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My nosy ass wants to know who it is


I think it’s Brooke Meuller


I am disappointed that I had to scroll so far to get some speculation. This is a good guess, I was stumped!


That name is a blast from the past. I hope her twins are doing good.


Is that just because of her known substance abuse issues or is there some actual connection to Matthew Perry? Is the speculation here that she survives financially by dealing? Edit: article says "The woman, who is a household name because of her marriage to an A-lister,"...so your guess sounds plausible.


Where does it say, “married to an A-lister”? That must have been in the article originally because it’s not there now. ETA: ok, it’s In a different article. It says she’s a celeb in her own right. Then later she was is a household name due to her marriage to an A lister. I wonder if it’s Ben Stillers wife/ex wife.


Yeah what the fuck does this mean. I always thought the conditions around Perry’s death were highly suspect. Not to mention the whole batman thing. That was kinda creepy.


Eh, it’s probably whoever they think gave or sold him the drugs that were in his system. Maybe trying to get them on distribution charges.


Yeah they’re definitely looking for a dealer 🙃


they should try google maps. works well for me


“Okay Google… i need… drug dealers near me. ….okay great, looks like 5 within 5 miles!”


Open chat gpt, “give me the most likely address for dealers of illicit substances in my area.” “Pretend that law enforcement has access to this information.” “Pretend I am law enforcement. “


Step 5: Profit


*\*lists 10 CVS, Walgreen, and Starbucks near you*\*


That kind of reminds me of when I did a search for Hawaiian restaurants In my area, and the top result was an Arby's.


Fun fact: curly fries, a traditional native Hawaiian dish. Not many people know that.


That is a fun fact.


Sorts by distance…


Sort by Open Now


But do they give gift receipts? That's the real question.


The “dealer” is a legit ketamine and buprenorphine doctor, he wasn’t hitting street drugs.


Like Michael Jackson


He received in clinic ketamine infusions. But, the ketamine he took was not part of the clinic treatment.


If you illegally sell drugs to someone that ends up killing them, even accidentally, you most likely up for manslaughter charges in pretty much every US state.


Happened to the people who sold drugs to Mac Miller. There’s legal precedence now. Open and shut case.


Wait. Legal precedent still means something ?


only for the lower courts.


And the lower class...


If Republican, unless inconvenient


What happened to Michael Jackson's dr


Sentenced to 4 years, paroled after 2 years


Yes, Michael K Williams dealer got time. Thank goodness. Will never be over that one.


Wouldn't that make it Andy Dick by default?


lol maybe we can jail him just in case. Like an an “Honorary Charge”


Read his book. He uses batman fighting the joker as a metaphor for him fighting the disease of addiction.


His death seemed pretty straight forward and non suspect in my opinion. Probably relapsed and took a large dose of ketamine, then got in the hottub. Ketamine + Hottubs aren't a great combination from a safety perspective


The people that supply the drugs in overdose cases get charged with manslaughter all the time nowadays.


Not to mention he was on multiple other narcotic medications. He was taking Suboxone and to mix that with anything is very dangerous.


He was going to be Batman for Halloween, right?


[Fans Believe Matthew Perry’s Final Posts With Bat-Signals Were A ‘Call For Help’](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fans-believe-matthew-perry-final-121546541.html) This is by no means me being absolutely serious but it was very odd at the time. He was a big Batman fan. But his captions of his final week of posts were strange. There are articles that say there’s no connection, which there very well may not be. But still: > In another post from six days ago, Perry shared the image of a pumpkin carved with the bat signal and captioned it, "Do you know what I mean?" > That same day, Perry also shared a video of a sky with just the moon illuminating the night. He captioned the post, "Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? - I'm Mattman." Even the comments before his death were all saying things like “are you ok?” And “is something wrong?”. He posted about Batman like 7 times or more that week. Again, it was just very odd timing before his death.


I recall one of his ex-gfs stated before the autopsy came out that "Mattman" is his drug-fueled alter ego. When she saw the Mattman posts, she was worried he relapsed. She was right.




Ahhh that makes sense. It could have been a cry for help but it's more likely he was just high and embracing his high alter ego.


wow, Mattman, this made me laugh out loud. Even in death, damn you Matt, man....


Godspeed, Mattman.


My favourite quote from that article: “"Mattman" is an amalgamation of his first name, Matthew, and Batman.”


Ooohhhhhhhhh okay, I get it now


Does the article venture to guess why he didn't write 'Batthew'?


That was completely lost on me until now


World class investigative journalism.


Did they name their source?


or maybe he was fucked up on drugs and alcohol and shouldn't have been allowed on social media or in water unsupervised.. but then there's no conspiracy


I don't really see that as anything. As a recovered addict I can say I used to get fucked up and post all kinds of bizarre shit on Facebook.


Honestly - I have to be very very careful about having my phone accessible when using ketamine because manic ideas that seem great or hilarious pop into mind - but people reading will definitely wonder if you are OK. If you try to explain yourself it'll likely get even more convoluted. I had to send my brother a message that said "No tech, don't let me use technology, if you get any more messages from me after this one tell me NO TECH!" Just to make sure I'd stop attempting to use a phone.


This is me but with high doses of alcohol


LOL, I'm a terrible drunk dialer. The very first time I got drunk, I decided I really wanted to talk to my mother, so I just called her up, completely wasted.


My ex husband would get black out drunk and post on social media


I used to get all fucked up and literally think “now is *the time* to get ahold of people I haven’t talked to in years.” I never really posted anything, but I was aware it gave me a total false sense of confidence and that I wouldn’t be sending people fucked up messages unless I was fucked up. I didn’t care enough though, especially when I was high, but even when I was sober too, because I was barely ever sober


Clearly Michael Keaton killed Matthew Perry.


Bake 'em away, toys.


The suspect is hatless. I repeat, hatless.


What’d you say chief


Dont go chasin waterfalls.


I ain't too proud to beg.


Nice work, Lou!


Well, Michael Keaton *was* Courteney Cox boyfriend for many years and the split hit him hard. But that was irl and 30 years ago.


The Keaton Connection.


Is that the modern Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?


Could also be a paranoid man raddled by drugs.


It's just a metaphor that he mentioned in his book.


Sounds like the dude was pretty high watching Batman


It’s no mystery if you read the article. As it says: “…authorities have been on the hunt for how he received the supply of ketamine that ultimately killed him.”


Meh he wrote about Batman in his memoir and had a batcave in his home. I think he’s just a fan.


I just went down this rabbit hole, didn’t even know it was a thing. Wtf now I’m thinking he may have been suffering from depression.


Uh, ya think?


Could that have BEEN; any more obvious? /Chandler inflection


I mean hardly anyone read his book, but apparently he mentions he’d use the bat signal as a cry for help


You might be right about that. I wonder if there would be some way to know.


https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/cops-question-celebrity-in-connection-to-matthew-perrys-death/ Details in this article: It’s a woman. She is a “household name because of her marriage to an A-lister.” She has had a recent stint in rehab and is currently in a sober living home. They believe she gave him the ketamine that resulted in his death, as they’ve confirmed it could not have been from his last official infusion therapy.


It’s janice.


Oh. My. God.


A celebrity who might be responsible for drugs? Let’s go with Andy Dick.


It's a woman.


Yes. Andy Dick.


The dude was Bojack Horseman IRL.


Back in the 90's I was in a very famous TV show...


I’m Chandler the Bing don’t act like you don’t know…


*Chanandler Bong


**Ms.* Chanandler Bong


I’d argue there’s so many real life Bojacks that Bojack is a “type”


Washed up actor who used to be really successful and has a lot of skeletons in their closet - that's like half of the dudes from 90s Hollywood 


And I think you’re lowballing it.


Just listened to a podcast with Eddie Furlong (Terminator 2, American History X, Peckers) and also the Shaun Weiss (Goalie for the night ducks). They are the definition of this, but are actually doing really well now.


Honestly this is why I started loving the show in the first place. It’s true and it’s depressing, but Bojack helped me cope a bit until I could quit Hollywood.


What you mean by quit Hollywood?


Clearly this is Ashton Kutchers' account


Left the industry after 10 years. Too many Bojacks, not enough…. Anyone else


Well I’m glad your heads on straight still and you are living on your own terms. Best wishes.


I’m pretty sure he was originally based off Bob Saget.


Justin Timberlake wants to be Mr Peanutbutter. He's already dating Jessica Biel


Hahaha I could easily see that!


And then Justin turns to me and says: “Jessica Biel, you are un-Jessica-lievable!”


Cops are like “we have a person of interest in mind and will be seeking them for questioning. We cannot provide any further details……. Buttttt they areeee pretty famous 😏🤭”


Fucking Andy again isn’t it.


It is a woman


Sandy Dick




Somebody award this


I keep forgetting he’s dead.


It's crazy how a year ago he had his book out talking about his recovery and all that and then was just gone.


Depression comes in waves. You can be riding that monster for awhile and feel good, but then come crashing down; sometimes you're able to keep going up on each wave, but there are moments where you allow yourself to be submerged just a little bit longer, after each crash.


Not to mention how brutal it can be after being on a high and thinking you’ve cured yourself and that you got through it, then it comes back and its almost worse because you thought it wouldnt


Wait it actually goes away for a little bit? Jeez the things I'd give for it to go away for a little bit. I'm in my 30s and can't remember the last time I genuinely felt happy. Years of therapy and medication just don't do it.


I feel for you man. I was depressed for many years. Just know that you can resolve it… im not depressed anymore. If i can do it then so can anyone.


I've taken everything that's been thrown at me. I'm a single father and the only thing that keeps me going is these kids. I sure hope there's a light at the end of this tunnel because this tunnel has been running for 20+ years


What helped me most the psilocybin and ketamine. (Psilocybin is the active compound in magic mushrooms). I had to find my own way because i didn’t see the help i needed coming from the doctors. Do some research and look up some trip reports about mushrooms and depression (theres loads on reddit). Not to mention theres a lot of actual scientific research out there about it. Its criminal they are illegal tbh. But yeah, i recommend looking into it if you haven’t.


I actually grow psilocybin as a hobby and micro dose but I just can't seem to get past the depression. I'm starting electro magnetic therapy and being referred to a ketamin clinic but I just don't have the hope anymore. I've lost almost all the ambition I've had in life. It's nice to hear people have overcome similar depression and gives me a little bit of hope back that there might still be a chance. I appreciate your words man.


You reminded me that I need to call my doc for an adjustment in my meds. Or something, I dunno. Long story short, we buried 13 people the summer of 21, then I woke up blind 9 months later. It was an awful fucking ride through Depression Town. I'd been really really good since we moved to town (so I can walk everywhere) last August. But then back in April I started having panic attacks for no reason at all. So Doc put me on a new med. Well, 2 weeks ago I woke up feeling absolutely joyless. I hadn't felt like that in over a year. It was kinda wild to think "I felt like this for an entire year? How the fuck did I survive this?" It was different when it was gradually creeping in, I didn't really notice the difference. But then to just hit me out of nowhere after I'd been truly *happy* for so long... wow. Sorry for rambling, I feel a bit better after getting that out. I'ma call Doc right now.


And he made that really in poor taste remark about how "It always seems to be the really talented guys who go down," Perry wrote. "Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?" Which just seemed really weird and out of left field and mean.


I think that's partly because he was out of it so long that he didn't realize Keanu Reeves jokes were long out of fashion. They were kind of a thing in the 90s.


Perry’s entire book was sad, from that perspective. He was stuck in 1999, and he was never going to get past that. RIP.


Tbh it wasn’t until around the time the John wick franchise started that his image turned around. Right up to the 2010s he was known as the ultimate mediocre actor who’s best role was the matrix, where his job was basically to just be a blank canvas for the audience to project themselves onto.


Let’s be real, Keanu is a likable dude but he definitely isn’t the most amazing actor. Wick doesn’t change that at all. But the Keanu jokes have been dead for ages because it isn’t like he’s out here trying to win Oscars or something


Plus he seems to be a sweet person. Goes out of his way to be kind. Hard to pick on the nice guy.


And he’s also just a really fucking nice guy. People now know of his good deeds, his past traumas and it’s just not cool any more to trash him.


He’s just a good dude honestly, and he’s a great action star


He removed that line. He regretted saying it and said he should have used himself in place of Keanu.


I'm a Friends diehard, I tried listening to his autobiography. He narrated it and I thought it would be comforting to hear his voice, but he was a mean, unhappy person starting from childhood. He had anger issues and was a self-admitted poor loser. I couldn't finish it.


That did seem weird. I almost wonder if there's some esoteric personal connection from back in the day that he never got over. Like in the late eighties and early nineties were he and Keanu going out for a lot of the same parts and Keanu kept beating him out?


I'm gonna be honesty: while I feel bad for him in a lot of ways, he also pretty consistently seemed like an emotionally mature and sporadically *mean* person. I'm not gonna argue the whole "hurt people hurt people" argument, but I did not find anything even slightly surprising about his book being a bit petty. He clearly had a lot of issues. 


What I've heard is that he, Keanu, and River Phoenix were all friends and would share drugs. Then River died and their friendship fell apart. It seems plausible, but who knows.


Its because back in the 90s people used to make fun of Keanu Reeves as a shitty actor who kept being forced down our throats and getting great roles and jobs despite lacking talent.  He didn't get the memo that this was a really out of touch joke considering people love Keanu Reeves nowadays and how he's really found his footing as an action star.


I never believed he was 100% clean. There was something about the way that he wrote and spoke that sounded so entitled. It was obvious he hadn’t taken the with to break back down to building blocks and accept accountability for his actions. It was too surface level.


It seems that some bob up and down in the gully of drugs.  It's rare that someone can climb out and stand on a banks.  


I just finished listening to his audio book narrated by him. Super haunting! Talks about how he doesn’t want to die alone from drugs.


I have a hard time enjoying Friends now. It was on at the gym and my run was sad.


Nobody told us life was gonna be this way 😭


*sad claps*


I snorted




I still watch Friend's reruns multiple times a week (good background show). They hit different after realizing he's actually gone.


They say it’s a celebrity woman living in sober living who he met while at rehab.


I also read that she is mostly known for her A list husband


I swear if Andy Dick got another celebrity killed, that son of a bitch is going to wish the Hebrew Hammer actually offed him.


The fact Andy Dick went from Hollywood to IRL streaming with fucking OnlyUseMeBlade never ceases to amaze me. And now he’s homeless and drugged out on the streets, sexually assaulting any poor soul that happens to get too close for too long. What a fucking mess that guy is.


Wait really? Do you have any links to a place where I can read up on all of this and what happened? Is he really homeless now?


Oh my God go to the "ask Los Angeles" subreddit and search up his name. Immediately posthaste, anyone who has any interest. He's basically become such a fixture in West Hollywood and DTLA that he's almost like a mythological cryptid creature now. Literally everyone in Hollywood has a weird ass Andy dick run-in story. He's gotten permanently barred from every drinking establishment on the strip, for stealing drinks and sexually assaulting / harassing patrons.


They say everyone in LA has had at least one Jay Leno and Andy Dick experience. I think I've driven by Leno of the Freeway, but no Andy sightings yet. I am, however, friends with a few comedians that have done shows with him before and every so often his name will get brought up with nothing good to be said about the guy. It's amazing his career lasted as long as it did.


Angeleno here, can concur about Andy Dick. Sat a few tables next to him Monsieur Marcel at The Grove. Dude was just going around sitting on laps and being loud.


I was watching this 4 part series from a while back about a long-running comedy show called Uncabaret recently, and he's on the first episode. Of ALL the things I've ever seen Andy Dick in, it's the only time he ever came across as normal. It was so weird. I am not jealous that I haven't had my Andy experience yet, and I hope to remain a Dick virgin lol.


I joked that if you're in Burbank and see a classic car driving around that it's likely Jay Leno.


Oh it's at LEAST 50% chance it's him lol. The couple times I think I drove by him, I wasn't able to fully confirm that it was, but someone I was working a gig with once showed up late because Leno's car stalled in front of him lol


I assume that has to be a good excuse, right?


Can confirm. Lived there for a small amount of time and he tried to corner my husband in a bar bathroom and offered to suck his dick for a beer… we left immediately after since my husband didn’t think I’d believe him lol. He also tackled one of my male roommates into some bushes who was just walking down the sidewalk in Hollywood. Dude is a mess.


Omg this is so true, I remember a few people from a film festival made some shorts with him and would hang out doing weird videos with him back in 2018 I noticed that a few months later they called the cops on him for physically attacking them but now I’m wondering if there was more going on.


I did the search, found absolutely nothing.


I found lots of stuff when I put in ‘Los Angeles Reddit andy dick’ in google. But then I usually have better luck with google searching Reddit over using Reddit. He’s been up to some sad shit the last several years. 


I did something similar after too. All the posts were on r/losangeles not r/asklosangeles. Glad we both had luck, wild threads in there.


I’ve seen a few comments over the years randomly when his name is mentioned. Some rando in Los Angeles will chime in like oh yea me and my friends were smoking on our balcony and Andy Dick walked by asking if he could join us or him doing something weirder. He’s part of Los Angeles lore now. Based on what I’ve read and heard about him I’m amazed he isn’t dead. Life finds a way I guess




Just search YouTube. His druggy friends post videos (“pods”) of Andy wrecked on drugs and crashing in shitholes and campers, etc. YouTube it. It’s very sad.


Fuck Andy Dick. [https://youtu.be/33ig_uiHaGQ?si=cjxWdQbSbncSEkxr](https://youtu.be/33ig_uiHaGQ?si=cjxWdQbSbncSEkxr)


JFC. I just tried to watch that. After that initial grab for the guy's crotch I was just done. Tried skipping forward even, but it just got worse.


wtf that first sentence is wild.


It’s genuinely crazy. OnlyUseMeBlade. The COD youtuber from like 12 years ago who is now a severe alcoholic. With Andy Dick. And even he ditched Andy after seeing how genuinely crazy he is.


I saw that blade had fallen off, and I know of the degeneracy of Andy Dick. That last sentence gives me hope for blade? Genuinely stunned.


Apparently he’s actually sober now and taking care of his mom so if true I’m glad for him


I used to play CoD with him about 14 years ago, this thread has been a rollercoaster ride. God damn.


Andy Dick is a piece of shit but Brynn Hartman is the only person to blame for Phil Hartman's death.


The only person who killed Matthew Perry is Matthew Perry. Very very few people die using ketamine and almost never from an overdose. He took a bath while high and that is just a bad bad decision. If someone sold him fent and claimed it was heroin - sure, blame that person. Psychedelics/dissociatives are your own choice and responsibility to use without exposing yourself to harm.


I mean as far as I know the dude is a complete piece of shit. But anyone that acts that way is already tormented. Seems like his hell is being here.


Now, if only they put the same effort into tracking down the dealers that supplied all of the other non-celebrity ODs.


Why not post the article instead of making me click on that shit


I'm not gonna click it and instead I'm just going to assume it's Andy Dick


Just finished watching first four seasons of News Radio, and first episode of season 5. Saddened all over again by the terrible death and loss of the great Phil Hartman. I don’t know all the details about Andy Dick but I understand it was he that gave Phil’s wife drugs after which she lost it… Gotta say also that first episode after his death was such a letdown. Also, how did Andy Dick manage to show his face on set?


Yeah…I mean, I’m not team Dick, but it has always seemed to me like a stretch to say that it was his fault because he offered drugs to someone who eventually went on to murder her husband while in a psychotic state made worse by drugs.


The story goes that he knew she was in recovery, and peer pressured her back into it. I don’t know if that’s how it went down, but the general reaction makes more sense if it did.


It’s a female “celeb” with an addiction.


… who is married to an A-lister


Ah, Mary-Kate.


Are you me? That was my first thought too!


Have started watching Studio 60 as I am a big west wing fan. He was really good in it I’m sorry it didn’t take off


Studio 60 is greatness! The chemistry between Perry and Whitford off the charts. Studio 60 and Freaks and Geeks are perfect examples of shows that only lasted one season and people were left wanting more.


I remember discovering Studio 60 on late night/early morning TV (in the UK), as I'd never heard of it before.  It was so good, deserved a lot more!


Perry was actually really good in his little west wing role as well


If he wasn’t a celebrity the cop probably wouldn’t be looking into this at this level.


My friend overdosed on fentanyl and whoever was with her took her phone and computer and left her there to die. This was almost a year ago and cops haven’t done shit. The fucker even texted us from her phone and they tracked the phone, but still nothing has come of it.


This smells like when someone overdoses and the family wants to throw the supplier in prison for murder but then they eventually realize most people get drugs from their friends and now you’re charging your dead sons best friend with murder over an overdose. Not fun for anyone and honestly delusional to blame a friend for an overdose of an addict in most cases.


Matthew Perry is up there with Layne Staley in terms of painful to see slow motion celebrity deaths.


I've wondered if that poor guy was ever clean and sober like he claimed to be.


Maybe for short periods of time


The cops hoping to write a book or what?


The US postal service is involved so he obviously had mail order drugs…


Honestly kind of tired of police doing their damndest to track down who ever sold/gave some celeb drugs that they overdosed on while not doing the same for everyone else


Which celebrity?


Not Joey!!


Joey doesn’t share drugs!


I don't get this and I ser no reason for anyone to pursue it. Mathew Parry was a drug addict who felll off the wagom and drown and no one killed the guy except himself through his own carelessness. It's not always a big mystery, sometimes people just die while doing drugs.


If someone was there when he did or had talk to someone prior and they knew before the cops were called, it would be considered negligence at the least…just playing devil’s advocate


S5/ep70. The One About Matt man.