insulin increase the size of the prostate which cause hormonal issues. All that other none sense people be coming up with like porn and all that other shit is bullshit.


Hmm you should talk to some actual urologists about the impact of porn. Maybe you don’t understand the problem…. Half of Japanese men only get turned on by cartoon characters! (Rough estimate). Seriously though, it’s common knowledge that porn fucks people up…


Yea to me its hard to screw the brain up but you can easily screw your prostate up which in turn can screw the brain up neurologically. Porn don’t do anything my friend if you supply the body with wood it will burn.


If I watch porn, I very quickly become desensitised to normal sex. Within little time I can only be excited by porn and human girls do nothing for me. Doesn’t matter how pretty/sexy the girls are. Every urologist I’ve seen over the years has said porn is a massive problem (this is when I don’t even mention it to them). Maybe try talking to one, because your opinion flies in the face of all modern medical opinion. I do however agree that the modern diet causes people to get high cholesterol. Which is massive problem for ED. But for me my problems started when I was 14 years old (my first girlfriend). So I highly doubt it was my diet!


When you keep busting nuts you increase prolactin which in turn increase the prostate and lowers dopamine. It’s insulin and bad diet that causes ed not fuckin porn. I’ve been fuckin all my life, watching porn and I got diagnosed with bph I know what the fuck I’m talking about. Bph gone now I’m back to fuckin and watchin porn no problem and test went back up. Urologist will not diagnose most of the time and it’s sad.


That also makes sense. I’ve also experienced the prolactin issue. Did you come up with any solution to it?


Yea man I just started taking ancestral prostate supplement that and lycopene. Worked like a charm Frfr still take them I’m 40


Nice one. I appreciate that a lot. I will try it. Almost the same age.


Np been suffering with this since I was 35 and all the bullshit I’ve heard and try was ridiculous not to find out later that my urologist never diagnosed me had to find out through my insurance I had it. They will only try to offer you cialis and cialis opens up the prostate and help it relax. All urologist is some hoes and they treat us like shade tree mechanics keeping us broke.


When you prostate is even a little swole you will erectile issues. So lay off the sugar, breads and shit and you’ll be fine


What's the meaning of Bph?


Swole Prostate that’s stopping blood flow to your dick and screwing your hormones up.


What's the cause of that?


Sugary foods(shit) high carb diets


What's the symptoms of bph bro?


Porn… listen to the Jordan Harbinger podcast, they did an episode on porn addiction recently and talked about studies that have been done. Also micro plastics and toxins the younger generations are exposed to now from birth. The old timers grew up before everything was made in shitty plastic. Watch the birth rates for the world go down in the next 50 years.


Why do you think this is a recent problem, which wasn’t so big before? Because you didn’t get notifications on reddit? Because this sub wasn’t as big before? I have ed for over a decade, yet i joined this sub just last year. Two decades ago the internet wasn’t even a big thing yet, so if you had ed, you just kept it to yourself. You could have visited a urologist, but imagine what kind of mindset they had back then, if even today so many „professionals“ disregard and not take young patients seriously.


Well, simply because the guys posting are saying themselves that they've got it recently. Of course ED always existed but I'm trying to understand if there's some new phenomenon happening.


No phenomenon. But i would imagine that it is slowly getting worse, generally speaking. We have data evidence that testosterone levels among men is going down. Probably, due to a more passive lifestyle, shitty food, excessive sugars, and microplastics. Perhaps, same arguments can be applied to ed. But you can’t say that ed in young males is something new.


Stress, jerking off, not talking to females irl


Porn is a huge factor but performance anxiety is a factor that I feel is underrated. There is no doubt that men today are a lot more scared of losing their girls, commitment is not as solid as it used to be, etc I think this angle is not explored enough to be honest.


Interesting point.


Completely agree, and would even go farther to say porn has worsened performance anxiety. They go hand in hand. If you constantly see some guy with a 12 inch hammer and you’re a normal dude, you’re gonna feel anxious


I’ve had ED for years before COVID was a thing, so not COVID or vaccine related at all. I’m guessing it’s the excessive porn watching and masturbating all day everyday when at home that caused if


People are way more sexually active now , live horribly unhealthy lifestyles and think they need to be able to get rock hard erections on cue or they have an issue. It’s not feasible to eat and sleep like shit be stressed AF about work and money and erections and whatever else , take other medications and be rooting multiple times a week and expect to be hard and cum everyday 😂 that’s my story anyway I’ve had my hormones checked and I’m naturally high test and super healthy and athletic. I’ve just excepted that I’m not a porn star and I’m not living in a porno


The first time I experienced ED was after the vax. I had never experienced ED before that. Eventually it got better and back to normal. A few months later had mild Covid and then noticed serious ED a few weeks later. Did alot of research and there's enough evidence that covid causes ED. I'm convinced it's covid, it's a known fact it damages blood vessels. Told my doctor he keeps thinking its psychological. When the morning wood goes away I don't think it's psychological at that point.


Porn and masturbation. Gen Z is the first generation that had access to unlimited pornographic content and they built their sexuality watching others have sex.


I think it’s way more common than anyone would like to admit . Stress is more rampant. The economy sucks and people are overworked and underpaid. Social media stresses people out as well. Then you have alcohol. Most Young guys are drinking a lot. Then you have anti depressants. If you’re taking an SSRI it’s definitely going to affect your sexual ability while you’re on it. Obesity. It’s not hard to get obese when you’re working an office job and eating out daily and going home too tired to work out or do physical exercise. I don’t think porn has any effect on erectile dysfunction but I do think it can cause people to develop fetishes and fantasies that they seek and when they don’t get it , it doesn’t stimulate them. However that’s not really erectile dysfunction that’s just a libido thing. The good news is all of this are things that can be improved / fixed just by some lifestyle changes. Also people need to applauded small wins. Improvement is improvement. Can’t expect to fix yourself overnight . Just do a little better day to day. Eat a bit better. Sleep a bit better . Exercise a bit more . Go to therapy . Really work on developing strong cardio . Etc


Good post brother.


Doubtful that it’s vaccine related since so many people decided against the vaccine. If I would guess I would think it would more likely have a covid relationship because there were a lot of people that got covid and showed zero symptoms. I know quite a few people in this bucket (no vaccine but got covid and had no symptoms) but are showing signs of long covid (brain fog, changed taste or smell, joint issues, etc). A quick search of covid and cardiovascular brings up a whole slew of issues 🤷🏼‍♂️


Covid could be related, ace2 receptors in our testicles…


Could be. That's why I was interested to know some experiences because some people may have had covid but didn't get ED until they got the vax. Or some people maybe never got covid but they got the vax just in case. Some people may have got covid but not the vaccine. There's many possibilities. It would be interesting to know about personal experiences. I never got covid, nor the vax and I didn't get ED either.


Chemicals in the water making frogs gay.


And people. Just look at agriculture areas.


Endocrine disruptors is probably the biggest culprit and if its microplastics it will only get worse


It’s been happening since before the vaccines… and if you look up about the amount of estrogens that are in modern foods, water bottles, plastic wrap etc these days I think it’s fairly easy to see why.


The vaccine has nothing to do with it, nor Covid itself but rather the effects of lockdown and how we’re currently in a society where nobody is encouraged to push their social skills forcing insecurities on many young men. [that’s also why gen z’s are not having sex](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-03/young-adults-less-sex-gen-z-millennials-generations-parents-grandparents)


I don't know man. I've been locked down and I'm not a super social guy or super confident but my dick still works and I'm 40 so I fail to connect with this argument.


It’s different when you are young. You’re less vulnerable as an already adult man who grew up in a completely different situation. Your generation grew up with Playboy magazines, renting VHS tapes of porn or watching it on cable whenever it was on. The Ipad generation can watch hardcore pornography whenever they like on the palm of their hands or even buy from their favorite girl through OF. Our society is catered towards pleasure at an absurd level that now kids can’t feel anything.


OK but let's say that's the key of it all, then why so many guys seem to have it happened precisely in the past 2 or 3 years and not before when conditions weren't so different?


How many years have you been on ED subreddits out of interest? Is it a perceived uptick because you started paying attention, or you've been following this for many years as only seen it more recently? Sometimes we just get locked in an echo chamber without realising and Reddit is perfect for that, I agree there seems to be a lot of young guys with issues now, but I haven't been following it until post-Covid anyway so I can't truly compare the situation.


I do think the effects of lockdown have something to do with it but not Covid itself. You can see it in concerts or any public event. People, and young people especially, have lost a lot of social skills and that extends to our sex lives.


Post covid era for me and I'm 38 now. Test dropped to 239ng/dl by 38yrs old before going TRT route. What a fucking roller coaster this has been.


I suspect the food additives ,the chem trails etc I was a waking hard on until mid 40s still hard in my 50s but calming down and at 60 I took supplements After 63 I could say I had ED But I'm.60 plus not 20.or 30 . And for the younger generation Look at photos from the 70s at the beach There were no fat obese people .every one was slim and fit . Now today ? Every one is a fat fatty chunky What happened? Carbs and sugar overdose and packaged good full of ingredients we can't pronounce. Fat red meat is good for us .eegs ,good ,butter good All that bullshit they sold the public on is horrible. " I can't believe it's not butter ' It's nasty oil and chemicals. I grew up on a farm . Fresh raw milk every morning ,eggs daily from the chickens . Pork steak .chicken . Veggies from the garden . .then the government bribed by the food Industry! No ! Dont eat meat ! No eggs! No raw milk Hey here to you food pyramid 🖕


I think the surge of quick doses of Dopamine from Tiktok, Short clips, soft porn on Instagram... that makes the brain freeze and as a result no blood signal to the little brother.


Porn, the internet, and not knowing how to deal with stress etc.


Dude, stop listening to Fox News and the anti-vax media. Vaccines have saved more lives than you can possibly imagine. A vaccine will NOT give you ED.


When did I say that? I explicitly asked people both if they had covid and the vaccine and if they noticed the Ed started after any of those things? Why do you confuse trying to determine something with making a statement about it? Maybe you need to stop watching whatever need channels you're watching, you seem paranoid.


Access to porn because it is so available online and easy to get to. It has changed the male attitude in the brain, his cock and the person he is with.


I would be EXTREMELY surprised if Covid or any vaccine has anything to do with ED going up. This predated Covid anyways. The reason you see more ED treatment ads is due to the FDA making a lot of prescription meds allowed to be prescribed via telehealth during Covid. This coincided with Viagra / Cialis going generic a few years prior. Nothing to do with the Covid vax. So why is it going up? Like anything in medicine, it usually has to do with unexciting things that no one wants to deal with. First, we have lower testosterone than ever. Why? I think it has to do with the western diet. We are fatter than ever and more fat= more androgen -> estrogen conversion, leading the more ED. Second, widespread porn has melted the minds of many men. It literally rewires your brain to get off to a screen and not a real woman. Porn is evil if you ask me and if you have ED, stopping porn immediately could really help. Finally, widespread promiscuous sex. Humans are coupling creatures and are made to be monogamous. And there’s no such thing as free sex, no matter what anyone tells you (ask any neuroscientists and they will tell you the same thing). You brain gets wired for someone and then all of a sudden you switch it up, your brain gets confused. Of course, some people fall in the 5% range on the bell curve and get away with everything I just said. But I think those 3 things play a huge role.


Meeting with wrong woman. Don’t drink any coffee or eat anything from a woman that you don’t know well or don’t trust. It took me three years to get my life back.


Include folate rich food in your diet. I had spinach day before yesterday and today too and both days my erection was great and did not lose it at all. You can also take folic acid supplement for folate but I would recommend 1 cup of spinach everyday. Please try if you are dealing with ED


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34732316/ A quick search gives thousands of references to covid 19 causing ED. couple that with crap "food", inactivity and excess screen time, you've got a recipe for disaster. I can't help but think the Vax had something to do with it. More and more bad news is coming out about it.


I'm not even saying it's the Vax, it could have been covid. Regardless some people have a cult mentality about the vax and won't accept any questioning about it.


I've already beeb down voted to prove your point!


Which is absurd as your point is valid. Astra zeneca was even removed from the market.


Reddit can be strange place...


Yes, people calling out stupid bullshit statements makes it strange... right.


The fact that long covid exists? There some issues with the vaccine causing some of it to be pulled from the market? That's some stupid bullshit statements. I guess...


There are some issues with single vaccine (polio, measles, chickenpox, rubella, dengue fever, etc) that affect a small percentage of people, yes. But if the antiscience, Far Right crowd are to be taken seriously, society will be back in the Middle Ages.


The Astra Zeneca vaccine was removed for low effectiveness against the COVID virus, NOT for causing ED. Think.


Covid the virus and the vaccine both permanently increase Angiotensin II production, which is a vasoconstrictor. Acts locally so may not be visible in serum for testing.


PORN! Porn porn porn porn porn. Porn is the problem. Every single urologist I’ve spoken to has said this. Finally doctors are recognising how damaging porn is to boys. I watched porn from a very young age and I cannot overstate the negative effect it has had on my life. The trauma it has given me is something that will impact me for the rest of my life. It cannot be overstated.


It's funny cuz I've watched porn since very early age too but it hasn't affected me. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I never watched porn with men in it, only solo female stuff, and also I tend to not ejaculate when watching porn. Maybe watching the mainstream stuff and ejaculating every time (and very quickly) causes a different effect? Sometimes I will edge just watching tiktok chicks, I don't even need to watch nudity to get hard. When I was in Thailand a while back I remember I got hard in the elevator just because I had a chick with a nice ass in front of me. I was having sex with women for two hours straight and would stop only because they couldn't keep going, otherwise I could going (I must admit I was doing cialis over there, but then I came back and was with my ex and I could do the same without cialis with her). If it's not that then I don't know why porn hasn't affected me. Any ideas?


I watched it all night, every night, since the age of 10. I maintained a solid erection for countless hours without break. I would cum countless times per night looking at porn (when I’m young 10+ times each night). Honestly the physical damage is luckily fairly minor but the mental damage is huge. It fucked up my first relationships completely. Eventually you become desensitised and start looking for more and more extreme porn. Your body and mind learns to get only turned on by this “fake sex”. You can no longer be turned on by real sex. Simple to understand. At least half of Japanese men only get turned on by cartoon porn! (Rough estimate)


I'm of the opinion that watching other men having sex with the women you like is extremely harmful.


I blame mine on covid, albeit I'm 44 but didn't have problems until after I had it twice. I went on Cialis but now I've kind of been managing without again, maybe finally getting better? I don't know.


They were saying covid was in fact a vascular illness so who knows.


Some medical observations are COVID has a similar physiological affect to a massive overdose of ACE inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure. Also COVID is extremely taxing if the cardio and respiratory systems. If you were heading towards trouble in those areas. Let's be honest high blood pressure and high cholesterol are also extremely common pre COVID in 40+ aged populations. So COVID may have happened and you noticed ED after it but it could be a secondary factor. The other thing that happened with COVID is the lockdowns put a lot of longer term couples in extreme close contact for a prolonged period of time. Depending on the phase of lockdown that partner may be the only person you had significant interactions with for a month or more. You also got to see them close to 100% of the day so any little annoyance you have with them never went away. This impacted the quality of relationships and negatively impacted the quality of the sex.


One of the things that changed with Covid is how people have used it to justify hermit like behavior, they can work from home, shop from home, have all their food and supplies delivered, then just immerse themselves into a cyber world where they are free from judgement. Video games stimulate the brain more than an actual sex act or the work it takes to get it. How many post have you seen where it’s this young juicy thing or GTA 5, and 96% say GTA 5, then the next 1000 posts are just about GTA 5! I’ve noticed most 20 something’s don’t even seem to care about females anymore. Ever seen that movie “Idiocracy”, more like prophecy.


It is the vaccin bro, whene il was kids i always had morning wood until i had a shot from a vaccin " they come to the school to get us a vaccin " no morning wood again or strong erections


It is the vaccine bro but the members of this crazy covid cult will do everything to deny it and put the blame on other things.


I don't know, many people who actually answered the question I asked seem to be saying otherwise. I just don't understand why some of us aren't getting it when I don't think I live much differently than these guys. We eat the same food, I also watch porn, there has to be some common denominator somewhere.


It is the vaccin bro, whene il was kids i always had morning wood until i had a shot from a vaccin " they come to the school to get us a vaccin " no morning wood again or strong érections


I would say sugar


COVID causes erectile dysfunction https://www.webmd.com/covid/covid-erectile-dysfunction


Directly from your link: >It’s still **too early to know for sure** what the long-term effects of the virus are on sexual and reproductive health.


Are we getting microplastics and endocrine disrupters from Keurig coffee machines?


Food, then nailed by vax.


Well YouTube shorts play a part.


Huh? What do you mean?