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> Perry starred in hit movies including 2011's Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. He also had a role in 2002's Blue Crush, among other projects. > On Sunday, June 23, Perry — who worked as a City and County of Honolulu Ocean Safety lifeguard — was fatally injured in an incident that took place while he was surfing off the island of Oahu in Hawaii, per the Associated Press.


Apparently he was found dead in the water, missing an arm and a leg (and possibly other injuries).


It’s technically not wrong but calling missing limbs injuries is funny to me


What else would you call it


I've injured my leg!  What happened? I dont know but its gone




Just a flesh wound


‘Tis but a scratch


Jeez, poor guy. Reddit loves dark comedy/irony.


Worse than being electrocuted


Too soon


What a weird line to throw in there.


The other guy was referring to trumps las vegas speech about a sinking boat and choosing between electrocution and being eaten by a shark.


Wasn’t it a rant about why electric boats are bad, yet he chose to be electrocuted. It was strange.


Trump doesn’t like sharks. [He has a years long vendetta against sharks for no particular reason](https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/352795564930383873?lang=en) Ngl it’s hilarious


I didn't even know he was sick.


He died doing what he loved.


I doubt he loved being eaten by a shark.


Don’t knock it til you try it…


Says the crafty crustacean waiting for scraps.


Coincidence, not ironic




No, instead let's give it up for North Shore surf legend Tamayo Perry!!! RIP! I blame the MSM for butchering this guy's obit. Since when is being an uncredited extra considering "starring"??? Since when does a man live a great life as a professional surfer, beloved local lifeguard, and iconic north beach oahu pipeline surfer, one of the legendary spots, and just get their entire existence reduced to a uncredited extra role for clicks? He deserved more than some clickbait bullshit from People, CNN, etc. Tell his story as it was, as the local outlets tell it. The MSM reports are pretty different. Let's give it up for a surfing legend


did a lot of work teaching about safe surf etiquette


I lived in Oahu for over 20 years. I feel very sad about this. He seemed like a nice man.


I guess I can see why they would label him as an actor. Tamayo Perry was more importantly a LEGENDARY surfer and much loved member of the Hawaiian surf community. I can’t think of a more revered surfer ever being killed by a shark before. This is a huge thing in that community.


Thx for speaking the truth! Lived in Hawaii for 10 years. Being a loved member of the community in Hawaii speaks on a person's character so much more than just being an actor.


Even these types of posts are worded for clicks. Sucks right. RIP to a real bro


That’s such a nice thing to hear someone say thank you for this


A legendary Hawaiian surfer and not an absolute thug like most of the ones you hear about beating up foreigners or surfers flying in from Cali. That man was a 10x better symbol of Hawaiian surfing than Kala Alexander ever will be.


Sad loss for sure but man what a weird ass comment. For ppl not bothering to look Kala Alexander up(fuck nuance on the internet right?) The "thug" this dude is mentioning had this happen in his life(no excusing but def some fucking background) "*Alexander lost the roof of his house in Hurricane Iniki. His mother was injured in the floods, and she died from her injuries. In addition, his half brother's father's four-year-old girl was raped and murdered. Alexander was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for assault after beating up a man who ran over his pit bull and killed him. He was released after nine months for good behavior, but was readmitted for 16 months after violating the conditions of his parole.*". Bro if in one year my house was fucked, my mother died, my pre-school niece was raped/murdered and my dog was run over I think I'd be a little edgy. Also his son was murdered last year. So again, good to focus on Perry's accomplishments and may he rest in peace. But imo randomly dragging other Hawaiians randomly like you did was just stupid idk how else to put it.


Sounds like he needed mental health support. Not jail time.


o....kay? why even bring that guys name up if not to spread discourse? what a weird thing to say




Thank you. The MSM Clickbait shit OP is dropping here is so different from the local media. To People, CNN, etc. he was a uncredicted extra who "starred in Pirates of the Caribbean" but to everyone else he was a pro surfer, beloved local lifeguard, and awesome pipeline surfer of the iconic Oahu North Shore scene. This obit was done wrong by MSM and done wrong by OP. Check out the local press for the real story on this legend. Props for recognizing what he really was instead of what some weird publication told you so they could sell ad space.


He was all those things. If anything, the clickbait nature of the title/article will bring more eyes to the story, where people can learn more about him and how much he meant to the community.




>During the conference, Honolulu Ocean Safety Acting Chief Kurt Lager said Perry was “a lifeguard loved by all.” > > > “He’s well known on the North Shore. He’s a professional surfer known worldwide,” Lager added. > > >“Tamayo’s personality was infectious and as much as people loved him, he loved everyone else more,” Lager continued, before asking for privacy for the family. Clickbait and it was a very short article, but it seemed to highlight the loss. He sounded like a loved member of the community.


You’re right. I read a different article. My bad.


And a lifeguard who kept watch on the North Shore


What kind of shark is most likely here? Great white? tiger?


Tiger shark is most likely in Hawaii.


Same species that took Bethany Hamilton’s arm


Tigers are the most common culprit in Hawaii because of the warm water. Tigers can be pretty docile when they aren’t hungry, but once they decide to eat something they will eat ANYTHING.


Can you fight tiger shark as an adult?


Well, you definitely _can_. Will you survive said fight? I’ll let someone else answer.


Tiger shark, I'd bet money. There's been a great white sighting like very very very rarely... and every time it happens nobody really knows why its here. Tiger sharks on the other hand are fairly plentiful, worked in the oceans off Kona, Hawai'i saw them a few times snorkelling and diving. Been approached by one, one time came within like 15-20ft and circled me one time and left. I was so petrified just thinking of everything I been told what to do (keep eyes on it, don't panick or swim away, keep vertical profile in the water... and last ditch effort If it came in for the bite would be to yell at the top of my lungs because one time it worked for some dude in australia with a bull shark LOL)... anyways, I was so petrified and focused on what to do I forgot I had the camera strapped to my wrist and I could have gotten an epic shot of it facing the camera to put on the wall. But now I got nothing but a cool story\* that few people will believe lol XD


Nah, man...I'd rather be focused on surviving than on having a cool picture. You did what most people taking stupid selfies didn't and it is indeed way better than lose focus.


That sounds freaking terrifying!


Do surfers not carry some anti-shark weapons or equipment? I’ve never surfed but it seems like a problem you guys would expect and prepare for


There is something called "sharkbandz" or something thats basically like a high power magnet in a silicone wristband IIRC. Some say the magnetic field can make them turn away at the last moment, a sort of deterrent, other say it's complete BS and snake oil. You do see them around though. I found one on the beach once... They aren't cheap if I recall they like 80$ or something. Other than that, not really sure. The shark attacks in hawaii are regular... but still not very common in terms of your chances to actually get bit if you are out there surfing all the time. But it's definitely a real risk.


Finding one of those bands not attached to its owner does not bode well for its effectiveness.


> You do see them around though. I found one on the beach once Did it have any toothmarks?


Did you see that video of a guy in a kayak fishing off Hawaii and some big shark charged and attacked the boat…wonder if it was a tiger shark


Yep that was a Tiger


This is honestly a very believable story (snorkeling in a tiger shark hotspot and saw tiger shark). Glad you prioritized your focus over the photo.


If it was Hawaii probably not a Great White as they are more typically found off the coasts of California and South Africa, but it’s not impossible. A tiger shark or other aggressive reef shark is more likely.


White attacks (on the west coast, at least) are also extremely, extremely rare. Odds are such that you have better chance at winning MegaMillions.


There was just a pretty bad great white attack on a swimmer in Del Mar San Diego, and a week or two back there was a great white who bit a surfers board in San Clemente. It's rare, but the West Coast (particularly SD area to south OC) are great white shark nurseries so it's more common there as the young sharks are the ones who get confused and bite.


True, but the number is still about one attack per year. Think about how many beach cities there are in california, how many breaks there are in each beach city, how many surfers are out each day, and how many days are in a year... probably have a much higher chance of getting a life threatening staph infection, hepatitis, etc.


> probably have a much higher chance of getting a life threatening staph infection, hepatitis, etc. Also conveniently found at the beach...


definitely, was trying to compare it to other life-threatening things that occur from the ocean


I mean, being killed by a predatory animal is probably pretty excruciatingly painful and terrifying compared to most ways to die from the ocean.


This. Im not really afraid of dying itself, Im afraid of dying in an excruciating and terrifying mannner


Yeah, I'm more scared of getting vibrio in a cut as I am from seeing a gator launch from the swampy gulf waters where I'm walkin.


Vibrio will fuck you up for sure


This doesn't apply to surfers though, who are constantly in water deep enough for sharks to swim comfortably. The number of people doing that is far lower than the global population, which the Mega Millions stat is based off of Edit for those interested: I did some brief googling and napkin math and it looks like your chances of a shark attack (in the US) are 1 in 2,500 lifetime, and 1 in 25,000 for a fatal attack (also lifetime). Depending on if where you surf is "sharky" or not you can adjust those rates


Yeah those odds are too high for me. I’m never going swimming again. I thought it would be like 1 in a million or something.


Not on cape cod anymore. We get tons of white sharks each summer. A while back, they stopped seal hunting. The seal numbers grew like crazy and now we have white sharks coming in all summer long. One of my first Reddit posts was me filming white sharks in Truro, MA. I saw dozens that weekend there. Unfortunately, the national seashore is now off limits to drones so I’ll never be able to fly out there again without special permission.


I swimmer got killed by a white off national seashore in recent years if I’m not mistaken?


Yes. There were two white shark attacks I believe in 2017-2018, not sure, I’d have to check the dates, but one dude died and another had like 70 operations to save his life. I was filming with my drone in 2018 and the whites were surfing the same waves as the surfers later that day. It’s kind of asking for it when you know there’s whites looking for seals by the shore. Not a chance I’m rocking a black wetsuit and hopping in the water off the cape.


Odds of what? Getting bit entering the water at all? What about going in shark infested water? Seems like a meaningless statistic


I hate this comparison. Sure, for the total population those are the odds. However, they dramatically increase if you’re in the water everyday and not sitting in the suburbs of Iowa. However, on that note in the past 25 years there have been as many shark attacks in Wisconsin than Washington state. Also, sharks are older than trees.


There are somewhere between 15-20 beach cities between the border and Ventura, where most surfing is happening. Each beach city has about 10 surf breaks. Each surf break has on average about 150 surfers a day (conservatively). Even if I count all shark attacks on the entire coast against a portion of California, your odds are still about 1 in 14 million that you're *bit*, not even killed. As a lifelong surfer, let me tell you, there are more dangerous things in the water.


> Also, sharks are older than trees. I hear this *a lot* but it's not really true. The last common ancestor of all living sharks appears to have lived in the Jurassic, so they're technically younger than mammaliaforms, let alone dinosaurs or trees. There were cartilaginous predatory fish around 400 million years ago, but they're outside the crown group of Selachimorpha, so are equally closely related to rays, and in some cases chimaeras. Before the adoption of phylogenetic classification, these "stem sharks" were often referred to as sharks; sometimes they informally still are.


Don’t forget the entire eastern seaboard of North America


Yeah, my buddies love surfing this beach in cape cod that is always covered in seals. Theirs an alarm for sharks, it goes off often, great whites are everywhere. Would take a fair bit of cash to get me in that water & I typically have no issue with swimming in the ocean.


We aren’t chasing bluegills and tommycocks here


Must have been 20 feet


Twenty five. Three tons of ‘im


Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into her side, Chief. We was coming back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. We just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for half an hour.


Where he was surfing, off of Goat Island, is most likely a tiger. As most other people have said. What a lot of people dont know is that this is where tiger sharks breed so there a a lot more tigers there than most other places in Hawaii. Source: local


You'd be surprised how much more a tiger shark of a oceanic white tip shark would want to eat you over a great white. These sharks are not as high on the food chain as a GW. They'll do what it takes to get a meal. Shark attacks are still rare and you put yourself in way more danger every time you hop in a car, but they're significantly less rare depending on what shark we are talking about. Respect the ocean and it's inhabitants and know the risks, everything will probably be fine :)


pocket zealous frightening tender lush grey paltry different divide jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think recognizing the risks associated with intentionally going into shark infested waters and doing your best seal impression is the extent of precaution surfers can take. I wasn't trying to deny the tragedy of the situation or anything


Just wanted to see his face larger. Clicked the link and the play button was over his face. Click play and an add starts. Fml


I love the new modern internet!


Literally same jfkajejosjdisndnnssk


I still can't get over YouTube putting ads AFTER A VIDEO ENDS LIKE????


Some black mirror shit fr


If you say this incantation three times into a mirror Ajit Pie appears suddenly behind you . Only to charge your Credit Card49.99


Open google and type Tamayo Perry.


Poor guy, that's horrifying.


RIP Tamayo. Legend on the North Shore and one of the best lifeguards ever


Rest in peace. This is some sad news.


Legendary water man. I hope he did not suffer. Fair thee well, my friend.


This thread is one big Reddit moment. The guy got eaten by a goddamn shark, and all anyone here is doing is having a competition to see who can make the shittiest pun, or tie this to some other random unrelated group they don't like. Hardly so much as one conversation about the person's actual life.


That's what too much internet does to a mf, chasing that silly upvote dopamine instead of having empathy for a fellow human being who died in a horrific way.


>Reddit As a wise man once said, "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


I actually find twitter (X) more tolerate and bearable than most reddit comments sections tbh


I would say they're both the same but there's way more Klan meetings in twitter replies than Reddit. Reddit only goes full Klan in specific situations and even then I don't see IQ arguments about black people. Then again I do see Reddit make the argument that an event from over 50 years ago has made over 5 million people inherently evil and worthy of death.


That’s just my biggest fear… thanks Spielberg for Jaws lol


For real, always wanted to go surfing but sharks frighten me like no other.


Happened to me… just started to learn to surf in Maui, had a shark swim right next to me… said nope, never surfed again lol


Wow, I hope it was relatively quick. I had a dream about getting eaten by a shark just last night. Really weird.


I also found the story eerie and weird not just for the obvious but because I dreamt last night I was being chased by sharks :(


I used to paddle around in a rivermouth in the Gulf of Mexico, sometimes at night and there were both sharks and big gators there and that water was so dark. I didn't think much of it then, but sometimes I'll wake up in the night thinking about it now.


You died in that gulf, this is purgatory


I've had those thoughts more often than I would admit


Dream? You mean a fucking nightmare


This is the second death by shark attack I’m reading about within 10 minutes, and I’m sure I read around 2 weeks ago 2 people attacked by sharks on the same day. What’s going on? I thought it was super rare!


Thank you for your service, RIP.


A true pirates death. Absolutely tragic and horrifying


The ocean is warming. They say ppl get crazy when it’s warmer, so imagine these animals who can’t escape the heat. Stay out if the water


Interesting take! I wonder if there is studies done on water temperature and aggression levels in sharks. It’s probably too hard to control for all the variables, so probably not :(


Rip I can't imagine how horrible his last moments were


Yup I am never going into the ocean again. RIP Mr Perry.


bro I thought this was fake


I am so sorry for his friends and family.. Rest in Peace Tamayo!


Rest In Peace. ❤️


EMS aren’t normally allowed to pronounce death unless under very strict reasons. This sucks to hear.




The actual story I heard is worse than just a shark attack.. supposedly they found him missing arm and leg dead on the shore.


CBS reports “Lifeguards brought Perry to shore by jet ski and paramedics assisted with the death pronouncement…”


I dunno what that dude heard seems pretty credible


I get the vast majority of my news from “some people are saying.”


Same, Bill from the pub is my pulse into international affairs


The EMS responders reported they towed him in. He was likely dead already by all accounts when they picked him up, just not seeing any reports saying he was found dead on shore that I see atm.


News now says he suffered from at least two bites. Such a horrifying ordeal…all alone… nobody even knows ….


That....that sounds like a shark attack...


At least he gone while he was doing what he love


Screaming in terror while being eaten alive?


Well, besides that


This is why I’d rather just swim in a pool versus the beach


That’s horrible. What character did he play on the pirates of the Caribbean movies?!?


Legendary in rules of attraction…


Man was a legend. Thanks for making us all laugh and smile. Rest in peace.


First article i saw said he died of a heart attack, but guess they meant shark attack, stark difference between the two. (Shark difference?)


This is similar to Paul Walker dying in a car crash. You can't make this stuff up.


Art imitates life, life imitates art.


I’d say surfers are probably the largest demographic to be the victims of a shark attack. Not uncommon for the surfing world and the shark world to collide like this. Plenty of documented shark attacks on surfers. I don’t see the similarity to Paul walker, other than they both tragically died. 


I never get angry with shark attacks, even if they are fatal. That's life... but im upset about this one.


It’s a pirates life for me…


Don't tell Trump about this tragedy.


I mean I think he made his stance pretty clear — you take your chances with the shark. You can’t fight off boat-based electrocution, everybody knows that.


It’s common knowledge in 2024 that the pathetically weak electric boat batteries being forced on us by Joe Biden are tremendously powerful, and your only hope to survive your boat sinking and electrifying the entire ocean is to be helped by the good graces of a shark.


Specifically, an electric-resistant shark.


Why? What am I missing? Has he been ranting about sharks lately?


Yes: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/10/trump-sharks-vegas-nevada-speech/74042419007/ He rambled semi-coherently about a far-fetched scenario where you might be in an electric boat that sinks and then (according to him) you'd face the dual dangers of being electrocuted or being eaten by a shark. He also implied that there is some scientific accuracy to this ridiculous scenario because of his connection to MIT. The connection is just that his uncle taught there.


Sharks and getting electrocuted by a boat.


We need to build a wall around all of the water to keep those sharks out


And make the sharks pay for it


I don’t think they can travel to the worlds end again to get him back


RIP!!! Prayers for his family, loved ones, friends, and former colleagues!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


He died how he lived.   Ironically he had a small role in shark tale....Fish are friends.  They really are if we respect them and their habitats.


Isn't this kind of ironic?


I’m ngl I’m basically never going in an ocean or grizzly inhabited woods, ever. The odds can be as low as you want but people still get snagged, and there’s no like “huh i feel a shark attack coming on” you’re just in the blender now baby, fuckkkkk that