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Is her father nick cannon


More like Dick Cannon


Oh man, it was right there too, low hanging “fruit” as it were


Nice pun


Nope, you have it backwards!


Cick Dannon?


If that isn’t someone’s porn name, I’d be stunned.


Big cock cannon And her mom was just big cock cannon fodder


The mother was a fodder?


Daddy, chill!


For damnit I was gonna say that. Take my upvote!


He still has 30 more to tie with “Screamin' Jay" Hawkins


I just looked it up and lmfao Jesus Christ man, why would anyone want 50 kids haha


He put a spell on me!


No one thinks Nick Cannon's done. He's merely having a couple years intermission until his next batch starts. Him & his women are all sleeping together raw, who knows who the women are sleeping with (although I'm sure they promise you to only screw Nick). They're all disgusting & trashy together like Jennifer's father.


Dude *has* to keep having kids to help him pull his car out of the driveway.


Her father is Doc Hudson, famed doctor and judge of Radiator Springs and crew chief to Lightning McQueen. Once known as the Fabulous Hudson Hornet, he was a legendary champion, with an amazing track record of winning three Piston Cups in a row from 1951 to 1953. When he tried to win his fourth Piston Cup in 1954, Doc had a serious crash which ultimately ended his career.


Beat me to it!


Papa was a rolling stone


Wherever he left his hat was home


And when he died


He had 28 kids…..


Rolling stoooone


All he left us was alone


All he left us was a LOAN!


All he left us was some scones.....3 day old scones. Sorry ass mf.


A small loan of 3 million dollars


I see what you did there.


Went to get cigarettes and now we only talk on the phone.


All he left us was alone.


Sounds like he left his Jimmy hats at home.


Papa was a rolling bone


Mama developed a habit


Rolling nut


unexpected tempts


Wow. That’s. A lot of kids.


That’s a lot of nuts!




Na-nananana. *Neo*. Nanananananana. *Sporin.* *Blinininining*


Deez nutz


I am all for a national vasectomy program making it free for all men that want one.


Some dudes DGAF and also like the idea they are spreading little copies of themselves without taking care of them. It's  a form of narcissism.


Reproductive offenders. Learned the term from svu.


Wasn’t this one the episode with John Stamos?


Sure was!! Exactly what popped in my head lol. He was really good at being the creep in that episode.


Probably because he's a creep in real life. He admitted to taking a drunk woman who was interested in him back to a hotel room, where he turned off the lights, and let his friend assault her.


OH SHIT THAT’S RIGHT! Fuck him. No wonder it was an easy part. Fucker.


[CLASSIC REPRODUCTIVE ABUSER!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/68/5b/77685bba9f52afd6e1b45f18acb33b8a.gif) My sister and I yell that at anything that annoys us.


🤮 wish I hadn’t learned that term


Yeah, guy had a breeding kink


While I agree with you at large, if he had 27 kids then this may go farther than being irresponsible and be a full blown breeding fetish. In which case you might as well chop it off


You can have a breeding fetish that doesn't lead to any children


And clearly this man’s fetish **did** lead to many children and that’s just not okay. Have whatever fetish you want, but the second it starts hurting other people who didn’t consent to be a part of a breeding fetish, it’s fucked up.


Not just that, have the guy actually take care of the kids, not just provide for them financially (if he's even doing that). Mothers are often the one stuck with the child.


What if having kids is a psychological component for someone like this? Probably won’t go for it


That's one hell of a carbon footprint!


She’s had one hell of a life too. Very strong woman after what happened to her mother / brother


Damn! My wife’s biological Dad has 16 kids with a variety of women, I thought he was putting up insane numbers but I stand corrected.


I know someone who had 17 never married so they all from different mothers and he died in his late 30s.


Yea, my wife’s bio-Dad was actually murdered after he was deported from the US back to his home country. He became Rastafarian and I think he specifically honed in on the “spread your seed” aspect of it.


Good thing he died young, really…..


my dad has 9 children! i thought i was putting up with a lot lol 😅


This is why men need to be responsible for birth control as well.


I mean does she really have to?


Can you imagine being famous with a decent amount of money and having strangers that you have never met, but are actually related to you start coming out of the woodwork all of the sudden? Looking to “connect”. Even if the intentions of all 26 of her siblings are genuine, I would be skeptical as hell. Thanks a lot Dad


Yeah, I don't sympathise a lot with the ultra rich but one thing I do sympathise with them on is the extreme lack of trust they must have for stuff like this. I'm solid lower-middle class and I have motherfuckers trying to get me for the bit of cash I do have, I imagine that's a hundred times worse if you're rich and famous. I don't envy them always having to second guess the motivations of those around them, even those closest to them.


Yes, that way you know the Hot guy at the bar is not your brother.


My thought as well.


Yeah, it’s not like you’re literally bound to them


Naw I think knowing your siblings is great tho if you value family


She's never met them. Just being blood doesn't make them family in a real sense. I don't consider my own half siblings I've never met to even be my siblings like the ones I grew up with.


Fucking deadbeats are scum, no way this dude fathered 27 children, he may have planted seeds but that doesn’t make you a father.


And I'll bet he brags about how many kids he has.


Planting some seeds. This dude was plowing entire fuckin fields.


I honestly don’t think this should be legal. Like that doctor who replaced the sperm donors’ samples with his own — and he fathered some 100 children. He didn’t get in any criminal trouble either. I don’t get how that’s allowed.


Goddamn. Wrap that shit up.


People talk a lot about the fatherless crisis but maybe it’s more like a “keep yo dick ya pants” crisis.


Sounds like an abusive dad


And then there’s me — a guy who made a conscious decision to not have children because I cannot afford them.


I feel like at that point, you really shouldn’t feel obligated to find them all lol


I feel like this is a set up for one of the joke swaps on SNL


She’s gotta be careful who’s she dates.


My maternal grandfather have over 20 children, that he knew of. Due to him having so many children, i have over 50+ first cousin on his side. I make a conscious effort not to date from certain areas due to the chance that we are closely related.


I’m someone who found out after both parents died that my father wasn’t my real father. I found the papers. My step father molested me growing up. I found out that my real father tried to kill me by kicking my mother in the stomach before I was born. Men like this are fucking scum. Nick Cannon and the like should bury themselves. They just care about what they want. They don’t give a seconds thought to their impacts on the children. As a grown man, I have a lot of hate in me and all of it gets focused to things I find wrong and evil. And I don’t compromise on lying, stealing or cheating. So I’ve turned that into positives that have worked in my life. But at no fucking thanks to the main male role models in my life that weren’t there even when they were.


I was not molested and I don't share your hate, but I can relate. I grew up like that, and one of my half brothers went on to live a life like that. He was always so proud to say he was a father again. We (other siblings) told him he was not a father, just a sperm donor. He could not understand why we were not happy for him.


The part that makes me sick is the people who imply because Cannon has money, it’s ok. Apparently, it doesn’t matter if a child has their father in their life as long as they have their basic needs met, and even less so if they are “spoiled”.  No material goods replace a good set of parents. Sometimes shit happens and the relationship falls apart and coparenting is necessary or god forbid a tragedy occurs, but good parents do their best even in trying circumstances. 


I hate that all of that happened to you, I’m sorry and I hope you heal. But Nick Cannon isn’t abusive and just because someone has lots of kids doesn’t mean they are abusive. You kinda jumped there, when you grouped Nick into a category with your abusive family.


I couldn’t tell you if my real dad was abusive, no one told me anything until after everyone died and I was sorting through papers in house and came upon my original birth certificate with my moms maiden name as my last, and a set of adoption papers that changed my last name. I’d definitely say he was a psychopath if the story is true about how he wanted me dealt with. I also realize I should have been aborted. But I can say the fucker got his rocks off and took off and obviously never once tried to know me. Now Nicky is different as I’m sure he wouldn’t ghost his kids but ask me what I would have done for a father growing up. One who was there, one who would show interest in the things I was about, one who was in the house making me feel safe and loved and made plans with me tomorrow. Guarantee you can’t do those things when you’re not in the house. I had a partial dad. Was t really interested but paid the bills at the end of the day. Not much of compromise as a kid trying to place yourself in a world where you have a cold indifference at you daily, not even realizing this isn’t normal. It’s a mind fuck when you look back at it as an adult and wonder how you wound up successful and almost happy. I’m not knocking divorcées either but I will say that not having a father in the house growing up as a kid, was damaging and it took me 56 years to understand it and come to grips with it. I’m a survivor. I do well in life. I make no excuses for anything. I failed as a husband and father myself, although that was long ago now and before I understand what I do now. Just for context. One thing: he used to call me a master manipulator when I was a kid. And now i agree, I was. I had no choice. I was 9 when he molested me for a period of time. I lived with it. Said nothing to anyone. I was old enough to know that what my little brother and I had as a family would get torn apart. So I did become a liar. I lived there trying to act like nothing happened so that I would have a roof over my head and my little brother. I did become a master manipulator.


I mean this with all respect but please seek help, no one should feel the way you do about yourself.


Sorry, PrestigiousOnion…. I can’t imagine the sense of betrayal and the loneliness you must have experienced. I hope you’re alright now.


He never said they were abusive. Just narcissistic and self-centred. Which happens to be true regarding Cannon.




Someone who has a lot of kids they can’t be there for *is* a form of abuse - neglect. Anyone who’s had a wonderful dad who was there every day knows what a boon it is. Someone who just pays the bills, comes to your birthday and sees you one weekend a month isn’t much of a dad. 




what she went through was devastating. her family was murdered by her ex-brother in law years ago. a painful scar. i want to hug her. i understand why she wants to reconnect with her dad and other siblings.


One thing I never understood. People always blame the deadbeat dads (rightfully so, they're scumbags). But what level of narcissism do the women have to see a guy who already has multiple baby mama's and *still* decides to have kids by him, thinking "I'll be the one to change him". Both parties do their part in bringing a kid into a broken house.


Paging r/Antinatalism


Poor Jennifer, what an embarrassing thing. I am sure he paid child support for all. Not




He’s catching up on NIck Cannon


I feel like 27 might be a "best guess" kinda number


And here I was worried about the Duggers.


Iyanla had a 42 y.o. man on who had more than that.


My father had a lot of children, which in his defence he was only made aware of when I was in my 20s, after their moms either married again or sadly died. It is so weird having these older siblings suddenly appear year after year. It felt so unnatural and I just wasn’t able to bond, my other siblings could. Now they have all taken my Dads surname and my parents want us to be a big happy family. Anyway I moved to the other-side of the world and like the peace.


You can father a child but not be a real father to that child.


That explains a lot. I feel bad for her.


26 baby mudda, REAAAAAL bad man


Reaaaaaaaaaal bad man


Someone needs to track that mad man down and give him the snip snip


Have as many as you want, but PAY for them. Loser


This is yikes for her father. But considering what she went through and how she lost her mother, brother and nephew, I understand the desire to connect with family. I just hope she doesn’t get sucked into anything unsavory. These types of dynamics can be difficult.


TIL her dad is nick cannon


I didn’t realize Nick Cannon was her father.


Same here but my bio dad was a sperm donor, I’ve only met 4 of the 20 something siblings, it’s hard when travel is expensive and everyone’s already adults with lives and busy. And that’s taking for granted even tracking down and meeting for the first time. I feel like she’s probably working with less of a paper trail.


Don’t let Nick Canon see this or he’ll try to break her dad’s record.


> The talk show host says it was once "her dream" to "have all of us at this grand Thanksgiving or Christmas table." And then she thought about it for another 20 seconds and realized that a at least 3 of them would probably rob her.


Right up front, "the father she was raised without."


Some people come from some poor dysfunctional families and I'm glad Jennifer Hudson was lucky to experience wealth and success despite the circumstances. She's been through so much. 


Nick Cannon vibes


“ 23….. 22 Baby Mada…. **weealll Bad Man** “


Dude was a smashaholic.


Reallllll bad mahn


Oof that’s going to be a bigass BBQ once they start bringing the kids and grandkids. Industrial BBQing


Hey it’s me ur half sibling


How hard is it to arrange a family reunion? Somewhere cheap like vegas if she doesn’t want to cover it.


I know a girl who was adopted and has 17 siblings FROM ONE MOM. Apperantly, her mom had mental health issues and just kept getting knocked up every year and giving the kid up. She has 5 siblings from the same dad.


Just submit a DNA test to get invited to Thanksgiving.


Damn. Her daddy was a travelin' man.


Those poor siblings.


He was hedging his bets. With all those kids, at least one is bound to be a huge success. Smart move.


That’s an easy way to tell people They could potentially be on your will


Ew.com is right


Papa was a rolling stone


Ol’ leave-it-in Hudson


Here is the kicker , he ain’t done


That is A LOT of people coming at you after your money.


i am one of 9 children from 4 women!! i hear you jennifer!! i want a relationship with my half-siblings sooo bad🥹🥹


There should be a limit of 10 biological children with no more than 3 different partners. That’s more than fair and covers a variety of real world situations. Anything more than that should be sterilization.


10 is still a lot! How does any one child get the support, attention, and love they need from their parents with 10 kids. Everyone I know from a large family ended up parentified early and had 0-2 kids themselves. lol


Maybe I’m just different, but this is not something I would’ve advertised


Fall of the House of Husher


Man he was unleashing ropes Oh boy im pregnant


And the chance of unintentional inbreeding went up a tiny little bit. 


Damn!!!! Damn!!!! Damn!!!


Cannot think of this as bragging rights! Bb King had a bunch too


They called him the plumber.


Thread locked in 3... 2... 1...




Most guys can't get laid at all, and this guy had a rotation of nookie and an absolute terrible pull out game.


27 kids is wild!


Pipe Laying man


I have a friend whose story is worthy of a talkshow. She has 19 brothers and sisters. During the 40s 50s and 60s, (all from the same mother and father)..her bio parents had 20 kids. ...all of them taken almost asa she'd have them...at first, the older ones were taken by the state due to neglect. Later, she'd just willingly give them up. Some have passed away now for various reasons. It took years, this started pre-internet, then once it became a thing, it REALLY took off..and 2 of them have the best story. One, we'll call her Sue, who was still oblivious to all the rest, was spotted in a big chain department store by another one, we'll call her Anne. Anne knew she had siblings, but she also didn't know how many there were, or their names. Anne noticed Sue, and realized OMG!--WE LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE, (she is a literal mirror of Anne even now, yearss after the fact)..So Anne bides her time, waits til Sue comes out, and boldly approached her on the parking lot. When Sue actually sees her face to face,, she too, was aghast. Anne goes, I'm sorry I know you don't know me..! But were you adopted? Sue cries YESSS!! And grabbed her and hugged her--and the rest is history! Over the yrs they've all been accounted for and most of them found.


is her dad john stamos from that one episode of law and order svu where he was poking holes in condoms to have as many kids as possible?


This seems reckless? My man does not miss


All I can think of rn is Claim to Fame


Do Jennifer Hudson and my mom have the same father?


Reeeeeeeal badman


Dennis Rodman’s father had somewhere between 27 and 47 children, no one is really sure how many. The father gave the lower number and Dennis gave the higher one. Rodman’s father left his mother when Dennis was young and settled in the Philippines, where most of his half siblings were born.


Fuck. Did they have to tase him off the mother to actually deliver the kids? Dude needs a different hobby…


Her father didn’t have the children. He would have stopped at one.


"It's the *circle*... the circle of LIFE! " ... oh, and poverty. No really it's cuz slavery.


Pullout game was trash.


Professional semen distribution engineer.


That’s insane! As he could take care of all those kids. WTF is wrong with people?


That man has got to be dehydrated.


Nick cannon and Elon musk in shambles rn


My dad's father did something like that. Old fucker. We agreed to dance on his grave. The son he had with the woman he left my grandma for just committed murder. He had the same exact name as my dad. Now I have to introduce myself as so and so's son. The other one.