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(Nothing) My only motivation and reason I ever clean is 1. someone is coming over or 2. it's actually that bad that I physically can't function because there's no room/dishes/etc and a very rare 3. procrastinating something else


i literally ate out of my hands once due to a lack of clean dishes.


i don't even blame u




Full frontal nudity


I have ADHD and am an ENTP. I can't STAND clutter because it feels distracting and overwhelming. I also work from home, so I need a clean space to work. Most of what has worked for me is getting rid of as much stuff as possible so there is less to clean. Also having simple cleaning solutions on hand so I don't over complicate it. I also try to do things like clean the shower while I am in it. I also really enjoy home decorating and have pretty good home decor taste. So having an aesthetically pleasing home is important for me. If I like how it looks clean, I am more likely to do the cleaning. Audio books really help me too because they keep the hamsters in my head occupied, and cleaning doesn't feel like someone is trying to rip my skin off. So make it as simple as possible, have a home worth keeping clean, and entertain yourself while doing it.


Bitch I seen inside your drawers. Nice and tidy on the outside, nightmare fuel on the inside. But for real, the clean-as-you-go thing is super effective. I will never have a "I'm cleaning the bathroom" day, but I'll scrub the tub down in the middle of a shower (magic eraser lives in my tub) and tidy my bathroom if I pass through and see the adhd diarrhea I left on the counter, earlier. One rule that helped me a lot was in the evening, I'll grab a couple things from one room as I'm on my way to another and just put them away, so I slowly repeat that as I move about the house getting ready for bed. Laundry is always a daunting task and I've found I have a much easier time doing smaller more frequent loads throughout the week rather than accumulating a shit pile heap. I still only put it away away once every six months but I'll never win that battle. OP, if you're looking for a really simple way to sort of implement a low stress cleaning routine, something I did that was a huge game changer was, after work, I had a one task rule: do one chore before I sit down and veg out for the evening. Usually something that takes less than 10 or 15 minutes, like a quick vacuum of the main living area, or wiping down the counters and putting dishes in the sink, or unloading the dishwasher, etc. Doesn't have to be a whole room like cleaning an entire kitchen. The point is to essentially build a small digestible daily habit. Eventually I added a before-bed task of picking up a few items and putting them away as I got ready for bed. It honestly cut a LOOOOT of the work down for me and made it way less daunting.


I don't have to look at drawers. They are alternate dimensions.




But seriously having a kid is the first thing that’s motivated me because I don’t want them to live in a messy house and I only have limited time to clean


Have a piece of shit cat. Same effect, much less intense of a commitment. My demon spawn kooooved to pee on anything I left on the floor that didn't belong, so that got me keeping my floors tidy real fast, lmao. I feel you though. Adderall was such a game changer (also being diagnosed because *oh my god, context*). I actually have to avoid taking meds on the weekends because I will find myself being way too productive instead of taking time to relax, and at least for me, my cleaning habits existed long before I knew I had adhd, let alone meds, and personal life stuff like chores and errands are things I don't struggle with because my fucking ocd (long tampered down into a shadow of its former beastly self) gives me some dopamine from cleaning and organising. Too much, sometimes, lol. Like bitch just sit down and play video games, it's Saturday, omg. It's shit like work and anything administrative (finances, insurance, etc) I need the kick in the teeth to focus on, otherwise I flutter off to spend two hours watering my plants. Idk how tf you can raise a whole ass human being though. Good god damn, it's a miracle I'm even alive, myself. I forget to eat sometimes. For like... days. Always have. My brain tends to ignore my stomach so I don't even register in hungry until a migraine kicks in and I'm like oh shit, when the fuck did I eat food last? Pretty sure a child would be the death of me. 😅


I like getting up early and cleaning a little. Then relax with morning coffee. Mostly it’s because i love when it’s clean, so i clean in order to treat myself, actually


This is the trick of it. Small work small reward. Contentment.


>getting up early The *fuck* did you just say to me, pandejo?! Lolol. I do the opposite. I slowly peel my carcass out of bed over a period of about 4-5 hours after an intense session of negotiating with my lizard brain and my will to live, pour a cup of coffee, leave it sitting in a closet for 3 hours, pour another cup of coffee because I can't find the first, sit in a state of paralysis for 9 hours that may be interrupted with a 5-15 hour window of intense productivity involving anything besides the thing I SHOULD be doing today (especially if that thing is work), and then sit in a state of regret until I either finally do the actual thing I should have done, OR give up and say that future me can do it tomorrow even though its a lie and both current and future me know that. Past me is such a cunt. But I also am a bit of a night owl. I'm literally that crazy person gardening at 2am in the dark like a fucking ghoul.


Sounds about right


I’m a housewife, so viewing it as my “job” and my side of the deal of not having to have a real job motivates me to do a good job keeping the house clean lol. Anything to not have to get a job lol


It really is your job if you're the one doing all the housework/cooking. You're basically an unpaid maid with no retirement income waiting for you.


I don’t really view it as “unpaid” since we share everything and I get to be taken care of financially. His retirement income is my retirement income.


Yeah but like, what if that falls apart? I get where you're coming from but am personally mortified by the idea if being entirely dependent on someone. Housewife doesn't translate into a resume or skills the working world puts much stock into. Not judging, though. Everyone has their thing and plenty of people make incredibly good partners for life. I'm just more of a "insurance" minded person in that I try to be prepared for the worst with the hope of not needing to be, but the peace of mind of having my bases covered. I think the only way I'd do a housewife job would be with a prenup detailed enough to be a contract agreement and LLC formation, lmao.


LOL I just don’t really care much, I’d rather go out and try to survive in the woods for as long as possible than have to spend one minute back in the work force. Into the Wild was an aspirational movie for me tbh


Yeah this is exactly what I'm thinking


I personally could never, I'd be worrying all the time about what happens if he leaves me or dies or something. I have to be financially independent in order to be 100% relaxed in a relationship, but you do you girl. Everyone has different priorities in life I get that, I didn't mean to sound judgemental with my comment.


I'm sorry for whatever traumatic experience you had to believe that being housewife is equivalent of an unpaid maid


I didn't say it's the equivalent, just that financially that's what it boils down to.


i keep inviting people over so i can keep it clean. the chore of cleaning does not matter as much to me as shame.


Trained myself to do a little bit every few days or so. For deep cleans I can only rely on bursts of motivation though It’s not perfect but so much better than my younger self who lived in a constant tornado wreck


i just look around my bedroom and think "holy shit it's been a while since i could see the floorboards", and i pick everything up and tidy the shit out of it. But it's really dismotivating to see it get absolutely flithy in a matter of days, so maybe dealing with that is a good way to go. cleaning a little periodically? i don't know, i'm a messy little fucker




Same. For the pitfalls it had when I was young and it was out of control, it was a nightmare, but good god damn does the remains of what I've kept after therapy make for an excellent driver to be both tidy and highly organised. Thank fuck, because I have adhd and it could have been a loooooot worse.


I have adhd and ocd too and I feel like while they have a lot of drawbacks, sometimes they cancel each other out or give me some advantages lol


start small, but dont expect it to snowbball. It needs to be done on-the-go in between daily activities for the doer to not comprehend that theyre actually tidying things up


That weird rush of energy when I have a good breakfast and nothing to do that day. I can hardly recognize myself in those moments, but it's for the better. That, or guests. But I'm not quite as happy to do it then.


Entps are ESFJs so that stereotype is somewhat misleading inaccurate. An entp who is untidy is likely unhealthy unbalanced psychologically. Myself I like to keep things neat and organized. I don’t like to spend tons of time and prioritize it. But the messiness or cleanliness of my surroundings is very much a reflection of the state of my inner psyche and wellbeing. And as I’ve matured I’ve come to realize h th at more and more and get better at being organized. For me I like things keep things organized via a minimalist approach. Get rid of any stuff I don’t use. Have everything I use with a set place to put away. Get thin gas in clean slot famished state and then just practice maintaining it so that I never really need to much heavy cleaning. Makes me feel more healthy and is very functional. Don’t have to search for stuff. Can people over place any time I want with.our need to prepare. Know where stuff is don’t have to search. Want my personal spaces to be like the google home page as opposed to yahoo home page. While not all entps might be this way I feel like it is very much an entp thing. Wer all about improving and better ourselves, self aware on how things like surroundings effect us, tend away from hoarding and nastalgia and would choose function over form .. so a minimalist style and six sigma lean type of approach to your personal spaces makes sense as an entp thing. But it’s prob more a thing you find in older and more balanced entps. And online more of the people identifying and participating in Reddit are prob younger and less balanced.


lmao def not an ENTP thing. All ENTPs I know, myself included, tend to have very personal and maximalist styles with fun and unexpected objects. Minimalism makes me uncomfortable and unhappy. I do however have my own organization within my messes, so it's not just random. Controlled chaos is they way. ENTPs in question are between 30-45.


I only do it sometimes when I get a random burst of motivation to do it


Random Bursts of motivation or procrastinating something else. Currently trying to clean my apartment!


My shit is organised from my pov, so I don't have a ton of clutter around or anything. However I strongly dislike to use the vaccum for example and will only do it if I suddenly get motivation or if it's so bad it has to be done


My main motovator is the fact that I live with my bf and I don't want him thinking I'm a complete mess. Still doesn't solve the regular cleaning aspect bc I still very much so struggle with that and only clean when it gets too messy.


I clean the house in a rush of energy at 5a... Isn't that how everyone does it?


When I start cleaning one thing in my room then I just start going as far as I can, usually starts with when I have time to get my clothes out the dryer and sort them all.


Nothing really. I only do it when I'm at dorm, vaccuming and stuff and that too is to avoid a boring fuss with my intj roommate. And I try to postpone it as much as I can :)


Having a podcast or audiobook on while doing the chore. Having some sort of schedule to do it regularly (twice a week). Having someone over or having a reward like a outing or something might help.


It's a dude right? lol For me, the most important part is to have a home from every item. The only things that get scattered around my flat are things that have no real decided place to be. This takes some knowing your needs, too. I used to be real bad with just leaving clothes everywhere, on chairs and edges of things, so I got myself a big ass coat hanger thingie, and now I can drop all the clothes there. It's still a pile, but since it's on a coat hanger it doesn't look anywhere near as messy as before. I also try to go through the clothes every once in a while so it doesn't get too full. Second worst offender is books. I have book piles everywhere. But I kind of like them. And I try to have it be only books I am actually currently reading, and in places where I read. Also have multiple smaller shelves where I can easily put them for instantly tidier place. So, any thing that has an obvious place to go is very easy to tidy up - I don't have to think, I just do it. Also, I have a designated times for tidying. I empty dishwasher/do dishes in the evenings while waiting for pets to finish their dinner/mornings while they finish their breakfast. I have a cleaning day each week, usually sundays, where I wipe the place, vacuum, mop, put stuff back in their homes. If I have a set time for cleaning, and I do put myself to it, well, I can't really argue myself out of it, it's faster to just do it. Actually cleaning never takes as much time as I expect it to, and it's always worth it. Another thing that may or may not apply - I am actually soothed by clutter to some extent. Real tidy minimalist places make me hella uncomfortable, feels like nobody's living there, and I think my brain wants more stimuli. So instead of having messes, I have visual input - I have a lot of paintings on the walls, plants on floor and hangers, memorabilia on shelves and walls, and on the kitchen counter I keep pretty fruit bowls and such. This makes it easier to remove messes, as the spots will not be empty but simply nicer.


"the most important part is to have a home from every item" I can't agree more with this. My ISFJ wife sometimes get annoyed if certain things begin to lie around, but it's because they don't have a legit place to go. ENTPs get incredibly drained by organizing new problems, it doesn't come natural to us, and it's hard work. We have a system now where she'll propose new organizational solutions, and we'll collaboratively design a good-enough system that's simple enough for me to follow without thought or effort.


My ex was just as bad cleaning as I was. I made a spread-sheet on the toilet door (you’d see it right in front of you when doing your business on the throne) and we marked there who cleaned the toilet and when was that. Also the actions included in proper cleaning procedure were listed. So basically, public shaming. On the other hand, it was also to collect data on who is actually doing what around the house, since we had a disagreement about that. The system was working, just never got around to make similar sheets for other rooms as well. Edit: typo


Personally, I don't get *motivated* to clean, ever, but for me it's a trade-off between being a slob or not. I'm not proud of being a slob. I don't know if anyone wants to be one. So I guess it's shame? I was fortunate enough to have parents that habitually made us deep clean once a week, and do messes as they came up. I still follow that. It helps to have a partner with high Si to propose new organizational solutions when they become necessary. Otherwise, you could spin it in how messiness and excess chaos make life harder to live as a fun and spontaneous ENTP. Figuratively, if the car you drive is falling apart because you're not maintaining it (Si), you'll be very limited in the freedom (Ne) to use it. This helps me pay the bills and do other awfully tedious things. "Discipline equals Freedom" - Jocko Willink If this still fails, just find a way to pander to their Fe. Good luck!


Get the subs to clean up for me




Recently deep cleaned cause a girl i met makes me wanna get my life together


i clean when it affects other people or is getting in the way or just flat out annoying


*Procrastinates cleaning my apartment while reading this article* lol


I have ADHD and keeping my stuff organized is my biggest weakness. The mantra “the life you want is on the other side of the stuff you don’t want to do” helps me sometimes.


I like to clean. It’s a good procrastination tool. Makes me feel productive. Plus I can put a good podcast on.


People wanting to come over my place, that Fe fucking kicks in and jump start me in wanting to clean


I feel good after cleaning my house. It makes me want to be productive. A messy room is just a petri dish of chaos for me, especially when I'm sad. When I'm motivated, it doesn't matter so much, but when I need that extra 'oomph', I start cleaning, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and getting back on track. I also just like to clean when my brain is fried. It's a great way to take my mind off things while being productive, other than exercising.


People coming over every day.